تعريف bastırılmak في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- smother
- Figuratively: to perish, grow feeble, or decline, by suppression or concealment; be stifled; be suppressed or concealed
- To suffocate; stifle; obstruct, more or less completely, the respiration of
- To breathe with great difficulty by reason of smoke, dust, close covering or wrapping, or the like
- To daub or smear
- The act of smothering a kick (see above)
- The state of being stifled; suppression
- {v} to suffocate, suppress
- a stifling cloud of smoke conceal or hide; "smother a yawn"; "muffle one's anger"; "strangle a yawn" envelop completely; "smother the meat in gravy" deprive of the oxygen necessary for combustion; "smother fires" deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing; "Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow"; "The child suffocated herself with a plastic bag that the parents had left on the floor" form an impenetrable cover over; "the butter cream smothered the cake
- To jump in front of the player with the ball just before (or as) he kicks it, so that the ball is not forwarded
- Stifling smoke; thick dust
- That which smothers or appears to smother, in any sense
- a stifling cloud of smoke conceal or hide; "smother a yawn"; "muffle one's anger"; "strangle a yawn"
- To get in the way of a kick of the ball, preventing it going very far. When a player is kicking the ball, an opponent who is close enough will reach out with his hands and arms to get over the top of it, so the ball hits his hands after leaving the kickers boot, dribbling away
- form an impenetrable cover over; "the butter cream smothered the cake
- Of a fire: to burn very slowly for want of air; smolder
- To hit a ball with a closed clubface
- Hence, to repress the action of; to cover from public view; to suppress; to conceal; as, to smother one's displeasure
- bas
- {i} bass
I play bass guitar in a guitar ensemble.
- Bir gitar topluluğunda bass gitar çalarım.
Basset hounds are gentle dogs.
- Basset tazıları kibar köpeklerdir.
- bas
- bass guitar
I quit playing the bass guitar.
- Ben bas gitar çalmayı bırakıyorum.
Tom wants to buy a bass guitar, but he doesn't have enough money.
- Tom bir bas gitar almak istiyor ama yeterli parası yok.
- bas
- bass voice
- bas
- {f} press
Please put a cassette in the VCR and press the record button.
- Lütfen VCR'a bir kaset koy ve kayıt butonuna bas.
He has to have his blood pressure taken every day.
- O, her gün kan basıncı ölçtürmek zorundadır.
- bas
- {f} overwhelming
- bas
- imprint
- bas
- {f} print
This book will be printed next year.
- Bu kitap, gelecek yıl basılacak.
Newly printed books smell good.
- Yeni basılmış kitaplar güzel kokuyor.
- bas
- basso
Are you still playing the bassoon?
- Hâlâ bason çalıyor musun?
- bas
- overwhelm
- bas
- {f} published
He had a book on physics published.
- Fizikle ilgili bir kitap bastırdı.
The first edition was published ten years ago.
- İlk baskı on yıl önce yayınlandı.
- bas
- {f} pressed
He pressed the brake pedal.
- O, fren pedaline bastı.
He pressed the button and waited.
- Butona bastı ve bekledi.
- bas
- {f} pressing
They'll keep pressing the foreman.
- Onlar ustabaşına baskı yapmaya devam edecekler.
The union is pressing for a ten-percent pay hike.
- Sendika yüzde on oranında ücret zammı için baskı yapıyor.
- bas
- bull fiddle
- bas
- {f} printing
This textbook, having been printed in haste, has a lot of printing mistakes.
- Bu ders kitabının, aceleyle basıldığı için, bir sürü hatası var.
Mistakes in the printing should be pointed out at once.
- Baskıdaki hatalara derhal dikkat çekilmelidir.
- bas
- {f} print out
- bas
- kephale
- bas
- nob
He walked on tiptoe so that nobody would hear him.
- O, kimse onu duymasın diye parmak uçlarına basarak yürüdü.
- bas
- flush mechanism of a toilet
- bas
- bass; bass guitar, bass
- bas
- stet
- bas
- incuse