
listen to the pronunciation of code
الإنجليزية - التركية

Hammurabi kanunu dünyanın en eski yasal kanunlarından biridir. - The Code of Hammurabi is one of the world's most ancient legal codes.

Karayolları trafik kanununu bilmelisin. - You must know the highway code.


Frank gizli bir şifre vasıtasıyla bir mesaj bıraktı. - Frank left a message by means of a secret code.

Yorum eklemek şifreyi okumayı daha kolay hale getirir. - Adding comments makes reading the code easier.


Hammurabi kanunu dünyanın en eski yasal kanunlarından biridir. - The Code of Hammurabi is one of the world's most ancient legal codes.

Okulun kıyafet kodu saçınızı doğal olmayan bir rengi boyamanızı yasaklıyor. - The school's dress code prohibits dyeing your hair a non-natural color.

{i} yönetmelik
{i} tüzük
(Dilbilim) düzenek
(Bilgisayar) kod kod
{i} kural

Ahlak kuralları önemliydi. - The honor code was important.

(Dilbilim) bilinti
(Bilgisayar) programlamak
kodlama yapmak
(Dilbilim) düğüm
(Biyokimya) dizgilemek
{f} kodla

Hammurabi kodu dünyanın en eski yasa kodlarından biridir. - The Code of Hammurabi is one of the world's most ancient code of laws.

şifreyle yazmak

Yorum ekleme kod okumayı kolaylaştırır. - Adding comments makes the code easier to read.

İtalya'yı arama için ülke kodu 39'dur. - The country code for calling Italy is 39.

