
listen to the pronunciation of coast
الإنجليزية - التركية

Hava tahmini göre tayfunun sahile yaklaşması muhtemeldir. - According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is likely to approach the coast.

Yaz tatilimiz için sahile gittik. - We went to the coast for our summer vacation.

{i} kıyı

Onun kulübesi kıyıda. - His cottage is on the coast.

Ada kıyıdan yaklaşık iki mil uzaklıktadır. - The island is about two miles off the coast.

{i} deniz kıyısı
{i} deniz kenarı

Paul'un ailesi yaz mevsimini her yıl deniz kenarında geçiriyor. - Paul's family spends the summer at the coast every year.

{f} pedal çevirmeden bisiklet sürmek
yokuş aşağı inmek
kıyı boyunca gitmek
yokuştan kızakla kayma
kızakla kayılabilecek yokuş
{f} kızakla yokuştan kaymak
kayak yapmak için uygun yokuş
{f} sahil boyunca gitmek
{f} (kayakla/bisikletle) yokuş aşağı kaymak/inmek

Ada kıyıdan yaklaşık iki mil uzaklıktadır. - The island is about two miles off the coast.

Kasaba, kıyıdan iki mil uzaktadır. - The town is two miles away from the coast.

sahil,v.yuvarlan: n.kıyı
{i} kızakla yokuştan kayma
{f} yokuş aşağı salıvermek
off the coast of sahillerine yakın
coastline kıyı boyu
coast artillery sahil topçusu
{i} kızak için uygun yokuş
{f} beleşten ilerlemek
{f} kıyı boyu limanlar arasında ticaret yapmak
Coast Guard sahil muhafızı
kıyı boyunca

Kıyı boyunca geçici kamplar yaptılar. - They made temporary camps along the coast.

{f} den. kıyı boyunca gitmek

Uçak sahilden ayrılırken düz uçuşa geçmeden önce hızla yükseldi. - The plane rose sharply before leveling off as it left the coast.

vites boşta gitmek
(Askeri) kenar

Paul'un ailesi yaz mevsimini her yıl deniz kenarında geçiriyor. - Paul's family spends the summer at the coast every year.

sahil şeridi
coast banksia
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) hanımeli
coast artillery
sahil topçusu
coast defence
sahil savunma
coast guard
sahil koruma

Bir sahil koruma helikopteri gemiye yaklaştı. - A coast guard helicopter approached the ship.

