
listen to the pronunciation of cipher
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} şifre

Bilgi şifreli verilebilir. - the information may be given in cipher.

Tom bir şifre içinde gizli notlar yazıyordu. - Tom was writing cryptic notes in a cipher

(Bilgisayar) şifreleme
solda sıfır
şifre kodu
{i} anahtar
{i} günümüz rakamları
önemsiz şey veya kimse
{f} şifre ile yazmak
(Askeri) ŞİFRE: İhtiyari olarak alınmış remizlerin veya remiz gruplarının, nizami boyda açık metin birimlerini genel olarak tek harfleri gösterdiği veyaaçık metin birimlerinin yeniden tertiplendiği yada her ikisinin bazı kararlaştırılmış kurallara göre birlikte uygulandığı kripto sistemi. Ayrıca bak. "crypto-system"
devamll ses çıkarmak
{i} (nüfuz açısından) önemsiz biri
{i} parola
{f} aritmetik yapmak
şifreli olarak yazmak
{i} hiç olan şey
{f} hesaplamak
{i} önemsiz kimse
{f} şifrelemek
{i} arap rakamları
{i} monogram
in cipher sifreli
aritmetikte sayıları kullanmak
(Matematik) rakam
cipher alphabet
(Askeri) şifre alfabesi
cipher machine
(Askeri) şifre makinesi
cipher text
(Askeri) şifre metni
cipher code
şifre kodu
cipher key
şifre anahtarı
cipher message
şifreli mesaj
cipher alphabet
(Askeri) ŞİFRE ALFABESİ: Harfler veya alınmış diğer işaretler ile, bunların yerini tutan remizlerin, bir kriptografi ikame sistemine göre düzenli terkibi. Ayrıca bak. "standard cipher alphabet"
cipher component
(Askeri) şifreli unsur
cipher component
(Askeri) ŞİFRELİ UNSUR: İkame usulünde, açık remizlerin yerini almış sembolleri ihtiva eden bir şifre alfabesindeki sıra. Ayrıca bakınız: "plain component"
cipher device
(Askeri) şifre aleti
cipher device
(Askeri) ŞİFRE ALETİ: Şifre açmak ve kapatmak için elle çalışır bir alet
cipher device
(Askeri) şifre cihazı
cipher equipment
(Askeri) şifre teçhizatı
cipher equipment
(Askeri) ŞİFRE TEÇHİZATI: Açık metni kapatmaya ve kapalı metni açmaya yarayan teçhizat. Genel olarak, elle çalıştırılan teçhizatı ifade için şifre aleti (cipher device), bir dış güç kaynağına ihtiyaç gösteren teçhizatı ifade içinde (cipher machine) terimi kullanılır
cipher key list
(Askeri) şifre anahtar listesi
cipher key list
(Askeri) ŞİFRE ANAHTAR LİSTESİ: Belirli bir sürede, bir haber serisi içindeki her haberde değişen haber anahtar unsurları hariç, anahtarın bütün unsurlarını veren vesika
cipher machine
(Askeri) ŞİFRE MAKİNASI: Şifre açıp kapatmaya mahsus, mekanik veya elektrikle çalışır bir cihaz. Buna "cryptomechanism" de denir. Ayrıca bakınız: "cipher device"
cipher out
deşifre etmek
cipher out
cipher out
araştırıp bulmak
cipher out
cipher square
(Askeri) şifre karesi
cipher square
(Askeri) ŞİFRE KARESİ: Şifre sırasının, sistemli bir tarzda ve genellikle, bir kare şeklinde tanzim edilmiş düzenli tertibi veya toplu hali. Buna "vigenere table" da denir
cipher system
(Askeri) şifre sistemi
cipher system
(Askeri) ŞİFRE SİSTEMİ: Açık veya kodlanmış metni veya işaretleri, bir anahtar vasıtasıyla, anlaşılmaz şekle veya bu şekildeki bir metni açık metne çeviren bir kripto sistemi
cipher text
(Askeri) ŞİFRE METNİ; ŞİFRELİ METİN: Kripto sistemiyle meydana getirilmiş anlaşılmaz metin veya işaretler
{i} şifre
reciprocal cipher alphabet
(Askeri) karşılıklı şifre alfabe
substitution cipher
ornatımla kriptolama
he is a mere cipher
O sadece Cipher'dir
imperial cipher
İmparatorluk tuğrası
(sıfat) şifreli
{s} şifreli
(Askeri) Şifre cihazı
{i} önemsiz şey
in cipher

