
listen to the pronunciation of classification
الإنجليزية - التركية

Arşivlerimizin sistematik bir sınıflandırmasını yerleştirmek büyük bir zaman tasarrufu olabilir. - Putting in place a systematic classification of our archives could be a great time saver.

Sınıflandırma benim uzmanlığım değil. - Classification is not my specialty.

{i} tasnif
{i} derecelendirme
(Askeri) DOSYA TASNİFİ: Münferit vesikaların bir dosyada tasnif edilmiş şekillerini tayin eden ve konu, isim, coğrafi mevki, sayı vesaireye göre yapılan dosyalama usulü
(Ticaret) gruplandırma
(Ticaret) bölümlendirme
klas saptaması
(Gıda) ayırma
{i} kategori, sınıf
(Askeri) (CLASSIFIED INFORMATION) GİZLİLİK DERECESİ VERME (GİZLİ BİLGİ): Resmi bilgilerin, izinsiz açıklanma ihtimaline karşı, milli savunma yararına özel bir korunmaya ve bu şekilde tanıtılmaya ihtiyaç gösterdiğini tespit işlemi
(Tekstil) sınıflama, bölümleme, ayırma, tasnif etme
(Politika, Siyaset) sınıf

Arşivlerimizin sistematik bir sınıflandırmasını yerleştirmek büyük bir zaman tasarrufu olabilir. - Putting in place a systematic classification of our archives could be a great time saver.

Sınıflandırma benim uzmanlığım değil. - Classification is not my specialty.

(Askeri) gizlilik derecesi verme
{f} sınıflandırmak
classification performance
sınıflandırma başarımı
classification of soil
toprağın sınıflandırılması
classification fee
tasnif ücreti
classification of runnings
yeşil ve beyaz şurubunu ayırma
classification system
sınıflandırma sistemi
classification and assignment officer
(Askeri) SINIFLANDIRMA VE ATAMA SUBAYI: Ordu Personel Sınıflandırma sistemini kendi teşkiline ve ast birliklerine uygulaması maksadıyla bir ordu, kolordu, tümen, eğitim tümeni ve benzeri birlik veya tesislerde görevlendirilmiş subay
classification board
(Askeri) SINIFLANDIRMA KURULU: Subayların sınıflandırılmalarını tetkik için teşkil edilmiş kurul
classification card
(Askeri) SINIFLANDIRMA KARTI: Bak. "soldier's qualification card"
classification card
(Askeri) sınıflandırma kartı
classification change in grade
(Ticaret) ücret kademesi değişikliği
classification change in grade
(Ticaret) ücret derecesi değişikliği
classification criteria
(Ticaret) sınıflandırma kuralları
classification estimate
(Askeri) SINIFLANDIRMA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ: Bir er evsaf kartındaki bilgilere bakarak, erin çeşitli görevlere elverişlilik derecesi hakkında karar verme
classification for disposal
