ata binerken giyilen ve dizden aşağısı sıkı oturan pantolon

listen to the pronunciation of ata binerken giyilen ve dizden aşağısı sıkı oturan pantolon
التركية - الإنجليزية
{i} style of pants worn for horseback riding
The form jodhpur is used as a modifier. Jodhpurs are trousers that people wear when they ride a horse. Jodhpurs are usually loose above the knee and tight below the knee. a special type of trousers that you wear when riding horses (Jodhpur, city in India)
Flared riding trousers of heavy cloth, fitting tightly from knee to ankle
ata binerken giyilen ve dizden aşağısı sıkı oturan pantolon


    a·ta bi·ner·ken gi·yi·len ve diz·den a·şa·ğı·sı sı·kı o·tu·ran pan·to·lon

