
listen to the pronunciation of container
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} kap

Bu kap tamamen su geçirmez. - This container is completely watertight.

Bu kaplar oldukça ucuzdur. - These containers are pretty inexpensive.

{i} konteyner

Tom konteyneri kazara vincinden düşürdü. - Tom accidentally dropped the container from his crane.

Tom bir ekstra-baharat kovası, kızarmış piliç ve bir konteyner lahana salatası ısmarladı. - Tom bought a bucket of extra-spicy fried chicken and a container of coleslaw.

(Çevre) taşınabilir muhafaza
(Jeoloji) taşıyıcı
(kutu/şişe/vb.) kap
{i} (kutu, şişe v.b.) kap
(Askeri) KAP: İçine yiyecek maddeleri vesaire konan çuval, kutu, sandık, küfe gibi şeyleri ifade eden genel terim/konteyner
{i} yük sandığı
(Tekstil) toplayıcı kap
(Askeri) muhafaza kabı
(Otomotiv) konteynır

Tom evini nakliye konteynırlarından inşa etti. - Tom built his house out of shipping containers.

Sami bir nakliye konteynırında yaşıyordu. - Sami lived in a shipping container.

container file
konteyner dosya
container destuffing
Konteyner içi boşaltma
container devoid of contents
konteyner içeriği yoksun
container for holding firewood
yakacak odun tutarak konteyner
container made of glass
konteyner Camdan yapılmış
container of water
su kabı
container that holds ink
mürekkep tutar konteyner
container anchorage terminal
(Askeri) KONTEYNER DEMİRLEME YERİ: Konteynerlerden gemilere yüklerin nakledilmesi için uygun tesisleri bulunan muhafazalı bir demirleme yeri (liman değil)
container board
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) kutu kartonu
container board
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) konteynır karton
container board
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) konteyner kartonu
container body
kap gövdesi
container body
kap sandığı
container closure system
(Tıp) kap kapak sistemi
container control element; continuing criminal enterprise
(Askeri) konteyner kontrol unsuru; devam eden cezai teşebbüs
container cover
kap kapağı
container express
(Askeri) hızlı konteyner
container file
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) konteynır dosya
container file
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kap kütüğü
container for sea transport
denizaşırı nakliyat kabı
container for storing knives
container for used oil
(Tekstil) kullanılmış yağ kabı
container frame
kap çerçevesi
container freight station
(Askeri) konteyner yükleme istasyonu
container handler
(Otomotiv) konteynır istif aracı
container integrity test
(Tıp) kap uyum testi
container lock
kap kilidi
container member
kap elemanı
container merge
Kap Birleştirme
container merge
Kapsayıcı Birleştirmesi
container on flatcar
(Askeri) düz vagon-üstü-konteynır
container traffic
(Ticaret) konteyner trafiği
container with fixed sides
dolu duvarlı küçük kap
container with removable sides
portatif duvarlı küçük kap
corrugated container
oluklu karton kap
covered container
kapalı büyük kap
Medical specimen container
(Geometri) Tıbbi numune kabı
Specimen container
Numune kabı
empty container
(Askeri) boş konteyner
garbage container
çöp konteyneri
pressured container
(Tıp) basınçlı kap
carburizing container
karbonlama kutusu
plastic container
plastik kap
Flat Rack Container
Filet Konteyner.Üstü ve uzun olan her iki yani açık olan konteyner türü.Bu konteynerlar ,eni itibariyle konteynerden daha geniş boyutlu olan ve bu yüzden diğer koyteynerlarla taşınması mümkün olmayan ağaç,ağaç ürünleri ve demir çelik ürünlerinin taşınmasında kullanılır
Harness Container
(Havacılık) Paraşüt kuşam takımı - kubbelerin içinde bulunduğu sırt çantası görünümündeki kısım
Harness Container
(Havacılık) Paraşüt kuşam takımı : Kubbelerin içinde bulunduğu sırt çantası görünümündeki kısım
Platform Container
Palet Konteyner.Sadece tavanı olan konteyner
Reefer Container
Soğutmalı Konteyner
a container holding ink
bir konteyner holding mürekkep
airtight container
hava geçirmez kap

Bu konteynerler hava geçirmezler. - These containers are airtight.

