
listen to the pronunciation of closed
الإنجليزية - التركية

Gözleri kapalı müzik dinledi. - He listened to the music with his eyes closed.

Gözlerin kapalı yürüyebiliyor musun? - Can you walk with your eyes closed?

basına kapalı
(Bilgisayar) kapatıldı

Yirmi demir yolu kapatıldı. - Twenty railroads were closed down.

Uzun bir tartışmadan sonra kömür madenleri kapatıldı ve kalan madenciler işten çıkarıldılar. - After a long dispute the coal mines closed and the remaining miners were paid off.

{f} kapat

Onlar beşte dükkânı kapattı. - They closed the shop at five.

O yağmur korkusuyla pencereyi kapattı. - He closed the window for fear of rain.

{s} kapanmış

Kapının kapanmış olması gerek. - The gate needs to be closed.

Oraya vardığımda mağaza zaten kapanmıştı. - The store was already closed when I got there.

{s} kapatılmış

Havaalanı çevresindeki hava sahası geçici olarak kapatılmıştı. - The airspace around the airport was closed temporarily.

Kapılar kapatılmıştı. - The doors were closed.

tatil olmak
{f} kapamak

Pencereleri kapamak zorundayız. - We have to close the windows.


En yakın eczane nerede? - Where's the closest drugstore?

En yakın tren istasyonu nerede? - Where is the closest train station?

{f} kapatmak

Hesabımı kapatmak istiyorum. - I want to close my account.

Pencereleri kapatmak zorundayım. - I have to close the windows.

closed basin
(Jeoloji) kapalı havza
closed box
(Matematik) kapalı kutu
closed caption
(Bilgisayar) altyazı
closed caption
(Bilgisayar) alt yazı
closed circuit
kapalı akım
closed conduit
(Askeri) kapalı kanal
closed curve
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kapalı eğri
closed cycle
kapalı devre
closed end
(Askeri) kapalı uçlu
closed interval
(Matematik) kapalı aralık
closed loop
kapalı devre
closed position
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kapalı konum
closed space
kapalı alan
closed traffic
(Havacılık) trafiğe kapalı
closed area
kapalı alan
closed bearing
kapalı yatak
closed bidding
kapalı usulle teklif
closed by
e yakın
closed cell
kapalı hücre
closed circuit
kapalı devre
closed circuit battery
kapalı devre bataryası
closed circuit contact
kapalı devre kontağı
closed circuit recording
kapalı devre kayıt
closed circuit television
kapalı devre televizyonu
closed circuit television
kapalı devre sınalgı
closed coil armature
kapalı sargı bobini
closed community
kapalı toplum
closed core transformer
kapalı çekirdekli transformatör
closed cycle
kapalı döngü
closed cycle
kapalı çevrim
closed drain
kapalı dren
closed economy
kapalı ekonomi
closed equivalence relation
kapalı denklik bağıntısı
closed file
kapalı dosya
closed function
kapalı fonksiyon
closed loop bandwidth
kapalı çevrim bant genişliği
closed loop control
kapalı çevrim kontrolü
closed loop control system
kapalı çevrim kontrol sistemi
closed loop gain
kapalı çevrim kazancı
closed loop output impedance
kapalı çevrim çıkış empedansı
closed loop system
kapalı çevrim sistemi
closed loop voltage gain
kapalı çevrim voltaj kazancı
closed magnetic circuit
kapalı manyetik devre
closed path
kapalı yol
closed polygonal region
kapalı çokgensel bölge
closed rectangle
kapalı dikdörtgen
closed session
gizli celse
closed session
gizli oturum
closed set
kapalı küme
closed shop
yalnız sendika üyelerini çalıştıran işyeri
closed square
kapalı kare
closed subroutine
kapalı altyordam
closed surface
kapalı yüzey
closed system
kapalı sistem
closed to
e yakın
closed under addition
toplamaya göre kapalı
closed under multiplication
çarpmaya göre kapalı
closed user group
kapalı kullanıcı grubu
closed vowel
kapalı ünlü
closed by
-e yakın
closed captioned
başlığıyla kapalı
closed diplomacy
kapalı diplomasi
closed ended question
kapalı üçlü soru
closed envolope method
Kapalı zarf usulü
closed list
kapalı dizelge
closed market
kapalı çarşı
closed period
kapalı dönemi
closed political system
kapalı siyasal sistem
closed syllable
kapalı hece
closed to

Bu yol arabalara kapalıdır. - This road is closed to cars.