(Askeri) KAYIT SİLME SINIFLANDIRMASI, SON İŞLEM SINIFLANDIRMASI: Malzemenin, elden çıkarılmalarını tespit maksadı ile ayrılması (Classification I items I. sınıf HEK maddeler), sivil ve harp sanayii sahalarında kullanılmayan askeri malzemedir. (Classification II items II nci HEK maddeler) ise geri kalan her cins malzeme demektir. Buna "disposal classification" de denir
classification for disposal
(Askeri) son işlem sınıflandırması
classification i items
(Askeri) BİRİNCİ SINIF HEK MADDELER: Bak. "classification for disposal"
classification ii items
(Askeri) II NCİ SINIF HEK MADDELER: Bak. "classification for disposal"
classification of account
(Ticaret) hesap tasnifi
classification of accounts
(Ticaret) hesap tasnifi
classification of chemical agents
(Askeri) KİMYA HARP MADDELERİ SINIFLANDIRMASI: Kimya maddelerinin fiziki nitelik, taktik kullanış, fizyolojik tesir ve kalıcılık derecelerine göre sınıflandırılması
classification of industrial property
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ MALLARI SINIFLANDIRILMASI: Sabit fiyatlı sözleşmelere göre müteahhitlerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere devletçe temin edilen malzemenin A, B ve C olarak üç sınıfa ayrılması. Bak. "classification A industrial property", "classification B industrial property", "classification C industrial property"
classification of inventory
(Ticaret) stokların gruplandırılması
classification of offence
(Politika, Siyaset) suçun vasfı
classification of sciences
bilim sınıflandırma
classification of ships
(Askeri) gemilerin sınıflandırması
classification of vessel
(Askeri) gemi sınıflandırılması
classification officer
(Askeri) HÜKÜMLÜ SINIFLANDIRMA SUBAYI: ABD Ordusunda, bir disiplin cezaevinin veya ıslah merkezinin idare heyetine mensup olan ve mahkumlar hakkında sistemli ve ayrı tahkikat ve inceleme. yapmak suretiyle, bu mahpuslara ait şahsi bilgi ve esasların toplanmasından sorumlu bulunan subay
classification performance
siniflandirma basarimi
classification society
(Ticaret) gemi klasman şirketi
classification system
öbeklendirme yöntemi
classification system
bölümlendirme yöntemi
classification yard
(Askeri) TRİYAJ İSTASYONU, KATAR TERTİP SAHASI: Gelen katarlara ait vagonların ayrılıp çeşitli istikametlere giden katarlarda yeniden katar halinde tertiplendikleri bir demiryolu şebekesi
classification yard
(Askeri) triyaj istasyonu
classification yard
(Askeri) katar tertip sahası
climate classification
(Jeoloji) iklim sınıflaması
cloud classification
bulut sınıflaması
{f} sınıflamak
kategorilere ayırmak
(Askeri) gizlilik derecesi vermek
sınıflandırma yapmak
(Teknik,Ticaret) gruplandırmak

