
listen to the pronunciation of chat
الإنجليزية - التركية

O benimle sohbet etmektense Tatoeba'daki cümleleri tercüme etmeyi tercih ediyor. - She would sooner translate sentences on Tatoeba than chat with me.

Biz çay üzerine sohbet ediyorduk. - We were chatting over tea.


Hadi, sobanın etrafında oturalım ve muhabbet edelim. - Let's sit around the stove and have a chat.

Tom'la muhabbet etmeye gidelim. - Let's go have a chat with Tom.

{i} konuşma

Özel olarak konuşmamız gerek. - We need to have a chat in private.

Biliyorsun, geçen gün sokakta onunla karşılaştık, biz konuşmak için durduk. - You know, I came across him in the street the other day, we stopped to chat.

{f} gevezelik etmek
laf etmek
hasbıhal etmek

Biliyorsun, geçen gün sokakta onunla karşılaştık, biz konuşmak için durduk. - You know, I came across him in the street the other day, we stopped to chat.

Seninle konuşmak güzeldi. - It was really nice chatting with you.

(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) kuyrukkakan
lakırdı etmek
laklak etmek
sohbet etmek

Sizinle e-posta ile sohbet etmek istiyorum. - I would like to chat with you by e-mail.

Bill ve John sohbet etmek için ayda bir kez bir araya gelmekten hoşlanıyorlar. - Bill and John like to get together once a month to chat.

{f} sohbet et

Biz bir süre sohbet ettik. - We had a chat for a while.

O benimle sohbet etmektense Tatoeba'daki cümleleri tercüme etmeyi tercih ediyor. - She would sooner translate sentences on Tatoeba than chat with me.

muhabbet etmek
{f} laflamak
samimi konuşmak
hoşbeş etmek
{i} ötücü kuş türü
{f} çene çalmak (Argo)
{f} hoşbeş etmek (Argo)
{i} söyleşi
{f} kandırmaya çalışmak
laklak e
{f} söyleşmek
çene çalmak
{f} lafa tutmak
geyik muhabbeti
(Tıp) chat
chat up
(Argo) (birine) asılmak
chat up
(Argo) tavlamaya çalışmak
chat up
(Argo) (birine) yazılmak
chat away
chat lines
(Bilgisayar) konuşma hatları
chat mode
(Bilgisayar) konuşmalı kip
chat mode
(Bilgisayar) söyleşili kip
chat rooms
(Bilgisayar) konuşma odaları
chat up
(Argo) flört etmek
chat with
laf etmek
chat up
konuşarak tavlamaya çalışmak
chat(ing) logs
sohbet günlüklerim
chat connection
(Bilgisayar) chat bağlantısı
chat dialing ring
(Bilgisayar) sohbet çevirme çalışı
chat format
(Bilgisayar) sohbet biçimi
chat history
(Bilgisayar) sohbet geçmişi
chat incoming ring
(Bilgisayar) sohbet gelen çalış
chat is active
(Bilgisayar) sohbet etkin
chat mode
soylesili kip, konusmali kip
chat room
Söyleşi Odası
chat room list
Söyleşi Odası Listesi
chat room name
(Bilgisayar) sohbet odası adı
chat room name
Söyleşi Odası Adı
chat room topic
Söyleşi Odası Konusu
chat show
sohbet programı
chat smb
kandırmaya çalışmak
chat smb
lafa tutmak
chat smb. up
lafa tutmak
chat smb. up
kandırmaya çalışmak
chat somebody
lafa tutmak
chat somebody
kandırmaya çalışmak
chat someone up
{k} (deyim) guvenini kazanmak amaciylab samimi konusmak,gevezelik etmek,sohbet etmek
chat toolbar
(Bilgisayar) sohbet araç çubuğu
chit chat
çene çalma
chit chat
önemsiz konular üzerinde konuşma, havadan sudan konuşma
chat up
chat up

Bütün öğleden sonrayı arkadaşlarla sohbet ederek geçirdim. - I spent the whole afternoon chatting with friends.

