bilgilendirilmiş onay

listen to the pronunciation of bilgilendirilmiş onay
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Tıp) informed consent
Permission granted in the knowledge of the possible consequences
(Tıp, İlaç) Consent by a patient to a surgical or medical procedure or participation in a clinical study after achieving an understanding of the relevant medical facts and the risks involved
consent by a patient to undergo a medical or surgical treatment or to participate in an experiment after the patient understands the risks involved
A person's voluntary agreement, based upon adequate knowledge and understanding of relevant information, to participate in research or to undergo a diagnostic, therapeutic, or preventive procedure In giving informed consent, subjects may not waive or appear to waive any of their legal rights, or release or appear to release the investigator, the sponsor, the institution or agents of the institution from liability for negligence [Federal Policy 116; 21 CFR 50 20 and 50 25]
The voluntary agreement obtained from a subject (or the subject’s legally authorized representative) to participate in research or related activity, before participating in that activity The consent must permit the individual (or legally authorized representative) to exercise free power of choice without undue inducement or any element of deceit, fraud, force, duress, or other form of coercion or constraint
An individual willingly agrees to participate in an activity after first being advised of the risks and benefits See also: privacy
a way to protect people entering a drug trial Each participant in a clinical trial in the U S must sign a consent form that explains the purpose of the trial, the results expected, the mechanics of the trial, potential risks, a list of other treatments that are available There is also a statement telling the participant that (s)he can leave the clinical trial at any time
An agreement to participate in research that is made voluntarily by an individual with legal and mental competence and the capacity to understand the information transmitted and its implications, after having been informed of the physical, psychological and personal risks and potential benefits entailed by a research protocol Informed consent is usually demonstrated by signing a consent form, but it may be oral (under specific criteria approved by an IRB) (45 CFR 46 116)
A term used to describe the obligation of physicians or researchers to allow patients or subjects to be active participants in decision regarding their care or participation in research Informed consent, then, is rooted in the concept of autonomous choice or the right of self-determination Bioethics literature includes five elements in its analysis of informed consent: disclosure (of information to the patient/subject) comprehension (by the patient/subject of the information being disclosed) voluntariness (of the patient/subject in making his/her choice) competence (of the patient/subject to make a decision) consent (by the patient/subject)
A discussion of the procedures, risks, and benefits of a clinical trial between the investigator and the patient All patients must sign the informed consent form before participating in a trial
{i} consent given by a patient (or his/her legally authorized representative) to undergo surgery or medical treatment or procedure after being informed and understanding the benefits and risks involved
The consent from a patient that a health care provider must secure, authorizing the provider to perform a particular medical procedure The consent is frequently given in writing and is valid only when the proposed treatment and its risks have been identified and explained to the patient in an understandable fashion In the case of a minor or other legally-incompetent patient, a guardian may give informed consent for medical treatment
Informed consent is a process in which a research participant learns the key facts about a clinical trial before he or she decides to participate in the study In addition to talking about the facts of the study with the researcher, all information will be included in a written consent form The participant will be able to take the consent form home to read and discuss with family members Participants may continue to ask questions before, during and after the consent form is signed The participant's agreement to be in a study after being fully informed about what participating will involve, length of the study, benefits and risks, costs, confidentiality, purpose of the study, alternative treatments and withdrawal participation is informed consent
A written agreement by program participants to voluntarily participate in an evaluation or study after having been advised of the purpose of the study, the type of information being collected, and how the information will be used
A process in which the risks, benefits, and requirements of a research study are explained to people invited to take part in the study Before entering the study a participant should sign an informed consent form, which should contain in writing the benefits, risks and basic structure of the study
Voluntary consent given by a subject - that is, person or a responsible proxy such as a parent- for participation in a study, immunization program, treatment regimen, etc , after being informed of the purpose, methods, procedures, benefits and risks, and when relevant, the degree of uncertainty about outcomes The essential criteria of informed consent are that the subject has both knowledge and comprehension, that the consent is freely given without duress or undue influence, and that the right of withdrawal at any time is clearly communicated to the subject See also confidentiality; ethics; respect for autonomy
It can only be given by an adult, whether he/she has a disability or not, who is considered legally competent This person can not have a guardian or guardian advocate to whom these rights have been given Informed consent says that a person understands a medical procedure or treatment, alternative procedures or treatments, and any risks or dangers associated with the proposed procedure or treatment
the right to have information explained to you so that you fully understand and agree to the nature of the proposed treatment
Informed consent is a legal term referring to the right of individuals to make informed medical treatment decisions Under State law, informed consent typically includes the right to be told of one's medical condition and prognosis, the risks and benefits associated with a recommended procedure or course of treatment, and the risks and benefits of other available treatment options, including the option of refusing treatment When a person becomes mentally incapacitated, his or her right to give or withhold informed consent typically passes to the person's legal representative, usually an agent or attorney-in-fact under a durable power of attorney, a court-appointed guardian, or a close family member
a process by which a subject voluntarily confirms his or her willingness to participate in a particular trial, after having been informed of all aspects of the trial that are relevant to the subject's decision to participate Informed consent is documented by means of a written, signed, and dated informed consent form Informed consent may not include any language through which the subject or the representative is made to waive or appear to waive any of the subject's legal rights, or releases or appears to release the investigator, the sponsor, the institution, or its agents from liability for negligence