
listen to the pronunciation of assessment
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} değerlendirme

Onun doğru bir değerlendirme olduğunu düşünüyorum. - I think that's an accurate assessment.

O bir adil değerlendirme miydi? - Was that a fair assessment?

{i} vergilendirme
kıymet takdir etme
(Askeri) DEĞERLENDİRME: 1. Mevcut veya planlı bir istihbarat faaliyetinin, emniyetinin, tesirliliğinin ve potansiyelinin tahlili; 2. Mevcut veya müstakbel çalışanların veya "ajan" ların güdülerinin, niteliklerinin ve hususiyetlerinin muhakemesi
(Ticaret) vergi tarhı
(Askeri) keşif ve kıymetlendirme
(Ticaret) değer takdiri
değerlendirme formu
(Ticaret) vergi tarhiyatı
(Ticaret) tarh
(Ticaret) durum tespiti
(Politika, Siyaset) değerleme
(Ticaret) biçilen değer
değer biçme
ödenecek veya toplanacak meblâğ
{i} değerlendirme; düşünce, fikir: What's your assessment of the situation? Durum hakkındaki
i takdir edilen kıymet
{i} belirlenen değer
{i} (para miktarını) tayin etme
(Avrupa Birliği) değerle(ndir)me, keşif ve takdir etme
{i} vergi
(Kanun) kıymet biçme
(Ticaret) tahakkuk ettirme
(Ticaret) belirleme
(Hukuk) keşif ve takdir etme
assessment center
(Ticaret) değerlendirme merkezi
assessment criteria
(Dilbilim) değerlendirme ölçütleri
assessment report
değerlendirme raporu
assessment centre
Değerlendirme merkezi
assessment criteria
Değerlendirme kriteri
assessment of
assessment specialist
değerleme uzmanı
assessment test
seviye testi
assessment actions
(Çevre) değerlendirme eylemleri
assessment agent; avenue of approach
(Askeri) değerlendirme temsilcisi; yaklaşma yolu
assessment and collection
(Ticaret) tahakkuk ve tahsil
assessment and recording
değerlendirme ve kayıt tutma
assessment notice
vergi tahakkuku
assessment notice
(fiil)rgi tahakkuku
assessment of exposure
(Çevre) maruz kalma değerlendirmesi
assessment of training effectiveness
Life-Cycle Assessment
Yaşam döngüsü değerlendirmesi
authentic assessment
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) otantik değerlendirme
competitive assessment
(Ticaret) rekabet değerlendirmesi
damage assessment
(Askeri) hasar kıymetlendirmesi
environmental assessment
çevresel değerlendirme
environmental assessment
(Çevre) çevre değerlendirmesi
exposure assessment
(Tıp) maruziyet değerlendirmesi
formative assessment
(Dilbilim) biçimlendirici değerlendirme
global assessment
(Dilbilim) genel değerlendirme
impact assessment
(Askeri) etki değerlendirmesi
nursing assessment
(Tıp) hemşirelik değerlendirmesi
outcome assessment
(Tıp) sonuç değerlendirmesi
peer assessment
(Ticaret) akran denetiminden geçmiş
peer assessment
(Ticaret) emsal değerlendirme
peer assessment
(Eğitim) akran değerlendirme
peer assessment
(Ticaret) emsal değerlendirmesi
peer assessment
(Ticaret) akran değerlendirmeleri
peer assessment
(Ticaret) akran değerlendirmesi
personality assessment
kişilik değerlendirme
pre assessment
(Dilbilim) ön değerlendirme
regulatory impact assessment
düzenleyici etki analizi
damage assessment
hasar değerlendirmesi
logistic assessment
lojistik meblağ
rate of assessment
vergi oranı
tax assessment
vergi tahakkuku
tax assessment
vergiye esas miktar
Engagement Space Assessment
(Askeri) Çatışma Ortamı Değerlendirmesi
advance assessment
peşin değerlendirmesi
continuous assessment
sürekli değerlendirme
fire loss assessment
yangın hasarının takdiri
health technology assessment
sağlık teknolojisi değerlendirme
initial assessment
ilk değerlendirme
logistic assessment
lojistik meblâğ
needs assessment
değerlendirme ihtiyacı
peer assessment
(Eğitim) Öğrencilerin birbirlerini değerlendirmesi
project assessment
proje değerlendirmesi
psychological assessment
psikolojik değerlendirme
technology assessment
teknoloji değerlendirmesi
transport infrastructure needs assessment
ulaştırma altyapı ihtiyaç analizi/değerlendirmesi
güvenlik değerlendirmesi
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff operation plans assessment report
(Askeri) Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Harekat Planı (OPLANS) Değerlendirme Raporu
Chairman's program assessment; closest point of approach
(Askeri) başkanın program değerlendirmesi; en yakın yaklaşma noktası
Director for Force Structure, Resource, and Assessment, Joint Staff
(Askeri) Müşterek Karargah Kuvvet Yapısı, Kaynağı ve Tahsisi Başkanlığı
Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (DOE)
(Askeri) Federal Radyolojik Gözetleme ve Değerlendirme Merkezi (DOE)
Joint Resource Assessment Data System
(Askeri) Müşterek Kaynak Değerlendirme Veri Sistemi
Joint Virtual Security Environment Assessment System
(Askeri) Müşterek Hakiki Emniyet Ortamı Değerlendirme Sistemi
Logistics Feasibility Assessment Capability
(Askeri) Lojistik Fizibilitesi Değerlendirme İmkan Ve Kabiliyeti
Residual Capability Assessment
(Askeri) Kalan İmkan ve Kabiliyetleri Değerlendirme
Veterans Administration; vulnerability assessment
(Askeri) Eski Muharipler İdari Teşkilatı; hassasiyet değerlendirmesi
ability assessment
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) beceri değerlendirme
ability assessment
beceri denetimi
annual integrated assessment for security assistance
(Askeri) yıllık birleştirilmiş güvenlik yardımı değerlendirmesi
area assessment
(Askeri) BÖLGE KIYMETLENDİRMESİ (GERİLLA): Bir bölgenin, harekata elverişlilik bakımından incelenmesi
attack assessment
(Askeri) TAARRUZ DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Zamanında karar vermek için bilgi temin etmek amacıyla bir taarruzun olası veya mevcut yapı ve hedeflerini belirlemek üzere yapılan bir bilgi değerlendirmesidir
baseline risk assessment
temel risk tesbiti
battle damage assessment
(Askeri) muharebe hasar değerlendirmesi
battle damage assessment report
(Askeri) muharebe hasar değerlendirme raporu
bomb damage assessment
(Askeri) BOMBA HASAR DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ: Tüm hava taarruzlarının hedefler üzerindeki etkisinin belirlenmesi. (Ör. bombalar, roketler, sektirme, tarama hücumları. )