coast guards
sahil muhafaza
coast of
coast to coast
sahilden sahile
Coast Guard Air Station
(Askeri) Sahil Güvenlik Hava İstasyonu
Coast Guard Auxiliary
(Askeri) Sahil Güvenlik Yardımcısı
Coast Guard Cutter
(Askeri) Sahil Güvenlik Kesicisi
Coast Guard Investigative Service
(Askeri) Sahil Güvenlik Tahkikat Hizmeti
Coast Guard capabilities plan
(Askeri) Sahil Güvenlik İmkan ve Kabiliyetler Planı
Coast Guard logistic support and mobilization plan
(Askeri) Sahil Güvenlik Lojistik Destek ve Seferberlik Planı
Coast Guard patrol boat
(Askeri) Sahil Güvenlik devriye botu
coast and geodedic survey map
(Askeri) KIYI HARİTASI: Bir liman veya su bölgesinin kıyı hattını, kanal ve su derinliklerini, işaret, fener ve şamandıralarını gösteren harita. Böyle bir harita ABD Ticaret Bakanlığı Harita Dairesi tarafından hazırlanır
coast and geodetic survey
(Askeri) ABD TİCARET BAKANLIĞI HARİTA DAİRESİ: ABD Ticaret Bakanlığının, harita ve coğrafi bilgiler temin eden bir dairesi. Bu daire; ABD Anayurdu ile ABD dış topraklarının kıyılarını ölçer ve haritalarını yapar; deniz kabarma ve alçalmalarını, akıntıları etüt eder; hava seyrüsefer haritaları meydana getirir ve sefer için gerekli diğer bilgileri temin eder
coast artillery
(Askeri) kıyı topçusu
coast artillery
(Askeri) KIYI TOPÇUSU: Bak. "seacoast artillery"
coast artillery corps
(Askeri) KIYI TOPÇU SINIFI: ABD Kara Ordusunda; muharip sınıflardan biri. Bu sınıf; kıyı ve hava savunma topçusunun faaliyetlerinden ve su altı mayınlarından sorumludur
coast artillery corps
(Askeri) kıyı topçu sınıfı
coast artillery district
(Askeri) KIYI TOPÇUSU BÖLGE KOMUTANLIĞI: Belirli bir saha içindeki bütün liman savunma tesisleri ile kuruluşuna veya emrine verilmiş seyyar kıyı topçu birliklerini içine alan taktik komutanlık
coast brake
(Otomotiv) gaz kesme frenlemesi
coast clutch solenoid
(Otomotiv) kavrama boşalma selenoidi
coast clutch solenoid
kavrama boşlama solenoidi
coast clutch solenoid
(Otomotiv) kavrama boşlama selenoidi
coast defence
(Askeri) kıyı savunması
coast defence
(Askeri) KIYI SAVUNMASI: Kıyı hattına veya yakınına yapılacak bir taarruza karşı korunma temini maksadıyla deniz kuvvetleri, topçu vesaire tarafından alınmış bütün tedbirler
coast down
(Fizik) yokuş aşağı inmek
coast down
süzülüp inmek
coast down
(Nükleer Bilimler) yavaşlıyarak durma
coast erosion
sahil erozyonu
coast guard
sahil koruma görevlisi
coast guard officer
(Askeri) sahil güvenlik subayı
coast guard ship
(Askeri) sahil koruma gemisi
coast guards
(Askeri) sahil güvenlik memurları
coast guards
(Askeri) sahil güvenlik görevlilileri
coast protection
sahil koruması
coast protection
kıyı koruması
coast state
(Politika, Siyaset) kıyı devleti
Commandant, United States Coast Guard
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Sahil Güvenlik Komutanı
Commandant, United States Coast Guard Instruction
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Sahil Güvenlik Eğitim Komutanı
Commander, Coast Guard Atlantic Area
(Askeri) Atlantik Bölgesi Sahil Güvenlik Komutanı
Commander, Coast Guard Pacific Area
(Askeri) Pasifik Bölgesi Sahil Güvenlik Komutanı
commander, Coast Guard district
(Askeri) Sahil Güvenlik Bölge Komutanlığı Komutanı
coral coast
tunus'un kuzey kıyıları
coral coast
mercan kıyısı
off the coast of
sahillerine yakın
aegean sea coast
ege sahili
kıyı (ile ilgili)
sahil boyunca
gulf coast
(Askeri) körfez kıyısı
ivory coast
fil dişi sahilleri
sunshine coast
güneş ışığı kıyısı
the ivory coast
fildişi kıyısı
west coast
batı yakası

Tom batı yakasında yaşadı. - Tom lived on the west coast.

alluvial coast
alüvyonlu sahil
kıyı ile ilgili
sahile ait
kıyı boyunca
high coast
yüksek kıyı
ivory coast
fildişi kıyısı
longitudinal coast
boyuna kıyı
low coast
alçak kıyı
ria coast
rialı kıyı
sea coast
deniz kıyısı
sea coast
The coast is clear
Kimse yok./Meydan boş
atlantic coast
Atlantik kıyısında
east coast
doğu sahili
from coast to coast
Ülke genelinde, ülkenin heryerinde
george v coast
george v sahil
grain coast
tane sahil
northern coast
kuzey sahil
on coast
on the coast
sahil boyunca olan
ria coast
riali kıyı
south coast
güney sahili
the coast

Yaz tatilimiz için sahile gittik. - We went to the coast for our summer vacation.

Bildiğim kadarıyla sahil açık. - As far as I can tell, the coast is clear.

transverse coast
enine kıyı
Chairman's guidance; Coast Guard; commanding general; comptroller general
(Askeri) Komutanlık / Başkanlık Yönergesi; sahil güvenlik; Komutan (General); Komptrolör general
The coast is clear
Kimse yok./Meydan boş. The cold has penetrated Soğuk iliğime işledi
United States Coast Guard
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Sahil Güvenlik
aegean sea coast 
ege denizi kıyısı 
artificial coast
(Askeri) yapay sahil
atlantic-type coast
atlantik-tipi kıyı
{s} sahille ilgili
{s} sahil

Blackpool bir sahil kasabasıdır. - Blackpool is a coastal town.

