The partial reduction of electrical voltages caused by customer demand being higher than anticipated or by the failure of the generation, transmission, or distribution system
An intentional reduction of voltage by a utility in response to a power demand in excess of its generation capability Nominal reductions are 3, 5, or 8 percent
Reduction in voltage for longer than one second, more dangerousthan a complete blackout as it can cause induction motors, such as thosefound in refrigerators, to burn out
A reduction of the voltage in the distribution system caused by overload, a failure in the distribution system, or a deliberate action by the utility company in an effort to reduce power consumption
the condition created during peak usuage periods when electric utility companies intentionally reduce their line voltage by approximately 10 - 15% to counter excessive demand
A long-duration under-voltage condition, usually hours or days in length Brownouts can be caused by heavy usage during peak hours, or they may be planned as an energy conservation strategy
A short period of low voltage often caused by an unusually heavy demand for power It can cause your computer to crash, so invest in an uninterruptable power supply (UPS)
-Refers to a reduction of voltage on the system This effectively dims the lights Systems in the eastern parts of the U S where networks are integrated use brownouts as a means of conserving energy
Controlled reduction of power by utility in which it decreases the voltage on the power lines Brownouts are initiated when total power demand exceeds maximum power supply
An intentional reduction of energy loads in an area by the partial reduction of electrical voltages which results in lights dimming and motors losing efficiency