Onun müziğini rock müzik olarak sınıflandırıyorum. - I classify his music as rock.

Lütfen bu kitapları konuya göre sınıflandırın. - Please classify these books by subject.

hierarchical classification
basamaklı sınıflama
hierarchical classification system
hiyerarşik sınıflama sistemi
tree classification
ağaç sınıflandırması
cross classification
çapraz sınıflandırma
customer classification
müşterilerin sınıflandırılması
expert in disease classification
hastalığında uzman sınıflandırma
flexible classification
esnek sınıflandırma
general classification
Genel sınıflandırma
hierarchic classification
hiyerarşik sınıflama
knowledge classification
bilgi sınıflandırılması
native classification
yerli sınıflandırma
relational classification
ilişkisel sınıflandırma
tables of classification
Sınıflandırma tabloları
term classification
dönem sınıflandırma
accounting classification
(Askeri) MALİ KOD SINIFLANDIRMASI: (a) Tahsisat remzini, (b) Tahsisat tertip numarasını, (c) Proje hesap numarasını, (d) Masraf sınıflandırma kodunu ve belirli fonları taahhüde bağlama yetkisi verilmiş tesisin, (e) Mali tesis numarasını, bu sıra dahilinde gösteren mali kod numarası
area wage and classification office
army classification battery
(Askeri) ORDU SINIFLANDIRMA TESİSLERİ GRUBU: Erin; askeri meslek ihtisası çeşitli meslek sahalarında yetişme kabiliyetini ölçmeye yarayan bir seri istidat testleri
army general classification test
(Askeri) ORDU GENEL SINIFLANDIRMA TESTİ: Bak. "general classification test"
army personnel classification system
(Askeri) ORDU PERSONEL SINIFLANDIRMA SİSTEMİ: Ordu personel sınıflandırmasında uygulanan sistem
avalanche classification
(Çevre) çığ sınıflandırması
beach classification
(Çevre) sahil sınıflaması
cargo classification
(Askeri) (COMBAT LOADING) YÜK SINIFLANDIRMASI (MUHAREBE YÜKLEMESİ VEYA BİNDİRMESİ): Gemilere muharebe yüklemesi maksadıyla askeri yüklerin sınıflara bölünmesi
choquette and pray classification
choquette ve pray sınıflaması
{f} gizli olduğunu duyurmak
(Tekstil) sınıflamak, bölümlemek, tefrik etmek
(Askeri) SINIFLANDIRMAK, GİZLİLİK DERECESİ VERMEK: Bilgi ve haberlere üç gizlilik derecesinden ÇOK GİZLİ, GİZLİ, ÖZEL birini vermek
{f} ayırmak
{f} -i (kategorilere) ayırmak, -i sınıflamak, -i sınıflandırmak, -i tasnif etmek, -i bölümlemek
{f} tasnif etmek
commodity classification number
(Askeri) EMTİA SINIFLANDIRMA NUMARASI: Bknz. "standard commodity classification number"
correctional classification
(Askeri) ISLAH, DÜZELTME SINIFLANDIRMASI: Bak. "classification"
defense classification
(Askeri) SAVUNMA GİZLİLİK DERECESİ: Savunma ile ilgili bilgi ve malzemeye verilmiş bir kategori veya derece. Bu kategori; bilgi ve malzemenin, yetki verilmeden açıklanması sonucu milli güvenlik bakımından doğacak tehlike derecesini ve kullanılma, saklanma ve dağıtımlarının standartlara bağlanmış olduğunu gösterir. Bu kategoriler ÖZEL, GİZLİ, ÇOK GİZLİ'dir. Bknz. "security classification"
disposal classification
disposal classification
(Askeri) son işlem sınıflandırması
dott classification
(Jeoloji) dott sınıflaması
dunham classification
(kireçtaşları için) dunham sınıflaması
federal supply classification
(Askeri) FEDERAL İKMAL SINIFLANDIRMASI: Federal Hükümet dahilinde ikmal faaliyetlerinin emtia sınıflandırma ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak amacı güden yeknesak bir ikmal sınıflandırma sistemi. Bu sistem; ikmal maddelerinin bütününü geniş emtia gruplarına ayırır, her Federal sınıflandırma grubu da ayrıca sınıflara bölünür. Federal İkmal Sınıflandırması bu amaçla 4 basamaklı bir kodlama sisteminden yararlanır. Kod numarasının ilk iki rakamı grubu, ikinci iki rakamı her grup içindeki sınıfı tanıtır
