
listen to the pronunciation of character
الإنجليزية - التركية

Herkesin kendi karakteri var. - Everyone has a character of his own.

Romandaki karakterlerden biri bir bankayı soymak için acemice bir plan düşünüyor. - One of the characters in the novel dreams up a half-baked plan for robbing a bank.

{i} kahraman
eksantrik/komik kimse
tip bir kimse
(Denizbilim) özge

Bunlar, konuşulan dilin özellikleridir. - These are characteristics of the spoken language.

Botanikçi dikkatle ağaçların morfolojik özellikleri kaydetti. - The botanist carefully recorded the morphological characteristics of the trees.


O iyi bir insan sarrafı. - He's a good judge of character.

Her zaman insan sarrafıydım. - I've always been a good judge of character.

(kitapta/oyunda/vb.) kişi

Kişiliğini tamamen değiştirdi. - She has totally changed her character.

Hayaller kişiliklerimizin mihenktaşıdır. - Dreams are the touchstones of our characters.


O kişilikli bir insandır. - He is a man of character.

Tom tipik bir kişilik. - Tom is quite a character.

gırgır kimse
{i} el yazısı

Japon yazım düzeni çok karmaşıktır, iki binden fazla karakteri olan üç tane alfabe vardır. - The Japanese writing system is very complicated, it has three alphabets with more than two thousand characters.

{i} sıfat
{i} isim
garip kişiliği olan kimse
{i} (roman, hikâye, oyun v.b.'nde) kişi, şahıs, karakter

Hayaller kişiliklerimizin mihenktaşıdır. - Dreams are the touchstones of our characters.

Kişiliğini tamamen değiştirdi. - She has totally changed her character.

{i} bonservis
{i} tabiat
{i} şan
(Tıp) Bir şahsın bilinen ve tahmin edilebilen mental özelliklerinin toplamı, karakter
canlandırılan kişi
(Askeri) KARAKTER: Verilerin teşkili, kontrolu veya gösterilmesinin bir parçası olarak kullanılan bir harf, sayı veya simge
{i} ahlâk
{i} huy
{i} karakteristik yapı
tiyatro karakter
{i} harf

n harfi küçük bir harftir. - The letter n is a lower-case character.

{i} harf türü
{i} tip bir kimse, nevi şahsına münhasır
{i} işaret
character assassination
kasıtlı küçük düşürücü iftira
character count
(Bilgisayar) harf sayısı
character set
character actor
karakter oyuncusu
character at a time printer
karakter yazıcı
character boundary
karakter sınırı
character code
karakter kodu
character defect
karakter zayıflığı
character emitter
karakter yayıcı
character fill
karakter doldurma
character group
karakter grubu
character modifier
karakter değiştiricisi
character part
karakter rolü
character printer
karakter yazıcı
character rate
karakter hızı
character reader
karakter okuyucu
character recognition
Karakter Tanıma
character recognition equipment
karakter tanıma donatısı
character reference
iyi durum belgesi
character register
karakter yazmaç
character repertoire
karakter repertuvarı
character set
karakter seti
character string
Karakter Dizgisi
character subset
karakter alttakımı
Character arc
Bir filmdeki rolü oynayan karakterin hikayenin içinde değişimi
character assumed or represented
niteliğini kazanmamış veya temsil
character outline
karakter anahat
character shape
karakter şekli
karakter özelliği

A few of those instincts are used up in such a manner that something appears in their place which, in an individual, we describe as a character-trait.

