
listen to the pronunciation of besprechung
ألمانية - التركية
[die] görüşme, mülakat; tartışma, müzakere, münakaşa, istişare; (kitap) eleştiri
en {bı'şprehung} e görüşme, tartışma konuşma
en. e. bı'şprehung görüşme, tartışma, konuşma
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف besprechung في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


Ben tartışmaya katıldım. - I took part in the discussion.

Hararetli bir tartışmadan sonra,uzlaşma sağlandı.Sigara içme köşesinde sigara içenlerin sigara içmesine izin verilecek. - After a heated discussion, a compromise was adopted. Smokers will be allowed to smoke in the smoking corner.


Tom seninle bir miting yapmak ister. - Tom wants to have a meeting with you.

Tom gelinceye kadar mitinge başlamayacağız. - We won't start the meeting until Tom comes.

{i} buluşma

Burada seninle buluşmayı asla hayal etmedim. - Never did I dream of meeting you here.

Meg Tom'la tekrar buluşmaktan mutluydu. - Meg was happy about meeting Tom again.

{i} müzakere
{i} görüşme

Koç'un onun saha performansını değerlendirmek için her oyuncuyla bire bir görüşmesi vardı. - The coach had a one-on-one discussion with each player to evaluate his performance on the field.

Görüşmeye ara vermek istemedim. - I didn't want to interrupt the discussion.


Ben, atletizm karşılaşmalarına katıldım. - I took part in the athletic meeting.

O, atletizm karşılaşmasına katıldı. - He took part in the athletic meeting.

{i} münazara
{i} bahis
sözlü veya yazılı tartışma
meydan toplantısı
meeting place toplantı yeri
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
critique (of something)
bei der Besprechung
at the meeting
(kritische) Besprechung
write-up (of a book/product/performance)
(kritische) Besprechung
Das Vernünftigste wäre, die Besprechung zu verschieben.
The sensible thing would be to postpone the meeting
Den Kaffee schenk ich mir. Ich muss in einer halben Stunde bei einer Besprechung
I'll give the coffee a miss. I'm due at a meeting in half an hour
Die Besprechung ist vorläufig für Donnerstag angesetzt.
The meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday
Die Besprechung war bereits im Gange.
The meeting was already under way
Einige Punkte müssen noch geklärt werden, bevor die Besprechung beginnt.
Some points need to be cleared up before the meeting begins
Er hat uns alle in seinem Büro zu einer kurzen Besprechung versammelt.
He corralled us all into his office for a quick meeting
Er ist in einer Besprechung.
He is in conference
Ich habe die Besprechung an seiner Stelle abgehalten.
I conducted the meeting in his stead
Ich war drauf und dran, mitten in der Besprechung aufzustehen und zu gehen.
I was tempted to walk out halfway through the meeting
Ich werde die Sache bei der nächsten Besprechung vorbringen.
I'll bring the matter forward at the next meeting
Möchtest du die morgige Besprechung moderieren?
Would you like to chair tomorrow's meeting?
Sie hat offengelassen, ob die Besprechung am Montag oder Dienstag ist.
She didn't specify if the meeting will be on Monday or Tuesday
Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, bin ich zu einer Besprechung noch nie zu spät gek
As far as I can remember, I've never been late to a meeting
Unglaublicherweise wurde bei keiner einzigen Besprechung Protokoll geführt.
Incredibly, not a single meeting was minuted
eine improvisierte Rede/Besprechung
an impromptu speech/meeting
geschäftliche Besprechung
business meeting
jdn. zu einer Besprechung einladen
to invite somebody to a meeting
kritische Besprechung/Rezension
critique (of a work)
mit jemandem eine vertrauliche Besprechung haben
to be closeted with somebody