(Tıp) Bir kimsenin hareket ve davranışlarını yönlendiren adet, gelenek ve kurallar dizisi
{f} şifre ile yazmak; kodlamak
code of honor düello edenlerin usul ve nizamları
{i} prensipler
Napolyon Kanunu
{i} yasa kitabı
kod,v.kodla: n.kod
{f} numaralamak
{f} kanun haline getirmek
medical code tıp mesleği kan
{i} kılavuz
Code Napoleon 1804 yılında yururIüğe giren Fransız Medeni Kanunu
(Tekstil) kod numarası
(Askeri) KOD: İtibari olarak alınmış remiz gruplarının değişik uzunlukta açık metin birimlerini gösterdiği bir haberleşme sistemi. Kodlar; ya kısaltma veya güvenlik maksadıyla kullanılabilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "cryptosystem"
(Nükleer Bilimler) kod,teknik yönetmelik
dustur şifre
(Biyokimya) dizgi
(Kanun) kanun yapmak
(Denizbilim) öz
code book
(Askeri) kod kitabı
code group
(Askeri) kod grubu
code key
(Askeri) kod anahtarı
code name
(Askeri) kod ismi
code of conduct
(Ticaret) iş ahlakı
code of conduct
adap kuralı
code of conduct
(Askeri) davranış ilkeleri rehberi
code panel
(Askeri) işaret bezi
code text
kodlu metin
code word
(Bilgisayar) kod sözcüğü
code converter
kod çevirici
code dependent system
koda bağımlı sistem
code directing character
kodlu yöneltme karakteri
code element
kod öğesi
code error
kod hatası
code extension character
düğüm genişletme damgası
code hole
kod deliği
code line
kod satırı
code name
kod adı
code named
kod adlı
code number
kod numarası
code of ethics
ahlak kuralları
code page
kod sayfası
code page switching
kod sayfası değiştirme
code point
kod noktası
code position
kod konumu
code segment
kod kesimi
code sensitivity
kod duyarlığı
code set
düğüm takımı
code transition
kod dönüşümü
code value
kod değeri
Code Division Multiple Access
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Kod bölmeli çoklu erişim
code black
siyah alarm
code flag
kod bayrağı
code of
code of criminal procedure
(Kanun) Ceza Muhakemeleri Usulü Kanunu, CMUK
code of hammurabi
Hammurabi kanunları, Hammurabi yasaları: M. o. 1760 yılı civarında Mezopotamya'da yaratılan, tarihin en eski ve en iyi korunmuş yazılı kanunlarından biri. Bu dönemden önce toplanan yasa koleksiyonları arasında Ur kralı Ur-Nammu'nun kanun kitabı (M. o. 2050), Eşnunna kanun kitabı (M. o. 1930), ve işin'li Lipit-ıstar'ın kanun kitabı (M. o. 1870) yer alır
code of honor
onur kodu
code of law
code of law
hukuk kodu
code of procedure
işlem kodu
code segment too large
Kod segmentini çok büyük
code sharing
kod paylaşımı
code translation
kod dönüşümü
code violation
kod ihlali
code violation
davranış ihlâli
code violation
kural ihlali
code violation
(Bilgisayar) kod kuralının ihlali
şifre değiştirme
Code of Federal Regulations
(Askeri) Federal Talimatlar Kodu
code area
(Bilgisayar) kod alam
code area
kod atanı
code book
(Askeri) KOD KİTABI, KOD ANAHTARI: Sistemli bir form halinde tertiplenmiş ve bir kod olarak faydalanılan bir kitap (veya yayın) itibari anlamda düzenlenmiş bir sözlüğü (harfler, heceler, kelimeler, ibareler ve cümleler) ihtiva eder; her biri, bir veya daha çok remiz grubu ile birlikte, açık metin karşılıkları olarak kullanılır
code colors
(Bilgisayar) kod renkleri
code division multiple access
kod bolusumlu coklu erisim
code division multiplexing
kod bolusumlu cogullama
code group
(Askeri) KOD GRUBU: Bir kod sisteminde; bir açık metin unsurunu göstermek üzere tahsis edilmiş bir harf veya rakam grubu veya ikisinin karışımı bir düzen
code line
(Bilgisayar) kod satın
code message
(Askeri) KODLU HABER: Bir kod vasıtasıyla elde edilen kriptogram
code number
(Askeri) KOD NUMARASI: Bak. "code"
code of business conduct
(Ticaret) iş ahlakı kuralları
code of business conduct
iş ahlakı tüzüğü
code of business conduct
(Ticaret) iş yürütme ahlakı
code of conduct
(Avrupa Birliği) davranış kuralları
code of honor
ahlak kuralları
code panel
(Askeri) İŞARET BEZİ, İRTİBAT BEZİ: Bak. "air ground liaison code"
code reconstruction
(Askeri) KOD ÇÖZME: Bir kod kitabının kripto analiz ile çözülmesi
code recovery
(Askeri) KOD ÇÖZME: Bak. "code reconstruction"
code set
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kod takımı
code set
Kod Kümesi
code source
(Bilgisayar) kod kaynağı
code talker
(Askeri) ÖZEL DİLLE KONUŞAN, KODLU KONUŞAN: Normal kanallar üzerinden nispeten emniyetle ve suratle muhabere edebilmek için çok az konuşulan ve anlaşılması güç bir şive ve lisan kullanan kimse
code talker
(Askeri) kodlu konuşan
code talker
(Askeri) özel dille konuşan
code text
(Askeri) KODLU METİN: Bir kod sistemi vasıtası ile meydana getirilen bir kriptogram metini
code window
(Bilgisayar) kod penceresi
code word
code word
(Askeri) KOD KELİMESİ: 1. Gizlilik dereceli bir plan veya hareket ile ilgili planları ve niyetleri korumak için gizlilik derecesi ve gizlilik dereceli bir anlam verilen bir kelime. 2. Hassas istihbarat verilerini belirtmek için kullanılan bir kripto işareti
code word action officer
cognitive code learning
(Dilbilim) bilişsel dil öğrenme
commercial code
(Kanun) ticaret hukuku
confirmation code
onay kodu
colour code
renk kodu
computer code
bilgisayar kodu
computer code
biigisayar kodu
control code
denetim kodu
country code
Ülke kodu
coupon code
kupon kodu
Coordinated Universal Time; unit type code
(Askeri) koordine evrensel saat; birlik türü kodu
color code
renklerle kodlamak
colour code
renk skalası
colour code
renklerle kodlamak
compiler code
derleyici kodu
condensation code
(Askeri) KISILTMA KODU: Bknz. "brevity code"
condensation code
(Askeri) kısaltma kodu
condition reservation code
(Askeri) DURUM MUHAFAZA KODU: Stokların belirtilmiş fiziksel bir durumu veya daha sonra yapılacak işlem, onarım, bakım veya montaj sebebiyle, bunlar üzerindeki kullanma tahdidini gösteren, tek basamaklı numaralama sistemi
contrary to code
(Kanun) kanuna muhalif
coordinate code
(Askeri) KOORDİNAT KODU: Kara, Deniz ve Hava haritalarına basılmış bulunan koordinatlardan ayrı olarak, belirli maksatlar için harf veya rakamlarla gösterilen koordinatlara mahsus kod
country code
Domain Adreslerinin En son parçası olup host sunucunun hangi ülkede olduğunu gösterir.ABD Devletlerinin kodu "us" olamasına karsın bu kod kullanılmaz. Ancak sonunda ülke kodu bulunmayan her sunucucun ABD ' de olduğu anlamı çıkartılmamalıdır
code of conduct
(Ticaret) yasa
code of conduct
code of conduct
mesleki ahlak kuralları
(Bilgisayar) kodır
(Havacılık) kodlandırma

Bu sabah Tom'dan kodlu bir mesaj aldım. - I received a coded message from Tom this morning.

Tom'a bir kodlu mesaj göndermek istiyorum. - I'd like to send a coded message to Tom.

