
listen to the pronunciation of column
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} sütun

Makalenin üç sütunu vardı. - The article had three columns.

Ben her zaman onun sütunlarını ilgi ile okudum. - I always read his columns with interest.

{i} kolon

Kolonlar sağlam bir temel sağlamaktadır. - Columns provide a solid foundation.

{i} gazet. köşe yazısı, fıkra
(Tıp) Kolon, direk, columna
(Askeri) KOL: Kıta, gemi, tank veya araçların birbiri arkasına gelecek şekilde sıralanmalarıyla meydana gelen düzen
{i} direk
(İnşaat) sütün
(Bilgisayar) sütunu

Sami, gazetedeki sütununu okuyan birinden bir e-posta aldı. - Sami got an e-mail from a person who read his column in the newspaper.

Makalenin üç sütunu vardı. - The article had three columns.


Tom'un köşe yazısı haftalık olarak çıkıyor. - Tom's column appears weekly.

Şu adam bir gazete köşe yazarı. - That man is a newspaper columnist.

(Bilgisayar) sütuna

Rakamları bu sütuna ekleyin. - Add up this column of figures.

(insan/araç/hayvan/vb.) dizi
(gazete) sütun
köşe yazısı

Tom'un köşe yazısı haftalık olarak çıkıyor. - Tom's column appears weekly.

{i} ask. kol
{i} makale

Her zaman onun makalesini okumaya meraklıyım. - I'm always interested in reading his column.

Makalenin üç sütunu vardı. - The article had three columns.

