(Askeri) OTOMASYON, MAKİNELEŞME: 1. İşlemlerin otomatik araçlarla yapılması. 2. Bir yöntemin, işlemin veya teçhizatın otomatik olarak çalışır hale getirilmesi
(Askeri) BİLGİ OTOMATİKLEŞTİRME: Bilgileri otomatik olarak kaydetmek, bildirmek, işlemek ve elde edilen sonuçları yine aynı şekilde göstermek üzere, elektronik, elektromekanik ve mekanik teçhizattan ve bunlarla ilgili teknik usullerden faydalanma
(Askeri) BİLGİ OTOMATİKLEŞTİRME TEKLİFİ: Bir bilgi otomatikleştirme ihtiyacıyla ilgili olarak, resmi bir rapor veya yeni bir otomatik bilgi sisteminin bulunması ya da mevcut bir sistemin tadili yolunda yapılan teklif veya tavsiye
(Askeri) BİLGİ SİSTEMİ OTOMATİKLEŞTİRME PROGRAMI: Periyodik olarak yayımlanan Amerikan Hava Kuvvetleri Karargahı dokümanı. Bu dokümanda; sistem geliştirme projeleri ile ilgili bir çizelge, mevcut otomatik bilgi sistemlerine ait tarifler ve stoktaki bilgi sistemlerinin kullanma safhalarını gösterir bir zaman çizelgesi bulunur. Otomatikleştirilmiş bilgi sistemleri ile ilgili elektronik cihazların hizmete başlama ve çalışma fasılalarına ait program kontrollarını sağlar
the condition of being automatically operated or controlled; "automation increases productivity"
Using rules to automate tasks, such as updating announcements on certain days, rather than using rules to personalize content (P&M)
the condition of being automatically operated or controlled; "automation increases productivity
equipment used to achieve automatic control or operation; "this factory floor is a showcase for automation and robotic equipment"
An ActiveX (OLE) term that refers to a means of manipulating another application's objects by the use of a programming language, most commonly Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
machinery that has sensing and control devices that enable it to operate automatically
Needed to industrialize processes, for higher throughput, greater reliability and often for cost- effectiveness Related terms: LIMS, robotics Drug discovery & development
the use of computers and machines instead of people to do a job automated (automatic). Term coined about 1946 by a Ford Motor Co. engineer, used to describe a wide variety of systems in which there is a significant substitution of mechanical, electrical, or computerized action for human effort and intelligence. In general usage, automation can be defined as a technology concerned with performing a process by means of programmed commands combined with automatic feedback control (see control system) to ensure proper execution of the instructions. The resulting system is capable of operating without human intervention
Industry term commonly used to describe the mechanization of various aspects of the die casting process
the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically
automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human organs of observation, effort, and decision
A technology that allows a client application to create and control an object by using the exposed object's properties and methods
The use of electronic or mechanical machines to perform routine functions with minimal human intervention
In consoles, a feature that lets the engineer program control changes (such as fader level) so that upon playback of the multitrack recording these changes happen automatically
the act of implementing the control of equipment with advanced technology; usually involving electronic hardware; "automation replaces human workers by machines"
The implementation of processes by automatic means; the theory, art or technique of making a process more automatic; the investigation, design, development and application of methods for rendering processes automatic, self-moving or self-controlling; the conversion of a procedure, a process or equipment to automatic operation Noun: The automatic operation or control of a process, machine, equipment or system; the mechanical and electronic techniques and equipment used to achieve automatic operation or control; the condition of being automatically controlled or operated
Usually refers to "console automation," relatively not-new technology that automates certain functions of sound equipment; consoles, for example, can store specific scenes (certain inputs/outputs at specific levels) and recall them at a later time
Automatic, as opposed to human, operation or control of a process, equipment or a system; or the techniques and equipment used to achieve this In libraries, automation refers to the process of automating functions such as circulation, cataloging, or acquisitions
A specialized area in the field of Configuration Management that focuses on the visibility and control of an IT Environment’s configuration and bill-of-material at the most granular level. IT managers can leverage this strategy to reach the next level of automation and efficiency for their Physical, Virtual or Cloud-based IT environments, and finally close the gap that is responsible for major stability incidents. The application of granular configuration automation empowers IT managers to operate based on complete knowledge of the IT environments that they manage. This knowledge is collected from the granular level of IT environment data, and is collected from any source
Life Automation: Life Automation holds two slightly different meaning. First, it serves as an umbrella term that refers to the myriad of twenty-first-century personal solutions (e.g., outsourcing, crowdsourcing, household robots, personalized web services, and so on) that enable us to make our lives significantly more efficient, effective, productive, simplified, rewarding, and stress-free. (Life Automation = modern solutions for streamlining and improving our lives.) Second, it connotes an ideal state of being where we spend “99.9%” of our time, energy, and money on only those things that add value to our lives. Anything that doesn’t is automatically (or semi-automatically) taken care of for us — by someone else or by some technological means — freeing us to live, work, and pursue happiness as we see fit. (Life Automation = a life goal worth pursuing.)
{i} domotics, household automation, application of robotics and computer technology to domestic appliances and equipment to achieve more convenience and comfort at home
{i} domotics, home automation, application of robotics and computer technology to domestic appliances and equipment to achieve more convenience and comfort at home
(Ticaret) Automatic systems or technology that are functional on an independent basis but don't provide the benefits associated with being integrated into a larger system
(Ticaret) A subset of customer relationship management (CRM) functions that focuses on the definition, scheduling and tracking of marketing campaigns. It includes the identification of target markets, advertising delivery, budget definition, results analysis and other related activities
(Ticaret) (PSA) Systems and software that support organizations or departments that engage in consulting, legal or other skill-based services by providing timesheet, billing, project status, knowledge base and other associated functions
(Ticaret) (SFA) Software and systems that support sales staff lead generation, contact, scheduling, performance tracking and other functions. SFA functions are normally integrated with base systems that provide order, product, inventory status and other information and may be included as part of a larger customer relationship management (CRM) system