Nagano'ya giden yol trafiğe kapalı. - The road to Nagano is closed to traffic.

Kapalı devre
closed-circuit tv
Kapalı devre TV sistemi
closed-claims database
sonuçlandırılmış hasta şikayeti veri tabanı
kısa yanıtlı sorular
closed account
(Ticaret) kapalı hesap
closed and electric squib
(Askeri) KAPALI UÇLU ELEKTRİKLE ATEŞLEYİCİ: Bknz. "electric squib"
closed architecture
kapali mimari
closed area
(Askeri) KAPALI BÖLGE: Üzerinden veya içinden her türlü geçişin yasaklandığı belirli bölge
closed area
(Askeri) kapalı bölge
closed area
yasak alan
closed ball
(Matematik) kapalı küre
closed bearing
kapalı yalak
closed book
(deyim) esrarengiz şey
closed book
(deyim) artık ilginç bir yanı kalmadığı için tartışılmaması gereken geçmişte kalmış bir konu,kapanmış bir konu
closed book
(deyim) yabancı şey
closed book
(deyim) bilinmeyen şey
closed book
(deyim) birinin çok az bildiği bir konu
closed captioning
yayın metnini altyazılama [tv]
closed case
(Askeri) kapalı satış mukavelesi
closed case
(Askeri) kapalı sipariş keyzi
closed case
closed cell
kapalı göze
closed cell foam
(Havacılık) kapalı hücreli kopuk
closed chain
kapalı zincir
closed circuit television
(Askeri) kapalı devre televizyon
closed circuits
kapalı devreler
closed class
(Dilbilim) kapalı küme
closed column
(Askeri) KAPALI KOL; KAPALI YÜRÜYÜŞ KOLU: Bknz. "close column"
closed cooling water system
(Nükleer Bilimler) kapalı devre soğutma suyu sistemi
closed cube
(Matematik) kapalı küp
closed curve
kapali egri
closed cycle control system
Kapalı Çevrime Denetimli Sistem
closed diagram
kapalı diyagram
closed drain
(Tarım) toprakaltı dreni
closed ecological system
(Askeri) TECRİT EDİLMİŞ EKOLOJİ SİSTEM (HV): Çevresinden tecrit edilmiş ve yaşayan organizmanın desteklenmesi için bütün esas elemanlara sahip bir hayatı idame sistemi
closed economy
(Ticaret) dış ticarete kapalı
closed end fund
(Ticaret) kapalı uçlu yatırım fonu
closed end investment company
ucu kapalı yatırım ortaklığı
closed fold
(Jeoloji) kapalı kıvrım
closed follicles
(Anatomi) kapalı foliküller
closed for lunch
öğle yemeği için kapalı
closed frame
kapalı çerçeve
closed function
(Matematik) kapalı işlev
closed fuse
(Elektrik, Elektronik) kapalı sigorta
closed half plane
(Matematik) kapalı yarı düzlem
closed harbor
yasak liman
closed harbour
(Askeri) kapalı liman
closed hearing
kapalı duruşma
closed loop
(Askeri) ZİNCİRLEME KONTROL DEVRESİ (HV.): Nihayetsiz bir zincir meydana getirecek şekilde kimyasal bir tepkime ile bağlanmış: otomatik kontrol cihazları sistemi kontrol edilen miktarların ölçüyü aşması halinde, kontrol cihazlarının, bunu normale getirmek üzere harekete geçmeleri için kontrol hareketlerinin etkileri devamlı olarak ölçülür
closed loop poles
(Bilgisayar) kapalı döngü kutupları
closed low
(Meteoroloji) kapalı alçak
closed mapping
(Matematik) kapalı fonksiyon
closed meeting
basına kapalı toplantı
closed minded
yeni fikirlere açık olmayan
closed minded
geri kafalı
closed minded
dar görüşlü
closed minded
closed mix
sıkı karışım
closed mix
boşluksuz karışım
closed nozzle
(Otomotiv) kapalı meme
closed pleat
(Tekstil) kapalı pile
closed polygon
(Matematik) kapalı çokgen
closed pore
(Gıda) kapalı gözenek
closed position
(mechanical switch) kapali konum
closed questions
(Ticaret) kapalı uçlu sorular
closed region
(Matematik) kapalı bölge
closed respiratory gas system
(Askeri) KAPALI SOLUNUM GAZI SİSTEMİ (HV.): Tecrit edilmiş bir kabın, kapsül veya uzay aracında; teneffüs için yeterli oksijeni veren yeterli kabin basıncını devam ettiren ve nefesle dışarı verilmiş karbondioksit ve su buharını emen, tamamen kendi kendine yeterli bir sistem
closed routine
(Elektrik, Elektronik) kapalı rutin
closed runway
(Havacılık) kapalı pist
closed season
avlanmanın yasak olduğu mevsim
closed session
(Kanun) gizli duruşma
closed set
(Dilbilim) sınırlı dizi
closed set
(Dilbilim) kapalı dizi
closed sheathing
aralıksız iksa
closed sheathing
tam iksa
closed shell
(Kimya) dolu kabuk
closed shell
(Nükleer Bilimler) kapalı kabuk
closed shield
tam koruyucu
closed shop
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kapalı işletme
closed shop
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) kapalı merkez
closed shop
yalnız sendika üyelerini çalıştıran fabrika
closed shop
(Ticaret) kapalı iş yeri
closed shop
sendikaya bağlı işçileri çalıştıran yer
closed shop
tam sendikalı işyeri
closed shop
sendikalı işyeri
closed sign
(Bilgisayar) kapalı işareti
closed spacing
dar aralık
closed sphere
(Matematik) kapalı küre
closed square
(Matematik) kapalı dördül
closed stirrup
kapalı etriye
closed stokehold
kapalı kazan önü sistemi
closed string
basamak oyuntulu kiriş
closed subroutine
(Elektrik, Elektronik) kapalı alt rutin
closed system
(Askeri) TECRİT EDİLMİŞ SİSTEM: Bknz. "closed ecological system" ve "cabin"
closed to
-e yakın
closed transition
(Fizik) kapalı geçiş
closed traverse
(Askeri) KAPALI TRAVERS: Yer ölçmede; en son hattın ya başlangıç noktasına veya, bilinen bir noktaya döndüğü, birleştirilmiş hatlar serisi. Açık traverse; bunun aksine olarak, son hat başlangıç noktasına veya mevkii bilinen bir noktaya gelmez. Bknz. "open traverse"
closed traverse
(Askeri) kapalı travers
closed triangle
(Askeri) Kapalı üçgen
closed triangle formation
(Askeri) Kapalı üçgen düzeni
closed union
(Ticaret) yeni üyeliğe kapalı sendika
closed union
kapalı sendika
closed valley
gizli dere
closed vessel
kapalı kap
closed water
(Askeri) kapalı su
closed-end caisson
kapalı uçlu (yüzen) keson
{i} bağlantılı