character actuation probability
(Askeri) KARAKTERİSTİK FAALİYETE GEÇME OLASILIĞI: Karakteristik faaliyete geçme genişliği içinde birinin tarama girişimiyle faaliyete geçilmiş bulunan belirli tipteki bir mayının ortalama olasılığı
character box
Karakter kutusu
character cell
karakter kutusu
character codes
karakter kodları
character constant
karakter değişmezi
character delay
Damga Gecikmesi
character delay
Karakter Gecikmesi
character emphasis
karakter vurgulama
character field
karakter alanı
character font
Karakterin yazıtipi
character format
Karakter biçimi
character format
Damga Biçimi
character formatting
Karakter biçimlendirme
character formatting keys
Karakter biçimlendirme tuşları
character generator
damga (karakter) ureteci
character grid
karakter ızgarası
character grid unit
karakter ızgara birimi
character guidance
(Askeri) KARAKTER GELİŞTİRİLMESİ: Ferdi sorumlulukların esasını teşkil eden temel moral prensipler konusunda bütün askeri personele, din işleri subayı veya psikiyatrist tarafından yapılan sistemli bir açıklama
character guidance instruction
character guidance program
(Askeri) KARAKTER GELİŞTİRME PROGRAMI: Komutanlık yönetiminde tartışmalar, konferanslar, örnek hareketler ve diğer münasip vasıtalarla, personelde, insanlık vakarı, ferdi sorumluluk, münasip teşvik ve en yüksek seviyede şahsi davranış yaratmak maksadı ile, temel ahlak prensipleri konusunda uygulanan bir askeri öğretim ve eğitim programı
character key
karakter tuşu
character map
Karakter Eşlem
character map
Damga Eşlem
character mapping
Damga Eşleştirme
character mapping
Karakter Eşleştirme
character pitch
damga (karakter) sikligi
character preview
Karakter Önizleme
character preview
Damga Önizleme
character rate
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) karakter oranı
character recognition
Damga Tanıma
character repeat
Karakter Yineleme
character repeat
Damga Yineleme
character scaling
Damga Ölçeklendirmesi
character scaling
Karakter Ölçekleme
character set
karakter takımı karakter kümesi
character set
Damga Kümesi
character set mapping
Karakter Kümesi Eşleştirmesi
character spacing
(= kerning) karakter aralama
character string
karakter dizilimi karakter
character style
Damga Stili
character style
Karakter Stili
character style
Karakter biçemi
character variable
karakter değişkeni
character width grid
Damga Genişliği Kılavuzu
character width grid
Karakter Genişliği Kılavuzu
character witness
ünlü tanık
check character
denetim karakteri
check character
kontrol karakteri
chief character
(edebiyat, film, tiyatro) Baş karakter
karakterize et
{f} ayırt edici özellik olmak
{f} farklı olmasını sağlamak
{f} canlandırmak
{f} simgesi olmak
{f} karakterize etmek
alternate character set
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öteki karakter kümesi
alternate character set
başka damga takımı
alternate character set
(Bilgisayar) diğer karakter kümesi
bits per character
bits per character
karakter başına ikil
blank character
(Bilgisayar) boş karakter
bullet character
(Bilgisayar) madde imi karakteri
cancel character
(Bilgisayar) vazgeç damgası
işaret etmek
(Bilgisayar) karakter

Romandaki karakterlerden biri bir bankayı soymak için acemice bir plan düşünüyor. - One of the characters in the novel dreams up a half-baked plan for robbing a bank.

Shakespeare bir sürü ünlü karakterler yarattı. - Shakespeare created many famous characters.