Omegle yabancı insanlarla sohbet etmekten hoşlanan kişiler için harika bir web sitesidir. - Omegle is a great website for people who like chatting with foreign people.

internet relay chat
internette söyleşi
join the chat
(Bilgisayar) konuşmaya katıl
welcome to chat
(Bilgisayar) sohbet'e hoş geldiniz
cri du chat
cri du chat
back chat
geri sohbet
have a chat
Sohbet etmek
have a chat
idle chat
sohbet boşta
join the chat
chate katil
to chit chat
sohbet pusula için
video chat
görüntülü sohbet
Microsoft Chat
Microsoft Chat : Karakter seçerek chat yapabileceğiniz bir program
back chat
karşılık verme
back chat
küstahça karşılık
back chat
back chat
{i} söyleşi
(isim) söyleşi
cri du chat
(Tıp) Bebeğin kedi yavrusunun acıklı miyavlamasına benzer şekilde ağlaması ile belirgin, kromozom anomalisine bağlı olarak gelişen kalıtsal durum (Bebekte ayrıca mikrosefali mevcut olup, ileride fiziksel ve mental gerilik sözkonusudur)
disable chat
(Bilgisayar) sohbet'i devre dışı bırak
exit chat
(Bilgisayar) sohbet'ten çık
exits this chat
(Bilgisayar) bu sohbetten çıkar
have a chat
have a chat
hoşbeş etmek
internet relay chat
(IRC) İnternette Söyleşi
intimate chat
koyu sohbet
opens chat
(Bilgisayar) sohbet'i açar
quits chat
(Bilgisayar) sohbet'ten çıkar
rufous bush chat
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) yelpaze kuyruklu bülbül
show chat
(Bilgisayar) sohbeti göster
التركية - التركية
bakınız: çet
bakınız söyleşi
internet ortamında yapılan sohbetlere verilen ad
(Din) Cihad sözcüğü c-h-d kökünden türemiş, "bütün gücünü kullanma" mânâsına gelen Arapça bir kelimedir. İslam dininde, cihad bazı hadisler temel alınarak iki kısma ayrılmıştır; büyük cihad, küçük cihad. Büyük cihad, insanın benliğinde barındırdığı kötülüğe ve dünyevi zevke olan yakınlığına karşı verdiği mücadele olarak tanımlanmıştır. Küçük cihad ise, maddi anlamda dini mücadeledir. İslam inancına göre, Allah rızası için yapılan bütün ibadet, amel ve çalışmaları içine aldığı gibi, bu çalışmaların sürekli olarak yapılabilmesini garanti altına alan geniş bir alanı kapsar. Bu alanlar, insanlığın huzur ve barış bulması için yapılan çalışmaların tümünü kapsamaktadır. Günümüzde, cihad kavramının yanlış tanıtılıp uygulandığı yönünde tartışmalar vardır ve cihad kelimesinin manasının kutsal bir savaş yapmak olmadığını, bunu iddia ederlerken İslam dininde kutsal savaş öbeğinin bulunmadığına dikkat çekerek, Hz. Muhammed'in hayatına ve İslam tarihine bakıldığında cihadın gerçek manasının anlaşılabileceğini öne sürmektedirler
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (Cehd. den) Düşman ile muharebe. İlim ve imanla, sözle, fiile, mal ve canla bütün kuvvetini sarf etmek. Allah (C.C.) yolunda muharebe. Din için çalışmak. Erkân-ı imâniye ve esasât-ı diniyeyi muhafaza ve imânı takviye için cehd ve gayret etmek. Şeriat-ı Garrâ'nın ahkâmını muhafaza, Kelimetullah'ı i'lâ, küfr-ü mutlakın ve küffarın (süfyan ve deccalın) fitnelerini def ile hâkimiyet-i Hakkı te'min eylemek. (Bu mücahede, zamanımızda kılıçla değildir. Kılıçla olan cihad, din hükümlerinin câri olduğu dar-ı İslâmı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) ilim ve imanla, sözle, fiille, mal ve canla Allah yolunda savaşmak, din için çalışmak, düşmanla savaşmak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To exchange text or voice messages in real time through a computer network, as if having a face-to-face conversation

Do you want to chat online later?.

An exchange of text or voice messages in real time through a computer network, resembling a face-to-face conversation
Informal conversation
small potatoes, such as are given to swine
A louse
To be engaged in informal conversation

She chatted with her friend in the cafe.