Olaylar yakından bağlantılı idi. - The events were closely linked.

Bilimciler dünya'nın tarihi boyunca, sıcaklık ve havadaki CO2 seviyelerinin yakından bağlantılı olduğunu öğrendiler. - Scientists have learned that, throughout Earth's history, temperature and CO2 levels in the air are closely tied.

{f} bitirmek

Tom arabaya yakından bakmak için durdu. - Tom stopped to take a close look at the car.

Onları yakından incelediler. - They studied them closely.

{i} kilise

Otel kış boyunca kapalı kalır. - The hotel remains closed during the winter.

Kapı tüm yıl boyunca kapalı. - The gate is closed all the year round.

{i} geçit
{i} son

Tom, o günkü olaylar hakkında yazdıktan sonra günlüğü kapattı. - Tom closed his diary after writing about that day's events.

Bir sonraki duyuruya kadar mağaza kapalı. - The store is closed until further notice.

{s} bitişik
{f} yaklaşmak

Ben sana yaklaşmak istiyorum. - I want to get closer to you.

Tom'un ağız kokusu var ve arkadaşları ona çok yaklaşmak için isteksiz. - Tom has halitosis and his friends are reluctant to get too close to him.

{i} göğüs göğüse kavga
{s} amansız
{i} avlu okul
be closed down
behind closed doors
kapalı kapılar ardında
(hava) sıkıntılı

O sinekkaydı bir tıraştı. - That was a close shave.

mezarlık geçidi
aslına uygun
(Ticaret) kapanış değeri
can yoldaşı
(Bilgisayar) kapatma kapalı

Kapılar kapatılmıştı. - The doors were closed.

Havaalanı çevresindeki hava sahası geçici olarak kapatılmıştı. - The airspace around the airport was closed temporarily.

yakın (arkadaş)
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Sealed, made inaccessible or impassable; not open
Not operating or conducting trade
Simple past tense and past participle of close
Non public (as in closed source)
Lacking a free variable
Such that its image under the specified operation is contained in it

The set of integers is closed under addition: \forall x,y\in\mathbb{Z}\,x+y\in\mathbb{Z}.

