Independent accountants appointed by a companys directors These accountants study and then report on the accuracy of the directors' accounts There is a trend for the courts to extend the auditors liability beyond the company's existing shareholders
Experts who are independent of the employee benefits institution and also of the employer, in the case of company-owned employee benefits institutions, and who annually formally audit the management of the employee benefits institution, its books and accounts, and its investment of assets
A chartered accountant is normally appointed to examine and verify accounts Most small Companies are exempt from audit, providing they have a turnover less than £1 million and a Balance Sheet of less than £1 4 million
group of international accounting firms that deal the major part of audits for publicly traded corporations (as of 2004 the Big Four firms are: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers)
someone who checks up on others to make sure they obey the rules In the corporate world, there are internal and external auditors who are accountants making sure the figures accurately represent the reality of the company's worth and its financial results
A professionally trained accountant who examines the accounting records and financial statements of the company to determine whether they fairly present the financial position and operating results of the company in accordance with GAAP
An auditor is an accountant who officially examines the accounts of organizations. someone whose job is to officially examine a company's financial records
a qualified accountant who inspects the accounting records and practices of a business or other organization a student who attends a course but does not take it for credit
In Web advertising, this usually means a third-party company that audits the number of visitors to or impression sent from a Web site during some time period When you try to sell advertising, having a third-party auditor gives the prospect more confidence in your audience numbers
A person appointed and authorized to audit or examine an account or accounts, compare the charges with the vouchers, examine the parties and witnesses, allow or reject charges, and state the balance
A firm of certified public accountants a company hires as an independent third party to review its financial information The auditor's main purpose is to make sure the statement of earnings, statement of financial position, and statement of cash flows fairly present the company's financial condition, and that they comply with GAAP
a person trained and qualified in applying Dianetics and/or Scientology processes and procedures to individuals for their betterment; called an auditor because auditor means one who listens
Not to be confused with the outside independent auditor who annually reviews the County's financial statements and accounting practices, the Auditor is an elected statutory office with a four-year term The Auditor's responsibilities are set forth in state law and include serving as the County's chief accounting and financial officer In San Benito County, the offices of the Clerk, Auditor, and Recorder have been consolidated into a single elected office of Clerk-Auditor-Recorder
He or she contacts the insured, on behalf of the company, to determine the actual exposure that occurred during the policy period The determination may include viewing the appropriate business records either at the insured's or accountant's office, or they may request verification through the mail
In order to perform proper audits, the Auditor must be competent in the field of compliance audits and familiar with NFC policy The Auditor may be either a private firm, or must provide an unbiased, indigent evaluation (i e , an agency inspector general) The purpose of the audit is to verify that the certificate procedures are compliant with NFC policy
The County Auditor is an elected position established in the State Constitution Auditors are elected to four year terms, and may not serve more than eight years in any twelve The county auditor is the county "fiscal officer", who assists with budget preparation and analysis, and keeps accounts The county auditor serves as the secretary to the county commissioners, county council and board of review The auditor prepares tax duplicates showing property assessments and taxes due The taxes are collected by the treasurer, but distributed by the auditor to the governmental bodies for which they are collected B