{i} injuries inflicted in response to injuries received; retaliation, revenge; use of force or political pressure to retaliate against another nation without officially going to war; retaliatory confiscation of property or capture of prisoners
If you do something to a person in reprisal, you hurt or punish them because they have done something violent or unpleasant to you. Witnesses are unwilling to testify through fear of reprisals. = retaliation. something violent or harmful which you do to punish someone for something bad they have done to you revenge, retaliation retaliation (reprisaille, from , from riprendere )
bir müzik parçasının bir bölümünün ya da tümünün ikinci kez çalınması
bir mü·zik par·ça·sı·nın bir bö·lü·mü·nün ya da tü·mü·nün i·kin·ci kez ça·lın·ma·sı