fissile classification
(Çevre) parçalanabilme sınıflaması
general classification test
(Askeri) GENEL SINIFLANDIRMA TESTİ: Bir şahsın edinmiş olduğu bilgiden ziyade, çabuk öğrenme kabiliyetini ölçmede kullanılan test. Bir genel sınıflandırma testi matematik üzerinde denemeler, kelimelerin anlamları ve basit problemler halinde sualleri ihtiva eder
iddings classification
iddings sınıflaması
incident classification
(Askeri) Bak. "search and rescue incident classification"
incident classification
(Askeri) olay sınıflandırması
initial classification
(Askeri) İLK SINIFLANDIRMA (HV.): Lackland Askeri Eğitim Merkezi'nde testi müteakip yapılan sınıflandırma. Bu sınıflandırma; ya kalifiye personele kurs görmemiş uzman olarak 3 seviye Hava Kuvvetleri ihtisas kodu ya da hizmete ilk katılan acemilere yardımcı olarak, Hava Kuvvetleri ihtisas kodu verilmesinden ibarettir
iugs classification
iugs sınıflaması
johannsen's classification
johannsen sınıflaması
lake classification
(Denizbilim) göl sınıflandırması
level of classification
(Askeri) sınıflandırma seviyesi
library classification system
(Ticaret) kütüphane tasnif sistemi
military load classification
(Askeri) ASKERİ YÜK SINIFLANDIRMASI: Bir yol, köprü veya salın, taşıyabileceği yükü belirten sınıf rakamı (ları) ile belirtildiği bir standart sistemi. Araçlarda da kullanabilecekleri yol, köprü veya salın asgari rakamı (ları) belirlenir. Ayrıca bakınız: "route classification"
object classification
(Askeri) MASRAF SINIRLANDIRMA USULÜ: Halen mevcut ve ilerisi için tasarlanmış masrafları -gördükleri iş ve faaliyetlerden farklı olarak- fiziki veya hizmet özelliklerine göre ifade eden ve O1 personel hizmeti; 02 yolluk vesaire gibi iki tek basamaklı rakamla gösterilen bir sınıflandırma sistemi
occupational classification
(Sigorta) mesleki sınıflandırma
parallel classification
(Askeri) PARALEL SINIFLANDIRMA: Demiryolu terminolojisinde, askeri nakliye araçları ve teçhizatının ve bunların yüklenebileceklerini bir kategoriye dahil sıradan vagonların ana özellikleri hususundaki mukayeseli bir çalışmaya dayanarak alelade askeri nakliye araçları ve teçhizatının sınıflandırılması
personnel classification
(Askeri) PERSONEL SINIFLANDIRMASI: Bir şahsın, niteliklerinden, hizmet icaplarına uygun şekilde, azami derecede faydalanılacak görev yerlerine tayini için, fikri ve bedeni kabiliyetlerini, temayüllerini, tahsilini, istidatlarını, beden yetersizliklerini, meslek hayatını ve askeri tecrübesini değerlendirme ve bu değerlendirme çalışmalarını devamlı yürütme işlemi
personnel classification
(Askeri) personel sınıflandırması
phylogenetic classification
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) filojenetik sınıflandırma
position classification
(Askeri) GÖREV (İŞ) YERİ SINIFLANDIRMASI: Bir şahsın; normal olarak, esas memuriyet görevini teşkil eden, birbirleriyle yakınen ilgili görev, iş ve sorum grubunun, o şahsın yeterli çalışması için gerekli akli kabiliyeti, maharet, istidat, mesleki ve askeri tecrübe vesaire bakımından sınıflandırılması, tarifi ve bir kodla belirtilmesi
project account classification
(Askeri) PROJE HESABI SINIFLANDIRMASI: Fiili ve tasarlanmış masraflarla mevcut fonu, yapılan iş veya gösterilen faaliyetlere göre sınıflandırma sistemi
railway classification yard
(Askeri) demir yolu manevra sahası
railway classification yard
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU MANEVRA SAHASI: Yüklü vagonları yüklerine ve gidecekleri yerlere göre tasnif etmek üzere faydalanılan demiryolu sahası