chairman's net assessment for strategic planning
(Askeri) başkanın net stratejik planlama değerlendirmesi
civil administration; civil affairs; combat assessment
(Askeri) civil administration; civil affairs; combat assessment
combat support agency assessment system
(Askeri) muharebe destek dairesi değerlendirme sistemi
commander in chief's (CINC's) preparedness assessment report
(Askeri) Muharip Komutanlık Başkomutanının (CINC) hazırlılık değerlendirme raporu
conformity assessment scheme
(Ticaret) uygunluk değerlendirme planı
continental United States airborne reconnaissance for damage assessment; contine
(Askeri) hasar tespiti için kıta Amerikası içinde keşif uçuşu; hasar tespiti için kıta Amerikası içinde bölge keşfi
control and assessment team
(Askeri) KONTROL VE KIYMETLENDİRME TİMİ: Ast bir birlik bir nükleer taarruza veya NBC taarruzuna veya tabii afete maruz kaldığı zaman tabur, alay veya tümen gibi muhabere birlikleri içinde kullanılan geçici özel görev teşkili. Tim; yanına gönderildiği birliğin harekat gücünü tespit eder. İcap ederse birliğin kontrolunu ele alır, bölge hasar kontrol faaliyetlerinde bulunur, birliğin esas görevine yeniden başlaması için gerekli işleri yapar. Tim, bir tümenin taktik veya idari destek unsurlarında ya da diğer muharip teşkillerin taktik unsurlarında zayiat meydana gelmesi halinde taarruzdan müteessir olan birliğin esas komutanı iş göremez durumda olduğu zaman kullanılır
course assessment
damage assessment
(Askeri) Hasar kıymetlendirilmesi
damage assessment
(Askeri) HASAR DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: 1. Taarruzların hedefler üzerindeki etkisini tespit. 2. Tehlike yaratacak gizli bilgilerin milli güvenlik üzerindeki etkisini tespit. Bknz. "civil damage assessment", "fractional damage", military damage assessment", "probability of damage", "probability of fractional damage", "tactical damage assessment", "technical damage assessment"
defense special assessment (DIA)
(Askeri) savunma özel değerlendirmesi (DIA)
descriptive assessment
(Dilbilim) betimleyici değerlendirme
direct damage assessment
(Askeri) DİREKT HASAR DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Bir taarruz sahasının, hava gözetlemesi, hava fotoğrafı veya gözetleme ile direkt olarak incelenmesi
dose assessment
(Çevre) doz değerlendirmesi
environmental health risk assessment
(Askeri) çevreye bağlı nedenlerle ortaya çıkan sağlık risk değerlendirmesi
environmental impact assessment
(Avrupa Birliği) (EIA) Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi (ÇED)
feasibility assessment; field artillery
(Askeri) uygulanabilirlik değerlendirmesi; sahra topçusu
global command, control, and communications assessment
(Askeri) küresel komuta, kontrol ve muhabere değerlendirmesi
global command, control, communications, and computer assessment
(Askeri) küresel komuta, kontrol, muhabere ve bilgisayar değerlendirmesi
global family of operation plans assessment report
(Askeri) küresel harekat planları değerlendirme raporu
holistic assessment
(Dilbilim) bütünsel değerlendirme
implementing arrangement; information assurance; initial assessment
(Askeri) uygulama düzenlemesi; bilgi güvenliği; ilk değerlendirme
impressionistic assessment
(Dilbilim) izlenimsel değerlendirme
indirect damage assessment
(Askeri) ENDİREKT HASAR KIYMETLENDİRİLMESİ: Direkt kıymetlendirme yapanlar dışındaki vasıtalarla elde edilmiş; gerçek silah kuvveti, infilak yüksekliği ve yer sıfırı gibi esaslara dayanan, revizyon görmüş hedef analizleri. Bak. "post strike damage estimation"
infectious disease risk assessment
(Askeri) enfeksiyonlu hastalık risk değerlendirmesi
integrated tactical warning and attack assessment
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş taktik ikaz ve taarruz değerlendirmesi
intelligence assessment
(Askeri) istihbarat analizi
interoperability assessment report
(Askeri) karşılıklı işlerlik değerlendirme raporu
joint military net assessment
(Askeri) müşterek askeri ağ değerlendirmesi
joint system threat assessment report
(Askeri) müşterek sistem tehdit değerlendirme raporu
joint warfighting capabilities assessment
(Askeri) müşterek muharip imkan ve kabiliyetler değerlendirmesi
laboratory assessment
(Ticaret) laboratuvar değerlendirmesi
landscape assessment
peyzaj değerlendirmesi
logistic assessment
(Askeri) lojistik değerlendirme
logistic assessment
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK DEĞERLENDİRME: Bu terim; (a) Bir harekat sahası, ülke veya bir bölgedeki belirli askeri harekatları desteklemek için gerekli olan lojistik destek; (b) Bir harekat sahası, ülke veya bir bölgedeki, ya da diğer bir yerdeki askeri harekatların yapılabilmesi için mevcut ve muhtemel lojistik destek değerlendirilmesini ifade eder
logistics capability assessment tool
(Askeri) lojistik imkan ve kabiliyet değerlendirme aracı
maritime patrol aircraft; mission and payload assessment; mission planning agent
(Askeri) deniz karakol/devriye uçağı; görev ve taşıma yükü değerlendirmesi; görev planlama etmeni
medical assessment
(Havacılık) tıbbi yeterlilik tespiti
military damage assessment
(Askeri) ASKERİ HASAR DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Yeniden eski haline gelme ve yeniden oluşturma için eldeki mevcut askeri imkan ve kabiliyet ve destek planlamasını saptamak için ülkenin askeri kuvvetleri üzerindeki taarruz etkilerinin belirlenip, değerlendirilmesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "damage assessment"
munitions effect assessment; munitions effectiveness assessment
(Askeri) harp malzemesi etki değerlendirmesi; harp malzemesi verimlilik değerlendirmesi
needs assessment
(Politika, Siyaset) ihtiyaç tespiti
nuclear command, control, and communications (C3) assessment
(Askeri) nükleer komuta , kontrol ve muhabere (C3) değerlendirmesi
nuclear damage assessment
