christian epistle written by the apostle paul

listen to the pronunciation of christian epistle written by the apostle paul
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
{i} Philippians
christian epistle written by the apostle paul


    Chris·tian E·pis·tle writ·ten by the a·pos·tle Paul

    التركية النطق

    krîsçın îpîsıl rîtın bay dhi ıpäsıl pôl


    /ˈkrəsʧən əˈpəsəl ˈrətən ˈbī ᴛʜē əˈpäsəl ˈpôl/ /ˈkrɪsʧən ɪˈpɪsəl ˈrɪtən ˈbaɪ ðiː əˈpɑːsəl ˈpɔːl/