Having an open complement
not open; "the door slammed shut"
Hakverenglish | adronato
not having an open mind; "a closed mind unreceptive to new ideas"
adj (of a stream) having been closed (see @i{close}) Some (but not all) operations that are valid on open streams are not valid on closed streams See section File Operations on Open and Closed Streams
Where this is indicated it means that certain collections or the entire collection in a particular repository is not available for research In many cases this closure is for a limited period of time and often is in operation while the collection/collections is being catalogued or listed before being made available to researchers
This dispute has been closed Please contact your Cisco Financial Representative if you have any questions
a closed book: see book behind closed doors: see door see also close
inaccessible; not open
of a curve or surface; having no end points or boundary curves; of a set; having members that can be produced by a specific operation on other members of the same set; of an interval; containing both its endpoints not having an open mind; "a closed mind unreceptive to new ideas"
(of the wings of birds and insects) closed together
requiring union membership; "a closed shop"
The recruitment process is complete
Closed means that no one can read the book The book remains in the system and can be opened later
not open to the general public; "a closed meeting"
A closed group of people does not welcome new people or ideas from outside. It was to be a closed circle of no more than twelve women It is a closed society in the sense that they've not been exposed to many things. open
blocked against entry; "a closed porch"
(of the wings of birds and insects) closed together not open or affording passage or access; "the many closed streets made travel difficult"; "our neighbors peeped from behind closed curtains"
used especially of mouth or eyes; "he sat quietly with closed eyes"; "his eyes were shut against the sunlight"
with shutters closed
Young, undeveloped wines that do not readily reveal their character are said to be closed Typical of young Bordeaux or Cabernet Sauvignon, as well as other big red wines
road--A road on which vehicle traffic has been excluded (year-long or seasonal) by natural blockage, barricade, or by regulation   A closed road can still operate and remains on the Forest-development transportation system (see "decommissioned road")
A closed list does not let users subscribe themselves or anyone else to a list without approval from the list owner Also, the who and which commands only work for subscribers of the list
Elements that completely enclose the area within their boundaries
Access is not available For example a "closed network architecture" is one that does not enable other systems to interconnect
shut down; "the airport is closed because of the weather"; "the many closed shops and factories made the town look deserted"
Describes wines that appear concentrated and with character, yet are extremely shy in aroma or flavor These wines will often open up upon aging, showing more development and complexity
Said of a wine which has little olfactory expression, and has not opened as it should
Areas and trails where the use of off-highway vehicles is permanently or temporarily prohibited Emergency use is allowed
the organization associated with this license will be closed for business for a set period of time (e g remodeling)
(aka: "closed clubface", "closed stance") can apply to the alignment of the body/stance or the clubface - for a right-handed player the stance would be closed if the body were aligned to the right of the target and a closed clubface would be aimed to the left of the target
system has no mass transfer across its boundary
Refers to a pot in which there are no further securities available and no further bonds can be run through it
{s} shut; exclusive, restricted; independent; not open to the public; not open to new ideas; concluded
An operation on a set which produces only elements in that set
Describes wines that are concentrated and have character, yet are shy in aroma or flavor
Not open Compare open
a trading session that is finished; a trade that is offset
an economy is considered relatively closed if they constitute a small share
not open or affording passage or access; "the many closed streets made travel difficult"; "our neighbors peeped from behind closed curtains"
closed beta
A testing arrangement in which a beta test version of software is distributed to a small group of testers
closed book
A person or thing that cannot be easily understood; someone or something incomprehensible or puzzling

Her courteous, sedate, inexorable husband, whose will she could not bend, whom she could not cajole, whose mind was a closed book to her — a book which had lain by her hand for three years, which she had never had the curiosity to open! — Prisoners by Mary Cholmondeley.

closed books
plural form of closed book
closed caption
Text which can be displayed on a television or other video screen with suitable equipment, usually a transcription or description of audio material
closed captioning
The display of text on a television or video screen, usually a transcription of the audio portion of a program as it occurs (either verbatim or in edited form), used by the hearing-impaired and language learners. Closed captions are encoded invisibly, and displayed by a decoder
closed captions
plural form of closed caption
closed circuit
A network of one or more television cameras and television receivers connected together with no provision for broadcasting
closed circuit
A complete electric circuit around which current can flow
closed circulatory system
blood circulation via the pumping of the heart pushing blood through closed vessels
closed compound
A compound word without spaces in it. Some examples: dishcloth, keyboard, pancake, altogether, accuse, waterproof
closed compounds
plural form of closed compound
closed cut valley
A method of valley application in which shingles from one side of the valley extend across the valley while shingles from the other side are trimmed back approximately 2 inches from the valley centerline
closed door
Not open to participation by non-members or the public