{f} kodla
(Bilgisayar) kodcu

The coder writes code via programming languages, ex Java code.

a code
bir kod
a code
a sifr
code of conduct
(Hukuk) yönetim kanunu
{i} şifreleyen kimse
{i} kodlayan kimse
(Askeri) KODLAMA: Silahlı kuvvetlere mensup bir şahsa ait çeşitli niteliklerin, remizlerle bir form üzerinde gösterilmesi
parent indicator code; payment in cash; person identification code; pilot in com
(Askeri) ana gösterge kodu; nakit ödeme; kişi tanımlama kodu; uçağı idare eden pilot
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Of a patient, to suffer a sudden medical emergency such as cardiac arrest
A very short abbreviation, often with little correlation to the item it represents

You assigned the same unique code to two intake-categories, causing a database error!.

To categorise by assigning identifiers from a schedule, for example CPT coding for medical insurance purposes
A computer program, or more generally, any defined computing process
To encode

We should code the messages we sent out on usenet.

Any system of principles, rules or regulations relating to one subject; as, the medical code, a system of rules for the regulation of the professional conduct of physicians; the naval code, a system of rules for making communications at sea means of signals
A set of rules for converting information into another form or representation
A body of law, sanctioned by legislation, in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form; a compilation of laws by public authority; a digest

The collection of laws made by the order of Justinian is sometimes called, by way of eminence, The Code. -Wharton.