kıyıyla ilgili
{i} kabotaj
argo uyuşturucu ilâç tesirinde
{i} kıyı seyri
{i} kızakla kayma
{i} yokuş aşağı koyverme
kendi kendine gitmek
kıyı yönünde
(Ticaret) ülke sahilleri
dalmation-type coast
dalmasyon-tipi kıyı
dolphin coast
yunusbalığı kıyısı
drive on coast (highway)
arabayla sahilden gitmek
fjord coast
(Askeri) haliç kıyısı
gravel coast
(Askeri) çakıllı sahil
gulf coast-type fault
körfez kıyısı-tipi fay
hibiscus coast
amberçiçeği kıyısı
ivory coast:ci
(Bilgisayar) fildişi sahili: ci
ivory coast:ci
(Bilgisayar) fildişi sahilleri: ci
natural coast
(Askeri) doğal kıyı
neutral coast
(Askeri) nötür kıyı
rocky coast
(Askeri) kayalık kıyı
rugged coast
(Coğrafya) tırtıllı kıyı
sand coast
(Askeri) kum kıyısı
sea coast
shingle coast
(Askeri) çakıl kıyı
slave coast
köle kıyısı
the Ivory Coast
Fildişi Kıyısı, Fildişi Sahili
to have a coast
kıyısı olmak
united states coast guard
(Askeri) ABD KIYI MUHAFAZA TEŞKİLATI: ABD silahlı kuvvetlerinin, gümrük ve muhaceret kanunlarını uygulamak üzere kullanılan gemilerden sorumlu bulunan ve kıyı cankurtaran merkezlerindeki işlerle meşgul olan kısmı. ABD kıyı muhafaza teşkilatı, milletlerarası aysberg (iceberg) arama faaliyetlerine yardım eder. Bu teşkilat; barışta, Maliye Bakanlığının idaresi altındadır. Savaşta ABD kıyı muhafaza teşkilatı, ABD Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığının emrine girer. Buna, kısaca, (coast guard) da denir
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A region of the air or heavens

the learned Merlin, well could tell, / Vnder what coast of heauen the man did dwell .

The edge of the land where it meets the sea; the shoreline or oceanfront
To sail along a coast
The side or edge of something
A region of land; a district or country

P. Crescentius, in his lib. 1 de agric. cap. 5, is very copious in this subject, how a house should be wholesomely sited, in a good coast, good air, wind, etc.

Applied to human behavior, to make a minimal effort, to continue to do something in a routine way. This implies lack of initiative and effort
To glide along without adding energy

When I ran out of gas, fortunately I managed to coast into a nearby gas station.

