
listen to the pronunciation of colitis
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Tıp) kalın bağırsak iltihabı
(Tıp) kolonun tahrişi
kalınbağırsak iltihabı
(Tıp) Kalın barsak (kolon) iltihabı,kolit
i., tıb. kolit, kalınbağırsak iltihabı
kalınbağrsak iltihabı
ischemic colitis
(Tıp) iskemik kolit
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
inflammation of the colon
{i} inflammation of the colon (portion of the large intestine)
Colitis is an illness in which your colon becomes inflamed. an illness in which part of your colon swells, causing pain (colon + -itis)
of its mucous membrane; colonitis
An inflammation of the large intestine, esp
ulcerative colitis
a disease that causes irritation and ulcers in the lining of the large intestine and rectum Also known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease
ulcerative colitis
A disease of the large bowel, characterised by ulceration of the lining of the bowel, bleeding, abscess formation; the pathological appearances are usually characteristic and the cause is unknown
ulcerative colitis
An inflammatory disease of the colon of an unknown cause Symptoms include abdominal pain and cramping, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding
ulcerative colitis
a serious chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine and rectum characterized by recurrent episodes of abdominal pain and fever and chills and profuse diarrhea
ulcerative colitis
(Medicine) recurrent condition of unknown origin characterized by ulcers and severe irritation of the colon and rectum (causes bloody stools, hemorrhoids, and abdominal pain)
ulcerative colitis
A disease that causes long-term inflammation of the lining of the colon
ulcerative colitis
Inflammation of the colon, especially of its mucous membranes. The inflamed membranes develop patches of tiny ulcers, and the diarrhea contains blood and mucus. It often becomes chronic, with sustained fever and weight loss; complications and death may result. Specific causes, such as amoebic or bacillary dysentery, are rarer than unknown or multiple causes. If treatment with sulfasalazine, corticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs, or antibiotics does not control it, part or all of the colon may have to be removed
ulcerative colitis
A disease that causes long-term inflammation of the lining of the colon; it increases the risk for colon cancer
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Tıp) Kolonun tahrişi,Kolit
Collagenous Colitis
(Tıp) Bir kolit çeşidi.Anormal bir Collagen(Kolajen) (Çözünemeyen bir ipliksi Protein) gurubu sebep olur
Granulomatous Colitis
(Tıp) Kolondaki Crohn hastalığının diğer adı
Ischemic Colitis
(Tıp) İskemik Kolit.Kolona azalmış kan akıntısı.Ateş,ağrı ve Kanlı İshale neden olur
Mucous Colitis
(Tıp) bkz: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Pseudomembranous Colitis
(Tıp) Kolonda Clostridium difficile bakterisinin yolaçtığı ağır tahriş(İritasyon).Bu bakteri,normal olarak kolonda yaşayan bakterileri öldürür
Radiation Colitis
(Tıp) Radyasyon tedavisinden dolayı kolonda oluşan hasar
Ulcerative Colitis
(Tıp) Kolon ve rektumun iç çeperinde ülserlere ve tahrişe neden olan tehlikeli bir hastalık. bkz: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)