To encode a protein
To write software programs
Source code
A cryptographic system using a codebook that converts words or phrases into codewords
{n} a book or volume of the civil law, a book
To code something means to give it a code or to mark it with its code. He devised a way of coding every statement uniquely
Any system of rules or regulations relating to one subject; as, the medical code, a system of rules for the regulation of the professional conduct of physicians; the naval code, a system of rules for making communications at sea means of signals
A system used to obscure a message by use of a cipher, mark, symbol, sound, innocuous verse, or piece of music ("Two lanterns in the church tower ")
convert ordinary language into code; "We should encode the message for security reasons"
Computer code is a system or language for expressing information and instructions in a form which can be understood by a computer. see also bar code, Highway Code, machine code, morse code, postcode, zip code. System of symbols and rules used for expressing information according to an unvarying rule for replacing a piece of information from one system, such as a letter, word, or phrase, with an arbitrarily selected equivalent in another system. Substitution ciphers are similar to codes except that the rule for replacing the information is known only to the transmitter and the intended recipient of the information. Binary code and other machine languages used in digital computers are examples of codes. Elaborate commercial codes were developed during the early 20th century (see Jean M.E. Baudot, Samuel F. B. Morse). In recent years more advanced codes have been developed to accommodate computer data and satellite communications. See also ASCII, cryptography. American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Beginner's All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code bar code binary code building code Clarendon Code genetic code German Civil Code Hammurabi Code of Justinian Code of law code machine code Morse code Napoleonic Code Code Civil slave code Universal Product Code zip code black codes
1 A system of symbols or signals for representing information, and the rules for associating them
n 1 Trad any representation of actions to be performed, whether conceptual or as an actual object, such as forms, lambda expressions, objects of type function, text in a source file, or instruction sequences in a compiled file This is a generic term; the specific nature of the representation depends on its context 2 (of a character) a character code
A system of characters and rules for representing information in a language capable of being understood and used by a computer Code can be in the form of alphanumeric characters or binary data that can be directly executed by a computer
a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecy (computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions a set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones) attach a code to; "Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later
Symbols or values which stand for symbols, values, sequences, or even operations (as in computer "opcodes") As opposed to a cipher, which operates only on individual characters or bits, classically, codes also represent words, phrases, and entire sentences One application was to decrease the cost of telegraph messages In modern usage, a code is often simply a correspondence between information (such as character symbols) and values (such as the ASCII code or Base-64), although computer opcodes do have independent meanings and variable lengths Coding is a very basic part of modern computation and generally implies no secrecy or information hiding Some codes are "secret codes," however, and then the transformation between the information and the coding is kept secret Also see: cryptography and substitution
attach a code to; "Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later"
In popular usage, a code is a compilation of statutes Statutes are generally divided into topics (e g criminal, corporate, etc ) These topics are called "titles" and are generally given a number No matter who the publisher is, the numbering system will remain the same because it is decided by the legislature
(computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions
A set of specific symbols and rules for representing data and programs so that they can be understood by the computer (see ASCII, FORTRAN, Pascal)
The sequence (order) of DNA bases in a gene, which make up the instructions for a particular characteristic
Program instructions Source code consists of statements that are written by a programmer in a programming language Machine code consists of numerical instructions that the computer can recognize and execute These instructions were converted from source code
a set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones)
A code is a group of numbers or letters which is used to identify something, such as a postal address or part of a telephone system. Callers dialing the wrong area code will not get through
A system of rules or regulations on any subject setting out a standard (e g , the electrical code) or a system of words and phrases arbitrarily used in place of other words or phrases for brevity or secrecy -(e g , security codes) Codes can also be comprised of letters and numbers (e g , grocery item codes, inventory numbers) The fact that this word has two very different meanings in the workplace may complicate its use (See Schedule, Article)
A set of states that can be used to represent information The set of states needs to have the properties of the type of information to be represented The code is usually a subset of the states of a given system It is then a -code or a code on If information is represented by a state in the code, is said to carry the information
A set of symbols representing characters (e g , ASCII code) or instructions in a computer program (a programmer writes source code, which must be translated into executable or machine code for the computer to use) Used colloquially as a verb-to code is to write computer code-and as a noun, "He writes clean/sloppy/bad code "
A code is any system of signs or symbols that has a meaning. It will need different microchips to reconvert the digital code back into normal TV signals
a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecy
In most numeric data files, answers to questions are recorded with numbers rather than text and often even numeric answers are recorded with numbers other than the actual response The numbers used in the data file are called "codes " Thus, for instance, when a respondent identifies herself as a member of a particular religion, a "code" of 1 might be used for Catholic, a 2 for Jewish, etc Likewise, a person's age of 18 might be coded as a 2 indicating "18 or over " The codes that are used and their correspondence to the actual responses are listed in a codebook
A code is a set of rules about how people should behave or about how something must be done. Article 159 of the Turkish penal code. local building codes
In computer programming, a set of symbols used to represent characters and format commands and instructions in a program Source code refers to the set of commands and instructions making up a program
In cryptography, a disguising transformation that also chunks -- and thereby shortens -- the message, as when a number stands for a standard five-word phrase More generally, as in genetic code, it refers to the transformation of a representation's short form into its long-form implementation As such, it is analogous to a matrix It may also simply refer to the short form itself, such as a DNA base-pair sequence capable of generating a particular protein
The set of instructions that constitutes a piece of software Code is a software company's most closely guarded trade secret Linux code, by contrast, is available for all to see and modify
A code is a system of replacing the words in a message with other words or symbols, so that nobody can understand it unless they know the system. They used elaborate secret codes, as when the names of trees stood for letters If you can't remember your number, write it in code in a diary
{f} write in code, translate a message into code
"Code" is one of the possible values for direction that an assertion may have If an assertion is : code, then special HL modules have been written to supplant the need for inference using the assertion itself Code assertions cannot be edited via the HTML interface "Code" can also refer to the SubL source code See also backward and forward
{i} cipher; original code, succession of commands in a programming language (Computers); collection of instructions of the law, the codex and rules
In most numeric data files, answers to questions are recorded with numbers rather than text, and often even numeric answers are recorded with numbers other than the actual response The numbers used in the data file are called "codes " Thus, for instance, when a respondent identifies herself as a member of a particular religion, a code of "1" might be used for Catholic, a "2" for Jewish, etc Likewise, a person's age of 18 might be coded as a 2 indicating "18 or over " The codes that are used and their correspondence to the actual responses are listed in a codebook
The genetic code of a person, animal or plant is the information contained in DNA which determines the structure and function of cells, and the inherited characteristics of all living things. Scientists provided the key to understanding the genetic code that determines every bodily feature
1 A system of symbols or signals providing a means of communication where normal language will not serve or will not serve as well (a ) A substitution cryptosystem in which the plaintext elements are primarily words, phrases, or sentences, and code equivalents (called code groups) typically consist of letters or digits (or both) in otherwise meaningless combinations of identical length (b ) A system similarly constructed, but used to shorten messages rather than to conceal their content (c ) A set of signals representing the characters of a written language (and sometimes operating instructions or machine functions) in telegraphic communications; e g , Morse code 2 A system of signals or conventions for representing data or instructions in a computer or tabulating machine
A complete codification and compilation of all effective and current laws of the state, classified according to subject matter
A cipher A mathematical function for encryption and decryption (which see in the hard copy dictionary) A software program or part of a software program
Written computer instructions Code can appear in a variety of forms The code that a programmer writes is called source code After it has been compiled, it is called object code Code that is ready to run is called executable code or machine code
a correspondenc between a symbol or character of a written language and a number of digits of a number system [620 0-B-1]
Not to be confused with encryption, "code" is a term used by programmers to refer to the text of a computer program Programmers don't actually write programs (unless they are writing in machine language which, ironically, is the language which looks most like secret code); they write "code," and the computer turns the code into a program
Community Enhanced Design Enhancements A VTA program created to ensure 1996 Measure B Transportation Improvement Projects integrate the highest quality design enhancements which reflect the identity of the communities and neighborhoods in which they are located
code block
A block of sourcecode; often one which is delimited by brackets, or in some similar way, depending on the language
code block
A string, usually of a certain specific length, of characters, which have been encoded and transmitted to a receiver
code enforcement
the act of enforcing a set of rules, principles, or laws (especially written ones) and insuring observance of a system of norms or customs
code face
The place where programmers develop source code (as opposed to conceptually distant areas such as design and marketing)