route classification
(Askeri) yol sınıflandırması
route classification
(Askeri) YOL SINIFLANDIRMASI, TASNİFİ: Bir yola; asgari genişlik, en kötü yol tipi, en küçük köprü, kiriş ve ark askeri yük sınıflandırması ve trafik akışına dair engeller gibi faktörlerin kullanılmasıyla verilen sınıflandırma. Ayrıca bakınız: "classification of bridges and vehicles", "military load classification"
route classification
(Askeri) yol tasnifi
scientific classification
bilimsel sınıflandırma
search and rescue incident classification
(Askeri) ARAMA VE KURTARMA OLAY SINIFLANDIRMASI: Ciddiyetine ve kurtarma hizmeti ihtiyacına göre 3 acil safha halinde sınıflandırılan olay. a. ŞÜPHE SAFHASI: İlerleme veya durumu ilgilendiren bilgi eksikliği yüzünden veya muhtemel zorlukların bilinmesi nedeniyle şahıslar veya araç güvenliği hakkında şüpheler olması. b. ENDİŞE SAFHASI: İlerleme veya durumla ilgili bilgi eksikliği nedeniyle veya ciddi zorlukların olduğuna dair kesin bilgiler nedeniyle aracın veya şahsın güvenliği hakkında endişeler olması. c. FELAKET SAFHASI: Alarm safhasından sonra gerekli usuller icra edildikten sonra ilerleme veya durumla ilgili devamlı bilgi eksikliği nedeniyle veya personelin veya aracın ciddi bir tehlike ile tehdit edilmesi nedeniyle acil yardım isteği
security classification
(Askeri) GİZLİ: Onaysız açıklamasının milli güvenliğe ciddi zarar vermesi beklenen ve önemli ölçüde koruma gerektiren milli güvenlik bilgileri veya malzemesi ciddi zararların örnekleri şunları ihtiva eder; milli güvenliğe önemli ölçüde etki eden dış ilişkilerin baltalanması, milli güvenlikle doğrudan ilgili bir program veya politikanın önemli derecede tehlikeye sokulması, önemli askeri planların ve istihbarat faaliyetlerinin açıklaması; ulusal güvenlikle ilgili önemli bilimsel ve teknik gelişmelerin gizliliğinin ihlali
security classification
(Askeri) (NATO) GÜVENLİK SINIFLANDIRMASI: İzinsiz açıklanmasından doğacak ve izinsiz beyanatına karşılık koruma standardı gerektiren NATO/milli güvenlik açısından tehlikeyi belirten savunma bilgilerin veya malzemesi için tayin edilmiş sınıflama veya derece
security classification code; Space Control Center (USSPACECOM); Standards Coord
(Askeri) güvenlik sınıflandırma kodu; Uzay Kontrol Merkezi; Standart Koordinasyon Komitesi
standard commodity classification number
(Askeri) STANDART MALZEME SINIFLANDIRMA NUMARASI: Belirli bir madde, malzeme veya malzeme grubuna Devlet Basım Bürosu Standart Malzeme Sınıflandırmasında (Standard Commodity Classification of the Government Printing Office) tahsis edilen numara
supervised classification
denetlenmiş sınıflandırma
target classification
(Askeri) HEDEF SINIRLANDIRMASI: Amfibi görev kuvveti ve unsurlarına yönelttikleri tahdide uygun olarak hedeflerin gruplandırması. D-gününden önce ateş edilmeyecek hedefler ve direk emir verilmemesi halinde imha edilmeyecek hedefler
unified soil classification
(Çevre) birleşik zemin sınıflaması
unsupervised classification
denetlenmemiş sınıflandırma
vegetation classification
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) vejetasyon sınıflandırma
viscosity classification
(Kimya) viskozite sınıflaması
visual classification
görsel sınıflama
visual classification test
(Askeri) ŞEKİLLERLE SINIFLANDIRMA TESTİ: Askerlik şubelerinde, İngilizce ve okuma-yazma bilmeyen kimselere yaptırılan zeka testi
wool classification
(Tekstil) yün sınıflandırması
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The act of forming into a class or classes; a distribution into groups, as classes, orders, families, etc., according to some common relations or attributes