(Askeri) NÜKLEER HASAR DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Nükleer taarruzun halk, kuvvetler ve kaynakları üzerindeki hasar derecesinin tespit edilmesi. Bu iş, taarruzun devamı esnasında ve taarruzdan sonra yapılmaktadır. Nükleer hasarın harekat bakımından önemi bu değerlendirmede göz önüne alınmaktadır
nuclear vulnerability assessment
(Askeri) NÜKLEER HASSASİYET DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Taarruzların halk, kuvvetler ve kaynaklar üzerindeki muhtemel veya beklenilen etkisini, nazari bir nükleer taarruzun etkisini tahmin etmek. Bu kıymetlendirme, esas itibariyle, taarruz öncesi devrede yapılır; mağmafih, taarruz arası veya sonrası devrelere yayılabilir
overall situation assessment
genel durum değerlendirmesi
performance assessment report; population at risk; precision approach radar
(Askeri) performans değerlendirme raporu; risk altındaki grup; hassas yaklaşma radarı
policy assessment visit
(Askeri) politika değerlendirme ziyareti
political/military assessment
(Askeri) siyasi/askeri değerlendirme
preliminary damage assessment
ön hasar tespiti
probabilistic risk assessment
(Nükleer Bilimler) olasılıklı risk değerlendir(il)mesi
psychological operations assessment team
(Askeri) psikolojik harekat değerlendirme timi
rapid needs assessment
acil ihtiyaç tespiti
rate of assessment
(fiil)rgi oranı
regulation on environmental impact assessment
(Avrupa Birliği) Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Tüzüğü
residual capabilities assessment; riot control agent
(Askeri) kalan imkan ve kabiliyetleri değerlendirme; isyan bastırma kimyasal maddesi
residual capability assessment system
(Askeri) kalan imkan ve kabiliyetleri değerlendirme sistemi
residual capability assessment team
(Askeri) kalan imkan ve kabiliyetleri değerlendirme timi
residual threat assessment
(Askeri) kalan tehdidin değerlendirilmesi
risk assessment
risk değerlendirmesi
roll of assessment
(Ticaret) vergileme cetveli
special psychological operations (PSYOP) assessment; submarine patrol area
(Askeri) özel psikolojik harekat değerlendirmesi; denizaltı devriye bölgesi
tactical damage assessment
(Askeri) TAKTİK HASAR DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Fiili bir nükleer infilak sahasının, hava gözetlemesi, hava fotoğrafları veya direkt kara gözetlemesiyle, direkt olarak incelenmesi. Ayrıca bak. "damage assessment"
tactical warning and attack assessment
(Askeri) taktik uyarı ve taarruz değerlendirmesi
technical damage assessment
(Askeri) TEKNİK HASAR KIYMETLENDİRMESİ: Teknik bilgi elde etmek için özel timler tarafından yürütülen bir çeşit direkt hasar kıymetlendirmesi. Ayrıca bak "damage assessment"
technology assessment/control plan
(Askeri) teknoloji değerlendirmesi/kontrol planı
threat and risk assessment
tehdit ve risk degerlendirme
threat assessment
(Askeri) tehdit değerlendirmesi
transboundary environmental impact assessment convention
(Avrupa Birliği) Sınıraşırı Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Sözleşmesi
vocational assessment
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mesleki değerlendirme
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The act of assessing or an amount (of tax, levy or duty etc) assessed
An appraisal or evaluation
{n} the act of assessing, a cess, a tax
A local tax levied against a property for a specific purpose, such as road or sidewalk construction, a sewer or street lights
the market value set on assets
A charge against a property for purpose of taxation This may take the form of a levy for a special purpose or a tax in which the property owner pays a share of the cost of community improvements according to the valuation of his or her property
Top of page A local tax levied against a property for a specific purpose, such as a sewer or streetlights
The valuation of property for the purpose of levying a tax or the amount of the tax levied
An apportionment of a subscription for stock into successive installments; also, one of these installments (in England termed a "call")
The process of gathering evidence about a student’s knowledge of, ability to use, and disposition toward mathematics and of making inferences from that evidence for a variety of purposes Assessment is a term that has often been used interchangeably with the terms testing, measurement, and evaluation, or to distinguish between student assessment and program evaluation In this document, assessment is used as defined above to emphasize understanding and description of both qualitative and quantitative evidence in making judgments and decisions See evaluation, measure, test
An assessment of the amount of money that something is worth or that should be paid is a calculation or estimate of the amount. Price Waterhouse have traced the losses to lenders' inflated assessments of mortgaged property. = appraisal. Process of setting a value on real or personal property, usually for the purpose of taxation. It is carried out either by central government agencies or by local officials. Property may be assessed on the basis of its annual rental value, as in Britain, or its capital value, as in the U.S. Various methods are used to determine capital value, including analysis of market data to estimate the property's current market price, estimation of the cost of reproducing the property minus accrued depreciation, and capitalization of the property's earnings
(1) an estimate of the value of a piece of real property for the purpose of levying taxes; also called assessed valuation (2) a charge against real property levied by a public governing body for a local improvement, such as a sewer repair or street paving [OTS] The placement of antidumping duties on imported goods [ITDS] The process of making the official valuation of property for purposes of taxation The valuation placed upon property as a result of this process [EPA]
the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event; "they criticized my judgment of the contestants"
Determining a property's value for the purpose of taxation