Şu konteynerlerde ne olduğunu biliyor musun? - Do you know what's in those containers?

make into a wrapped container
Bir sarılı kaba yapmak
platform container
Üstü açık tıp konteyner
sealed container
Kapaklı,, muhafaza kabı
storage container
saklama kabı
underfloor container
Yerden konteyner
Chief of Defense Staff (Canada); container delivery system
(Askeri) Savunma Karargahı Başkanı (Kanada), Genelkurmay Başkanı (Bazı ülkelerde); Kutuyla Atma Sistemi
Chief of Staff, United States Army; combat support agency; container stuffing ac
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı; muharebe destek dairesi; konteynere yük yükleme faaliyeti
Institute of International Container Lessors
(Askeri) Uluslar Arası Konteyner Kiralayanlar Enstitüsü
adjustable rifle container
(Askeri) AYARLANABİLİR TÜFEK MAHFAZASI: Paraşütle atlama sırasında, bir askerin tüfeğini veya otomatik yada makineli tüfeği taşımaya mahsus mahfaza
aerial delivery container
(Askeri) HAVADAN ATMA AMBALAJI, KONTEYNER'İ: İkmal maddeleri ve teçhizatın, uçuş halindeki bir tayyareden atılmasında kullanılan özel kap, askı ve paketler. Buna; "Equipment bundle" da denir
air delivery container
(Askeri) HAVADAN SEVK AMBALAJI/KONTEYNERİ: Hava sevkiyatı sırasında ikmal maddelerini veya teçhizatı taşımak amacıyla tasarlanmış, genellikle bez veya ağdan yapılmış askı, çanta veya sargı
central control ship; container control site
(Askeri) merkezi kontrol gemisi; konteyner kontrol bölgesi
class container
Sınıf Kapsayıcısı
destination container
Hedef Kabı
directory class container
Dizin Sınıfı Kabı
directory service container
(DSC) Dizin Hizmeti Kabı
drogue container
(Havacılık) marş kabı
dropper container
(Tıp) damlalıklı şişe
florentine container
(Kimya) floransa kapları
folding container
portatif büyük kap
freon container
freon kabı
gamma ray source container
(Nükleer Bilimler) gama ışını kaynağı kabı
insulated container
termoslu kap
key container name
Anahtar Kabı Adı
lightweight amphibious container handler
(Askeri) hafif amfibi konteyner elleçleyici
medicine container
(Tıp) ilaç kabı
military container moved via ocean
(Askeri) deniz yoluyla taşınan askeri konteyner
ordinary large container
normal büyük kap
quadruple container
(Askeri) dörtlü konteynır R
radioisotope container
(Nükleer Bilimler) radyoizotop kabı
refrigerator container
soğutmalı kap
refuse container
çöp kutusu
returnable container
(Askeri) İADE EDİLEBİLİR AMBALAJ: Gönderilen yere sökülmüş olarak iade edilebilmesi için, içindeki maddeler çıkarılınca parçalara ayrılıp katlanabilen özel tip bir ambalaj
rough terrain container crane
(Askeri) engebeli arazi konteyner vinci
rough terrain container handler
(Askeri) engebeli arazi konteyner elleçleyici
sites container
(Bilgisayar) bölgeler kapsayıcısı
solvent container
solvent kabı
source container
Kaynak Kapsayıcısı
sputum container
(Tıp) balgam kabı
transport container
(Nükleer Bilimler) taşıma kabı
transportation container
(Nükleer Bilimler) taşıma kabı
triple container
(Askeri) üçlü konteyner
universal container
universal kap
virtual container
(Bilgisayar) sanal taşıyıcı
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods (also cargo container)
An item in which objects, materials or data can be stored or transported
someone who holds people in their seats or in a (reasonably) calm state
Standard-sized rectangular box used to transport freight by ship, rail and highway International shipping containers are 20 or 40 feet long, conform to International Standards Organization (ISO) standards and are designed to fit in ships' holds Containers are transported on public roads atop a container chassis towed by a tractor Domestic containers, up to 53 feet long and of lighter construction, are designed for rail and highway use only
One who, or that which, contains
A container is a very large metal or wooden box used for transporting goods so that they can be loaded easily onto ships and lorries
The element of the parachute that houses the canopies Technically, the Harness/Container but usually just referred to as the container
{i} receptacle, anything that can contain another substance; mobile compartment in which cargo or furniture is placed to move conveniently
Metal box structure of standard design, used to carry cargo in units Containers can be 20 or 40 foot in length The standard measure of a container is a TEU (20-foot equivalent unit) Container ships are specially designed to carry containers in slots (or cells) Containers are stacked and restrained (lashed) at all four corners by vertical posts Some shipping lines now charter container slots on vessels operated by different companies
This term is Objectivity-specific A container is a logical grouping of persistent objects Persistent objects within a container are physically clustered together in memory and on disk A container is also a unit of locking: when one object is locked, the whole container is locked