I’m using mathesis — a universal science of measurement and order …And there is also taxinomia a principle of 'classification and ordered tabulation.Knowledge replaced universal resemblance with finite differences. History was arrested and turned into tables …Western reason had entered the age of judgement'.

{n} the act of arranging or state of being arranged in a class
The process of organizing positions into categories of work (classes) based on the similarity of duties, authority, and responsibility
Structured, reasoned and largely scientific [2: taxonomy ] ways of identifying and naming organisms, usually on the basis of their evolutionary relationship [2: systematics ] [3: CLASSIFICATION AND PHYLOGENY ]; [3: Introduction to the Principles of Taxonomy with a Focus on Human Classification Categories ]
The process of placing items into groups or categories, according to a set of rules For example, maps and map projections may be classified according to their use, scale, properties or appearance
A systematic arrangement of objects (of any type) into groups or categories according to a set of established criteria
An ability to group objects according to one or more dimensions which involves the realization that subcategories can be combined (a transformation) to form a superordinate category and again reduced to the former subcategories (Solso)
A classification is the separation or ordering of objects (or specimens) into classes [WEBOL 1998] Classifications that are created non-empirically are called a priori classifications [ ; Simpson 1961; WEBOL 1998] Classifications that are created empirically by looking at the data are called a posteriori classifications [ ; Simpson 1961; WEBOL 1998] [11]
Application classes for cabling have been identified for the purpose of the ISO/IEC 11801 standard; - Class A : cabling is characterized up to 100 kHz - Class B : cabling is characterized up to 1 MHz - Class C : cabling is characterized up to 16 MHz - Class D : cabling is characterized up to 100 MHz - Class E : cabling is characterized up to 250 MHz - Class F : cabling is characterized up to 600 MHz - Optical Class : optical fiber links are characterized up to 10 MHz and above
the basic cognitive process of arranging into classes or categories
restriction imposed by the government on documents or weapons that are available only to certain authorized people the basic cognitive process of arranging into classes or categories a group of people or things arranged by class or category
A method of generalization In the process of classification, an attempt is made to group data into classes according to some common characteristics, thereby reducing the number of data elements Classification tends to be based upon the attributes or characteristics of data rather than their geometry
The grouping of mail into mail classes and subclasses by rate categories Categories are determined according to content, weight, size, and preparation standards (such as sortation and barcoding)
Work that involves position evaluation, establishing and maintaining a position classification program to determine appropriate pay system, occupational grouping, title and grade of positions, and advising on position and organization design
A logical scheme for arrangement of knowledge, usually by subject Classification schema are alpha and/or numeric; for example, Library of Congress Classification, Dewey Classification, Universal Decimal Classification
Biological classification is a naming system for all organisms based primarily on structural criteria and arranges organisms in a hierarchy of groups that reflect evolutionary relationships Generally the smallest group is the species but sub-species and varieties may also be identified The classification system helps in the rapid identification of organisms and indicates their natural interrelationships
Classification is the categorisation of objects according to their qualities or extrinsic information attributed to them to help in their management
A collection of tasks, duties and responsibilities assigned to one or more individuals whose work is the same in nature and level Each classification in the Vanderbilt system has a specific title and 4-digit job code which distinguishes it from other classifications
the process of assigning the pixels of a continuous raster image to discrete categories
The act of forming into a class or classes; a distribution into groups, as classes, orders, families, etc
A classification is a division or category in a system which divides things into groups or types. Its tariffs cater for four basic classifications of customer. see also classify. a process in which you put something into the group or class it belongs to, or the group that it belongs to classify. Dewey Decimal Classification library classification Library of Congress Classification LC Classification
The process of devising and applying schemes based on the business activities which generate records, whereby they are categorised in systematic and consistent ways to facilitate their capture, retrieval, maintenance and disposal Classification includes determining document or file naming conventions, user permissions and security restrictions on records Australian Standard AS 4390-1996, Part 1 Clause 4 8
The designation freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate For undergraduates, classification is determined by the total number of semester hours of credit, including transferred credit, credit by examination, and credit earned by extension and correspondence, that have been accepted by the University and posted on the student's record (whether or not these hours are applicable toward a degree) Hours in progress and hours failed are not counted in determining classification Freshman 0-29 hours of credit Sophomore 30-59 hours of credit Junior 60-89 hours of credit Senior more than 89 hours of credit