{n} a man's upper garment, the upper covering of animals, any covering or integument
{v} to sail along the coast, to sail near to
Module name for the coverage analyser tool, located in the Tools application
To move forward or backward without using effort for more speed or power
the area within view; "the coast is clear" a slope down which sleds may coast; "when it snowed they made a coast on the golf course" move effortlessly; by force of gravity
{f} move alongside of; sail alongside a coast; slide or run downhill; skate or ski; move under acquired momentum
Computer Operations, Audit, and Security Technology - is a multiple project, multiple investigator laboratory in computer security research in the Computer Sciences Department at Purdue University It functions with close ties to researchers and engineers in major companies and government agencies Its research is focused on real-world needs and limitations, with a special focus on security for legacy computing systems
To conduct along a coast or river bank
land beside the sea
A strip of land of indefinite length and width (may be tens of kilometers) that extends from the seashore inland to the first major change in terrain features
Aghezdis Aberdi
the shore of a sea or ocean
the area within view; "the coast is clear"
Cache on a stick Coast modules are used to upgrade a motherboard's L2 cache and Tag memory on some socket 7 and older motherboards
If you say that the coast is clear, you mean that there is nobody around to see you or catch you. You can come out now,' he called. `The coast is clear. She's gone.'. or shore Broad area of land that borders the sea. The coastlines of the world's continents measure about 193,000 mi (312,000 km). They have undergone shifts in position and changes in shape over geologic time because of substantial changes in the relative levels of land and sea. Other factors that alter coasts are erosion processes such as wave action and weathering, deposition of rock debris by currents, and tectonic activity. Coastal features result largely from the interaction and relative intensity of these processes, though the type and structure of the underlying rocks also play a part. Gold Coast Barbary Coast coast guard Coast Ranges Pacific Coast Ranges Ivory Coast Malabar Coast Mosquito Coast Miskito Coast Northwest Coast Indian United States Coast Guard French Shore Shore Temple
To slide down hill; to slide on a sled, upon snow or ice
move effortlessly; by force of gravity
The side of a thing
a slope down which sleds may coast; "when it snowed they made a coast on the golf course"
The coast is an area of land that is next to the sea. Camp sites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches. the west coast of Scotland
If a vehicle coasts somewhere, it continues to move there with the motor switched off, or without being pushed or pedalled. I switched off the engine and coasted round the corner
The place where the land meets the sea
To draw or keep near; to approach
The land or zone adjoining a large body of water (rivage)
The seashore, or land near it
To sail from port to port in the same country
the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it; "his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill"; "the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope"
To draw near to; to approach; to keep near, or by the side of
The shoreline or oceanfront
To sail by or near; to follow the coast line of
land along the sea
{i} seashore; slope
n pantai
Computer Operations, Audit, and Security Technology - a multiple project, multiple investigator laboratory of computer security research at the Computer Sciences Department of Purdue University COAST colaborates with corporations regarding real-world information security issues
The exterior line, limit, or border of a country; frontier border
Cache On A Stick Coast modules were used to upgrade a motherboard's L2 cache and Tag memory on some socket 7 and older motherboards
Cache memory is generally hard-wired to the system board However, you can often add to or upgrade your systems cache by inserting a cache memory module into a socket on the motherboard These modules are called Cache On A Stick, or COAST modules
that geographic area west of the Cascade Mountains, as officially delineated by the Cascade Mountains Administrative Line through British Columbia from Washington state to Alaska, including the lower Fraser River area south of Hell's Gate (south of Boston Bar), taking in the Coquihalla, Silverhope, and Skagit River drainages lying east of the line, but excluding the portions of the Kalum Forest District and Cariboo Forest Region lying west of the line
To sail by or near the shore
Coast Miwok
The Utian (Penutian) language spoken by this people
Coast Miwok
A division of the Miwok people, who resided north of the San Francisco Bay
That is relayed across a continent or large nation
That takes place from one coast to another (especially of a continent or large nation)
Coast Guard
the Coast Guard a military organization in the US that is in charge of watching for ships in danger and preventing illegal activities in the ocean. Naval force that polices compliance with a nation's maritime laws and assists vessels wrecked or in distress on or near its coasts. First established in the early 19th century to discourage smuggling, coast guards may maintain lighthouses, buoys, and other navigational aids and provide emergency aid to merchant sailors and to victims of natural disasters. Duties may include icebreaking in inland waterways and the collection and broadcasting of meteorological data concerning floods and storms. In several European countries, volunteer lifeboat associations handle coast-guard duties
Coast Mountains
A range of western British Columbia, Canada, and southeast Alaska extending about 1,609 km (1,000 mi) parallel to the Pacific coast. The mountains slope precipitously to the Pacific Ocean, where the shoreline is deeply indented by fjords. Mount Waddington, 3,996.7 m (13,104 ft), is the highest elevation in the range
Coast Mountains
{i} Coast Range, mountain range that extends in the direction of the Pacific coast of North America from Lower California to southeast Alaska
Coast Range
{i} Coast Mountains, mountain range that extends in the direction of the Pacific coast of North America from Lower California to southeast Alaska
Coast Ranges