The leaders held a closed door meeting to decide on a future course of action in the case.

closed game
A chess game in which each side moves its queen's pawn two spaces as the first move
closed games
plural form of closed game
closed in
Simple past tense and past participle of close in
closed matte
Of a soft matte film, transferred to a home video format, especially DVD, with the theatrical mattes intact

a closed matte DVD.

closed set
A set whose complement is open
closed shop
a business or industrial establishment whose employees are required to be union members as a precondition to employment
closed syllable
A syllable that has a consonant sound after the nucleus
closed syllables
plural form of closed syllable
closed system
A system that can exchange heat and work, but not matter, with its surroundings
referring to exams in which external resources such as glossaries, study notes, calculators, etc are prohibited
Having captions that can only be seen with the appropriate equipment
That consists of a closed circuit
closed-circuit television
A system of television cameras, connected by cable to a control room, used for surveillance
closed-cut valley
a method of valley application in which shingles from one side of the valley extend across the valley while shingles from the other side are trimmed back a few inches from the valley centerline
closed-end fund
A collective investment scheme with a limited number of shares
unreceptive to new ideas or information
Whose constituent makeup, or source code, is not made publicly available
closed record
(Kanun) Criminal case in which the charge in nolle prossed, dismissed, the accused is found not guilty, or imposition of sentence is suspended. Closed records are not destroyed but are inaccessible to the general public, except that the court’s judgment or order or the final action taken by the prosecutor shall be accessible
closed-loop system
A control system with a feedback loop that is active
closed a deal
made a business deal, made a transaction
closed account
bank account from which withdrawals cannot be made
closed an option
eliminate a possibility
closed area
  An area in which specified activities or entry are temporarily restricted to reduce risk of human-caused fires
closed area
An area that meets the requirements of this Manual, as approved by the CSA, for the purpose of safeguarding classified material that, because of its size or nature, or operational necessity, cannot be adequately protected by the normal safeguards or stored during nonworking hours in approved containers
closed area
A growing area where the harvesting of shellfish is temporarily or permanently not permitted, except by special permit for specific purposes (1)
closed area
Any area closed to people or equipment for management purposes for certain types of use or treatment
closed book
mystery, unknown, enigma (sometimes said of a mysterious person)
closed book
A person or thing that cannot be known or understood; something unfathomable or puzzling
closed captioned
if a television programme is closed captioned, you are able to read the words that are said at the bottom of your screen, if you have a special piece of equipment attached to your television
closed chain
(chemistry) a chain of atoms in a molecule that forms a closed loop
closed circuit
a complete pathway for electrons to go from the source, through the circuit, and back to the source
closed circuit
a closed path that allows electrons to flow
closed circuit
A complete electric circuit, usually in the context of a circuit ready to fire
closed circuit
a system in which television signals are transmitted over cable or telephone lines without being broadcast through the air
closed circuit
This exists when the flux path external to a permanent magnet is confined within high permeability materials that compose the magnet circuit
closed circuit
A method of program transmission that is limited to a fixed audience, typically by special microwave or cable equipment
closed circuit
a complete electrical circuit around which current flows or a signal circulates
closed circuit
An electrical circuit in which electrons are flowing
closed circuit
A system of transmitting TV signals in which the receiving and originating equipment are directly linked by cable, microwave or telephone lines, without broadcasting through the air
closed circuit
A transmission signal accessible only by receivers included within a closed circuit system or network
closed circuit
– Television which does not go out over-the-air and into homes
closed circuit
system which allows one to see what is happening in a certain location; active electrical circuit
closed circuit
current flowing in a complete path from the power source, through the conductor to the load and back to the source
closed circuit
Electrical circuit in which electrons are flowing
closed circuit television
CCTV a system of cameras and television that is used in many public buildings and shopping centres to protect them from crime
closed contract
contract with unalterable conditions
closed corporation
A corporation in which the shares of stock are held by relatively few persons and are not publicly traded. Also called close corporation
closed corporation
a corporation owned by a few people; shares have no public market
closed corporation
corporation whose stock is owned by a small number of people
closed corporation
a corporation whose shares of stock are held by only a few people, usually by those who are in active management positions Restrictions are placed on the stockholders and their right to transfer stock to others
closed corporation
One whose shares are owned by just a few individuals (Privately Owned Corporation)
closed couplet
a rhymed couplet that forms a complete syntactic unit
closed couplet