(Bilgisayar) karakter sayısı
continuation character
sürdürme damgası
decimal character
ondalık damga
escape character
(Bilgisayar) kaçış damgası
escape character
(Bilgisayar) çıkış karakteri
escape character
(Bilgisayar) değiştirme damgası
event character
(Bilgisayar) olay karakteri
global character
(Bilgisayar) değiştirilebilir damga
identification character
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tanıtma damgası
idle character
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) eylemsiz damga
idle character
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) boş damga
illegal character
kullanımsız karakter
illegal character
(Bilgisayar) kuraldışı damga
illegal character
(Bilgisayar) geçersiz damga
insertion character
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) araya sokma damgası
invalid character
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) geçersiz damga
most significant character
(Bilgisayar) en soldaki damga
most significant character
(Bilgisayar) en önemli damga
numeric character
(Bilgisayar) sayısal damga
numeric character set
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sayısal karakter takımı
numeric character set
(Bilgisayar) sayısal damga takımı
printer character
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı damgası
scrolling character
(Bilgisayar) sarılan karakter
unsupported character
(Bilgisayar) desteklenmeyen karakter
virtual character
sanal karakter
accuracy control character
doğruluk denetim karakteri
acknowledge character
alındı karakteri
additional character
ek karakter
alphabetic character
alfabetik karakter
alphabetic character set
alfabetik karakter seti
alphanumeric character
alfasayısal karakter
backspace character
geriletme karakteri
bell character
çağrı karakteri
bits per character
cancel character
iptal karakteri
carriage control character
yazıcı kontrol karakteri
carriage return character
satır başına dönüş karakteri
-in ayırıcı özelliği olmak
karakterize et
mayası bozuk
code directing character
kodlu yöneltme karakteri
code extension character
düğüm genişletme damgası
coded character
kodlu karakter
colloidal character
koloidal karakter
communication control character
iletişim denetim karakteri
continuation character
Sürdürme Karakteri
control character
kontrol karakteri
data link eacape character
veri bağlacı kaçış karakteri
decimal character
ondalık karakter
delete character
silme karakteri
device control character
aygıt denetim karakteri
dominant character
başat karakter
double byte character set
çift sekizli karakter kümesi
drawing character
çizim karakteri
enquiry character
bilgi verici karakter
extended character
ek karakter
extended character set
Genişletilmiş Karakter Kümesi
fictional character
hayalı karakter
fictitious character
hayali karakter
fill character
dolgu karakteri
functional character
işlevsel karakter
gap character
aralık karakteri
graphic character
çizge karakter
graphic character
grafik karakter
idle character
boş karakter
ignore character
yasaklama karakteri
illegal character
geçersiz karakter
in character
karakter olarak

Karakter olarak hangi ebeveynine benziyorsun? - Which of your parents do you take after in character?

inactive character
etken olmayan karakter
information separator character
bilgi ayırıcı karakter
التركية - التركية
Bilgisayar tarafınrdan yazılıp okunabilen ve depolanan herhangi bir tek alfabetik, nümerik, noktalama veya değer işaretlerinden biri
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A being involved in the action of a story
A complex number representing an element of a finite Abelian group
To write (using characters); To describe
A distinguishing feature; characteristic; A complex of mental and ethical traits marking a person or a group
A person or individual, especially one who is unknown or raises suspicions

We saw a shady character slinking out of the office with some papers.

One of the basic elements making up a text file or string: a code representing a printing character or a control character
A written or printed symbol, or letter
A moral strength

You may not like to eat liver, said Calvin's father, but it builds character..