An item of equipment as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for transport purposes It must be of: a)a permanent character and accordingly strong enough to be suitable for repeated use b)specially designed to facilitate the carriage of goods, by one or more modes of transport without intermediate reloading c)fitted with devices permitting its ready handling, particularly from one mode of transport to another d)so designed as to be easy to fill and empty e)having an internal volume of 1 m3 or more The term container includes neither vehicles nor conventional packing Synonym: Freight Container
A large standard size metal box into which cargo is packed for shipment aboard specially configured oceangoing containerships and designed to be moved with common handling equipment enabling high-speed intermodal transfers in economically large units between ships, railcars, truck chassis, and barges using a minimum of labor The container, therefore, serves as the transfer unit rather than the cargo contained therein
an object that stores other objects, controlling their allocation, deallocation, and access Similar to C++ containers, the most important POOMA containers are Arrays and Fields See Also: Array, DynamicArray, Field, Tensor, TinyMatrix, Vector
An entity that provides life cycle management, security, deployment, and runtime services to components Each type of container (EJB, web, JSP, servlet, applet, and application client) also provides component-specific services
The part of a Rig which contains the Main and Reserve Parachutes Skydive Birmingham's containers are modern, well made, and provide the highest level of safety available
an item in which objects or materials can be stored or transported
A uniform, sealed, reusable metal box in which merchandise is shipped by vessel, truck or rail Standard lengths include 10, 20, 30 and 40 feet (40 foot lengths are generally able to hold about 40,000 pounds) Containers of 45 and 48 feet are also used, as well as containers for shipment by air
Receptacle that resembles a truck trailer that is lifted onto flatcars without the chassis Most containers are 20, 45, 48 or 53 feet in length Glossary Top
Steel container used for shipping your belongings oversease, can be used for sea, road or rail shipments
A "chunk" of storage space on a physical resource, typically a tape drive, which is retrieved in its entirety whenever an entity or object in that container is accessed Primarily used for data which is infrequently accessed, or for subsets of data that are typically accessed together
A specialized component that contains and manages other components
An object or application that can create or manipulate compound documents For example, Internet Explorer is a container for ActiveX objects
standard-sized metal box into which goods are packed The use of containers means that time and money are saved in transferring cargo between different means of transport; for example, from ship to train Special terminals and equipment are needed to handle such containers (for example, break-of-bulk points)
The Openwings container provides an environment for executing Openwings services Key functionality for Container Services can be found in the Container Services section of the Openwings Introduction How we can utilize container functionality is done through Context Services We use a default policy, the Installable Component Descriptor Policy for an executable component to be run on a container in Openwings And the policy loader in Container Services is what we use to support dependency substitution should a user want to use Openwings property settings from the properties txt file
Any bag, barrel, bottle, box, can, cylinder, drum, reaction vessel, storage tank or the like that contains a hazardous chemical For purposes of the Right to Know program, pipes or piping systems are not considered to be containers
Any bag, barrel, bottle, box, can, cylinder, drum, reaction vessel, storage tank, or the like that contains a hazardous chemical Under the Hazard Communication Standard pipes or piping systems, and engines, fuel tanks, or other operating systems in a vehicle are not considered to be containers
Container in logistics refers to the specific types of containers used for intermodal transportation, often referred to as "Ocean Containers" Standard external dimensions for containers are 8 ft wide, 8' 6" or 9' 6" tall, and 20, 40, or 45ft long
1 An object that exists to contain other objects, and that provides operations to access or iterate over its contents For example, arrays, sets, dictionaries 2 A component that exists to contain other components
a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods
any object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another)
