The gaseous phase of substances that are liquid or solid at atmospheric pressure (e g , steam) (Source: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, 1990)
To pass off in fumes, or as a moist, floating substance, whether visible or invisible, to steam; to be exhaled; to evaporate
The gaseous form of substances which are normally in the liquid or solid state (at normal room temperature and pressure) Vapors evaporate into the air from liquids such as solvents Solvents with low boiling points will evaporate
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (Hi: 194-256) Buhâralı. 600 bin hadisten seçilen 7275 hadis ile en mu'teber ve en sahih Sahih-i Buharî ismi ile anılan hadis kitabının müellifi. (Bak: Kütüb-ü Sitte)(Buharî ve Müslim ki, Kur'andan sonra en sahih kitab olduklarını, ehl-i tahkik kabul etmiş. M.)