Bilgi şifreli verilebilir. - the information may be given in cipher.

intermediate cipher text
(Askeri) ara şifreli metin
intermediate cipher text
(Askeri) MUTAVASSIT ŞİFRE METNİ: Ancak bazı kısımları şifre açma veya kapama işlemine tabi tutulmuş olan metin. Bu metin kripto şeklindedir
mixed cipher alphabet
(Askeri) KARMA ŞİFRE ALFABESİ: Açık veya şifreli unsurun veya her ikisinin karışık bir sıra teşkil etmeleri suretiyle meydana gelen alfabe
playfair cipher
(Askeri) DOĞRU ŞİFRE: İkili şifrelerin açık şifre muadillerini meydana getirmek için, bir tek yirmi beş gözlü kare ile yapılan ikili ikame usulü şifreleme tipi
reciprocal cipher alphabet
(Askeri) KARŞILIKLI ŞİFRE ALFABE: Eşitleri tersine çevrilebildiği için,. her iki sıradan herhangi biri açık metin veya şifreli metin olarak kullanılabilen kripto alfabesi
reversed standard cipher alphabet
(Askeri) TERS STANDART ŞİFRE ALFABESİ: Kriptografide; şifreli unsurun normal sırada bulunduğu, fakat yine normal sırada bulunan açık unsura nazaran, istikamet bakımından ters olduğu alfabe
standard cipher alphabet
(Askeri) STANDART ŞİFRE ALFABESİ: Şifreli unsurdaki (cipher component) harflerin sırası normal şekildekinin aynı fakat açık unsura (plain component) intibak eden normal noktası kaydırılmış ve istikamet bakımından ters olan veya her ikisinden terekküp eden alfabe
strip cipher device
(Askeri) ŞERİTLİ ŞİFRE CİHAZI: Belirli kripte sistemlerinde, şifrelemek ve şifre açmak için kullanılan Şeritli kripto cihazı
substitution cipher
(Askeri) İKAME USULÜ İLE ŞİFRELEME: Bir haberi kod haline koyma usulü. Bu usulde; kod harfleri ve işaretleri açık metindeki harflerin yerine geçer, fakat asıl haberdeki kelimelerin harf sırası değiştirilmez veya karıştırılmaz
symmetric cipher
bakisimli sifre
symmetric cipher
bakışımlı şifre
transposition cipher
(Askeri) YER DEĞİŞTİRME ŞİFRESİ: Metinli bir haberdeki harflerin yerini değiştirmek suretiyle meydana getirilen şifreli yanı
unknown cipher
(Bilgisayar) bilinmeyen cipher
unknown cipher
(Bilgisayar) bilinmeyen şifre
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A fault in an organ valve which causes a pipe to sound continuously without the key having been pressed
To calculate

For the mischief that one blockhead, that every blockhead does, in a world so feracious, teeming with endless results as ours, no ciphering will sum up.

A method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning

The message was written in a simple cipher. Anyone could figure it out.

Ciphertext; a message concealed via a cipher

The message is clearly a cipher, but I can't figure it out.

The path (usually circular) shared cannabis takes through a group, an occasion of cannabis smoking
A hip-hop jam session
A cryptographic system using an algorithm that converts letters or sequences of bits into ciphertext
A grouping of three digits in a number, especially when delimited by commas or periods:

The probability is 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000--a number having five ciphers of zeros.

Someone or something of no importance

You are just a cipher to me.