sütun kolon
{i} mim. sütun; kolon
{i} basamak [mat.]
(Askeri) Sıra
bir yazarın gazete veya dergide muntazaman ve aynı başlık altında çıkan yazısı
column a
(Bilgisayar) a sütunu
column area
(Bilgisayar) sütun alanı
column break
(Bilgisayar) sütun sonuna
column chart
(Bilgisayar) sütun grafik
column check
(Bilgisayar) dikey eşlik denetimi
column count
(Bilgisayar) sütun sayısı
column for
(Bilgisayar) sütun için
column group
(Bilgisayar) sütun grubu
column head
sütun başlığı
column header
(Bilgisayar) sütun başlığı
column heads
(Bilgisayar) sütun başları
column labels
(Bilgisayar) sütun etiketleri
column list
(Bilgisayar) sütun listesi
column matrix
(Bilgisayar) dikeç matris
column name
(Bilgisayar) sütun adı
column names
(Bilgisayar) sütun adları
column order
(Bilgisayar) sütun sırası
column row
(Bilgisayar) sütun satır
column size
(Bilgisayar) sütun boyutu
column type
(Bilgisayar) sütun türü
column width
(Bilgisayar) sütun genişliğini
column base
sütun kaidesi
column binary
sütun ikili
column binary card
sütun ikili delikli kart
column boundary
kolon sınırı
column break
kolon sonu
column cap
sütun başlığı
column element
sütun elemanı
column foot
sütun ayağı
column heading
kolon başlığı
column indicator
kolon göstergesi
column marker
kolon imi
column matrix
sütun matris
column space
kolon uzayı
column split
kolon ayırıcı
column vector
kolon vektörü
column width
kolon genişliği
column of smoke
duman sütunu
column align
Dikeç Hizalama
column align
Sütun Hizalama
column b
(Bilgisayar) b sütunu
column balancing
sütun dengeleme
column base
kolon tabanı
column boundaries
Sütun Sınırları
column box
temel çanağı
column break
Sütun Sonu
column break symbol
Sütun sonu simgesi
column c
(Bilgisayar) c sütunu
column cap
(İnşaat) kolon başlığı
column chart
Dikeç Grafiği
column chart
Sütun Grafiği
column check
dikey eslik denetimi
column coordinate
(Askeri) SÜTUN KOORDİNATI: Kriptoğrafide; normal olarak, kalıbın (matrix) üst tarafında bulunan ve belirli bir hücreler grubunu tanıtan remiz, sembol
column cover
(Askeri) KOL ÖRTMESİ: Bir yürüyüş kolunun, telsiz irtibatında bulunmak, keşif yaparak veya yürüyüş kolunu tehdit eden kara ve hava hedeflerine taarruz ederek himaye sağlamak suretiyle uçaklar tarafından örtülmesi
column cover
(Otomotiv) direksiyon göbeği
column cover
(Askeri) kol örtmesi
column d
(Bilgisayar) d sütunu
column delete
(Bilgisayar) sütun silme
column drill
dikeçli delici
column drill
sütunlu delme makinesi
column e
(Bilgisayar) e sütunu
column f
(Bilgisayar) f sütunu
column formation
column formation
(Askeri) Kol düzeni
column front
ön kapı direği
column g
(Bilgisayar) sütun g
column gap
(Askeri) KOL BOŞLUĞU: Aynı rotada ilerleyen iki arka arkaya elemanın aralarındaki mesafe. Bir unsurun gerisinden, takip eden unsurun önüne kadar olan mesafenin uzunluk birimi veya zaman birimi cinsinden ölçülebilir
column gap
(Askeri) kol boşluğu
column h
(Bilgisayar) sütun h
column half left
(Askeri) (RIGHT) YARIM SOLA (SAĞA) ÇARK ETMEK: Sola (sağa) 45°'lik dönüş yaparak bir kolun yürüyüş istikametini değiştirmek
column heading
Sütun Başlığı
column insert
(Bilgisayar) sütun ekleme
column intact
column layout
(Bilgisayar) sütun yerleşimi
column left
(Bilgisayar) sütunun solu
column length
kolon uzunluğu
column length
(Askeri) KOL UZUNLUĞU: Hareket halindeki bir kolun veya konvoyun yolda işgal ettiği mesafe. Ayrıca bakınız: "road space"
column lock
direksiyon kolonu kilidi
column marker
Sütun İmi
column mode
(Bilgisayar) sütun modu
column numbering
sütun numaralandırma
column of battalions
(Askeri) TABUR KOLU; ALAY YÜRÜYÜŞ KOLU: Birbirinin ardı sıra ve kol halinde bulunan taburların teşkil ettikleri düzen