The process of placing a value on property for the strict purpose of taxation May also refer to a levy (tax) against property for a special purpose, such as a sewer assessment
The value placed on property for the strict purpose of taxation May also refer to a levy against property for a special purpose, such as a sewer or water assessment
{i} estimation, appraisal (of worth)
An assessment is a consideration of someone or something and a judgment about them. There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment = evaluation
A local tax levied the County usually against a property for a specific purpose, such as a sewer or street lights Also can mean the assessed value of the property Similar, but not the same as an "appraisal" see above
The calculation of property value for tax purposes or a levy against property in addition to general taxes
A valuation of property or profits of business, for the purpose of taxation; such valuation and an adjudging of the proper sum to be levied on the property; as, an assessment of property or an assessment on property
the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth
The assessed Valuation Also refers to a tax on property for a specific purpose For example, a sewer assessment is levied on your property to help pay for the installation of a sewer line
the market value set on assets an amount determined as payable; "the assessment for repairs outraged the club's membership
an amount determined as payable; "the assessment for repairs outraged the club's membership"
1) Community assessment refers to a study (not necessarily formal) to determine the current status of a community It may focus on both the needs and the assets of the community, and precedes development of plans and action for work in the community 2) Assessment of impact refers to assessment to evaluate the effect that a particular program or policy has had on students, faculty, community members, an institution, or the community as a whole Asset-based One who takes an asset-based approach to work with others focuses on others’ resources and strengths rather than needs and deficiencies Citizenship Citizenship can be understood both in its most literal sense citizen as a legally recognized resident of a nation and in its more theoretical sense citizen as someone who contributes to the creation of a democratic way of life through values and public actions
A local tax levied against a property for a specific purpose, such as a sewer, or street lights
1 An evaluation technique for technology that requires analyzing benefits and risks, understanding the trade-offs, and then determining the best action to take in order to ensure that the desired positive outcomes outweigh the negative consequences 2 An exercise, such as an activity, portfolio, written test, or experiment that seeks to measure a student's skills or knowledge in a subject area Information may be collected about teacher and student performance, student behavior, and classroom atmosphere
A charge against a property for purposes of taxation This may take the form of a levy for a special purpose or a tax in which the property owner pays a share of the cost of community improvements according to the valuation of his or her property
The specific sum levied or assessed
A local tax levied against a property for a specific purpose, such as a sewer or street lights
Charges levied against a property for tax purposes or to pay for municipality or association improvements such as curbs, sewers, or grounds maintenance
The processes used to collect information about student progress toward educational goals The particular form of an assessment depends on what is being assessed and on uses to which results of the assessment will be applied Assessments can range from small-scale assessments that teachers use in the classroom to obtain day-to-day information about student progress; through medium-scale assessments that school districts use to evaluate the effectiveness of schools or educational programs; all the way to large-scale assessments that state or national bodies use to assess the degree to which students have met large educational goals
A local tax levied against a property for a specific purpose, such as a sewer or street lights TOP
The valuation of property for the purpose of levying a tax, or the amount of the tax levied
A system of evaluation of professional accomplishments using defined criteria and usually including an attempt at measurement either by grading on a rough scale or by assigning numerical value The purpose of assessment in an educational context is to make a judgment about the level of skills or knowledge, to measure improvement over time, to evaluate strengths and weaknesses, to rank students for selection or exclusion, or to motivate Assessment should be as objective and reproducible as possible A reliable test should produce the same or similar scores on two or more occasions or if given by two or more assessors The validity of a test is determined by the extent to which it measures whatever it sets out to measure One can distinguish three types of assessment
Valuation for property tax purposes made by the county assessor's office It may also include a levy against the property for a special purpose, such as a sewer assessment
The process of placing a value on property for the strict purpose of taxation May also refer to a levy against property for a special purpose, such as a sewer assessment
The act of assessing; the act of determining an amount to be paid; as, an assessment of damages, or of taxes; an assessment of the members of a club
A local tax levied against a property for a specific purpose such as street lights
Assessment Rubric
(Eğitim) In education jargon, the word rubric means "an assessment tool for communicating expectations of quality". Rubric actually means "a heading written or printed in red"
assessment amendment
change in rate of taxation, reassessment of tax rates
assessment pension