Code craft starts at the codeface; it's where we love to be. We programmers are never happier than when immersed in an editor, bashing out line after line of perfectly formed and well-executed source code.

code name
a name used to clandestinely identify something, either for military or espionage purposes, or for commercial confidentiality
code names
plural form of code name
code of conduct
a set of rules to guide behaviour and decisions in a specified situation
code of honour
Certain rules by which social intercourse is regulated among a social group, and which are founded on a regard for reputation
code of practice
a set of guidelines and regulations to be followed by members of some profession, trade, occupation, organization etc.; does not normally have the force or law
code page
Alternative spelling of codepage
code pages
plural form of code page
code point
A numerical offset in a character set, etc., as opposed to the character or item it represents

In UTF-8, the number of bytes used to write a character to a file depends on the Unicode code point.

code points
plural form of code point
code review
The act of performing code review on a particular piece of code

How did that get through two separate code reviews?.

code review
To perform code review on

Did anyone code review that class before it went into the shipping version?.

code review
The practice of identifying and verifying the choice of algorithms, coding styles and compliance with the software design

After several painful episodes, we've decided to adopt code review for all major changes.

code reviews
plural form of code review
code signing
the attachment of a digital certificate (from a certification authority) to an executable program to ensure its validity
A technique in web design (specifically Microsoft ASP.NET) in which the web page and back-end source code are stored in separate files, allowing web designers and programmers to work independently
the phenomenon of alternating between two or more languages during spoken conversation

Like many bilingual families, it was normal to frequently observe code-switching at our dinner table.