column of companies
(Askeri) BÖLÜK KOLU; TABUR YÜRÜYÜŞ KOLU: Birbiri ardı sıra ve kol halinde bulunan bölüklerin teşkil ettikleri düzen
column of files
(Askeri) BİRERLE KOL: Birden çok dizinin birbiri gerisinde durmak suretiyle aldığı düzen
column of fours
(Askeri) DÖRDERLE KOL: Bir kol düzeninde, yan yana bulunan dört er veya aracın meydana getirdikleri düzen
column of masses
(Askeri) TOPLU DÜZEN KOLU: A. B. D. Ordusu'nda; birliklerden müteşekkil toplu düzenlerin birbiri gerisinde kol teşkil ettikleri düzen. Bu düzen yanaşık düzen eğitiminde ve merasim geçişlerinde kullanılır
column of ones
(Askeri) Birerle kol düzeni
column of platoons
(Askeri) DERİNLİĞİNE TAKIM KOLU; BÖLÜK YÜRÜYÜŞ KOLU: Birbirinin ardı sıra ve kol halinde bulunan takımların teşkil ettikleri düzen
column of text
Metin sütunu
column of threes
(Askeri) ÜÇERLE KOL: Bir kol düzeninin, yan yana bulunan üç er veya aracın meydana getirdiği yürüyüş düzeni
column of twos
(Askeri) İkişerle kol düzeni
column of twos
(Askeri) İKİŞERLİ KOL: Bir kol düzeninin, yan yana bulunan iki er veya aracın meydana getirdiği yürüyüş düzeni
column range
(Bilgisayar) sütun aralığı
column rank
(Matematik) sütun rankı
column rank
(Matematik) dikeçsel aşım
column rank
(Bilgisayar) dikeç kertesi
column rank
(Matematik) kolon rankı
column right
(Bilgisayar) sütunun sağı
column selection
Sütun seçimi
column setup
(Bilgisayar) sütun ayarları
column shaft
(İnşaat) kolon gövdesi
column shape
(Bilgisayar) sütun biçimi
column shoe
(İnşaat) kolon pabucu
column socle
(İnşaat) sütun eteği
column space
(Matematik) dikeç uzayı
column space
(Matematik) sütun uzayı
column split
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sütun ayırıcı
column tube
(Otomotiv) destek borusu
column value
(Bilgisayar) sütun değeri
column value directives
Dikeç Değeri Yönergeleri
column value directives
Sütun Değeri Yönergeleri
column width
Sütun Genişliği
concrete column
beton sütun
conditions column
(Bilgisayar) koşul sütunu
convection column
konveksiyon sütunu
correspondence column
okuyucu sütunu
bound column
(Bilgisayar) ilişkili sütun
capillary column
(Tıp) kapiler kolon
(Bilgisayar) sütunsay
edge column
kenar kolonu
edit column
(Bilgisayar) sütun düzenle
edit column
(Bilgisayar) sütun düzenlemeyi
embedded column
(İnşaat) duvara gömülü kolon
engaged column
(İnşaat) pilastr
entire column
(Bilgisayar) tüm sütun
entire column
(Bilgisayar) tüm sütunu
erosion column
move column
(Bilgisayar) sütunu taşı
move column
(Bilgisayar) sütun taşımayı
move column
(Bilgisayar) sütun taşı
previous column
(Bilgisayar) önceki sütun
reinforced concrete column
(İnşaat,Teknik) betonarme kolon
remove column
(Bilgisayar) sütun kaldır
row column
(Bilgisayar) satır sütun
select column
(Bilgisayar) sütun seç
shadow column instrument
gölge göstergeli alet
skip column
(Bilgisayar) sütun atla
society gossip column
sosyete sütunu
sort column
(Bilgisayar) sütun sırala
when column
(Bilgisayar) sütun değeri bu olduğunda
wrong column
yanlış sütun
air column
hava sütunu
air column
tenek sütunu
barometric column
barometrik kolon
base of a column
sütun tabanı
card column
kart kolonu
cast iron column
dökme demir kolon
chromographic column
kromografik kolon
diffusion column
difüzyon kolonu
distillation column
damıtma kolonu
dodge the column
yan çizmek
dodge the column
ipe un sermek
double column
çift sütun
fifth column
beşinci kolon
fifth column
beşinci kol
folio column
folyo kolonu
folio column
defteri kebir sütunu
hooped column
çemberli sütun
mercury column
cıva sütunu
positive column
pozitif sütun
spinal column
spinal column