A person with many notable or eccentric features
{n} a mark, letter, reputation, peculiar qualities, dignity, a person
A letter, digit, or other symbol, that is a part of the organization, control, or representation of data used in computer systems
a) [ISO] A member of a set of elements used for organisation control or representation of data A character can be a graphic character or a control character b) Common term for glyph used in writing languages
1) A single group of bars and spaces which represent an individual number, letter, punctuation mark, or other symbol 2) A graphic shape representing a letter, numeral, or symbol 3) A letter, digit, or other symbol that is used as part of the organization, control, or representation of data
A single location on a computer system capable of holding one alphabetic character or numeric digit One or more characters are held in a field One or more fields make up a record, and one or more records may be held in a file or database table
A letter, figure, punctuation mark, or other symbol used in writing or printing
A unique or extraordinary individuality; a person characterized by peculiar or notable traits; a person who illustrates certain phases of character; as, Randolph was a character; Cæsar is a great historical character
the inherent complex of attributes that determine a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions; "education has for its object the formation of character"- Herbert Spencer an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; "she played the part of Desdemona"
(n ) A letter, numeral, punctuation mark, control character, blank, or other such symbol See also byte
approval If you say that someone has character, you mean that they have the ability to deal effectively with difficult, unpleasant, or dangerous situations. She showed real character in her attempts to win over the crowd I didn't know Ron had that much strength of character
(1) a symbol used in writing, distinguished from others by its meaning, not its specific shape; similar to grapheme It relates to the domain of orthographies and writing See orthographic character (2) specific to the implementation of computers and other information systems See also abstract character and encoded character
(1) The smallest component of written language that has semantic value; refers to the abstract meaning and/or shape, rather than a specific shape (see also glyph), though in code tables some form of visual representation is essential for the reader's understanding (2) Synonym for abstract character (See Definition D3 in Section 3 3, Characters and Coded Representations ) (3) The basic unit of encoding for the Unicode character encoding (4) The English name for the ideographic written elements of Chinese origin (See ideograph (2) )
A letter, digit or other symbol that is used as the representation of data A connected sequence of characters is called a character string
A symbol used in a writing system In most western languages the letters A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 and punctuation characters such as : ; , ? etc
To distinguish by particular marks or traits; to describe; to characterize
Characters form the contents of an Emacs buffer; see section Character Set for Text Also, key sequences (q v ) are usually made up of characters (though they may include other input events as well) See section Kinds of User Input
You use character to say what kind of person someone is. For example, if you say that someone is a strange character, you mean they are strange. It's that kind of courage and determination that makes him such a remarkable character What a sad character that Nigel is
A single letter, digit, or symbol 'Q' is a character '4' is a character '%' is a character '123' and 'yo' are not characters
One of the persons of a drama or novel
Your character is your personality, especially how reliable and honest you are. If someone is of good character, they are reliable and honest. If they are of bad character, they are unreliable and dishonest. He's begun a series of personal attacks on my character Mr Bartman was a man of good character
good repute; "he is a man of character"
A character is a letter, number, or other symbol that is written or printed
n , adj 1 n an object of type character; that is, an object that represents a unitary token in an aggregate quantity of text; see section Character Concepts 2 adj a (of a stream) having an element type that is a subtype of type character The most fundamental operation on a character input stream is read-char and on a character output stream is write-char See binary b (of a file) having been created by opening a character stream (It is implementation-dependent whether this is an inspectable aspect of the file, or whether any given binary file can be treated as a character file )
The persona or role adopted by a player during the game In the Realms II LARP system, a character must have a name, but there are few other requirements See the character page for more details on how to create a character, and what is required to play one
The characters in a film, book, or play are the people that it is about. The film is autobiographical and the central character is played by Collard himself He's made the characters believable
approval If you say that a place has character, you mean that it has an interesting or unusual quality which makes you notice it and like it. An ugly shopping centre stands across from one of the few buildings with character
Moral quality; the principles and motives that control the life; as, a man of character; his character saves him from suspicion
A distinctive mark; a letter, figure, or symbol
Style of writing or printing; handwriting; the peculiar form of letters used by a particular person or people; as, an inscription in the Runic character
(1) The smallest component of written language that has semantic value Character refers to the abstract idea, rather than a specific shape (see also glyph), though in code tables some form of visual representation is essential for the reader's understanding (2) The basic unit of encoding for the Unicode character encoding, 16 bits of information (3) Synonym for ``code element'' (4) The English name for the ideographic written elements of Chinese origin
One of the basic elements making up a text file or string: a code representing a printing character or a control character. Synonymous with byte in some environments
an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; "she played the part of Desdemona"
If someone's actions are in character, they are doing what you would expect them to do, knowing what kind of person they are. If their actions are out of character, they are not doing what you would expect them to do. It was entirely in character for Rachel to put her baby first What else could make him behave so out of character?
a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability; "requests for character references are all to often answered evasively"
Heritable trait possessed by an organism; characters are usually described in terms of their states, for example: "hair present" vs "hair absent," where "hair" is the character, and "present" and "absent" are its states
a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something; "each town has a quality all its own"; "the radical character of our demands"
A symbol standing for a sound, syllable, or notion used in writing; one of the simple elements of a written language, for example, the lowercase letter “a” or the number “1” Compare character code, glyph
A member of a set of elements used for the organization, control, or representation of text (ISO2022, as adapted by XPG3) Note that in ISO2022 terms, a character is not bound to a coded value until it is identified as part of a coded character set
a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities); "a real character"; "a strange character"; "a friendly eccentric"; "the capable type"; "a mental case"
The peculiar quality, or the sum of qualities, by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others; the stamp impressed by nature, education, or habit; that which a person or thing really is; nature; disposition
