
listen to the pronunciation of border
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} hudut

Ordu sınırı korumak için kuzeydedir. - The army is in the north to protect the border.

Almanya, Fransa ile bir sınır paylaşmaktadır. - Germany shares a border with France.


Norveç bayrağında kırmızı zemin üzerinde beyaz kenarlıklı koyu mavi Nordik haç vardır ve 1821 yılından kalmadır. - The Norwegian flag has a dark blue Nordic cross with white border on a red background, and it is from 1821.

Bu resmin etrafına mavi bir kenar süsü koyun. - Put a blue border around this picture.

sınırgüçlükle ayırt edilebilen
{f} bitişik olmak
sınır,v.sınırla: n.sınır
borderersınırda oturan kimse
{f} sınırlamak
borderline i
{f} demeye gelmek
(Askeri) DIŞKENAR HARİTA;, HUDUT, SINIR: Haritacılıkta, bir kara, deniz veya hava haritasında pafta çizgileri ile çevreleyen çerçeve arasında kalan bölge
borderlandsınır bölgesi
bir resim veya yazının etrafındaki süs
border sınır çiz/sınırla
sınır kenarlık
ile ortak sınıra sahip olmak
{f} sınırla

Bütün ülkelerin sınırları dahilinde her insan gurubuyla ilgili tarihi eserleri korumak ve bunları gelecek nesillere aktarmak için bir sorumluluğu vardır. - All countries have a responsibility to preserve the ancestral relics of every people group within their borders, and to pass these on to the coming generations.

Meksika kuzeyde Abd tarafından sınırlanmıştır. - Mexico is bordered on the north by the United States.

sınırdaş olmak
kuşatan sınır
yakına gelmek
sınır olmak
sınır koymak
{i} tarh
{f} sınır komşusu olmak
{i} kenar süsü

Bu resmin etrafına mavi bir kenar süsü koyun. - Put a blue border around this picture.

{f} benzer olmak
{f} çerçevelemek

Kent, kıyı bölgesi ve komşu dağlar arasındaki sınırda yer alıyor. - The city lies on the border of the coastal area and the neighboring highland.

(Tıp) border
border guard
Sınır muhafızı. Sınır polisi
border color
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık rengi
border dispute
(Kanun) sınır anlaşmazlığı
border flowers
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık çiçekleri
border line
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık satırı
border line
kenar çizgisi
border lines
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık çizgileri
border management
(Politika, Siyaset) sınır yönetimi
border on
border on
border on
bitişik olmak
border region
sınır bölgesi
border security
(Politika, Siyaset) sınır güvenliği
border style
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık biçemi
border style
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık stili
border town
sınır kasabası
border width
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık kalınlığı
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık/dolgu
border and offshore trade
sınır ve kıyı ticareti
border gate
gümrük kapısı
border gate
sınır kapısı
border line
border line
sınır hattı
border on
bitişik ol
border on
sınır komşusu olmak
border on
eğiliminde olmak
border trade
sınır ticareti
border beam
kenar kirişi
border collie
sınır collie
border fence
sınır çıt
border outpost
Sınır karakol
border art
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık resmi
border break
(Askeri) kitabe taşması
border break
(Askeri) dış kenar baskı
border break
(Askeri) DIŞ KENAR BASKI, KİTABE TAŞMASI: Bir kara, deniz veya hava haritasında kartografik teferruatı pafta çizgileri dışındaki kenara taşırmak gerektiği zaman kullanılan bir kartografi tekniği
border check
(Politika, Siyaset) sınır kontrolü
border clearance
(Askeri) sınır geçiş izni
border crosser
(Askeri) GEÇİŞ İZİNLİ ŞAHIS, PASAVANLI ŞAHIS: Bir hududa yakın oturan ve normal olarak meşru nedenlerle hududu sık sık geçmek lüzumu duyan kimse
border crosser
(Askeri) geçiş izinli şahıs
border crosser
(Askeri) pasavanlı şahıs
border crossing
sınır geçişi
border disk
border disk
border fortifications
(Askeri) Sınır tahkimatı
border guide
Kenarlık Kılavuzu
border line
kenarlık çizgisi
border line style
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık çizgi biçemi
border line style
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık çizgisi biçemi
border monitoring
(Askeri) sınır gözetlemesi
border on
(Fiili Deyim ) -e çok yaklaşmak , ulaşmak
border pen
çerçeve kalemi
border posts
(Askeri) sınır karakolları
border rope for furling a net
(Spor) faril
border size
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık boyutu
border spacing
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık aralığı
border surveillance
(Politika, Siyaset) sınır denetimi
border tax adjustments
(Ticaret) sınır vergisi düzenlemeleri
border tile
(İnşaat) bordür levhası
border to fill
(Bilgisayar) dolgu kenarlığı
border to strait
(Askeri) boğaza kıyısı olan
border transgressing
(Askeri) sınır ihlali
border type
kenarlık tipi
border unit
(Askeri) sınır birliği
border units
(Askeri) Sınır birlikleri
border upholstery
(İnşaat) bordürlü döşeme
border violation
(Askeri) sınır ihlali
border web
(Bilgisayar) web kenarlığı
border weight
sınır kalınlığı
border width
Kenarlık genişliği
border zone fence
(Askeri) Sınır hattı telörgüsü
border zone fence
(Askeri) sınır hattı tel örgüsü
bottom border
(Bilgisayar) alt kenarlık
open border
Açık sınır
border line
(Tıp) borderline