A rhymed couplet forming a complete thought or syntactic unit, for example, "True wit is nature to advantage dressed,/What oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed" (Alexander Pope)
closed curve
a curve (such as a circle) having no endpoints
closed door
door which is shut, door which is not open
closed economy
economic system which does not carry out trade with other systems
closed economy
a country that does not trade with any other countries
closed end fund
closed end fund
An investment company that issues a fixed number of shares and is usually listed on a stock exchange An investor who wishes to buy shares must purchase them from investors who wishes to sell their shares They do not deal with the investment company directly
closed end fund
A mutual fund of a fixed-dollar amount of issues traded on one of the exchanges not at its NAV, but priced based on perception and supply and demand These funds can sell at a substantial discount or premium to their net asset value
closed end fund
An investment company that offers a fixed number of shares The securities are traded on an exchange just like stocks
closed end fund
A fund whose shares are traded through a stock exchange The fund will not redeem shares at their net asset value, only at their market value, which is determined by the market
closed file
unalterable computer file usually acting as a backup file
closed form
The placement of objects in which the focal point of a composition keeps the viewer's attention within the picture
closed form
Lines enclose the entire inner part of the formation
closed gaps
lessened differences, sealed openings, filled in spaces
closed gentian
gentian of eastern North America having tubular blue or white flowers that open little if at all similar to Gentiana andrewsii but with larger flowers
closed his eyes to
ignored, paid no attention
closed in
blocked against entry; "a closed porch"
closed interval
an interval that includes its endpoints
closed interval
A closed interval from a to b includes all real numbers greater than or equal to a and less than or equal to b The notation for a closed interval uses square brackets: [a,b] Compare to open interval
closed interval
A set of numbers consisting of all the numbers between a pair of given numbers and including the endpoints
closed interval
An interval that includes it's endpoints
closed issue
finished issue, matter that is no longer open to discussion or change
closed line
line whose two ends meet
closed loop
A system or piece of computer code in which every step in a control mechanism is contained inside the system, and does not utilize external input See also Feedback
closed loop
Control system that is constantly changing, based on inputs from sensors
closed loop
refers to an advanced version of the Dichromat colour heads in which the system automatically detects and corrects for changes in the colour and intensity of the lamps, and movement of the filters is microprocessor controlled This system provides highly accurate filtration settings and maximum print repeatability through lamp changes and when working from recorded exposure data The need for fewer test prints ensures greater productivity
closed loop
Piping circuit that is complete and not open to the atmosphere
closed loop
An underground heat exchanger piping system usually of polyethelene or polybutylene designed to allow the extraction or rejection of heat to the earth by the circulation of fluid within the tubing
closed loop
A method of designing a control or guidance system in which all the elements (sensors, computers, actuators, etc ) are linked in such a way as to operate continuously with feedback between the elements The guidance systems for Apollo spacecraft were closed loop systems
closed loop
A system in which each component is connected to the next component with the last component being connected to the original device Forms a complete circle
closed loop
Checks that the machine has or has not obeyed the computer command {See Open Loop & Feedback}
closed loop
A system in which the output of one or more elements is compared to some other signal to provide an actuating signal to control the output of the loop
closed loop
Use of a feedback device within a system to measure position and or velocity
closed loop
A control system with an active feedback loop
closed loop
An operating mode of the PCM enabling modification of pre-programmed instructions based on a feedback system By constant exhaust sampling, a closed loop system allows pre-programmed engine adjustments to occur while running in order to minimize exhaust emissions
closed loop
A control system that uses a sensor to measure process variable and makes decisions based on that input
closed loop
A means of operating a control surface by means of flexible wires, under tension, attached to either side; sometimes known as pull-pull
closed loop
A regulator circuit in which the actual value of the controlled variable (such as pressure, temperature or speed) is sensed and a signal proportional to this value (feedback signal) is compared with a signal proportional to the desired value (set point signal) The difference between these signals (error signal) causes the controlling device to change in the direction that will reduce the difference in signals to zero
closed loop
a control system with a feedback loop that is active
closed meeting
meeting in which only those invited are allowed to observe
closed military area
military area which is off-limits to anyone except the soldiers assigned there
closed military zone
military area which is off-limits to anyone except the soldiers assigned there
closed on him
blocked him off, surrounded him
closed period
(Ticaret) An accounting period (general ledger, AP, AR, etc.) for which a manual or system-generated close has been performed. Once closed, final reports are generated and any new transactions for the module must be done in the next open period
closed primary