The estimate, individual or general, put upon a person or thing; reputation; as, a man's character for truth and veracity; to give one a bad character
an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story); "she is the main character in the novel"
To engrave; to inscribe
Quality, position, rank, or capacity; quality or conduct with respect to a certain office or duty; as, in the miserable character of a slave; in his character as a magistrate; her character as a daughter
A letter, digit, or symbol that is used as part of the organization, control, or representation of data A character is often in the form of a spatial relationship of adjacent or connected strokes A single group of bars and spaces that represents an individual number, letter, punctuation mark, or other graphic font A graphic shape representing a letter, numeral, or symbol
a number, letter, or punctuation symbol One character usually occupies one byte when stored on a computer
A symbol used to represent a sound or a word
a single letter, number, or other special character, like #, $, and %
If something has a particular character, it has a particular quality. The financial concessions granted to British Aerospace were, he said, of a precarious character The state farms were semi-military in character. = nature
You can use character to refer to the qualities that people from a particular place are believed to have. Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British character
given to a servant
A single letter, number, or special character such as a punctuation mark or $
A written statement as to behavior, competency, etc
1 The simplest element that represents written languages The appearance of a character is not constant Its appearance depends on the font and the context of surrounding text See also Glyph
In electronic records, any symbol, such as a number, letter, or punctuation mark, that represents data and that, when encoded, can be processed or stored by a computer system
a written symbol that is used to represent speech; "the Greek alphabet has 24 characters"
If you say that someone is a character, you mean that they are interesting, unusual, or amusing. He'll be sadly missed. He was a real character
stores character or number data, up to 10 million characters
Strength of mind; resolution; independence; individuality; as, he has a great deal of character
{i} nature, disposition; figure, personage; letter or symbol; digital representation of a letter or other symbol (Computers); character reference, statement of qualities and abilities
engrave or inscribe characters on
character actor
A supporting actor who specializes in playing more eccentric or unusual roles
character assassination
a malicious verbal assault designed to damage the reputation of a public figure
character cell
The imaginary rectangle that delineates the boundaries of a text character
character class
One of a number of pre-determined groups into which characters in role-playing games are grouped, based on the focus of their skills
character classes
plural form of character class
character encoding
A well-defined correspondence between characters and numbers used to represent them
character encodings
plural form of character encoding
character reference
A statement, concerning the character of a person, furnished for someone applying for a post
character set
A set of characters together with a character encoding
character set
The set of characters encoded by a given character encoding
character sets
plural form of character set
character theory
The branch of abstract algebra dealing with group characters
character user interface
command line interface
Character arc
A character arc is the status of the character as it unfolds throughout the story, the storyline or series of episodes. Characters begin the story with a certain viewpoint and, through events in the story, that viewpoint changes
character actor
actor who works portraying serious roles
character actor
an actor who specializes in playing supporting roles
character actor
A character actor is an actor who specializes in playing unusual or eccentric people. an actor who typically plays unusual characters, rather than the most important characters
character assassination
slander, libel, spreading of vicious rumors about someone
character assassination
A character assassination is a deliberate attempt to destroy someone's reputation, especially by criticizing them in an unfair and dishonest way when they are not present. A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press. A vicious personal verbal attack, especially one intended to destroy or damage a public figure's reputation.character assassin n
character assassination
an attack intended to ruin someone's reputation
character encoding
{i} charset, character set, group of characters that a particular computer can use
character evidence
evidence which tells about someone's personality and personal qualities
character graphics
graphic created by using standard characters only
character loan
loan which is given on the basis of a person's good reputation
character mode
The opposite of Graphics Mode See also Text Mode Windows and other GUI systems operate almost totally in graphics mode All DOS and most UNIX programs operate in text mode The PINE E-mail program operates in text (character) mode
character mode
when referring to Web browsers, character mode (also called textmode) means that such browsers can reproduce text data only They cannot produce graphics directly, without the assistance of a helper application
character printer
printer which prints each character separately (as opposed to passing line after line and printing many characters at the same time)
character printer
a printer that prints a single character at a time
character recognition
Character recognition is a process which allows computers to recognize written or printed characters such as numbers or letters and to change them into a form that the computer can use
character reference
official certification which is given as evidence that a person does not have a criminal record
character set
an ordered list of characters that are used together in writing or printing
character set
group of characters that a particular computer can use
character string
group of characters that make up a distinct unit of information
character witness
a witness who testifies under oath as to the good reputation of another person in the community where that person lives
character witness
one who presents evidence on someone's personality and personal qualities
Chinese character
Any character used in the written form of several languages of China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam
check character
a character that is added to the end of a block of transmitted data and used to check the accuracy of the transmission
ASA character
A standard carriage control character added to the start of each line of text to be printed on a line printer
breakout character
In fictional television or other episodic media, a character who becomes the most popular, talked about, and imitated, helping to establish the narrative's popularity
carriage control character
A character, added to the beginning of each line of text to be printed on a line printer, that controls the movement of paper through the printer before each new line is printed
cartoon character
A fictional character in a cartoon
A letter or character
To determine the characteristics of
To depict someone or something a particular way (usually negative.)
control character
A character which does not have a direct visual appearance as a glyph, but rather causes some other display action to occur, such as a transition to a new line. Examples are tab, carriage return, and line feed
escape character
A single metacharacter, usually a control code, which in a sequence of characters signifies that what is to follow takes an alternative interpretation. The term escape sequence refers to the escape character and the subsequent character or characters so modified