Meksika kuzeyde Abd tarafından sınırlanmıştır. - Mexico is bordered on the north by the United States.

Yol çitlerle sınırlanmıştır. - The path is bordered with hedges.

(Bilgisayar) kenarlık
(Bilgisayar) kenarlıklar
country border
(Politika, Siyaset) ülke sınırı
cross border cooperation
sınır ötesi işbirliği
diagonal border
(Bilgisayar) diyagonal kenarlık
erase border
(Bilgisayar) kenarlıkları temizle
inside border
(Bilgisayar) iç kenarlık
left border
(Bilgisayar) sol kenarlık
outline border
(Bilgisayar) kontur
province border
(Politika, Siyaset) ilçe sınırı
region border
(Politika, Siyaset) bölge sınırı
{f} sınırlandır
{f} sınırla
kıyısı olan
sınır ötesi
national border
ulusal sınır
cross border operation
sınır ötesi operayon, sınır ötesi harekat
cross-border military operation
sınır ötesi harekat
cross-border trade
(Ticaret) Sınır ötesi ticaret
fringe, edge, border
fringe, kenar, sınır
having a fringed border; fimbriate
Bir saçaklı sınır olan; fimbriate
past of border
sınır geçmiş
plain border
düz sınır
rule border
kural sınır
United States Border Patrol
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Sınır Devriyesi
active border
(Bilgisayar) etkin kenarlık
active border
(Bilgisayar) etkin sınır
add left border
Sol Kenar Çizgisi Ekle
add right border
Sağ Kenar Çizgisi Ekle
aerothermodynamic border
(Askeri) AEROTERMODİNAMİK SINIR: Ortalama 100 millik bir irtifaın üzerinde bulunan ve hızla hareket eden hava araçlarının cidarı veya kabini üzerinde önemli bir ısınma meydana getirecek hava sürtünmesi veya termik etkiden mahrum olan saha
bar border
Çubuğun kenarı
brush border
(Tıp) fırçamsı kenarlı
brush border
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) fırça kenar
cross border area
(Havacılık) sinir geçiş sahası
cross border connection
(Bilgisayar) sınır ötesi bağlantı
cross the border
(Politika, Siyaset) sınırı geçmek
customs border post
(Ticaret) sınır gümrük idaresi
dark border
(Bilgisayar) koyu kenarlık
default border
varsayılan kenarlık
dotted border
noktalı kenarlık
ellipse border
(Bilgisayar) elips kenarlık
facies of border
sınır fasıyesi
fennoscandian border zone
fenoskandiyen sınır zonu
flash border
(Bilgisayar) kenarlık yanıp sönsün
go through border
sınırdan geçmek
herbaceous border
{i} bitkilerden oluşan bahçe sınırı
herbaceous border
(isim) bitkilerden oluşan bahçe sınırı
illegal border cross
(Askeri) yasa dışı sınır geçişi
integrated border management
(Politika, Siyaset) entegre sınır yönetimi
kelyphitic border
kelifitik sınır
major border crossing points
(Askeri) Önemli hudut kapıları
mechanical border
(Askeri) mekanik sınır
mechanical border
(Askeri) MEKANİK SINIR: Atmosferde hava mukavemeti ve sürtünmesinin azaldığı tabaka (120 milden 140 mile kadar olan irtifa). Ayrıca bakınız: (effective atmosphere)
page border
Sayfa kenarlığı
patrol the border
sınır korumak
patrol the border
sınırı korumak
picture border
resim kenarlığı
quay border
rıhtım kenar
rib border
(Tekstil) ribana kenar
sizing border
boyutlandırma çerçevesi
slip over the border
(Politika, Siyaset) sınırı geçmek
top window border
pencere üst kenarı
town border
(Politika, Siyaset) şehir sınırı
vermilion border
(Diş Hekimliği) dudakların kırmızı bölümünün bitiş sınırı; vermilyon sınırı
waist border
(Tekstil) bel bordürü
window border / frame
Pencere kenarlığı / çerçevesi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To put a border on something
The line or frontier area separating political or geographical regions
A decorative strip around the edge of something
To lie on, or adjacent to a border
Short form of border morris or border dancing; a vigorous style of traditional English dance originating from villages along the border between England and Wales, performed by a team of dancers usually with their faces disguised with black make up
The outer edge of something

a solid 1px border around a table.