A series of mountain ranges of extreme western North America extending from southeast Alaska to Baja California along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean. or Pacific Coast Ranges Series of ranges, along the Pacific coast of North America. They run from southern California, through Oregon and Washington, into British Columbia and Alaska, and include Vancouver Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, Alexander Archipelago, and Kodiak Island. The ranges' average elevation is about 3,300 ft (1,000 m) above sea level, but some peaks and ridges rise to more than 6,600 ft (2,000 m). Giant redwoods dominate the forests along the coasts of southern Oregon and northern California. The Coast Mountains of British Columbia are not a continuation of the U.S. Coast Ranges but of the Cascade Range
Coast Salish
The Salish-speaking Native American peoples inhabiting the northwest Pacific coast from the Strait of Georgia to southwest Washington
coast and geodetic survey
A bureau of the United States government charged with the topographic and hydrographic survey of the coast and the execution of belts of primary triangulation and lines of precise leveling in the interior
coast and geodetic survey
It now belongs to the Department of Commerce and Labor
coast boykinia
plant with leaves mostly at the base and openly branched clusters of small white flowers; western North America
coast guard
force which maintains safety and order in coastal waters
coast is clear
danger is over, there is no danger present
coast lily
orange-flowered lily of Pacific coast of United States
coast live oak
highly variable often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves
coast range
a string of mountain ranges along the Pacific coast of North America from southeastern Alaska to Lower California
coast rhododendron
medium-sized rhododendron of Pacific coast of North America having large rosy brown-spotted flowers
coast waiter
{i} customhouse officer who supervises the shipping or arrival on the ground of merchandise for coasting trade
{s} extending from one coast to another of a country or continent; traveling or going from one coast to another
Barbary Coast
A waterfront area of San Francisco at the time of the gold rush
Barbary Coast
The Mediterranean region off the coast of North Africa, once notorious as a haven for pirates
East Coast
of or relating to the eastern seaboard of the United States
Gold Coast
A former British colony in Africa, consisting of what is now Ghana
Gold Coast
A city in southeast Queensland, Australia
Ivory Coast
A country in Western Africa. Official name: Republic of Côte d'Ivoire or Côte d'Ivoire
Sunshine Coast
The section of coast of Queensland, Australia between Caloundra and Noosa Heads
United States Coast Guard
The branch of the United States armed forces established to protect the coastal and inland navigable waters of the United States. The United States Coast Guard is a military and law enforcement organization operating under the Department of Homeland Security. Abbreviated as US Coast Guard or USCG
West Coast
of or relating to the western seaboard of the United States
relating to the coast; on or near the coast, as a coastal town, a coastal breeze
{n} a sailing near land, or from port to port in the same dominions
from coast to coast
(deyim) Everywhere, all across a country
Barbary Coast
Mediterranean coastal region, North Africa. It extends from Egypt to the Atlantic Ocean. Once part of Roman Africa, the region was overrun by Vandals in the 5th century AD. Reconquered by the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) AD 533, it was overcome by Arabs during the 7th century and was eventually broken up into the independent Muslim polities known collectively as the Barbary states (Morocco, Algeria [Algiers], Tunisia [Tunis], and Libya [Tripoli]). For centuries the coast was notorious as a haven for pirates, who ravaged shipping and collected tribute from European states. After the U.S. war with Tripoli (see Tripolitan War), the U.S. expedition to Algiers (1815), and the bombardment of Algiers by the British (1816), the pirates ceased exacting tribute
{i} American corporation headquartered in Texas, holding company that operates several energy processing and marketing companies worldwide
East Coast
A region of the eastern United States along the Atlantic coastline, especially the urban corridor from Boston to Washington, D.C. the East Coast the part of the US that is next to the Atlantic Ocean, especially those states north of Washington DC
George V Coast
A section of the coastal area of Antarctica between Wilkes Land and Victoria Land. It is claimed by Australia
Gold Coast
{i} coastal region in western Africa that was a former British territory and is now a part of Ghana; former name of Ghana; rich residential area in Florida (USA); city in southeast Queensland (Australia)
Gold Coast
Section of the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, western Africa. Extending approximately from Axim, Ghana, in the west to the Volta River in the east, it was so called because it was an important source of gold. It was an area of intense colonial rivalry from the 17th century. Acquired as a colony by the British in the 19th century and named the Gold Coast, the area achieved independence as the Republic of Ghana in 1957
Grain Coast
A historical region of western Africa along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, roughly corresponding to present-day Liberia. It was named for its once-thriving trade in grains of paradise
Ivory Coast
{i} Republic of Cote d'Ivoire, republic in western Africa
Ivory Coast
the English name for Côte d'Ivoire, a country in West Africa
Malabar Coast
the southwest coast of India, which produces coconuts,, rice, and spices. Region, southwestern coast of India, stretching from the Western Ghats to the Arabian Sea. It now includes most of Kerala state and the coastal region of Karnataka state. It has sometimes been used to refer to the entire western coast of peninsular India. A large part of it was within the ancient kingdom of Keralaputra. The Portuguese established trading posts there; they were followed by the Dutch in the 17th century and the French in the 18th century. The British gained control of the region in the late 18th century
Mosquito Coast