a primary in which only registered members of a particular political party can vote; "closed primaries strengthen party unity
closed ranks
lessened the distance between rows of soldiers; unify
closed season
another form of close season
closed session
assembly or session restricted to certain participants
closed shop
business in which all employees are required to be members of a labor union (Economics)
closed shop
a company that hires only union members
closed shop
Where a firm agrees to employ only union members
closed shop
A workplace in which all new hires must already be union members
closed shop
An employer can hire only union members
closed shop
a business that agrees to hire only those who are members of a union
closed shop
A type of union that requires all employees belong to the union before being hired The employer agrees to retain only those employees who belong to the union Closed shops were deemed illegal by the Taft-Hartley Act
closed shop
a closed shop is an arrangement that permits only union members to be hired
closed shop
If a factory, shop, or other business is a closed shop, the employees must be members of a particular trade union. the trade union which they are required to join under the closed shop agreement. a company, factory etc where all the workers must belong to a particular trade union. Arrangement whereby a company employs only workers who are members in good standing of a specified labour union. It is the most rigid of the various schemes for protecting labour unions (more flexible arrangements include the union shop). Closed shops were declared illegal in the U.S. under the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, but in practice they continue to exist in some industries, such as construction
closed shop
A union security clause wherein the employer can only hire and retain those workers who are already members of the union Hiring is usually done out of a hiring-hall
closed syllable
syllable that ends in a consonant sound
closed tender
restricted bidding process; termination of a bidding process
closed the distance
reduced the distance
closed the door on him
slammed the door shut on his face
closed the door upon
locked the door in the face of -
closed the meeting
made the meeting into a private meeting
closed tight
sealed securely, clamped shut, fastened
closed universe
A model of the universe in which there is sufficient matter, and thus gravitational force, to halt the expansion initiated by the big bang
closed universe
(cosmology) a universe in which there is sufficient matter to halt the expansion that began with the big bang and to cause the universe to collapse again; the visible matter is only 10 percent of the matter required for closure but there may be large amounts of dark matter
closed up
locked up, shut
requiring union membership; "a closed shop
broadcast with captions that are seen only on receivers having special equipment; can be provided for hard-of-hearing viewers
having atoms linked by bonds represented in circular or triangular form
A closed-circuit television or video system is one that operates within a limited area such as a building. There's a closed-circuit television camera in the reception area
relating to or consisting of a closed circuit; "closed-circuit television
closed-circuit television
television which is broadcast by wires within a certain location
closed-circuit television
a television system that is not used for broadcasting but is connected by cables to designated monitors (as in a factory or theater)
closed-door meetings or talks take place secretly
not open to the public; "a closed-door meeting"
not open to the public; "a closed-door meeting
closed-end fund
A mutual fund in which the shares owned, representing an interest in the mutual fund's portfolio, are fixed in number New shares are not issued regularly and old shares cannot be redeemed Instead, shares are traded on the open market and may differ from the underlying net asset value per share
closed-end fund
A mutual find in which the shares owned, representing an interest in the mutual funds portfolio, are fixed in number New shares are not issued regularly and old shares cannot be redeemed Instead, shares are traded on the open market and may differ from the underlying net asset value per share
closed-end fund
A mutual fund with a limited number of shares that are bought and sold on the stock exchange or in over-the-counter (OTC) markets Unlike an open-end fund (where the share price is based on the value of the fund's assets), the price of a closed-end share is determined by supply and demand, j2191ust like a stock
closed-end fund
A type of investment company that has a fixed number of shares which are publicly traded The price of a closed-end fund share fluctuates based on investor supply and demand Closed-end funds are not required to redeem shares and have managed portfolios
closed-end fund
An investment company that issues a limited number of shares that can be bought and sold on market exchanges
closed-end fund
A fund company that issues a fixed number of shares Its shares are not redeemable, but are bought and sold on the stock exchange or the over-the-counter market
closed-end fund
A fund that sells a fixed number of shares of stock and does not continue to accept investments 587
closed-end fund
A type of fund that has a fixed number of shares outstanding, which are offered during an initial subscription period, similar to an initial public offering After the subscription period is closed, the shares are traded on an exchange between investors, like a regular stock The market price of a closed-end fund fluctuates in response to investor demand as well as changes in the values of its holdings or its Net Asset Value Unlike open-end mutual funds, closed-end funds do not stand ready to issue and redeem shares on a continuous basis
closed-end fund
