
listen to the pronunciation of armed
الإنجليزية - التركية
{s} ateşli
{s} zırhlı

Silahlı hava korsanları yolcuları dehşete düşürdü. - The armed hijackers terrified the passengers.

Bu Birleşmiş Milletler kararı İsrail'in silahlı güçlerinin son çatışmalarda işgal edilen bölgelerden çekilmesini istemektedir. - This United Nations resolution calls for the withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict.

{f} silahlandır

Onlar kendilerini silahlarla silahlandırdılar. - They armed themselves with rifles.

Tom ve Mary kendilerini bıçaklarla silahlandırdılar. - Tom and Mary armed themselves with knives.

{s} silâhlı

Tom silahlı soygun için cezasını doldurdu. - Tom did time for armed robbery.

Silahlı hava korsanları yolcuları dehşete düşürdü. - The armed hijackers terrified the passengers.

armed forces silahlı kuvvetler

Dört kollu adam bankayı soydu ve 4 milyon dolar ile kaçtı. - Four armed men held up the bank and escaped with $4 million.


O beni kolumdan yakaladı. - He caught me by the arm.

Eğer onu kolundan yakalamasaydı, göletin içine düşmüş olacaktı. - She would have fallen into the pond if he had not caught her by the arm.

armed assault
silahlı saldırı
armed forces
askeri kuvvetler
armed forces courier
(Askeri) silahlı kuvvetler kuryesi
armed man
silahlı adam
armed service
(Askeri) silahlı kuvvetler
armed struggle
silahlı mücadele
armed attack
silahlı saldırı
armed forces
silahlı kuvvet

Silahlı kuvvetler bütün bölgeyi ele geçirmede başarılıydı. - The armed forces succeeded in occupying the entire territory.

Silahlı kuvvetler şehri kuşattı. - Armed forces besieged the city.

armed forces
silahlı kuvvetler

Silahlı kuvvetler bütün bölgeyi ele geçirmede başarılıydı. - The armed forces succeeded in occupying the entire territory.

Silahlı kuvvetlerin hangi kolundaydın? - Which branch of the armed forces were you in?

armed forces censorship
silahlı kuvvetler sansürü
armed insurrection
silahlı ayaklanma
armed robbery
silahlı soygun

Tom silahlı soygun için yargılandı. - Tom stood trial for armed robbery.

Tom silahlı soygun için cezasını doldurdu. - Tom did time for armed robbery.

armed to the teeth
tepeden tırnağa silahlı
armed with prickles, as a plant
prickles, bir bitki olarak silahlı
Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Station
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler İmtihan ve Giriş Yeri
Armed Forces Identification Review Board
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Teşhis Adli Müşavirlik İnceleme Kurulu
Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Sıhhiye İstihbarat Merkezi
Armed Forces Professional Entertainment Overseas
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Denizaşırı Bölgeler Personel Dinlenme Merkezi
Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Radyo ve Televizyon Hizmeti
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Radyobiyoloji Araştırma Enstitüsü
Armed Forces Staff College; United States Air Force specialty code
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Kurmay Akademisi; Birleşik Devletler Hava Kuvvetleri ihtisas kod numarası
Armed Forces medical examiner
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler tıbbi muayene görevlisi
Armed Service Production Planning Office
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Üretim (Tedarik) Planlama Bürosu
Armed Services Blood Program
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Kan Programı
Armed Services Blood Program Office
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Kan Programı Ofisi
Armed Services Whole Blood Processing Laboratories
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Toplam Kan İşleme Laboratuarları
armed bandit
(Askeri) silahlı çete
armed escort
(Askeri) Silahlı refakat
armed escort
(Askeri) silahlı refakatçi
armed force
silahlı güç

Bu Birleşmiş Milletler kararı İsrail'in silahlı güçlerinin son çatışmalarda işgal edilen bölgelerden çekilmesini istemektedir. - This United Nations resolution calls for the withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict.

armed forces
(isim) silâhlı kuvvetler
armed forces
{i} silâhlı kuvvetler

Silahlı kuvvetlerin hangi kolundaydın? - Which branch of the armed forces were you in?