A conversation to stop an argument or settle situations
Any of various small Old World passerine birds in the subfamily Saxicolini that feed on insects
Mining waste from lead and zinc mines

Frank had been looking at calcite crystals for a while now among the chats or zinc tailings of the Lake County mines, down here in the silver lodes of the Vita Madre and so forth.

To talk more than a few words
{f} talk, converse; hold a group discussion via a computer network (Internet); have a conversation between two or more participants via the Internet
{v} to prate, prattle, talk, converse
{n} prate, talk, conversation, a twig, seed
A bird of the genus Icteria, allied to the warblers, in America
The use of Internet programs to "talk" to other users in real time in chat areas or "virtual spaces" Words typed into these programmes are immediately displayed on the screens of the other people who are connected to the chat line Most chat software only lets users talk by typing, whereas more advanced products assign 2D or 3D characters to each participant The most advanced let users with sound cards speak to each other
The best known species are the yellow-breasted chat I
an online group discussion via simultaneous keyboard input; see also Internet Relay Chat Conversation
viridis), and the long-tailed chat (I
Real-time communication between two or more users via networked-connected computers After you enter a chat (or chat room), any user can type a message that will appear on the monitors of all the other participants While most ISPs offer chat, it is not supported by OIT However, the WebCT software supported by TELR does provide the capability for live chat among students participating in online courses
To communicate with a person, a group, or a site on the Internet in real time by typing on your keyboard The words you type appear on the screen(s) of all the other participants in the "chat" and their typing appears on your screen
songbirds having a chattering call
A system that allows for online communication between Internet users
To talk of
Another term for IRC Also, an acronym meaning "Conversational Hypertext Access Technology " This rather generic term has come to describe one of the more popular activities on the Internet Using special software, Internet users can enter chat areas or "virtual spaces," where they can communicate in real time While most chat software only lets users talk by typing, more advanced products assign avatars, 2D or 3D characters, to each participant These avatars may even have expressions selected by the chatters The most advanced products not only use avatars, but also let users with sound cards speak to each other
A means of communicating with people on the Internet by typing statements into your computer, and having the other person do so as well
birds having a chattering call
(n or v ) See also "text-based chat," "mIRC" and "iChat " As a noun: synchronous (real-time) communication over a computer network, involving at least two users Text-based chat means that the users "talk" to each other by typing messages on their respective keyboards and monitor the flow of discussion as a scrolling dialog on the computer screen As a verb: to participate in such communication
To converse on a talk show
Real-time communication between two users via computer Chat reference allows users to communicate instantaneously with librarians
Small stones with ore
A form of interactive online communication that enables typed conversations to occur in real-time
A form of real-time communication on the Internet Chat programs allow you to type messages to other people and to record your conversations for later review See Chat and MOOs/MUDs/MUSHes in Using Other Internet Resources
A system that allows for online communication between Internet users See IRC
On the autism and other mailing lists, the Internet term "chat" is used to refer to Internet chatting, i e using software that allows you to hold online conversations by typing sentences that will be read by a group There are a number of chat groups dedicated to autism: see the term "IRC" and see "Initiatives" section below
A text-based way to communicate real-time with other people Instead of speaking, you type words to each other in "chat rooms" Back to Top
Light, familiar talk; conversation; gossip