In the C programming language, the backslash is an escape character; for example, '\n' represents a newline.

in character
Acting as the character, not as oneself

We were very in character, and the audience noticed.

non-player character
A character in a role-playing game or computer game whose actions are not controlled by the player
optical character recognition
The electronic identification and digital encoding of printed or handwritten characters by means of an optical scanner and specialized software
out of character
Inconsistent with one's personality, disposition, or usual expected behaviour

The burst of anger was out of character for the normally placid boy.

out of character
Not acting; not "on"; behaving within one's natural personality rather than that of a character, or taking actions entirely outside the fictional context

Susan asked the GM, out of character, whether she was able to sense magic in the room.

out of character
Away from the mindset, personality, or behavior assumed for a role that an actor is rehearsing or performing, or that a player is playing

The comedian stepped out of character to mug directly to the audience.

out of character
In a manner inconsistent with one's usual and expected personality or behavior
out of character
Not in character; not successfully performing within the mindset of a given character in a theatrical performance. See also break character, drop character

I was out of character for most of the first act because those people in the third row wouldn't stop chatting.

player character
: A character in a role-playing game whose actions are controlled by a participant in the game
round character
A complex literary character with fully developed and dynamic traits
staple character
A stock character, especially one that is overused

The mad scientist was a staple character in many horror films.