A numeric character
A design of interlacing initials: a decorative design consisting of a set of interlaced initials
to calculate arithmetically. (also a noun meaning zero or nothing)
{n} the figure or mark o in numbers, the initial letters of a person's name interwoven
{v} to cast accounts, to write obscurely
Key to a secret, as in a geometric secret, for example
A mathematical algorithm used to perform encryption and decryption
Of the nature of a cipher; of no weight or influence
A cipher is a secret system of writing that you use to send messages. converting their messages into ciphers. = code
Dr Whewell's riddle is- “A headless man had a letter (o) to write, He who read it (naught) had lost his sight; The dumb repeated it (naught) word for word, And deaf was the man who listened and heard (naught) Circe (2 syl ) A sorceress She lived in the island of Ææa When Ulysses landed there, Circë turned his companions into swine, but Ulysses resisted this metamorphose by virtue of a herb called moly, given him by Mercury “Who knows not Circe, The daughter of the Sun, whose charmëd cup Whoever tasted lost his upright shape, And downward fell into a grovelling swine?” Milton: Comus, 50- 53 Circle of Ulloa A white rainbow or luminous ring sometimes seen in Alpine regions opposite the sun in foggy weather
a person of no influence
To write in occult characters
An encryption-decryption algorithm
To use figures in a mathematical process; to do sums in arithmetic
a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number
Ciphers are codes for writing secret messages Two simple types are shift ciphers and affine ciphers (cf Cryptography and Ciphers Discussion)
An encryption - decryption algorithm
To decipher
An encryption
A character in general, as a figure or letter
To get by ciphering; as, to cipher out the answer
A combination or interweaving of letters, as the initials of a name; a device; a monogram; as, a painter's cipher, an engraver's cipher, etc
An algorithm or system for data encryption Examples are DES, IDEA, RC4, etc See: SSL/TLS Encryption
a message written in a secret code a secret method of writing a person of no influence
To designate by characters
A character [0] which, standing by itself, expresses nothing, but when placed at the right hand of a whole number, increases its value tenfold
convert ordinary language into code; "We should encode the message for security reasons"
make a mathematical calculation or computation
a message written in a secret code
A means of concealing a message The letters of the message are substituted or transposed for other letters, letter pairs, or polygrams Origin: Arabic: Sifr: Nothing
A disguising transformation of a message without using chunking, such as a simple substitution cipher
Any encryption algorithm Ciphers can be classified according to whether they are symmetric or asymmetric algorithms
One who, or that which, has no weight or influence
A method or system of transforming text in order to conceal its meaning In particular, a cryptosystem in which the cryptographic treatment is applied to plaintext elements that either have no meaning in themselves (letters, digits, polygraphs, bits), or are treated without regard to their meaning (as in a word transposition cipher)
An encryption algorithm
Any encryption algorithm Ciphers can be classified according to whether they are symmetric or public key algorithms, and by whether they operate on their data as a stream or divided into blocks
In Cryptographic Support, data that is unintelligible to all except those who have the key to decode it to plaintext
Code used to encrypt information
Procedure that transforms data between plaintext and ciphertext; a crypto algorithm
A grouping of three digits in a number, especially when delimited by commas or periods
Some method to change a message into a non readable format letter by letter
A term for data which has been encrypted
An algorithm or system for data encryption Examples are DES, IDEA, RC4, etc
A private alphabet, system of characters, or other mode of writing, contrived for the safe transmission of secrets; also, a writing in such characters
An algorithm for reversible transformation of data
{i} zero, naught; number, Arabic numeral; code; unimportant person
{f} write in code; calculate, work out mathematically
a secret method of writing
a method that encrypts or disguises text Ciphers replace the message letters with other letters, numbers or symbols, as in substitution, or move around the individual letters of the plaintext, as in transposition - or a combination of both
A system of encryption
a quantity of no importance; "it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"; "reduced to nil all the work we had done"; "we racked up a pathetic goose egg"; "it was all for naught"; "I didn't hear zilch about it"
The cut represents the initials N
A system producing non-hidden messages which deals with individual letters or symbols as units of encryption instead of words or phrases The ciphertext has a direct relationship to the plaintext message
The multics commands encode and decode implement a powerful file-encryption facility that was shipped with the system for years, starting in the early 1970s The code, contriubted by a Multician with considerable expertise in cryptography, consists of a PL/I wrapper and an assembly language guts The algorithm is some kind of Feistel cipher, similar to IBM's Lucifer algorithm, "but not the same" according to the author It was probably illegal to ship these commands internationally, but nobody realized it at the time
substitution cipher
a method of encryption by which units of plaintext are substituted with ciphertext according to a regular system; the "units" may be single letters (the most common), pairs of letters, triplets of letters, mixtures of the above, and so forth. The receiver deciphers the text by performing an inverse substitution
{n} the act or art of casting accounts
past of cipher
{s} converted from original language into a secret code; coded
present participle of cipher
A nickname of the Transcendent Order faction, used because most folks don't know what they're talking about
third-person singular of cipher
a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number
a quantity of no importance; "it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"; "reduced to nil all the work we had done"; "we racked up a pathetic goose egg"; "it was all for naught"; "I didn't hear zilch about it"
a message written in a secret code
see cipher. another spelling of cipher
convert ordinary language into code; "We should encode the message for security reasons"
make a mathematical calculation or computation
a secret method of writing
{i} number
a person of no influence
alternative spelling of cipher
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف cipher في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

bilinmeyen cipher
(Bilgisayar) unknown cipher