pension paid to an employee in according to his seniority
assessment roll
In the case of real property, the official list containing the legal description of each parcel of property and its assessed valuation   The name and address of the last known owner are also usually shown   In the case of personal property, the assessment roll is the official list containing the name and address of the owner, a description of the personal property, and its assessed value
assessment roll
Public record of the assessed values of properties Also includes Assessment Roll Number for each property, the number by which the property is identified in the municipal records
assessment roll
An annual list of the assessed values of all properties in a municipality, which includes the name of the property owner or tenant, their address, the realty tax class, services to and size of the property and information on structures on the property if any Assessment rolls are usually delivered to a municipality at the end of the year preceding the taxation year In 1998 only, the roll will be delivered on April 30
assessment roll
A listing of all taxable property with their respective values, within a county
assessment roll
  The official list prepared by the Assessor that contains the legal description of each parcel or item of property and its assessed valuation This term is used to denote the total valuation of all taxable property in the County
assessment roll
- There are two rolls, the secured roll and the unsecured roll
assessment roll
A list of all taxable property showing the assessed value of each parcel Such information is public and is normally available in the tax assessor's office or in the local land records
assessment roll
The official list of all property within the County assessed by the Assessor
assessment system
The combination of assessments into a system that produces comprehensive, credible, and dependable information Educational and political institutions use assessment systems to make decisions about education for students, schools, districts, or states
assessment system
An assessment system is a controlled and ordered process designed to ensure that assessment decisions made in relation to many individuals, by many assessors, in many situations are consistent, fair, valid and reliable
assessment system
An organized collection of classroom, common, and external assessments into a comprehensive reporting format that produces comprehensive, credible, and dependable information upon which important decisions can be made about students, schools, districts, or states An assessment system may consist of norm-referenced or criterion-referenced assessments, common performance assessments, and classroom assessments It should include multiple assessment measures for each content standard and grade level span
assessment system
A comprehensive and integrated set of evaluation measures that provides information for use in monitoring candidate performance and managing and improving unit operations and programs for the preparation of professional educators
DISC assessment
A group of psychometric tests based on word association
risk assessment
The determination of the potential impact of an individual risk by measuring or otherwise assessing both the likelihood that it will occur and the impact if it should occur, and then combining the result according to an agreed rule to give a single measure of potential impact
risk assessment
The overall process of identifying all the risks to and from an activity and assessing the potential impact of each risk
tax assessment
the value set on taxable property
Life-Cycle Assessment
Life-cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life-cycle analysis, ecobalance, and cradle-to-grave analysis) is a technique to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life from-cradle-to-grave
Health Technology Assessment
(Tıp, İlaç) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) is an innovative program that determines if health services used by state government are safe and effective
Technology Assessment
The assessment of the effects on society of new technology
formative assessment
Formative assessment is a self-reflective process that intends to promote student attainment . Cowie and Bell define it as the bidirectional process between teacher and student to enhance, recognise and respond to the learning. Black and Wiliam consider an assessment ‘formative’ when the feedback from learning activities is actually used to adapt the teaching to meet the learner's needs. Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick have re-interpreting research on formative assessment and feedback and shown how these processes can help students take control of their own learning (self-regulated learning)
impact assessment
Impact assessment is the process of identifying the future consequences of a current or proposed action. It is used to ensure that projects, programmes and policies are economically viable, socially equitable and environmentally sustainable
peer assessment
(Eğitim) Assessment of student’s work, products, or learning processes by classmates, also called peer evaluation
self assessment
calculation of one's own taxable liability
self assessment
assessment of oneself or one's performance in relation to an objective standard
vulnerability assessment
Vulnerability analysis, also known as vulnerability assessment, is a process that defines, identifies, and classifies the security holes (vulnerabilities) in a computer, network, or communications infrastructure
vulnerability assessment
(Bilgisayar) Vulnerability assessment is the process of identifying and quantifying vulnerabilities in a system. The system being studied could be a physical facility like a nuclear power plant, a computer system, or a larger system (for example the communications infrastructure or water infrastructure of a region)
Intelligence assessment