Forming, sorting, apportioning, grouping, or dividing objects into classes to form an ordered arrangement of items having a defined range of characteristics, relationships, and distinctive differences Classification systems may be taxonomic, mathematical, observed, or inferred, depending upon the purpose to be served The purpose of classification is to describe the structure and relationships of objects to each other and to similar objects, and to simplify these relationships in such a way that general statements can be made about classes of objects, thereby achieving economy of memory and ease of manipulation
{i} sorting, systematic arranging
the act of distributing things into classes or categories of the same type
a group of people or things arranged by class or category
according to some common relations or affinities
1 The classification of defects by defect type and size for process monitoring, yield learning, and excursion control 2 Benchmarking the performance of a process or equipment tool over a variety of conditions to determine its sensitivity against various input parameters
restriction imposed by the government on documents or weapons that are available only to certain authorized people
The systematic arrangement of objects, ideas, books, or other items based on like characteristics, such as size, color, type, form, content, or other features Library classification schemes often use a subject-based hierarchical structure
The process of assigning individual pixels of a digital image to categories, generally on the basis of spectral reflectance or radiometric characteristics
Arrangement according to a systematic division of a number of objects into groups, based on some likenesses or some common traits
Each MathML element must be classified according to its mathematical role
Process of formally grouping Configuration Items by type, e g software, hardware, documentation, environment, application Process of formally identifying changes by type e g project scope change request, validation change request, infrastructure change request Process of formally identifying incidents, problems and known errors by origin, symptoms and cause
The goal in a branch of mathematics of providing an exhaustive list of some type of mathematical object with no repetitions Example: The classification of 3-manifolds is one of the outstanding problems in topology With the advent of computers, one weak but precise way to state a classification problem is to ask whether there is an algorithm to determine whether two given objects are equivalent
classification scheme
The descriptive information for an arrangement or division of objects into groups based on characteristics which the objects have in common
classification index
topic according to which things are classified
classification number
the number assigned to a work to show its subject; used in the U S as a shelf number to indicate its location in the collection
classification number
A combination of letters and numbers used to place items together on the shelves according to their subject University of Canberra Library uses the Library of Congress Classification Scheme
classification number
The number where the item is located on the library shelves, see also Shelf Number
classification number
Abington Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) classification, a combination of letters and numbers, to arrange books according to subject or form Books are shelved in LC number order in the stacks See also call number
classification system
a system for classifying things
Goldschmidt classification
a classification of the chemical elements into groups according to the part of the Earth where they tend to concentrate
air mass classification
mAw maritime-arctic-warm
air mass classification
mTw maritime-tropical-warm
air mass classification
Meteorology. a system used to identify and to characterize the different air masses according to a basic scheme. A number of systems have been proposed, but the Bergeron classification has been the most widely accepted. In this system, air masses are designated first according to the thermal properties of their source regions: tropical (T); polar (P); and less frequently, arctic or antarctic (A). For characterizing the moisture distribution, air masses are distinguished as to continental (c) and maritime (m) source regions. Further classification according to whether the air is cold (k) or warm (w) relative to the surface over which it is moving indicates the low-level stability conditions of the air, the type of modification from below, and is also related to the weather occurring within the air mass. This outline of classification yields the following identifiers for air masses:
air mass classification
mTk maritime-tropical-cold
air mass classification
mPw maritime-polar-warm
air mass classification
cTk continental-tropical-cold
air mass classification
mAk maritime-arctic-cold
air mass classification
cPw continental-polar-warm
air mass classification
mPk maritime-polar-cold
air mass classification
cPk continental-polar-cold
air mass classification
cAk continental-arctic-cold
air mass classification
cTw continental-tropical-warm
air mass classification
cAw continental-arctic-warm
To declare something a secret, especially a government secret