A strip of ground in which ornamental plants are grown
A boundary around a window The user can enter one-letter BORDER commands from the corners of the border For example, the letter P entered from a border corner pops the window The border corners are indicated by a + (plus) sign
The border between two countries or regions is the dividing line between them. Sometimes the border also refers to the land close to this line. They fled across the border. the isolated jungle area near the Panamanian border Clifford is enjoying life north of the border. the Mexican border town of Tijuana = frontier
In a garden, a border is a long strip of ground along the edge planted with flowers. a lawn flanked by wide herbaceous borders. border plants
A border is fabric which outlines your main area on a quilt Borders can either run around the outside of the main area, or there can also be borders between each block There can be multiple borders on a quilt
enclose in or as if in a frame; "frame a picture"
A horizontal band of decoration (usually wallpaper) hung around a room on a wall as an architectural detail Used to accent around doors, windows, along ceiling lines or as a chair rail
on a map, a line that usually encloses the entire map, not just the image area as does a neatline
a line that indicates a boundary
A piece of masking usually used in conjunction with legs to frame the viewing area and hide equipment and rigging from the view of the audience These pieces may be able to raise or lower to acheive desired look Several sets of borders and legs may be in use per typical stage set-up This system is considered independent from the Teaser-Tormentor system Submitted by A J Jackson from USA
form the boundary of; be contiguous to
A narrow strip of wallcovering often used just under the ceiling or around a window or door frame
If something is bordered by another thing, the other thing forms a line along the edge of it. the mile of white sand beach bordered by palm trees and tropical flowers Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River. = flank
the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
A design around the edge of a rug and enclosing the field The border usually includes a wide band of repeating design called the main border
A border is a strip or band around the edge of something. pillowcases trimmed with a hand-crocheted border
a frame or edge made of strips of fabric surrounding the quilt blocks Frames can be used around a center block to set it apart, or around the outer edges of a quilt as a finishing technique
The design which forms the outside edge of a rug and surrounds the field
the boundary of a surface
The decorative design or rule surrounding matter on a page
provide with a border or edge; "edge the tablecloth with embroidery"
Printed line or design around artwork, text, etc
An integer representing the border size around a button, panel or table The default border size for panels and buttons is set in the Shop Administration Configuration Button: Button face areas can be created using the define command The border is set using standard HTML syntax The default size for a button border is 6 Panel: The panel border is set using the "BORDER #" where the # is the border size Table: The table border is set using standard HTML syntax
A country that borders another country, a sea, or a river is next to it. the European and Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean. Border on means the same as border. Both republics border on the Black Sea
{n} an edge or edging, hem, boundary, bed
Page regions reserved for content that you want to appear consistently on all your Web pages Shared borders usually contain link bars - hyperlinks to the other pages in the current Web site
A bar of colour surrounding the main colour of a flag Naval Ensign The flag used by naval vessels Flown at the stern Also called a War Flag
{i} boundary; edge, fringe; frame which surrounds the application window (Computers)
The area around the outside of an object The border may not be visible, depending on the choices for formatting
An InputOutput window can have a border of equal thickness on all four sides of the window The contents of the border are defined by a pixmap, and the server automatically maintains the contents of the border Exposure events are never generated for border regions
lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U S "; "England marches with Scotland"
a rectangular box that surrounds the perimeter of an ad or selected items on that ad the such as a photograph that creates a hard edge Borders are not allowed around the perimeter of NCN ads (See keystoning)
margin; verge; brink
{f} be adjacent to; live next door
provide with a border or edge; "edge the tablecloth with embroidery
"When used in descriptions of binding, whether of leather or cloth, this properly means decoration that closely borders the edges of the cover (cf FRAME)"
The outer part or edge of anything, as of a garment, a garden, etc
To approach; to come near to; to verge
To make a border for; to furnish with a border, as for ornament; as, to border a garment or a garden
Line or design surrounding an advertisement to set it apart from competitive advertisements or editorial
A decorative line or pattern along one or more edges of text or illustration
"; "England marches with Scotland" provide with a border or edge; "edge the tablecloth with embroidery
A narrow flower bed
To be, or to have, contiguous to; to touch, or be touched, as by a border; to be, or to have, near the limits or boundary; as, the region borders a forest, or is bordered on the north by a forest
a decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge
a strip forming the outer edge of something; "the rug had a wide blue border" lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U
extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"
A strip or stripe arranged along or near the edge of something, as an ornament or finish
Attribute that controls the thickness of the border of an image or table
lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U
To confine within bounds; to limit
"; "England marches with Scotland"
a strip forming the outer edge of something; "the rug had a wide blue border"
A boundary; a frontier of a state or of the settled part of a country; a frontier district
The edges of a window; you can move the border in or out to change the window's size
design surrounding printing on a page
Continuous rule or decorative design bordering a type or illustration area or advertisement
To touch at the edge or boundary; to be contiguous or adjacent; with on or upon as, Connecticut borders on Massachusetts
boundary, as in: Be sure to have your passport when you cross the border
Border Collie
A herding dog bred near the border between England and Scotland which is widely regarded as the most intelligent breed of dog
border on
To be almost like some other thing