Omurga yirmi dört kemikten oluşur. - The spinal column is composed of twenty-four bones.

Omurgasızların hiçbir omurgası veya bel kemiği yoktur. - Invertebrates have no backbone or spinal column.

steering column
direksiyon mili
vertebral column
wreathed column
burmalı sütun
Ionic column
(Mimarlık) İyonik sütun
advertisement column
(Reklam) İlan sütunu
advice column
tavsiye sütun
box column drill
kutusunda sütun matkap
carrier column
taşıyıcı kolon

Kolonlar sağlam bir temel sağlamaktadır. - Columns provide a solid foundation.

double column tariff
çift kolonlu gümrük tarifesi
economic column
ekonomik sütun
explanation column
izahat kolunu
gearshift column
vites değiştirme kolonu
gossip column
Dedikodu köşesi (gazetede)
group of animals possessing a spinal column
hayvanlar bir omurga haiz grup
half column
yarım sütun
nelson's column
nelson sütun
of column
rectifying column
takviyeli damıtma kulesi
semi column
yarı sütun
steering column bracket
direksiyon kolonu mesnedi
iki sütun
water column
su sütunu
adjustable steering column
(Otomotiv) ayarlanabilir direksiyon mili
amount column
(Ticaret) meblağ sütunu
at column
attic column
(Mimarlık) attik sütunu
channel column
u-profili çelik kolon
closed column
(Askeri) KAPALI KOL; KAPALI YÜRÜYÜŞ KOLU: Bknz. "close column"

Ben her zaman onun sütunlarını ilgi ile okudum. - I always read his columns with interest.

fluted column
mim. yivli sütun
head of column
(Askeri) KOLBAŞI: Yürüyüş düzenindeki bir kolun ilk unsuru. Buna, kısaca "head" de denir
next column
(Bilgisayar) sonraki sütun
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Something having similar vertical form or structure to the things mentioned above, such as a spinal column
A vertical line of entries in a table, usually read from top to bottom: as opposed to a row (which is horizontal)
A solid upright structure designed usually to support a larger structure above it, such as a roof or horizontal beam, but sometimes for decoration
A body of troops or army vehicles, usually strung out along a road
A recurring feature in a periodical, especially an opinion piece, especially by a single author or small rotating group of authors, or on a single theme

His initial foray into print media was as the author of a weekly column in his elementary-school newspaper.

The same, as a unit of width in a periodical, especially for advertisements

Each column inch costs $300 a week; this ad is four columns by three inches, so will run $3600 a week.

A body of text meant to be read line by line, especially in printed material that has multiple adjacent such on a single page

It was too hard to read the text across the whole page, so I split it into two columns.