When people chat, they talk to each other in an informal and friendly way. The women were chatting I was chatting to him the other day We chatted about old times. Chat is also a noun. I had a chat with John. an informal friendly conversation chat with. Real-time conversation among computer users in a networked environment such as the Internet. After a user types a text message and presses the Enter key, the text immediately appears on the other users' computers, permitting typed conversations that are often only somewhat slower than normal conversation. A chat can be private (between two users) or public (where other users can see the messages and participate if they wish). Public chatting is conducted in "chat rooms," Web sites devoted to chat, usually about a specific topic. The thousands of chat rooms now available typically use the IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol, developed in 1988 by Jarkko Oikarinen of Finland. See also bulletin-board system. Any of several species of songbird named for their harsh, chattering notes. True chats (chat-thrushes) make up a major division of the thrush family (Turdidae). Australian chats (usually placed in the family Maluridae), which inhabit scrubby open lands, are about 5 in. (13 cm) long. The yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens, family Parulidae) of North America is the largest wood warbler (7.5 in., or 19 cm, long). Greenish gray above and bright yellow below, with white "spectacles," it hides in thickets but may perch in the open to utter its mewing, churring, and whistling sounds. See also redstart
To talk in a light and familiar manner; to converse without form or ceremony; to gossip
an online, realtime chat resource for tinnitus with scheduled conversation over the internet
It's a real-time typed conversation with another person or group of persons On the Internet, you'll find chat groups on almost every topic Online services such as Prodigy, CompuServe and America Online also offer chat
A feature offered by many online services or Web sites that allows participants to "chat" by typing messages which are displayed almost instantly on the screens of other participants who are using the chat room Chatting is one of the most popular uses of the Internet Generally the participants remain anonymous, using nicknames or pseudonyms to identify themselves online
A service available on computer bulletin boards, on-line services and the Internet that lets users type messages to each other The messages appear almost instantly on the screens of others participating in the chat session
Chat refers to any live discussions conducted on or using the Internet, usually between more than two persons using their keyboard to communicate Internet chat requires a chat server and a chat client, the former usually provided by an Internet service provider (ISP), the latter is used by the persons chatting Some examples of chat software are IRC, ichat, and Web chat that uses your Web browser While you can use your Sympatico Internet connection to chat, the Sympatico service doesn't operate a chat server or provide chat services itself However, you can attend live events on Sympatico OnNow See also discussion forums, and newsgroups
A feature which allows you to take part in typed real-time conversations on the screen These conversations take place in virtual areas called channels, or chat rooms They are used for a meeting to discuss questions with fellow classmates or to ask your facilitator questions at a designated time
A conversation on a talk show
an informal conversation
A twig, cone, or little branch
A feature that lets you talk with other computer users in real-time online sessions
{i} conversation, talk; conversation held between two or more participants via the Internet, discussion group held via the Internet
talk socially without exchanging too much information; "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"
In Europe the name is given to several birds of the family Saxicolidæ, as the stonechat, and whinchat
To converse with one or more people via an online network such as America Online, CompuServe, or the Internet by typing in sentences and viewing other's responses in real time
To chat is to communicate in real time with other Internet users using an IRC channel or a Web-based chat program
Chat mode is an example of a synchronous (real-time) text-based computer-mediated communication Like typing out a telephone call to someone else on the same party-line Think of CB radio, just as radio waves provide for multiple simultaneous users, the Chat mode of a conferencing system allows for a similar interaction in text
A program that connects computers on a network for instantaneous, multi-way communication People who use chat can type messages for delivery to a server, which displays the messages instantly so that users who are logged on to the chat service can respond immediately On the Internet, chat is sometimes referred to as Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
chat room
A website where visitors can exchange messages by typing them onscreen which makes them appear to scroll by as a conversation develops with other visitors to the site
chat rooms
plural form of chat room
chat shit
To have a casual or meaningless conversation