His behaviour borders on insanity.

border reivers
The collective name for the predatory clans of the border region between England and Scotland
border stones
plural form of border stone
Border Gateway Protocol
(Computers) protocol used for exchanging routing information between gateway hosts on large networks (such as the Internet), BGP
Border States
The slave states of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri that were adjacent to the free states of the North during the Civil War. Virginia joined the Confederacy in 1861, causing its western counties to form the new state of West Virginia. It and other Border States remained tied to the Union despite strong Southern sympathies
Border terrier
A small, hardy, rough-coated terrier bred to hunt foxes in the border country of England and Scotland
border collie
developed in the area between Scotland and England usually having a black coat with white on the head and tip of tail used for herding both sheep and cattle
border collie
Breed of long-haired sheepdog that has been used along the English-Scottish border for about 300 years. Usually black and white, it stands about 20 in. (50 cm) and weighs 30-50 lbs (14-23 kg). It is the most popular working sheepdog in the British Isles
border correction
changing of a boundary, correction of a boundary
border crossing terminal
point designated for controlled passage across a border
border guard
military arm of the police
border guard net
communications systems used by border guards
border guard policeman
law enforcement officer responsible for safeguarding the borders of a country
border incident
something which happens at a border, event taking place at a border
border line
{i} line which indicates the boundary between two countries
border on
If you talk about a characteristic or situation bordering on something, usually something that you consider bad, you mean that it is almost that thing. The atmosphere borders on the surreal. see also border 2 = verge on
border on
come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character; "This borders on discrimination!"; "His playing approaches that of Horowitz
border on
lie on the boundary of
border outpost
small town located on a boundary
border patrol
a group of officers who patrol the borders of a country
border patrolman
someone who patrols the borders of a country
border settlement
small town located on a boundary
border terrier
small rough-coated terrier of British origin
border town
small town located at a border
border upon
lie on the boundary of
border violators
infiltrators, trespassers, those who infringe on a border
{s} on or near a border or boundary; uncertain, indeterminate
Present participle of border
Across a border
Taking place across a border
north of the border
north of the border
having a border especially of a specified kind; sometimes used as a combining term; "black-bordered handkerchief
lines around a page or table
Decorative designs around the outside of stationery Typically are embossed on formal invitations
Having a common boundary or border
Borders are line effects that you can place around cells or cell ranges to improve the appearance or effectiveness of your worksheets
The use of borders within the page redefines its space according to the purpose, the audience, and the desired effects See Exploring Language, page 190
open border
A border that enables free movement of people between different jurisdictions with limited or no restrictions to movement
an area in Scotland close to the border with England, known for its low hills Scottish Borders
a mostly obsolete practice of edging a flag in a different color than the field, either for decorative purposes or to prevent fraying
Is adjacent to, is next to, shares borders with, abuts
Fabric strips (pieced, appliquéd or plain) that are used to frame the center part of the quilt
{s} having a border with
Lines that outline the rows and columns
Outside edges of a table
past of border
The lettered row at the top of the worksheet and the numbered column to the left used to identify cell addresses
plural of border
Between different countries, or involving people from different countries
Allenby Bridge border crossing
crossing between Israel and Jordan
Lebanese border
border between Israel and Lebanon
aerial border
border which is located in the air
Cross-border trade occurs between companies in different countries. Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade = overseas domestic
Cross-border attacks involve people crossing a border and going a short way into another country. a cross-border raid into Zambian territory. relating to activity across a border between two countries cross-border trade/business etc cross-border attack/raid
herbaceous border
{i} garden border made of flower beds
herbaceous border
A herbaceous border is a flower bed containing a mixture of plants that flower every year. part of a garden where people grow plants that live for many years and do not need to be replaced
maritime border
border located in the sea, sea boundary
northern Israeli border
the Good Fence, border between Israel and Lebanon; Upper Galilee area
northern border settlement
small residential area located on a northern border
permanent border
boundary which does not change
the Kuneitra border crossing point
passage point located on the border of Kuneitra
united states border patrol
the mobile law enforcement arm of the Immigration and Naturalization Service that detects and prevents illegal entry of aliens into the United States
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Tıp) border
border disk
border disk