تعريف bulanıklılık في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- (Gıda) turbidity
- The state of being turbid; turbidness
- a measure of the opacity of the atmosphere A perfectly clear sky has a turbidity of 0, and a perfectly opaque sky has a turbidity of 1 Turbidity is affected by air molecules and aerosols
- the amount of solid particles that are suspended in water and that cause light rays shining through the water to scatter Thus, turbidity makes the water cloudy or even opaque in extreme cases Turbidity is measured in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU)
- The quality (e g , of water) of having suspended matter (e g , clay, silt, or plankton) that results in loss of clarity or transparency
- A measure of the cloudiness of water caused by suspended particles
- muddiness created by stirring up sediment or having foreign particles suspended
- Measure of extent to which light passing through water is reduced due to suspended materials (see nephelometric) The optical property of water based on the amount of light reflected by suspended particles Cloudiness of water, measured by how deeply light can penetrate into the water from the surface The cloudy appearance of water caused by the presence of suspended and colloidal matter The scattering and absorption of light that makes the water look murky Caused by the content and shape of matter suspended in the water The state of having sediment or foreign particles suspended or stirred up in water Reclamation partnered with the City of Ft Collins to provide additional water quality monitoring equipment needed, in part, to better detect turbidity at low water levels, particularly during construction
- Turbidness
- Visible undissolved solid material suspended in water Increasing the turbidity of the water decreases amount of light that penetrates the water column High levels of turbidity are harmful to aquatic life
- Turbidity is defined by the American Public Health Association as the "optical property of a water sample that causes light to be scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight lines through the sample," i e the cloudiness or transparency of the water sample
- 1 Haziness in air caused by the presence of particles and pollutants 2 A cloudy condition in water due to suspended silt or organic matter
- The cloudy condition of the water due to the presence of extremely fine particles in sus- ension that cannot be trapped by the filter because they are too small Adding a clar- ifier, such as an organic polymer or alum, will coagulate the particles and make the filter more efficient
- In water bodies, the condition of having suspended particles that reduce the ability of light to penetrate beneath the surface Some rivers and streams are naturally more turbid than others; soil erosion and runoff into streams can increase turbidity
- a measure of water clarity
- (1) a condition in water or wastewater caused by the presence of suspended matter, resulting in the scattering and absorption of light rays (2) a measure of fine suspended matter in liquids (3) an analytical quantity usually reported in turbidity units (NTU/FNU, FTU, JTU) determined by measurements of light diffraction
- a condition that reduces atmospheric transparency to radiation, especially light The degree of cloudiness, or haziness, caused by the presence of aerosols, gases, and dust
- A measure of the cloudiness of water We measure turbidity because it is a good indicator of the effectiveness of the water treatment system
- murkiness or cloudiness of water, indicating the presence of some suspended sediments, dissolved solids, natural or man-made chemicals, algae, etc
- A measure of the amount of finely divided suspended matter in water, which causes the scattering and adsorption of light rays
- bulanık
- blurry
This photo is too blurry. I can't make out your face.
- Bu fotoğraf çok bulanık. Yüzünü ayırt edemiyorum.
Everything looks blurry. I think I need a new pair of glasses.
- Her şey bulanık görünüyor. Yeni bir gözlüğe ihtiyacım olduğunu düşünüyorum.
- bulanık
- blurred
Possible side effects include blurred vision and shortness of breath.
- Olası yan etkiler arasında bulanık görme ve nefes darlığı bulunmaktadır.
Distant things look blurred.
- Uzak şeyler bulanık görünür.
- bulanık
- {s} dark
The water was cold and dark.
- Su soğuk ve bulanıktı.
- bulanık
- smear
- bulanık
- blur
This blurs the line between news and advertising.
- Bu, haber ve reklam arasındaki çizgiyi bulanıklaştırır.
This photo is too blurry. I can't make out your face.
- Bu fotoğraf çok bulanık. Yüzünü ayırt edemiyorum.
- bulanık
- wooly
- bulanık
- hazy
- bulanık
- unsharp
- bulanık
- clouded
Sami's rage clouded his judgment.
- Sami'nin öfkesi onun yargısını bulanıklaştırdı.
- bulanık
- milky
- bulanık
- cloudy
- bulanık
- fuzzy
This rice cooker uses fuzzy logic.
- Bu pirinç ocağı bulanık mantık kullanır.
- bulanık
- turbid
- bulanık
- dim
- bulanık
- feculent
- bulanık
- out-of-focus
- bulanık
- foggy
- bulanık
- mackled
- bulanık
- filmy
- bulanık
- cloudily
- bulanık
- out of focus
- bulanık
- turbid, muddy, blurred, dim; cloudy, overcast
- bulanık
- ambiguously
- bulanık
- troubled
Are you trying to fish in troubled waters?
- Bulanık sularda balık tutmaya mı çalışıyorsun?
- bulanık
- muddy
Using muddy colors for this design is not a good idea.
- Bu tasarım için bulanık renkler kullanmak iyi bir fikir değil.
- bulanık
- indistinct
- bulanık
- misty
- bulanık
- murky
The water was so murky that the police divers had to search for the body by feel.
- Su o kadar bulanıktı ki polis dalgıçlar vücudu dokunarak aramak zorunda kaldı.
Tom looked into the murky water.
- Tom bulanık suya baktı.