
listen to the pronunciation of bockspringen
ألمانية - التركية
n l. (Turnen) kuzudan atläma
flg. ant ve garip sicrayis veya hareket -wuret / sicak suda demlen-dirilerek yenen bir nevi Alman sucugu
Ksp. birdir-bir oynama -Sprung m l. oglak sicrayisi
birdirbir oynamak
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف bockspringen في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{f} birdirbir oyna
Birdirbir oyunu
(Askeri) İki asker mevzi değiştirirken birisi onu korurken diğerinin sıçraması
Birdirbirde ebenin üzerinden atlamak
MÜNAVEBELİ SıHHiYE DESTEÐİ: Sıhhiye taktiğinde uygulanan bir usul. Burada; aynı ve benzeri görevleri yapan sıhhiye birlikleri, müşterek bir hareket ekseni üzerinde münavebeli mevzi değiştirmek suretiyle, manevra kuvvetlerine ve muharebe halindeki kuvvetlere devamlı sıhhiye desteği sağlanır
(isim) birdirbir
{f} birdirbir oynamak
(Askeri) MÜNAVEBELİ SIHHİYE DESTEĞİ: Sıhhiye taktiğinde uygulanan bir usul. Burada; aynı ve benzeri görevleri yapan sıhhiye birlikleri, müşterek bir hareket ekseni üzerinde münavebeli mevzi değiştirmek suretiyle, manevra kuvvetlerine ve muharebe halindeki kuvvetlere devamlı sıhhiye desteği sağlanır
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
To make obsolete

This new product will leapfrog the competition.

A children's game in which players vault over each other's stooped backs
To advance by engaging enemy with one unit while the other moves further forward
To progress as in leapfrog
1 A children's game in which a number of children bend down and another child jumps over them one at a time.2. Improve your position by going past other people quickly or by missing out some stages
{n} the name of a childish play
{f} play leapfrog (children's game); jump over; move forward as in the game of leapfrog
{i} children's game which is played by jumping one by one over the backs of kneeling players
To jump over some obstacle as in leapfrog
A play among boys, in which one stoops down and another leaps over him by placing his hands on the shoulders of the former
a game in which one child bends down and another leaps over advancing as if in the game of leapfrog progress by large jumps instead of small increments jump across; "He leapfrogged his classmates
a game in which one child bends down and another leaps over
A childrens game in which players vault over each others stooped backs
advancing as if in the game of leapfrog
progress by large jumps instead of small increments
If one group of people leapfrogs into a particular position or leapfrogs someone else, they use the achievements of another person or group in order to make advances of their own. It is already obvious that all four American systems have leapfrogged over the European versions American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two. a children's game in which someone bends over and someone else jumps over them (Because the jumping players look like frogs). leapfrogged leapfrogging to suddenly become better, more advanced etc than people or organizations that were previously better than you
jump across; "He leapfrogged his classmates"
Leapfrog is a game which children play, in which a child bends over, while others jump over their back
Bockspringen (Kinderspiel)
leapfrog (children's game)