(Askeri) DERLEYİCİ (HV.): Bir çevirme programından (assembler) daha güçlü kompüter programı. Denkleştirici, genellikle, bir çeviricide kullanılan aynı işlem demek olan kod değiştirme (translating) görevine ilaveten bazı giren bilgileri (items of input) alt rutin denilen emirler halinde değiştirmeye muktedirdir. Nitekim; çeviricinin teke tek kod değiştirmesi yapılmasına ve çıkan bilgi (output) olarak, kullanılan sayıda emir veya konstant meydana getirmesine mukabil bir derleştirici daha fazlasını yapmaktadır. Derleştirme sonucu elde edilen program orijinalin kodlanmış ve genişletilmiş bir modelidir. Ayrıca bakınız: "assembler (data automation)"
A program which translates source code written in a particular programing language into computer-readable machine code that can be executed on its own Compare with Interpreter
This is an application that converts a programming language into machine language program
a piece of software that takes third-generation language code and translates it into a specific assembly code Compilers can be quite complicated pieces of software
A program that reads source code, translates it into machine language, and writes the machine language to binary (object) code that can be directly loaded and executed See interpreter
A program that translates high-level programming language instructions into machine code
A computer program which reads source code and outputs assembly code or executable code
A program to translate source code into code to be executed by a computer The Java compiler translates Java source code into Java bytecode See also interpreter
A computer program that converts high-level languages into machine code instructions CFT and NFT are both FORTRAN compilers that translate FORTRAN to machine language for CRI computer systems
This is an application that converts a programming language into a machine language program
A program that translates code written in a high-level programming language into machine language (Chapter 1)
A programming tool that translates the text of your program into instructions that a device (single-board computer) can exectute
A compiler is a computer program which converts language that people can use into a code that the computer can understand. Computer software that translates (compiles) source code written in a high-level language (e.g., C++) into a set of machine-language instructions that can be understood by a digital computer's CPU. Compilers are very large programs, with error-checking and other abilities. Some compilers translate high-level language into an intermediate assembly language, which is then translated (assembled) into machine code by an assembly program or assembler. Other compilers generate machine language directly
A software program that converts (translates) a complete software program written in high-level language SOURCE CODE (such as PASCAL or FORTRAN) into machine language The entire source code is edited, compiled, and run at one time as compared to an INTERPRETER that is run one line at a time
A program that translates a high-level language, such as Basic, into machine language
(n ) A program to translate source code into code to be executed by a computer The JavaTM compiler translates source code written in the Java programming language into bytecode for the Java virtual machine See also interpreter
{i} program which produces programs from source code in a high-level language (Computers); collector, combiner
A program that translates source code into machine instructions Dynamite operates like an optimizing compiler except that it takes subject machine instructions as its source code
(computer science) a program that decodes instructions written in a higher order language and produces an assembly language program
n a facility that is part of Lisp and that translates code into an implementation-dependent form that might be represented or executed efficiently The functions compile and compile-file permit programs to invoke the compiler