My brother came round and we were chatting shit for hours.

chat shit
To talk nonsense or to lie

- Stop chatting shit, that's a load of bollocks.

chat show
Alternative name of talk show
chat shows
plural form of chat show
chat up
To talk to (someone) in a friendly, open, or casual manner, sometimes also in a charming or affected manner, usually to curry favor, and sometimes flirtatiously with the intention of establishing a romantic or sexual encounter or relationship with that person

He spent all evening chatting her up.

Alternative spelling of chat room
chat-up line
Something that someone says in order to start a conversation with someone they think is sexually attractive
chat forum
part of an on-line information service which allows several users to communicate by typing
chat line
a telephone service that people call to talk to other people who have called the same service
chat room
A place on the Internet where people go to "chat" with other people in the room Actually there are many, many of these Chat Rooms The rooms are usually organized by topic When you're in a Chat Room you can view all of the conversations taking place at once on your screen You can also get into a private chat room where only you and one or two others may talk This can be an inexpensive way to keep up with friends and relatives who are online
chat room
A real-time electronic forum This is a virtual room where visitors can type messages to multiple people and share ideas on a particular subject - all in real-time
chat room
A chat room is a site on the Internet where people can exchange messages about a particular subject. a place on the Internet where you can write messages to other people and receive messages back from them immediately, so that you can have a conversation while you are online
chat room
A place on the Internet where people go to "chat" with other people in the room Actually there are thousands of these Chat Rooms The rooms are usually organized by topic For example in a Idaho Room you would expect that most of the participants in the room are probably from Idaho When you're in a Chat Room you can view all of the conversations taking place at once on your screen You can also get into a private chat room where only you and one or two others may talk This can be an inexpensive way to keep up with friends and relatives who are online
chat room
A place on the Internet where people go to "chat" with other people in the room There are thousands of these Chat Rooms on the Net, usually organized by topic or interest
chat room
A location on the Internet that allows you to communicate with others on the Internet in "real time" or "live" Internet chat rooms are especially popular teens and kids
chat room
[return to top] A Chat room is a "place" where two or more individuals connected to the Internet have real-time (synchronous) conversations (usually text based) by typing messages into their computer Groups gather to chat about various subjects As you type, everything you type is displayed to the other members of the chat group Some online instructors use a chat room to provide online "office hours" Students may also use a chatroom to discuss group projects or to schedule study group meetings
chat room
A channel on an internet chat program enabling you to talk to people in real time by typing your messages into an input box The message is received by the recipient(s) almost instantaneously (usually) You can talk one-to -one or to a whole group
chat room
Internet chat area, virtual "room" on the Internet where people hold real-time conversations
chat room
exactly as it reads, chat rooms are places where you can talk to other people on the Internet
chat room
An area online where you can chat with other members in real-time
chat room
The name given to a place or page in a Web site or online service where people can "chat" with each other by typing messages which are displayed almost instantly on the screens of others who are in the "chat room " Chat rooms are also called "online forums "
chat room
An online space where two or more people can input (usually via keyboard) messages to a group of people who are logged in at the same time Compare to Message Forum
chat room
A location on an online service that allows users to communicate with each other about an agreed-upon topic in "real time" (or "live"), as opposed to delayed time as with email
chat room
A location on the Internet where people exchange text messages in "real time "
chat room
A place on the Internet where people "chat" with other people in the room There are thousands of these Chat Rooms The rooms are usually organized by topic When you're in a Chat Room you can view all of the conversations taking place at once on your screen You can also get into a private chat room where only you and one or two others may talk This can be an inexpensive way to keep up with friends and relatives who are online
chat room
A place on the Internet where people go to "chat" with other people in the room The rooms are usually organized by topic When you're in a Chat Room you can view all of the conversations taking place at once on your screen You can also get into a private chat room where only you and one or two others may talk This can be an inexpensive way to keep up with friends and relatives who are online
chat room
A chat room is a virtual room where people can communicate in real time while on the Internet Users type their messages with a keyboard and the entered text will appear on the monitor, along with the text of the other chat room visitors
chat room
This is a place on the Internet where people go to "chat" with other people in the room Actually there are thousands of these chat rooms The rooms are usually organized by topic For example, there could be a chat room on different issue areas in HIV/AIDS such as "Women and AIDS" or "African Americans and AIDS " When you are in a chat room you can view all of the conversations taking place at once on your screen You can also get into a private chat room where only you and one or two others may talk This can be an inexpensive way to coordinate meetings with colleagues from around the country or the world who are also online
chat room
A metaphor for a channel that allows people to communicate synchronously (in real time) via computer Each user types messages on his or her computer and the text appears on the computer screens of others who are in the chat room
chat room
a site on the internet where a number of users can communicate in real time (typically one dedicated to a particular topic)
chat room
A real-time electronic forum; a virtual room where visitors can meet others and share ideas on a particular subject There are chat rooms on the Internet, BBSs, and other online services
chat room
Internet A chat room is a virtual "place" on the Internet in which members can exchange text messages in real-time Many chat rooms involve the use of a facility known as IRC
chat room
A virtual "place" where two or more network users can exchange e-electronic messages Most chat or talk systems support real -time or simultaneous communications
chat show
A chat show is a television or radio show in which people talk in a friendly, informal way about different topics. a television or radio show on which people talk about themselves in reply to questions American Equivalent: talk show
chat show
a program during which well-known people discuss a topic or answer questions telephoned in by the audience; "in England they call a talk show a chat show"
chat up
talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions; "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries"; "My husband never flirts with other women"
chat up
talk to someone with the aim of persuading him
chat up
{f} (Slang) schmooze
chat up
talk to someone with the aim of persuading him talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions; "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries"; "My husband never flirts with other women
chat up
If you chat someone up, usually someone you do not know very well, you talk to them in a friendly way because you are sexually attracted to them. He'd spent most of that evening chatting up one of my friends She was chatting one of the guys up
chat-up line
A chat-up line is a remark that someone makes in order to start a conversation with someone they do not know but find sexually attractive. something that someone says in order to start a conversation with someone they think is sexually attractive
Gossip; mindless banter
To engage in small talk, to discuss unimportant matters
(verb) talk about trivial matters
(noun) inconsequential conversation
chit chat
small talk, conversation about trivial subjects
chit-chat in AM usually use, and in BRIT sometimes use chitchat Chit-chat is informal talk about things that are not very important. Not being a mother, I found the chit-chat exceedingly dull. conversation about things that are not very important (chat)
cri du chat syndrome
A rare genetic disorder identified by the catlike cry of the infant
fireside chat
Any one of a series of 30 evening radio talks given by United States President Franklin Delano Roosevelt between 1933 and 1944
flat chat
At maximum capability or speed