{n} a round pillar, part of a page or troops
a line of (usually military) units following one after another
Each vertical sequence of numbers There are n columns of height n in an order-n magic square
In a table, a vertical (up and down) collection of cells
the Column Vendôme; the spinal column
A number of ships so arranged as to follow one another in single or double file or in squadrons; in distinction from "line", where they are side by side
A section of a channel The first column is the notes column which keeps track of the note (AG) and the octave (09) Between the note and the octave, there is either a dash () or a number sign (#) The number sign says that the note is sharp The second column is the sample/instrument column This column says what sample or instrument number is used to play the note The third column is the volume column This is the volume (in the 064 range) that the note is played at In recent trackers, this can also be used for limited effects The fourth column is the effects column This starts with the number of the effect (for example, 3 is slidetonote) and ends with a number which is how the effect will operate 34A would mean that the sound would slide into this note with a speed of 4A
The preferred term when indicating the vertical member in a trabeated (post and lintel) system whose section is round 'Pillar' is rarely used as it connotes monumental scale, as in 'the Pillars of Hercules'
somewhat ornamented, and usually composed of base, shaft, and capital
An upright supporting or decorative member, which is circular or rectangular in plan and consists of a base, a shaft and a capital When columns extend two or more stories to the full height of a structure, the column is sometimes termed a heroic column
Anything resembling, in form or position, a column in architecture; an upright body or mass; a shaft or obelisk; as, a column of air, of water, of mercury, etc
The body formed by the union of the stamens in the Mallow family, or of the stamens and pistil in the orchids
(architeture) a tall cylindrical vertical upright and used to support a structure
A column is a distinct field in a table that has a specific data type
In a relational database, the dimension of a table that holds values for a particular attribute For example, a table that contains employee records might have a column titled “LAST_NAME” that contains the values for each employee’s last name See also attribute
A column is something that has a tall narrow shape. The explosion sent a column of smoke thousands of feet into the air
A newspaper column
A column is a group of people or animals which moves in a long line. There were reports of columns of military vehicles appearing on the streets
A vertical line of entries in a table, going from top to bottom; as opposed to a horizontal row (going from left to right)
{i} pillar (Architecture); line (people or things); vertical row of words or numbers (in a book, newspaper, etc.); regular feature (in a newspaper, magazine, etc.)
Component of a relational table (the other is called a row) Every table in a relational database has one or more columns A column is named and contains related information In non-relational terminology, a column can be thought of as a field
a vertical glass tube used in column chromatography; a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands
an article giving opinions or perspectives
A kind of pillar; a cylindrical or polygonal support for a roof, ceiling, statue, etc
A hollow cylinder of water and spray thrown up from an underwater burst of a nuclear (or atomic) weapon, through which the hot, high-pressure gases formed in the explosion are vented to the atmosphere A somewhat similar column of dirt is formed in an underground explosion
Is a main vertical member carrying axial loads, which can be combined with bending and shear, from the main roof beams or girders to the foundation These structural members carry loads parallel to its longitudinal axis
A cylindrical support, usually structural but often decorative; Pillar Other parts of a column: abacus or impost block, capital, shaft, base
A circular post used to support a lintel or the entablature of a building Columns typically consist of at least a base, a shaft, and a capital The capital allows a column to be placed in one of three architectural orders defined by the Greeks The Greek Doric column lacked a base
A perpendicular set of lines, not extending across the page, and separated from other matter by a rule or blank space; as, a column in a newspaper
A small army
anything tall and thin approximating the shape of a column or tower; "the test tube held a column of white powder"; "a tower of dust rose above the horizon"; "a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite"
In a data file, a single vertical column each being one byte in length Fixed format data files are traditionally described as being arranged in lines and columns In a fixed format file, column locations describe the locations of variables
a linear array of numbers one above another
In a newspaper or magazine, a column is a section that is always written by the same person or is always about the same topic. She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement. see also agony column, gossip column, personal column, spinal column, steering column. In architecture, a vertical element, usually a slender shaft, that provides structural support by carrying axial loads in compression; columns are also subject to buckling. Columns may be exposed or hidden in walls; constructed of precast concrete, masonry, stone, or wood or of steel wide-flange, pipe, or tubular sections; they may be plain, fluted, or sculpted, with or without a capital and base. Columns may also be nonstructural, used for decorative or monumental purposes. See also intercolumniation, order
A vertical component of a structure, usually supporting part of the structure May also be purely decorative
(A): A vertical support Decorative columns usually consist of a base, circular shaft, and spreading capital
A database table will usually consist of many rows and columns, just like a table in a book Each column will store information about an attribute A table of people may have columns for height, hair colour, eye colour
Compare Ploy, and Deploy
a vertical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (as a monument or a column of air)
The vertical divisions of a spreadsheet that intersect the horizontal divisions (rows) to form cells in which data can be entered columns are labeled alphabetically (A,B,C, AB,AC,AD ) (SpSht, Gr 6)
In architecture: A perpendicular supporting member, circular or rectangular in section, usually consisting of a base, shaft, and capital In engineering: A vertical structural compression member which supports loads acting in the direction of its longitudinal axis
An upright supporting beam
a cylindrical, upright structural support in architecture, consisting of a base, shaft, and capital; an engaged column is one half-embedded in the wall behind it
A column of troops
In a table, a vertical collection of cells
Anything having similar form or structure to the things mentioned above, such as a spinal column, etc
A section of a channel The first column is the notes column which keeps track of the note (A-G) and the octave (0-9) Between the note and the octave, there is either a dash (-) or a number sign (#) The number sign says that the note is sharp The second column is the sample/instrument column This column says what sample or instrument number is used to play the note The third column is the volume column This is the volume (in the 0-64 range) that the note is played at In recent trackers, this can also be used for limited effects The fourth column is the effects column This starts with the letter (or in some cases, the number) of the effect (for example, G is slide-to-note) and ends with a number which is exactly how the effect will operate G4A would mean that the sound would slide into this note with a speed of 4A The number depends on the effect
A column is a tall, often decorated cylinder of stone which is built to honour someone or forms part of a building. a London landmark, Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square. = pillar
On a printed page such as a page of a dictionary, newspaper, or printed chart, a column is one of two or more vertical sections which are read downwards. We had stupidly been looking at the wrong column of figures
A body of troops formed in ranks, one behind the other; contradistinguished from line
A perpendicular line of figures
The vertical aspect of a table The number of columns must be specified as an attribute within the table tag Any number of columns can be specified, but the screen width must be accommodated
Part of the memory array A bit can be stored where a column and a row intersect
A column is a listing of data for a single attribute that has been retrieved from the Data Warehouse by a query If several attributes are selected for a query, each attribute will have one column in the query results
(architeture) a tall cylindrical vertical upright and used to support a structure a vertical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (as a monument or a column of air) a vertical glass tube used in column chromatography; a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands an article giving opinions or perspectives a line of (usually military) units following one after another a linear array of numbers one above another anything tall and thin approximating the shape of a column or tower; "the test tube held a column of white powder"; "a tower of dust rose above the horizon"; "a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite
A vertical space in a database table that represents a particular domain of data A column has a column name and a specific datatype For example, in a table of employee information, all of the employees' dates of hire would constitute one column A record group column represents a database column
column density
The total amount per unit area of a material suspended in a fluid or in a cloud in space, measured along the length of a column
column inch
One inch of a printed column; a measure of space allocated
column inches
plural form of column inch
column shifter
a shift lever used to change gears, that is mounted on the steering column
column space
The vector space comprising all the column vectors of a matrix
column spaces
plural form of column space
column chromatography
chromatography that uses selective adsorption by a column of powders
column dress
A slim-fitting dress with a straight narrow shape
column graph
graph which plots values on vertical columns
column inch
a unit of measurement for advertising space
column of smoke
line of smoke rising into the sky
column width
Column width is measured as the number of characters that can fit in the column
column width
An integer that specifies the width of the column to use when displaying item values in a report
column width
The horizontal size of a columns of cells
correspondence column
series of letters to the editor, area for reader commentary (in a newspaper)
Morris column
cylindrical outdoor sidewalk structures (like columns) with a characteristic style that are used for advertising and other purposes
Türck's column
The anterior corticospinal tract
a little from column A and a little from column B
Alternative form of a little from column A, a little from column B
a little from column A, a little from column B
A combination of two factors or reasons

