bordeaux mixture ağaçları korumak için kullanılan karışım

listen to the pronunciation of bordeaux mixture ağaçları korumak için kullanılan karışım
التركية - الإنجليزية
any of several red or white wines produced around Bordeaux, France or wines resembling them
a port city in southwestern France; a major center of the wine trade
A claret wine from Bordeaux
any of several red or white wines produced around Bordeaux, France or wines resembling them a port city in southwestern France; a major center of the wine trade
Pertaining to Bordeaux in the south of France
bordeaux mixture ağaçları korumak için kullanılan karışım


    bor·de·a·ux mix·tu·re a·ğaç·la·rı ko·ru·mak i·çin kul·la·nı·lan ka·rı·şım

