asian breed of large fowl with dense plumage and feathered legs

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الإنجليزية - التركية

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الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
asian breed of large fowl with dense plumage and feathered legs


    A·sian breed of large fowl with dense plum·age and feath·ered legs

    التركية النطق

    eyjın brid ıv lärc faul wîdh dens plumıc ınd fedhırd legz


    /ˈāᴢʜən ˈbrēd əv ˈlärʤ ˈfoul wəᴛʜ ˈdens ˈplo͞oməʤ ənd ˈfeᴛʜərd ˈlegz/ /ˈeɪʒən ˈbriːd əv ˈlɑːrʤ ˈfaʊl wɪð ˈdɛns ˈpluːməʤ ənd ˈfɛðɜrd ˈlɛɡz/