They decided to classify that information.

To identify by or divide into classes; to categorize

Should we classify make up as an idiom or as a phrasal verb?.

general classification
The overall standings in a bicycle stage race, based on a rider's total elapsed time in all stages of the race with the lowest time being the leader. Cp: mountains classification, sprints classification, points classification
military load classification
A standard system in which a route, bridge, or raft is assigned class number(s) representing the load it can carry; vehicles are also assigned class number(s) indicating the minimum class of route, bridge, or raft they are authorized to used
points classification
A competition held as part of a cycling stage race in which the riders are awarded points depending on how high they finish in each of the separate stages. The leader in the competition wears a special points jersey. Cp: mountains classification, sprints classification, general classification
scientific classification
A scheme for the ordering of things such as stellar objects, minerals, forms of life, or personality types according to characteristics that are discernable and testable by scientific methods
soil classification
The sub-discipline of soil science which deals with the systematic categorization of soils based on distinguishing characteristics developed during soil genesis as well as criteria that dictate choices in land use and soil management
sprints classification
A competition held as part of a cycle race in which the riders are awarded points for being among the first few to pass certain pre-selected sprint points along the course. The leader (or winner) in the competition wears a special sprints jersey
to arrange in a class or classes on the basis of observed resemblance¡¯s and differences
{f} group, sort, arrange systematically; make confidential
To classify things means to divide them into groups or types so that things with similar characteristics are in the same group. It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types The coroner immediately classified his death as a suicide. = categorize + classification classifications clas·si·fi·ca·tion the British Board of Film Classification
{v} to form into classes
British Board of Film Classification
a special committee in the UK whose job is to watch new films and decide whether children or young people will be allowed to see them. They give each film a certificate, showing which films can be shown to anyone (U), which can be seen by children if an adult goes with them (PG), and which films can only be seen by people over a particular age (12, 15, and 18). There is a similar organization in the US called the Motion Picture association of America
Dewey decimal classification
system of library classification of books according to their subjects (using 3 digit numbers and decimals)
Dewey decimal classification
A system used in libraries for organizing nonfiction publications into subject categories corresponding to three-digit numerals, with further specification expressed by numerals following a decimal point. or Dewey Decimal System System for organizing the contents of a library based on the division of all knowledge into 10 groups. Each group is assigned 100 numbers. Subdivisions eventually extend into decimal numbers; for example, the history of England is placed at 942, the history of the Stuart period at 942.06, and the history of the English Commonwealth at 942.063. The system was first formulated in 1873 by Melvil Dewey. Many libraries add a book number created from the Cutter, or Cutter-Sanborn, Tables, which further specify author and genre. The Library of Congress Classification has largely replaced the Dewey system
Library of Congress Classification
or LC Classification System of library organization developed during the reorganization of the U.S. Library of Congress. It consists of separate, mutually exclusive, special classifications, often having no connection save the accidental one of alphabetical notation. The arrangement roughly follows groupings of social sciences, humanities, and natural and physical sciences. It divides the field of knowledge into 20 large classes and an additional class for general works. Each main class has a synopsis that also serves as a guide. The resulting order is from the general to the specific and from the theoretical to the practical. The LC Classification has largely replaced the Dewey Decimal Classification in university, special, and government libraries
asset classification
recording one's holdings and property in the appropriate categories of a balance sheet
plural of classification
relating to or involving classification: "classificatory criteria
Pertaining to classification; admitting of classification
relating to or involving classification: "classificatory criteria"
to give labels to the sorted groups
To place a taxon in a classification system
to arrange a series of objects, plants, or animals according to common traits
Arrange or include in classes/categories
declare unavailable, as for security reasons; "Classify these documents"
to group positions according to their duties and responsibilities and assign a class title
Distinguish a given input sequence by pattern analysis in order to choose a resulting action For network packets, classification could be as simple as looking up a destination address, or as complicated as extracting numerous fields and applying a complex analysis algorithm
declare unavailable, as for security reasons; "Classify these documents
To distribute into classes; to arrange according to a system; to arrange in sets according to some method founded on common properties or characters
Classification is a method of assigning retention/disposition rules to records Similar to the declare function, this can be a completely manual process or process-driven, depending on the particular implementation As a minimum, the user can be presented with a list of allowable file codes from a drop-down list (manual classification) Ideally, the desktop process/application can automate classification by triggering a file code selection from a property or characteristic of the process/application
assign to a class or kind; "How should algae be classified?"; "People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms"
arrange or order by classes or categories; "How would you classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?"
To separate the cause of indications into one of three categories, namely, anomalies, non-relevant conditions, or pipeline components
To sort according to their common elements, factors, or characteristics Includes giving that cluster a label that communicates those essential characteristics
To group positions according to similarity of their duties and responsibilities and assign a class title; to determine the appropriate classification of a new position
arrange or order by classes or categories; "How would you classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?" declare unavailable, as for security reasons; "Classify these documents
classification according to more than one attribute at the same time; "the cross-classification of cases was done by age and sex
dewey decimal classification
a system used by libraries to classify nonfictional publications into subject categories; the subject is indicated by a three-digit numeral and further specification is given by numerals following a decimal point; publications are shelved by number
hierarchical classification system
a classification system where entries are arranged based on some hierarchical structure
library classification
System of arrangement adopted by a library to enable patrons to locate its materials quickly and easily. Classifications may be natural (e.g., by subject), artificial (e.g., by alphabet, form, or numerical order), or accidental (e.g., chronological or geographic). They also vary in degree; some have minute subdivisions while others are broader. Widely used systems include the Dewey Decimal Classification, the Library of Congress Classification, the Bliss Classification, and the Colon Classification; special libraries may devise their own unique systems
security classification
rank of a person that determines how much sensitive military information can be revealed to them