Code Lyoko
(Televizyon) Code Lyoko is a French animated television series featuring both conventional animation and CGI animation. It was produced by Antefilms during the first season and is currently being produced by MoonScoop, both in association with the France 3 television network and Canal J
code of federal regulations
The compilation of administrative laws governing federal regulatory agency practice and procedures. Revised annually, it contains the whole of the daily Federal Register together with previously issued regulations that are still current. Like the U.S. Code, it is divided into 50 titles, each representing a general subject area (e.g., commerce, military) and containing the applicable rules and regulations for agency activities in that area. The purpose of the CFR is to make available the large body of laws that govern federal practice. It can usually be found in university law libraries, large public libraries, and most federal depository libraries
code of hammurabi
Most complete and perfect extant collection of Babylonian laws, developed during the reign (ñ 1792–50 BC) of Hammurabi. It consists of 282 of his legal decisions, collected toward the end of his reign and inscribed on a diorite stela set up in the temple of Marduk. The text is in the Akkadian language. Despite a few references to family solidarity, trial by ordeal, and the lex talionis (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth), it represents an advance over tribal custom in that it recognizes no blood feud, private retribution, or marriage by capture. The principal portion of the code is preserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris
code of practice
A set of standards agreed on by a group of people who do a particular job
code switching
Code-switching is a term in linguistics referring to describe using more than one variety of language. Often codeswitching refers to using more than one variety of language in a single situation (often within a single sentence or even word.) In situations of stable bilingualism, codeswitching is something you learn as a member of your speech community
Code Division Multiple Access
(in Cellular Communication) use of a unique code for each user (allows transferal of all of the calls for subscribers of one cell on a very wide band without causing interference), CDMA
Code Napoleon
body of French private law, the civil code
Code of Hammurabi
code of 282 laws established by King Hammurabi of Babylonia during the 18th century BC
Code of Hammurabi
Most complete and perfect extant collection of Babylonian laws, developed during the reign ( 1792-50 BC) of Hammurabi. It consists of 282 of his legal decisions, collected toward the end of his reign and inscribed on a diorite stela set up in the temple of Marduk. The text is in the Akkadian language. Despite a few references to family solidarity, trial by ordeal, and the lex talionis (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth), it represents an advance over tribal custom in that it recognizes no blood feud, private retribution, or marriage by capture. The principal portion of the code is preserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris
Code of Justinian
Collections of laws and legal interpretations developed under the sponsorship of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I from 529 to 565. Strictly speaking, they did not constitute a new legal code. Rather, Justinian's committees of jurists provided basically two reference works that contained collections of past laws and extracts of the opinions of the great Roman jurists. Also included were an elementary outline of the law and a collection of Justinian's new laws
code word
Set of bits that represent a signal sample
code word
A state in a code The term is primarily used for classical codes defined on bits or systems with non-binary alphabets
code word
A sequence of target characters corresponding to a source character in an 1: n encoding In an 1: 1 encoding all code words consist of a single target character Efficient encoding might e g use a table lookup
code 128
(Ticaret) An alphanumeric bar code consisting of 3 bars and 3 spaces that represents the full ASCII 128 character set
code 39
(Ticaret) A variable length, bi-directional bar code standard in many industries that consists of a total of nine bars, three of which are wide
code block
section of a computer code or of an entire program
code blue
A medical emergency in which a team of medical personnel work to revive an individual in cardiac arrest
code flag
one of an international code of flag signals used between ships
code name
If a military or police operation is code-named something, it is given a name which only the people involved in it know. The operation was code-named Moonlight Sonata. a military contingent, code-named Sparrowhawk. A name assigned to conceal the identity or existence of something or someone. a name that is used to keep someone's or something's real name a secret
code name
A code name is a name used for someone or something in order to keep their identity secret. One of their informers was working under the code name Czerny
code name
{i} name used to hide the identity or a person, secret name; name given to something in order to hide its identity; designation that has a secret coded meaning
code of conduct
A system of rules that dictate the way a Contractor is to act or behave while construction is under way at a residence
code of conduct
Expectations of behavior mutually agreed upon by members
code of conduct
Helps your meetings run smoothly without disruption by getting the Cub or Webelos Scouts' agreement on what behavior is acceptable
code of conduct
n set of rules to guide behaviour and decisions
code of conduct
The MurdochNet Policy includes a Code of Conduct for persons running Web Servers or providing Content to be hosted on or accessed by Web Servers A link to the Code of Conduct is included in both the University's Copyright & Disclaimer Notice and the Disclaimer Notice A link to the appropriate notice is provided as part of the Metadata that accompanies all University Content and Associated Content in HTML format This Code of Conduct refers to the Conditions of Use of Computing and Networking Facilities, a section of the IT Security Policy
code of conduct
A group document that describes behaviors appropriate for the group
code of conduct
An agreement signed by a swimmer prior to travel stating that the swimmer will abide by certain behavioral guidelines
code of conduct
Standards of trading between trader and consumer drawn up by a trade or consumer body to increase consumer security and confidence in the product or service
code of conduct
A code of conduct, in the context of CCC work, refers to a list of labour standards Those who sign on to codes pledge to adhere to these standards in their workplaces Some companies have drafted their own codes (see the CCC's critique of company codes), while the CCC and various trade unions and NGOs have drafted model codes which they believe are more comprehensive
code of conduct
The code of conduct for a group or organization is an agreement on rules of behaviour for the members of that group or organization. Doctors in Britain say a new code of conduct is urgently needed to protect the doctor-patient relationship
code of conduct
guidance to assist webmasters to conform to accepted and/or acceptable practices (if the issuing organization does not rate the extent to which an Internet health information site meets the code's criteria) If the organization that develops the code of conduct assesses the extent to which an Internet health information site meets the code's criteria or standards, it is an accrediting or certifying organization
code of conduct
Expectations of behavior mutually agreed on by a team
code of conduct
Members of professional associations, such as the British Computer Society, are expected to abide by a set of principles that set out minimum standards of competence, conduct and behaviour
code of conduct
Non-legislated guidelines that one or more organizations agree to follow Also referred to as "voluntary code" or "code of practice," it typically outlines service standards that you can expect in dealings with a company subscribing to the code