A region of eastern Nicaragua and northeast Honduras. A British protectorate from 1655 to 1860, it then became an autonomous state known as the Mosquito Kingdom. In 1894 Nicaragua appropriated the territory, and in 1960 the northern part was awarded to Honduras by the International Court of Justice. or Miskito Coast Region along the coast of eastern Nicaragua and Honduras. It comprises a lowland about 40 mi (65 km) wide that skirts the Caribbean Sea for about 225 mi (360 km). It was visited by Christopher Columbus in 1502, but Europeans had little contact with the area until 1655, when England established a protectorate there. It is named for the Miskito Indians. Spain, Nicaragua, and the U.S. disputed England's protectorate until the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850). In 1894 the region was incorporated into Nicaragua, but the northern part was granted to Honduras in 1960 by the International Court of Justice. The chief town is Bluefields, at the mouth of the Escondido River in Nicaragua
Northwest Coast Indian
Any member of the North American Indian peoples inhabiting a narrow but rich belt of coastland and offshore islands from southeast Alaska to northwestern California. A signal feature of Northwest Coast society was the emphasis on each individual's hereditary social rank. A person's position within a local group depended on his genealogical closeness to the legendary group ancestor. For food the peoples of the area depended primarily on five species of salmon; herring; oil-rich "candlefish," or eulachon; smelt; cod; halibut; and mollusks all of which were abundant. Water transport was highly important, and all groups made efficient dugout canoes. Northwest Coast woodworking was facilitated by the natural abundance of easily worked timbers, especially red cedar and redwood. Groups of the Northwest Coast include, from north to south, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, northern Kwakiutl (Heiltsuq), Bella Coola, southern Kwakiutl, Nootka, Coast Salish, Chinook, and a series of lesser divisions
Pacific coast
{i} coast of the Pacific Ocean
Slave Coast
A region of coastal western Africa along the Bight of Benin roughly corresponding to modern-day Benin and Togo. It was notorious as the exportation base for slaves from the 16th century to the early 19th century
United States Coast Guard
U.S. military service that enforces maritime laws. It is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security; in wartime it functions as part of the U.S. Navy. The Coast Guard enforces federal laws on the high seas and waters within U.S. territorial jurisdiction, develops and operates aids to navigation, and maintains a network of lifeboat and search-and-rescue stations using surface vessels and aircraft. It assists in the interdiction of illegal narcotics bound for the U.S. on or over coastal waters. It operates the International Ice Patrol (which maintains surveillance of icebergs in the North Atlantic shipping lanes), gathers data for the National Weather Service, and assists distressed ships and planes. Its wartime duties include ship escort, port security, and transport duty. In 2000 there were some 35,000 Coast Guard personnel on active duty. Cadets are trained at the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn
West Coast
A region of the western United States bordering on the Pacific Ocean and including Washington, Oregon, and California. the West Coast the part of the US that is next to the Pacific Ocean
atlantic coast
a coast of the Atlantic Ocean
barbary coast
the Mediterranean coast of northern Africa that was famous for its Moorish pirates a part of a city that is notorious for gambling dens and brothels and saloons and riotous night life (especially the waterfront of San Francisco after the gold rush of 1849); "we'll tolerate no Barbary Coast in this city!
Coastal is used to refer to things that are in the sea or on the land near a coast. Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen The fish are on sale from our own coastal waters. in the sea or on the land near the coast
Of or pertaining to a coast
of or relating to a coast; "coastal erosion"
of or relating to a coast; "coastal erosion
{s} pertaining to land along the sea; close to a coast
located on or near or bordering on a coast; "coastal marshes"; "coastal waters"; "the Atlantic coastal plain" of or relating to a coast; "coastal erosion
located on or near or bordering on a coast; "coastal marshes"; "coastal waters"; "the Atlantic coastal plain"
past of coast
present participle of coast
Sliding down hill; sliding on a sled upon snow or ice
{i} sailing trip along a coast; a carrying on a coasting trade; sliding down the hill
{s} pertaining to sailing trip along a coast; carrying on a coasting trade
A sailing along a coast, or from port to port; a carrying on a coasting trade
Sailing along or near a coast, or running between ports along a coast
third-person singular of coast
Towards the coast
by way of, or along the coast; "we were travelling coastwise"
Toward the coast
via the coast
by way of, or along the coast; "we were travelling coastwise
By way of, or along, the coast
along or following a coast; "coastal shipping"; "coastwise winds contributed to the storm"
along or following a coast; "coastal shipping"; "coastwise winds contributed to the storm" by way of, or along the coast; "we were travelling coastwise
east coast
the eastern seaboard of the United States especially the strip between Boston and Washington D
gold coast
{i} rich residential neighborhood with luxurious expensive houses; (Slang) area in an office building where the offices of the executive management of a company are located
gold coast
a rich neighborhood noted for expensive homes and luxurious living; usually along a coastal area; "Chicago's gold coast is along Lake Michigan
gulf coast
a coast of the Gulf of Mexico
ivory coast
a republic in western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea; one of the most prosperous and politically stable countries in Africa
ivory coast franc
the basic unit of money in the Ivory Coast
pacific coast
a coast of the Pacific Ocean
sea coast
{i} shore located at the edge of the sea or ocean
the coast is clear
there is no danger present
united states coast guard
an agency of the Department of Transportation responsible for patrolling shores and facilitating nautical commerce
west coast
the western seaboard of the United States from Washington to California