evaluation from a military intelligence unit, judgment from an intelligence unit
The amount of taxes due to the city or county authority
Methods of measuring student progress though "assessments" is a broader and more ambiguous word than tests It includes tests but also includes highly subjective evaluations such as rating scales, observation of behavior, and student opinion The root meaning of "assess" is to attach a value to something Tests, in contrast, are designed to measure knowledge The change in language from "tests" to "assessments" is symptomatic of the shift in education from focusing on knowledge to focusing on values, attitudes and behavior (See also: Basic Skills Tests, High-stakes test, Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments, Criterion-referenced test, and Norm-referenced test )
A city determined fee charged to homeowners used to pay for improvements to the city in which the homeowner lives
Special and local levies on local property in the immediate vicinity of an improvement Assessments can be imposed by such entities as flood control districts, street lighting districts and air pollution control districts which serve an area
Fees paid quarterly by members to VISA and MasterCard to support marketing and operating activities
The right to secure additional payments from partners or co-venturers in a project
Special and local levies upon property in the immediate vicinity of an improvement Assessments can be imposed by such entities as flood control districts, street lighting districts and air pollution control districts which serve an area
An property tax or bond encumbrance
Local improvements on property for sewers or water, generally paid in full on all cash or new loan transactions May be assumed on seller financed or assumption transactions
The amount of tax or special payment due to a municipality or association
Charges for a particular piece of property as determined by the municipality of the location of the property Examples are real estate taxes, sewer assessments, water assessments, etc Can also include charges on a particular piece of property as determined by a governing body of the property like a Condominium Association
mandatory payments by owners to pay for maintenance of common property and the operations of the community association
A systematic approach to triage a potentially violent situation Through a series of uniform questions that are designed to identify potentially lethal situations, we are able to provide the client with concrete evidence that immediate safety procedures should be taken Self assessment is the most powerful tool we have Use in the proactive management of threat Provides a toll for helping the victim see the whole picture of their life Can be used in court as a journal Denial kills Define the past so you can prepare for the future
plural of assessment
Processes of appraising or evaluating student work (See Evaluation below )
best judgement assessment
determination by the tax authorities of taxes to be levied based on the information at their disposal
continuous assessment
If pupils or students undergo continuous assessment, they get qualifications partly or entirely based on the work they do during the year, rather than on exam results
investment assessment
profit that the investor is expected to gain from his investment
logistic assessment
a judgment of the logistic support required for some particular military operation
loss assessment
estimation of property damage resulting from an attack or disaster (in order to file an insurance claim)
own assessment
method of determining a tax rate based on the taxpayer's own evaluation
price assessment
evaluation of the approximate cost of an object
readiness assessment
(Ticaret) The review of project task and resource status immediately prior to cutover that assesses risks and the probability of success
risk assessment
the estimation of the likelihood of loss or damage and the magnitude of the consequence should the loss or damage occur In forestry, risk assessment includes the process of identifying the degree of risk that timber harvesting and road building imposes on adjacent and downslope social, economic, and forest resource values The severity of each potential hazard and the magnitude of the potential consequences that correspond to each hazard provide the overall risk associated with harvesting a site
risk assessment
An evaluation of a risk item which determines (1) what can go wrong, (2) how likely is it to occur, and (3) what are the consequences Assessment methods include: Risk Assessment, Probabilistic (PRA) - The process of determining the probability of occurrence of various risk scenarios \ Risk Assessment, Qualitative - A process which assigns qualitative risk measures like "high, medium, and low" to both the probability and the adverse consequences of items on a Significant Risk List These measures are often displayed in matrix format and could be relative to past projects or could be probability ranges These subjective assessments cannot be used for aggregating risks, and cannot be used for making quantitative tradeoffs Risk Assessment (Risk Analysis), Quantitative - The process of assigning proportional quantities to both the likelihood and the adverse consequences of risk items
risk assessment
The qualitative and quantitative evaluation performed in an effort to define the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by the presence or potential presence and/or use of specified pollutants
risk assessment