code of conduct
a set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group
code of conduct
An official set of rules that governed pirate behaviour
code of conduct
A square indicates that the parent company has no code of conduct for workers' rights at its supplier companies or did not reply to our request for a copy of one A half square indicates that the parent company has demonstrated to ECRA or other campaign groups a Code of Conduct for protection of workers' rights
code of ethics
a statement of principles concerning the behavior of those who subscribe to the code
code of ethics
• The set of global standards and principles that will guide the professional conduct of XYZ credential holders The Code will comprise integrity, objectivity, competence, confidentiality and public interest
code of ethics
The standards of acceptable behavior developed by and for members of a profession (p 51)
code of ethics
Rules of an organization used as a guideline by members of the organization (e g , N AR Code of Ethics)
code of ethics
A written system of standards of ethical conduct The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Realtors, first written in 1913, establishes the high standards of conduct for members of the Realtor community
code of ethics
guidelines written for a professional body to follow These guidelines are always developed by the professional body, monitored by that body, and enforced by that body
code of ethics
The rules and regulations required by all members of the National Association of Realtors
code of ethics
A set of rules governing the behavior of members of the organization that has established the Code Lawyers and real estate brokers/agents both have their own Codes
code of ethics
A formal statement of the company’s values concerning ethics and social issues
code of ethics
A written standard of ethical conduct embraced by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, a trade organization of more than 700,000 members representing all branches of the real estate industry
code of ethics
A set of ethical behavioral rules developed by an organization or a professional society
code of ethics
The Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS establishes obligations that a REALTOR must comply with to ensure that all parties to the transaction are treated fairly
code of ethics
principles intended to aid members of the field individually and collectively in maintaining a high level of professional conduct
code of ethics
A written system of standards of ethical conduct Because of the nature of the relationship between a broker and a client or other persons in a real estate transaction, a high standard of ethics is needed to ensure that the broker acts in the best interests of both his or her principal and any third parties
code of ethics
In the real estate profession the code of ethics, written by the National Association of Realtors, expresses the high standard of conduct expected of Realtors Members accused of breaching the code of ethics are subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, revocation of association membership (using the title REALTOR) and all designations received from the national or local board (e g GRI, or CRS)
code of ethics
A written system of standards of ethical conduct The Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®, first written in 1913, establishes the high standards of conduct for members of the REALTOR® community
code of ethics
(noun) Rules of conduct to which members must adhere in order to remain in good standing with a professional organization
code of ethics
A written standard of ethical conduct embraced by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, a trade organization of more than 700,000 members representing all branches of the real estate industry
code of ethics
a statement of principles concerning the behavior of those who subscribe to the code COINSURANCE a clause in an insurance policy stating the minimum percentage of value to be insured in order to collect the full amount of loss
code of ethics
A written standard of ethical conduct embraced by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, a trade organization of more than 700,000 members representing all branches of the real estate industry
code of honor
moral rules, ethics
code of laws
collection of rules, entire set of laws
code of practice
Refers to the BSI publication DISC PD0005 - Code of Practice for IT Service Management
code of practice
A written set of rules and requirements for performing a task (Incorporates applicable industry practices and legislative requirements, [i e : confined space entry] )
code of practice
A document agreed between two or more bodies, giving general guidance on standards and/or procedures A code of practice is normally non-statutory, i e; having no status in law - eg code of practice on recalls
code of practice
An agreement that certain professions can sign up to in which they agree to act or serve in a certain way and which therefore protects the consumer in areas (such as estate agency) which are not regulated by an institution
code of practice
A group of principles and procedures individual employees of an organisation are expected to follow  This will cover such issues as client confidentiality, fairness and courtesy towards customers
code of practice
The Waitakere City Code of Practice for City Infrastructure and Land Development, which contains requirements for the construction of Infrastructure that will be passed on into Council ownership
code of practice
the way to carry something through, e g Code of Practice on the implementation of the Special Needs requirements of the Education Act, 1996
code of practice
An agreement that certain professions sign up to in which they agree to act in a certain way, protecting the consumer
code of practice
Currently there are two different sets
code of practice
A code of practice is a set of written rules which explains how people working in a particular profession should behave. The auctioneers are violating a code of practice by dealing in stolen goods
code of practice
Most Trade Associations operate Codes of Practice which are tailor-made to deal with the common problems of the trade The disadvantage is that there are no direct methods of enforcement
code of practice
A code of practice developed and issued by the MARIA Administration Manager pursuant to the MARIA Third Schedule
code of practice
the way to carry something through, e g Code of Practice on the implementation of the Special Needs requirements of the Education Act, 1996, Code of Practice for Health and Safety
code of silence
shroud of secrecy, agreement to keep quiet
code page
table which includes data on the display of characters on an IBM compatible screen
code translation
transforming of a code into another form
code word
password, secret word
code word
A sequence of target characters corresponding to a source character in an 1: n encoding In an 1: 1 encoding all code words consist of a single target character Efficient encoding might e g use a table lookup
code word
Set of bits that represent a signal sample
code word
A code word is a word or phrase that has a special meaning, different from its normal meaning, for the people who have agreed to use it in this way. magnum, the code word for launching a radar attack
code word
A state in a code The term is primarily used for classical codes defined on bits or systems with non-binary alphabets
{f} give a code name to a person or something
when two airline companies sell tickets together and use the same numbers for their flights
Country Code
a set of rules and regulations aimed at tourists visiting the countryside
colour code
To mark items with a colour code as a means of sorting
colour code
Any system where colours are used to categorize elements of sets
control code
A numeric value or string of such values such as a simple control character or escaped character which causes some other specific commanded or requested action to occur, which would not otherwise be accessible to a user or device generating the code
country code
A short alphabetic or numeric geographical code representing a specific country or area
Attributive form of country code

