Sömürge şimdiye kadar bağımsızlık ilan etmedi.
- The colony has not declared independence as yet.
Abd sömürgesi olduğundan beri Porto Riko'nun devlet başkanı Abd devlet başkanıdır ama Porto Riko sakinlerinin Abd devlet başkanlığı seçimlerinde oy kullanmasına izin verilmez.
- Since Puerto Rico is a US colony, Puerto Rico's head of state is the President of the USA, but inhabitants of Puerto Rico are not allowed to vote in US presidential elections.
Kral George 1752'de koloninin kontrolünü aldı.
- King George took control of the colony in 1752.
Winston bir faniydi ama gençlik yıllarında Mars kolonisi Barsoom'a göç etti.
- Winston was an earthborn, but he emigrated to the Martian colony Barsoom in his teenage years.
Gazze dünyanın en aşırı kalabalık ve fakir sömürgelerinden biridir.
- Gaza is one of the most overcrowded and poorest colonies in the world.
Yıllar sonra Avrupalılar kıyı bölgelerinde sömürgeler kurdu.
- Years later, Europeans established colonies in the coastal areas.
It's a semi-colonial country.
As many as a quarter of the nation's commercially kept bees went missing last year, presumed dead, in a phenomenon now called colony collapse disorder. — Houston Chronicle, 5/12/2007.
Entire countries started as penal colonies, such as French Guyana.
... colony. And it would be completely underwater. So that would be a terrible thing to happen. ...
... ant hive or ant colony of some sort. Now I wonder if you could speak to that. ...