stock character
Any fictional character drawn from some stereotype who is instantly recognizable
title character
A fictional character whose name or a short description of him or her is present in the title of the work where he or she appears, resulting in an emphasis that typically but not necessarily is limited to the protagonist
whitespace character
A character such that it is white space
to describe by distinctive marks or peculiarities
flat character
(Fotoğrafçılık) A minor character in a work of fiction who does not undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story. Also referred to as "two-dimensional characters" or "static characters," flat characters play a supporting role to the main character, who as a rule should be round
foil character
In fiction, a foil is a character who contrasts with another character (usually the protagonist) in order to highlight particular qualities of the other character. In some cases, a subplot can be used as a foil to the main plot. This is especially true in the case of metafiction and the "story within a story" motif. The word foil comes from the old practice of backing gems with foil in order to make them shine more brightly
static character
(Fotoğrafçılık) A minor character in a work of fiction who does not undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story. Also referred to as "two-dimensional characters" or "flat characters," flat characters play a supporting role to the main character, who as a rule should be round
two-dimensional character
(Fotoğrafçılık) A minor character in a work of fiction who does not undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story. Also referred to as "flat characters" or "static characters," flat characters play a supporting role to the main character, who as a rule should be round
{v} to give a character, to mark
A distinctive mark; a character; a letter or sign
A magical symbol
If you describe something as characterful, you mean that it is pleasant and interesting. small characterful hotels serving local cuisine. characterless
char·ac·ter·ize characterizes characterizing characterized in BRIT, also use characterise1. If something is characterized by a particular feature or quality, that feature or quality is an obvious part of it. This election campaign has been characterized by violence A bold use of colour characterizes the bedroom
be characteristic of; "What characterizes a Venetian painting?"
{f} describe; be a characteristic of (also characterise)
To be a characteristic of; to make, or express the character of
To make distinct and recognizable by peculiar marks or traits; to make with distinctive features
If you characterize someone or something as a particular thing, you describe them as that thing. Both companies have characterized the relationship as friendly = describe
To indicate the character of; to describe
To engrave or imprint
describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of; "You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist"; "This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover"
be characteristic of; "What characterizes a Venetian painting?
Past tense and past participle of to characterize
{s} of meaning of words, of or related to concepts; expressed precisely (also characterised)
of the meaning of words or concepts; stated precisely
third-person singular of characterize
present participle of characterize
{s} ordinary; lacking character, lacking personality or flair
Having no distinguishing character or quality
lacking distinct or individual characteristics; dull and uninteresting; "women dressed in nondescript clothes"; "a nondescript novel
If you describe something as characterless, you mean that it is dull and uninteresting. The town is boring and characterless. a bland and characterless meal. characterful. not having any special or interesting qualities
Destitute of any distinguishing quality; without character or force
The people in a story, who may act, react, and change during the course of the story
Each number or letter sent to your pager is a character
The individual visual symbols, such as numerals, letters and punctuation, in a particular typeface or font
n The usual western name for one of the three suits in Mah Jong Same as Kraks, Ten Thousands
plural of character
people in a novel, play, etc
Characters form the contents of an Emacs buffer; also, Emacs commands are invoked by keys (q v ), which are sequences of one or more characters See section 1 4 The Emacs Character Set
A char ranges from 0 255 8-bit, unsigned byte Usually reserved for text ASCII characters 32-208 are standard characters e g: a b c D E F 7 8 9 ! # ?
The individual letters, numbers, and punctuation marks that make up a typeface
1 alphabetic
Characters form the contents of an Emacs buffer; see section Character Set for Text Also, key sequences (q v ) are usually made up of characters (though they may include other input events as well) See section Keyboard Input
Characters form the contents of an Emacs buffer; also, Emacs commands are invoked by keys (q v ), which are sequences of one or more characters See Keystrokes
A Character is the interpretation of the contents of one non-zero byte
the list of 25 Nintendo all-stars from Super Smash Bros Melee
Characters form the contents of an Emacs buffer; see Text Characters Also, key sequences (q v ) are usually made up of characters (though they may include other input events as well) See User Input
are the people or animals who will be in the story
Creatures or people that exist in the minds of the players These beings are created within set rules for the purposes of being an avatar in a world of fantasy
Karian Grey - orrum rebel, anti-human leader Marrion Cryvall - protector of the humans, anti-rebel leader Thomas J McCain - first human on eos, teacher of the dormus, father of the orrum
Characters form the contents of an Emacs buffer; also, Emacs commands are invoked by keys (q v ), which are sequences of one or more characters @xref{Keystrokes}