Which is how I thought I knew it was going to be either really boring, or about my family, or a little from column A, a little from column B.

plural form of column
pattern which involves throwing props in the air alternately
eruption column
a cloud of ash emitted during a volcanic eruption
fifth column
A group of people which clandestinely undermines a larger group, such as a nation, to which it is expected to be loyal
flying column
A mobile band of IRA rebels during the Irish War of Independence 1919 - 1922, operating against the British military using guerilla tactics
fractionating column
An apparatus for the separation of the volatile components of a liquid by means of efficient distillation, sometimes accompanied by selective adsorption
spinal column
The series of vertebrae, separated by disks, that extends from the cranium to the coccyx, which encloses and protects the spinal cord
steering column
a column originating in the dashboard and ending at the steering wheel
steering column
a column ending in the flight yoke, whose manipulation allows for the control of pitch
vertebral column
The series of vertebrae that protect the spinal cord; the spinal column
water column
The zone in which ascent and descent occur
water column
A notional column of water from the surface to the bottom in a natural setting, notable for the differences in physical and chemical properties at various depths
fractionating column
A Fractionating Column or Fractionation Column is an essential item used in the distillation of liquid mixtures so as to separate the mixture into its component parts, or fractions, based on the differences in their volatilities. Fractionating columns are used in small-scale laboratory distillations as well as for large-scale industrial distillations
{i} computer game that resembles Tetris (produced by Sega)
agony column
(British) advice column, regular advice feature (in a newspaper, magazine etc.)
{s} having columns
having or resembling columns; having columns of a specified kind (often used as a combining form); "a columned portico"; "trees with columned trunks"; "white-columned houses"
Vertical groupings of data in a Vitalnet table, such as a column for each race group
plural of column
In a spreadsheet, the vertical arrangement of cells usually identified by a letter designation at the top In a word processing document, the vertical arrangement of text
Oracle7 Tables consist of columns Each column contains one type of information The format to indicate tables and columns is: (TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME)
Columns are the vertical divisions of a table Fields are represented in tables as columns Each column in the table represents one field
(0028, 0011) number of columns of pixels in the image This is the same as the image width
A minicolumn is a cylindrical group of about 100 neurons extending through all the layers of neocortex and about 0 030 mm in diameter, usually organized around a dendritic bundle; the orientation column is an example Macrocolumns are a hundred times larger in area (and about 0 5 mm across) and often more like curtain folds than cylinders; they are typically identified by common inputs, e g , the ocular dominance columns of visual cortex [42]
columns of text side by side, as in a newspaper
A measurement of the width of your screen as measured by the number of characters your screen can fit across it BBS's often ask for your screen width Most computers have a screen width of 80 columns
consist of tubes that contain the stationary phase and through which the supercritical fluid mobile phase flows
A feature of some web browsers that allows text to be displayed in two or more vertical columns as in a newspaper Some screen readers have difficulties with columns because they read from left to right across the column boundaries (Please use the back button of your web browser to return to the previous document)
Two parallel lines of four dancers with one line facing down the line and the other facing the opposite direction
News Ask InetDaemon BootStrap Dunceweek
An upright support
specify number
Columns are the vertical divisions of a worksheet that are identified by letters
Set of prisms resembling a church organ (hence "orgue" in French) due to the thermal retraction of cooling lava
In a spreadsheet, the vertical arrangement of cells identified by a letter designation at the top In a word processing document, the vertical arrangement of text
Arranges your selected text into columns on the page
fifth column
people willing to cooperate with an aggressor against their own country, secret supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage against their own country
fifth column
a group of people who work secretly to help the enemies of the country where they live or the organization in which they work columnist
legal column
section that deals with legal matters (in a newspaper)
spinal column
Your spinal column is your spine. n. The series of articulated vertebrae, separated by intervertebral disks and held together by muscles and tendons, that extends from the cranium to the coccyx or the end of the tail, encasing the spinal cord and forming the supporting axis of the body; the spine. Also called vertebral column. your spine
steering column
In a car or other vehicle, the steering column is the rod on which the steering wheel is fixed
vertebral column
spinal column, spine, backbone



    التركية النطق





    /ˈkäləm/ /ˈkɑːləm/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ kä-l&m also k& ] (noun.) 15th century. From Middle English columne (“column (of a page)”), which from Latin columna (“a column, pillar, post”), originally a collateral form of columen, contraction culmen (“a pillar, top, crown, summit”), o-grade form from a Proto Indo-European root *qwel- (“going around”). Akin to Latin collis (“a hill”), celsus (“high”), probably to Ancient Greek κολοφών (kolophōn, “top, summit”).


    columning, columned


    ... say zero to four as there are aged 85 or 90, but it’s basically a slender column.   ...
    ... for or putting on the -- you know, the side column, what ...