A systematic process that determines the likelihood of adverse health effects to a population after exposure to a hazard Health consequences may depend on the type of hazard and damage to infrastructure, loss of economic value, loss of function, loss of natural resources, loss of ecological systems, and environmental impacts and deterioration of health, mortality, and morbidity The major components of a risk assessment include a hazard identification/analysis and a vulnerability analysis that answer the following questions: What are the hazards that could affect a community? What can happen as a result of those hazards? How likely is each of the possible outcomes? When the possible outcomes occur, what are the likely consequences and losses? Risk assessment is a fundamental planning tool for disaster management, especially during prevention and mitigation activities See also hazard identification/analysis; vulnerability analysis
risk assessment
methods used to quantify risks to human health and the environment
risk assessment
the process of calculating the toxic effects of an exposure to a chemical substance and determining the potential uses of the substance
risk assessment
The standardized process of using interviews, observations, and other information to develop an accurate, reliable understanding of whether or not a victim is safe and unlikely to be harmed by the alleged offender in the near future Risk assessment does not definitively predict human behavior but weighs the probability that the victim will be harmed again
risk assessment
A study or evaluation that identifies and in many cases quantifies the potential harm posed to health and the environment by contamination on a property
risk assessment
Process of gathering data and making assessments to estimate short and long-term harmful affects on human health or the environment from exposure to hazards associated with a particular product or activity
risk assessment
Risk assessment is the identification and quantification of the risk resulting from a specific use or occurrence of a chemical, taking into account the possible harmful effects on individual people or society of using the chemical in the amount and manner proposed and all the possible routes of exposure Quantification ideally requires the establishment of dose-effect and dose-response relationships in likely target individuals and populations Compare "risk evaluation" below
risk assessment
The scientific process of evaluating the toxic properties of a chemical and the conditions of human exposure to it, in order to both ascertain the likelihood that exposed humans will be adversely affected, and to characterize the nature of the effects they may experience It may contain some or all of the following four steps: : a Hazard Identification--The determination of whether a particular chemical is or is not causally linked to particular health effect(s) : b Dose-Response Assessment--The determination of the relation between the magnitude of exposure and the probability of occurrence of the health effects in question : c Exposure Assessment--The determination of the extent of human exposure d Risk Characterization--The description of the nature and often the magnitude of human risk, including attendant uncertainty
risk assessment
The qualitative and quantitative evaluation performed in an effort to define the risk posed to human health and /or the environment by the presence or potential presence and/or use of specific pollutants
risk assessment
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by the actual or potential presence and/or use of specific pollutants
risk assessment
The process of establishing information regarding acceptable levels of a risk and/or levels of risk for an individual, group, society, or the environment
risk assessment
Produced from the combination of Threat and Vulnerability Assessments Characterized by analyzing the probability of destruction or incapacitation resulting from a threat's exploitation of a critical infrastructure's vulnerabilities
risk assessment
an evaluation to determine the risk posed to human health and the environment as a result of exposure to contaminants
risk assessment
The computation of risk Risk is a threat that exploits some vulnerability that could cause harm to an asset The risk algorithm computes the risk as a function of the assets, threats, and vulnerabilities One instance of a risk within a system is represented by the formula (Asset * Threat * Vulnerability) Total risk for a network equates to the sum of all the risk instances
risk assessment
The scientific evaluation of known or potential adverse health effects resulting from human exposure to foodborne hazards The process consists of the following steps: (1) hazard identification, (2) hazard characterization, (3)exposure assessment, and (4) risk characterization The definition includes quantitative risk assessment, which emphasizes reliance on numerical expressions of risk, and also qualitative expressions of risk, as well as an indication of the attendant uncertainties
risk assessment
The outcome of risk identification and risk estimation (identification and quantification of the risk resulting from a specific use or occurrence of a chemical compound including the establishment of dose-response relationships and target populations) When quantitative data on dose-response relationships for different types of population, including sensitive groups, are unavailable, such considerations may have to be expressed in more qualitative terms
risk assessment
1) Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by the actual or potential presence and/or use of specific pollutants 2) The process used to determine the threats posed by hazardous substances Elements include: identification of the hazardous substances present in the environmental media; assessment of exposure and exposure pathways; assessment of the toxicity of the site's hazardous substances; characterization of human health risks; and characterization of the impacts and/or risks to the environment
risk assessment
A study of vulnerabilities, threats, likelihood, loss or impact, and theoretical effectiveness of security measures The process of evaluating threats and vulnerabilities, known and postulated, to determine expected loss and establish the degree of acceptability to system operations