We had the car going flat chat down the highway when the cops pulled us over.

flat chat
Extremely busy

Can you call me back tomorrow, mate? I'm flat chat at the moment.

hot chat
Heavy flirting with elements of reality or fantasy to induce orgasm
hot chat
Communication with the intent to cause sexual arousal
hot chat
A form of safe sex which precludes the transmission of virus and disease
pas de chat
A sideways jump with both feet brought as high as possible, knees apart, while in the air
video chat
An instance of participating in a webcam-based discussion with one or more other people
yellow-breasted chat
A large yellow-colored songbird found on the American continent, scientific name Icteria virens
General Chat
Java-based chat room on the World Wide Web that is open to all users (Internet)
Internet Relay Chat
{i} Internet network which allows communication (by typing) between users in real time (Computers)
plural of chat
third-person singular of chat
past of chat
Talking in real time to other network users from any and all parts of the world
- a way for a group of people to converse online in real-time by typing messages to each other
Using the Internet to carry on conversations with other Internet users The Internet supports chatting protocols and various sites provide chat rooms wherein users can meet and converse
present participle of chat
Chatting consists of communicating with other people on the Internet by typing messages back and forth while both parties are signed on the Internet Chatting can occur between more than 2 people at a time This occurs at web sites that are referred to as "chat rooms" Chatting between just 2 people, outside of chat rooms is usually referred to as "instant messaging"
cri-du-chat syndrome
A non-lethal human condition in infants caused by deletion of part of one homologue of chromosome 5
cri-du-chat syndrome
A chromosomal abnormality resulting from deletion of material from the fifth pair of chromosomes, typically resulting in severe retardation
cri-du-chat syndrome
A genetic disorder which often includes strabismus, myopia, glaucoma, microphthalmus, colobomas, and optic atrophy
fireside chat
{i} conversation beside a hearth; political speech in which an elected official tries to make the public feel that he or she is speaking directly to them (through friendliness and informality)
friendly chat
nice talk between friends, amicable and kindly conversation
had a chat
conversed briefly with, spoke together for a short period of time
have a chat
talk with, converse with, have a conversation with
new world chat
birds having a chattering call
old world chat
songbirds having a chattering call
pas de chat
A ballet jump in which the feet are lifted, one after the other, to the level of the opposite knee
video chat
conversation held between two or more participants in which a web camera is used so that each participant can see the face of the other participants via the Internet
yellow-breasted chat
American warbler noted for imitating songs of other birds
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Tıp) chat
chat bağlantısı
(Bilgisayar) chat connection
microsoft chat
(Bilgisayar) microsoft chat
(Din) Jihad: meaning "to strive" or "to struggle", in Arabic, is an Islamic term and a duty for Muslims. It appears frequently in the Quran and common usage as the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)". A minority among the Sunni scholars sometimes refer to this Islamic duty as the sixth pillar of Islam, though it occupies no such official status. In Twelver Shi'a Islam, however, Jihad is one of the 10 Practices of the Religion. Jihad requires Muslims to "struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society." Jihad is directed against the devil's inducements, aspects of one's own self, or against a visible enemy. The four major categories of jihad that are recognized are Jihad against one's own self (self-perfection), Jihad of the tongue, Jihad of the hand, and Jihad of the sword