country-code table.

coupon code
A code consisting of letters or numbers used to identify an offer associated with a coupon
Country Code
a set of instructions that advise people who live in cities how to behave when they visit the countryside. For example, according to the Country Code you should always close gates in fields after using them, and you should keep your dog under control
color code
A color system for wire or circuit identification by use of solid colors, traces, braids, surface printing, etc
color code
A system for circuit identification through use of solid colors and contrasting tracers
color code
A color system for circuit identification by use of solid colors tracers, braids surface Printing, etc
color code
system using colors to designate classifications
color code
a system of colors used to indicate the electrical value of a component Resistors have bands of color on them to indicate their resistance Also, see Resistor Color Code Table
color code
How a part color is defined in the LDraw file format The part number is the second number in a part line, after the line type For more details, read the LDraw file format specifications (URL)
color code
a coding system for identifying a specific type of object within a class of object See Thermocouple Color Code and Resistor Color Code
color code
The ANSI established color code for thermocouple wires in the negative lead is always red Color Code for base metal thermocouples is yellow for Type K, black for Type J, purple for Type E and blue for Type T
color code
A system of different colors or stripes used to identify components of cables such as individual conductors or groups of conductors
color code
A code consisting of colored bands (4 or 5) used to designate the resistance of a resistor
commodity code
A code describing a commodity or a group of commodities pertaining to goods classification This code can be carrier tariff or regulating in nature
commodity code
Code used in the Harmonized System for the classification of goods which are most commonly produced and traded
commodity code
The system of identifying a commodity by a certain number to determine its commodity rate for transport
commodity code
*see Product code
commodity code
Any one of several coding systems used to identify and/or group commodities
compiled code
n 1 compiled functions 2 code that represents compiled functions, such as the contents of a compiled file
compiled code
n 1 compiled functions 2 code that represents compiled functions, such as the contents of a compiled file @IGindex{compiled file}
country code
The last part of a geographic address, which indicates which country the host computer is in An address that ends in ca is Canadian, for example, and one that ends in us is in the U S
country code
Each country has its own set of procedures and rules for ISDN The Country Code is used to identify where the router will be installed so that this information can be included in the ISDN call setup information every time you make a call
country code
A country code is the standardized 2-character abbreviation for a country, used as their Top Level Domain in the Domain Name System For example, ky represents the Cayman Islands, and md represents Moldova
country code
in GEMIS is an acronym for nations (countries) and groups of nations (e g CEE, CIS, OPEC)
country code
For communication through telephone lines, a numeric code to identify a country, e g , 91 for India
country code
A top-level domain name that corresponds to a particular geographical area Country code domain names are alternatives to " com," " net," or " org" domain names Examples of Country codes are " it" for Italy and " cn" for China The registrar in charge of registering the different country codes varies
country code
Two or three digit codes used for International calls outside of the North American Numbering Plan area codes Dial: 011 + country code + city code + local phone number) (e g "011 + 91 + 22 + 123-4567" 91 = India, 22 = Bombay)
country code
(cc) A two-letter code uniquely identifying a country Standardised by ISO3166-1
country code
A one-, two- or three-digit number used for international dialing [The first digit is always the world-zone number Subsequent digits further define the geographic area ]
country code
the combination of 1, 2 or 3 digits characterizing the called country
country code
The country code can specify in which country the computer is located This is almost always the case You can look up all country codes and the keyword "domain"
country code
The two letter code for the country in which the agency is located
country code
A one-, two-, or three-digit number used to specify the destination country for international calls See also route filter tags
country code
Most countries in the world that are connected to the Internet have been assigned two-letter country codes by the international standard ISO 3166 These two letter codes are the major domain addresses for the country
country code
The last part of an e-mail or Internet address, which stands for the country the host computer resides in, e g fi is Finland, uk is United Kingdom
course code
The code or program code that uniquely refers to a program of study eg 5414IT is the code for the Bachelor of Information Technology
course code
A unique code to identify each course within the SchoolNet system
course code
A group of letters or numbers or a combination of both which identifies a course for administrative purposes
course code
The unique code by which the module is known, which is generated by the University's central Student Record, Banner
course code
a set of numbers and letters assigned by Monash to various courses e g AFC1010, HSY3250
course code
A course code is a five digit code which identifies the course on the University’s record system eg , 12212 – State, Power and Society
course code
A unique code to identify each course within the SIS2000+ System
Gray code
A binary (ie. "1"s and "0"s) coding system in which successive values differ in just one digit position
Highway Code
The official road safety manual for the United Kingdom, covering pedestrians, animals, cyclists, motorcyclists and drivers
Highway Code
The rules set forth in the Highway Code
Morse code
A character code represented by dots and dashes (or short and long pulses), originally used to send messages by telegraph, later by flashes of light or by radio
UPC code
Universal product code
United States Code
A compilation of the statutes of the United States federal government, with sections arranged by topic rather than by date of enactment, and with superseded and expired sections removed
ZIP code
A region within which all addresses share a certain five-digit postal code

A lot of people in this area have lived in the same ZIP code their whole lives.

access code
an alphanumeric sequence that permits access to a secure service or network
account code
An account designator, especially one that is not numeric
area code
A prefix appended to a telephone number indicating the geographical area
binary code
A code that uses the binary digits (0 and 1), usually in groups of eight to represent characters, machine instructions or other data
cheat code
A line of text or series of commands which can be used to change a game's behavior, alter a character's looks and abilities, skip levels, or access other hidden features
Simple past tense and past participle of code
A programmer
Present participle of code
The process of encoding or decoding