A mutual fund that issues a fixed amount of units The units are usually bought and sold on stock exchanges and market supply and demand forces determine their value Franklin Templeton Investements has one closed-end fund, Templeton Emerging Markets Appreciation Fund This Fund trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol TEM UN
closed-end fund
A unit trust or mutual fund that has a fixed number of shares, usually listed on a major stock exchange
closed-end fund
A fund company that issues a fixed number of shares Its shares are not redeemable, but are bought and sold on stock exchanges or the -counter market
closed-end fund
An investment company that sells shares like any other corporation and usually does not redeem its shares A publicly traded fund sold on stock exchanges or over the counter that may trade above or below its net asset value
closed-end fund
Mutual fund that does not accept new investments or withdrawals after its initial formation; essentially acts as a holding corporation for the purpose of investing in other public corporations The typical closed-end fund trades on a major U S stock exchange and is bought and sold in the secondary market in the manner of corporate shares
closed-end fund
A fund company that issues a fixed number of shares Its shares are not redeemable, but are bought and sold on stock exchanges or the over-the-counter market
closed-end fund
A type of fund with a fixed number of shares Shares of closed-end funds are bought and sold through an exchange like the NYSE, not through the company that manages the fund The large majority of mutual funds are open-end funds not closed-ends
closed-end fund
A fund that offers a limited number of shares The shares of closed-end funds, which are typically listed on one of the major stock exchanges, are bought and sold through brokers The price of the shares is determined by the pressures of supply and demand rather than by the value of underlying assets
closed-end fund
a regulated investment company that issues a fixed number of shares which are listed on a stock market
closed-end fund
A mutual fund with a fixed number of shares Shares trade on stock exchanges similar to actual stocks
closed-end fund
This number indicates how volatile, or jumpy, a fund is in comparison to an index A mutual fund consisting of stocks or bonds that is traded on a stock exchange like a stock You buy or sell it at a market price–not the value of the underlying stocks, as you do with a regular mutual fund Sometimes the funds trade for a deep discount to the value of the underlying stocks and you can pick up a bargain Of course, sometimes it trades at a discount because it is simply a bad fund with bad stocks
closed-end fund
A type of mutual fund that issues a set number of shares and typically trades on a stock exchange Unlike more traditional open-end funds, transactions in shares of closed-end funds are based on their market price as determined by the forces of supply and demand in the marketplace Interestingly, the market price of a closed-end may be above (at a premium) or below (at a discount) the value of its underlying portfolio (or NAV) Investors in closed-ends will often try to capitalize on large discounts, hoping that eventually they will narrow See "Closed Or Open End " BACK TO TOP
closed-end fund
A type of investment company with a fixed number of shares that are publicly traded The price of a closed-end fund share fluctuates based on investor supply and demand Closed-end funds are professionally managed, but are not required to redeem shares
closed-end fund
A closed-end fund sells a fixed number of shares to investors Those shares sell on an exchange and vary in price, depending on demand for the fund A fund's shares, for example, can trade below their net asset value or above their net asset value - depending on investors demand for the shares Country funds that represent shares in a specific country or region, such as Italy or France, are often closed-end funds
closed-end fund
– A fund that issues a fixed number of shares Its shares are not redeemable, but are bought and sold on stock exchanges or the over-the-counter market
closed-heart surgery
heart surgery in which a small incision is made (the chest cavity is not opened)
Term descriptive of currently poor character definition but with all the correct characteristics Usually expected to develop with age Applies mainly to young, intense wines vinified for long life expectancy
A system that uses feedback information to regulate the output response The output feeds back to a controller for comparison to the input command; any difference results in a corresponding change in the input command Thus, the accuracy increases
A system in which the output is compared to the command with the result being used to force the output to follow the command Servo systems are closed-loop
describes a system where a measured output value is compared to a desired input value and corrected accordingly (e g , a servomotor system)
closed-loop MRP
(Ticaret) The system extending the original single function of material requirements planning (MRP) by including higher-level, long term production planning, master production scheduling (MPS), capacity requirements planning (CRP), production control and purchasing. Where the original MRP function strictly generated a materials plan by exploding bills of material, closed-loop MRP creates feedback and interaction by measuring the proposed material plan against longer term production and sales goals, verifying that capacity is available to complete the proposed production, and incorporating date and quantity changes to original plans required by vendors or the production floor
a closed mouth gathers no feet
One who does not speak can be certain he won't say anything embarrassing
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(Dilbilim) dar
(Askeri) seal the breach