An abstract data type whose sole purpose is to contain other objects Different containers differ in the way the elements are accessed Examples of containers are: set, stack, queue, double-ended queue, priority queue, dictionary, etc
Any device in which hazardous waste can be stored, handled, treated, transported, recycled, or disposed of, and is designed to be portable when it is empty Note: Oil filters are not considered containers (Title 22 CCR §66261 7) and their required management is described in Title 22 §66266 130
A uniform, sealed, reusable metal "box" (generally 40 feet in length, able to hold about 40,000 pounds) in which goods are shipped by vessel or rail The use of containers (or containerization) in trade is generally thought to require less labor and reduce losses due to breakage, spoilage, and pilferage than more traditional shipment methods
In the Exchange Administrator program, an object that contains other objects For example, the Recipients container is composed of recipient objects
A container is something such as a box or bottle that is used to hold or store things in. the plastic containers in which fish are stored and sold
container ship
A cargo vessel designed to carry cargo prepacked into containers
container ships
plural form of container ship
container conveyance
transporting of receptacles
container ship
A container ship is a ship that is designed for carrying goods that are packed in large metal or wooden boxes. A ship fitted for transporting containerized cargo
container ship
a cargo ship designed to hold containerized cargoes; "the weight of the documentation of all the consignments on board a contemporary container ship can exceed 90 pounds
A container
A container
A container
aerosol container
a dispenser that forces a liquid out as a fine spray when a button is pressed
air container
object (tank, canister, etc.) used to hold air
cargo container
a large container for freight
a Container Any portable device in which a material is stored, transported, disposed of or otherwise handled, including those whose last content was a hazardous or an acutely hazardous material, waste, or substance
Containers refer to the area enclosed by <start> and </stop> tags where the commands take effect Some tags, such as <HTML> enclose the entire document, others enclose lists, and others can enclose a single world One of the more common problems in writing HTML is when one forgets to add a stop tag and clse of the container, thus leaving the tag to effect the rest of the document So try and keep track of each container that you create
Containers are designed to give maximum protection against weather, damage, and theft They can be moved inland on their own chassis and can be loaded at the shippers premises Basic sizes for containers are 20, 35, and 40 feet in length, 8 feet wide and 8 feet high
Widgets that can group or contain other interface elements See also interface elements and widgets
Rigid bottles and tubs With the exception of packing ³peanuts,² our system assessment survey form asks only about containers, not films, bags, or disposable plastic items (like toys and razors)
Encoded, transportable form of location data and content OGC has developed two related specifications: XML-based Geography Markup Language (GML) Location Organizer Folders (LOF) Both are applicable to the OpenLS Testbed The location services market presents new requirements for location-based content These requirements will lead to new specifications that will be produced under this testbed, namely: the 'MicroGML x' family of content standards, and the MicroLOF, a generalized version of the LOF for mobile subscribers MicroGML x and MicroLOF both inherit the GML 2 x namespace
plural of container
full container load
(FCL) - See "Container Load "
full container load
A container carrying your belongings exclusively, with specified move dates as agreed with your mover
full container load
Abbreviation: FCL A container stuffed or stripped under risk and for account of the shipper and/or the consignee A general reference for identifying container loads of cargo loaded and/or discharged at merchants' premises
full container load
Shipment of a full container
full container load
A term used when goods occupy a whole container
garbage container
receptacle for trash, trash bin, garbage can
petrol container
container used for holding fuel or gasoline
refuse container
dustbin, trash can, dumpster
standard container
(Ticaret) A box, carton or other container with specified dimensions that will be used on an ongoing (reusable) basis to facilitate item counts, the design of storage and transportation resources and to limit handling damage
storage container
receptacle used to hold material
water container
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف container في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

çöp kutusu garbage container; trash container; Brit
dustbin; wastebasket, Brit. wastebin, wastepaper basket