risk assessment
A study to determine risks posed by the site if no cleanup action was taken and what cleanup levels need to be established to be protective of human health and the environment There are two types of risk assessments Human health risk assessment looks at the risks to humans from contamination at the site and an ecological risk assessment looks at the risks to ecosystems, such as plants, fish, and animals, from contamination at the site
self assessment
a process in which a learner assesses his/her own achievements and progress
self assessment
A form of assessment that allows the individual to identify the standard or criteria to be achieved or internalized so that judgement can be made by the individual as to the level that he or she has achieved when evaluating his work or performance in the learning process
self assessment
internally motivated and managed evaluation by the people in an organization that is systematic and effective in identifying strengths, weaknesses, business opportunities, and challenges in existing business processes
self assessment
Self Assessment means that it is your responsibility as a taxpayer to complete your own assessment of your income and gains liable to tax, by completing a tax return
In Britain, self-assessment refers to a system for paying tax in which people have to fill in an official form giving details of how much money they have earned in the previous year
Self-assessment tools allow students to take practice or review tests online These assessments generally do not count toward a grade When Self-assessment tools are combined with pedagogical skill in preparing the content of the test items and response feedback there can be large positive effects on student motivation
Self assessment is the tax system which operates in the UK for the administration and collection of income tax, capital gains tax and corporation tax (a similar system also operates for inheritance tax purposes) Taxpayers are generally required to complete an annual tax return and submit it to the Inland Revenue before a statutory filing deadline There is also a general requirement for the taxpayer to calculate (i e 'self-assess') his or her own tax liability (although in certain circumstances the Inland Revenue will calculate the tax liabilities of individuals, personal representatives or trustees, if requested) The tax liability so calculated must be paid by fixed payment dates in order to avoid interest charges accruing, and payments on account may also be required for the next tax year or accruing period
Allows students to examine, reflect upon, and evaluate their own work
is a reflective practice in which students make observations about their own performance relative to criteria and standards
An assessment performed by the responsible organization to determine how well it is performing its job and meeting its responsibilities
When a person reflects upon his or her own abilities and performance and compares them to the learning outcomes of a course or program using specific performance criteria, assessment standards, and personal goal setting Self-assessment helps a person decide if he or she is a good candidate for PLA; it is one of the first steps in the PLA Process
the process of judging one's own teaching performance for the purpose of self-improvement A teacher may use such techniques as self-viewing on a videotape, observing and modeling exemplary teachers, filling out self-rating forms, completing open-ended self-reports, keeping a log, compiling a portfolio, or using self-study handbooks and materials See Reflection, Self-Evaluation, Self-Study Materials
The learner uses an assessment list or rubric and benchmarks to assess his or her own work
To judge one's own progress
The system under which you are required to complete a Tax Return and calculate your tax liability for the year Provided you submit your Tax Return by 30 September, you can ask the Inland Revenue to prepare the tax calculation for you Self-assessment is enforced by a system of automatic penalties for failing to file Tax Returns as well as the addition of interest on any unpaid tax
Students reflect about their own abilities and performance, related to specified content and skills and related to their effectiveness as learners, using specific performance criteria, assessment standards, and personal goal setting The intent is to teach students to monitor their own learning continuously
A process in which a student engages in a systematic review of a per-formance, usually for the purpose of improving future performance Mayinvolve comparison with a standard, established criteria May involve critiquing one's own work or may be a simple description of the perform-ance Reflection, self-evaluation, and metacognition are related terms
"An internal review by which an organization assesses its own processes and performance against given criteria " (See Inglis, Ling, & Joosten (1999) p 201) Also a process within a distance learning course by which learners are assisted in checking their own progress towards achieving course objectives
Process by which the learner determines his or her personal level of knowledge and skills
to estimate or determine the significance, importance and value of one's performance   Self-assessment on the Professional Standards is a non-evaluative process of individual reflection
The process of asking people what training they need This approach is particularly valuable in the early stages on a new job, when people are not expected to have full knowledge and skills as yet
special assessment
an additional tax levied on private property for public improvements that enhance the value of the property
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف assessment في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

civil administration; civil affairs; combat assessment
(Askeri) civil administration; civil affairs; combat assessment