Konferansta süper güçlerden, silahlı kuvvetlerini üçte bir oranında azaltmaları istendi. - The conference called for the major powers to cut their armed forces by a third.

armed forces
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER: Bir ülkenin veya ülkeler topluluğunun askeri kuvvetleri. Ayrıca bakınız: "forces"
armed forces censorship
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER SANSÜRÜ: Silahlı kuvvetlere mensup şahıslara veya bu kuvvetlere refakat eden yada hizmet gören kimselere ait, gelen ve giden şahsi haberleşmelerin incelenmesi ve kontrolu. Ayrıca bakınız: "censorship"
armed forces college
(Askeri) silahlı kuvvetler akademisi
armed forces courier
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER KURYESİ: Silahlı kuvvetler kurye hizmet görevlerini ifa etmek üzere atanan ve silahlı kuvvetler kurye hizmeti kimlik kartına sahip bir subay. Ayrıca bakınız: "courier"
armed forces courier service
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER KURYE HİZMETİ: Subay kuryeler tarafından, muhafaza altında teslim ve tesellümü gerektiren dökümanların emin bir şekilde ve süratle gönderilmesi için mevcut usullerden birini temin eden Kara, Hava ve Deniz Kuvvetlerinin müşterek bir bürosu
armed forces courier station
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER KURYE GÖREVİ: Silahlı Kuvvetler kurye hizmetlerine ait malzemenin kabulü, işlem görmesi ve gönderilmesi için ilgili askeri daire tarafından onaylanan ve karargah, Silahlı Kuvvetler kurye hizmeti tarafından resmen belirlenen bir kara, deniz veya hava kuvvetleri faaliyeti
armed forces disciplinary control board
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER DİSİPLİN KONTROL KURULU: Bir veya daha çok kuvvete mensup komutanı temsil eden subaylardan oluşan ve kendi sorumluluk bölgesi içindeki Silahlı kuvvetler personelinin disiplini, sağlığı, morali ve refahı üzerinde olumsuz etki yapabilecek durumları inceleyen ve giderilmesine çalışan bir kurul
armed forces examining station
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER MUAYENE İSTASYONU: Silahlı kuvvetlerin Dört Sınıfı ve İhtisas Ayırma Hizmeti (Selective Service) tarafından, kendisine havale edilen gönüllü veya celp durumundaki şahısların zihni ve bedeni niteliklerini tayin için kurulmuş bir teşkil
armed forces induction station
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER ASKERLİK ŞUBESİ: Şahısların silahlı kuvvetlerine celp suretiyle alınma durumlarını tespit ve elverişli görülenleri kabul edip çeşitli sınıflara tahsis için kurulmuş bir teşkil
armed forces industrial college
armed forces information school
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER BASIN VE HALKLA İLİŞKİLER OKULU: Milli savunma bakanlığının murakabesi altında çalışan, müşterek bir öğretim müessesesi. Basın ve halkla ilişkiler ile ilgili sahalarda, Kara, Deniz ve Hava kuvvetleri tarafından ihtiyaç gösterilen uzmanların birleşik askeri eğitimini sağlar
armed forces institute of pathology
armed forces intelligence
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER İSTİHBARATI: Stratejik istihbaratın yabancı devletler silahlı kuvvetleriyle ilgili kısmı
armed forces medical procurement agency
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER TIBBİ TEDARİK BÜROSU: ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES: AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ SİLAHLI KUVVETLERİ: Kara, Deniz, Hava Kuvvetleri, Deniz Piyadeleri ve sahil korumanın bütün kısımlarını müştereken belirtmek üzere kullanılan bir terim
armed forces police
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER İNZİBATI: Birden çok kuvvetin devamlı garnizon dışı inzibat merkezleri bulundurduğu toplu yerlerde faaliyette bulunan müşterek kuvvetler inzibat teşkilatı mensupları
armed forces police
(Askeri) silahlı kuvvetler inzibatı
armed forces press service
armed forces procurement regulations
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER TEDARİK YÖNETMELİĞİ: A. B. D. 10 sayılı Kanun 137 nci Bölümün verdiği yetki dahilinde, ikmal maddeleri ve hizmet tedariki ile ilgili Kara, Deniz, Hava Kuvvetleri müşterek usullerini gösterir yönetmelik
armed forces qualification test
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER NİTELİK TESTİ: Gönüllü ve celp suretiyle silahlı kuvvetlere verileceklerin zeka durumlarını tayin için yapılan test. Nitelik sahibi insan gücünü Silahlı kuvvetlerden her birine, zeka kategorilerine dayanarak dağıtımını temin için faydalanılır
armed forces radio service
armed forces reserve center
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER İHTİYAT EĞİTİMİ MERKEZİ: A. B. D. Müşekkel İhtiyat Birlikleri ile Kara Ordusu Müşekkel İhtiyat Personelinin eğitimi için faydalanılan bir iş yeri, faaliyet merkezi veya tesis
armed forces reserve medal
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER İHTİYATLIK HİZMETİ MADALYASI: A. B. D. Silahlı Kuvvetleri Müşekkel İhtiyat Asli unsurlarından birinde arasız 12 yıl içinde 10 yıl hizmet görenlere verilen bir madalya. Ayrıca bak "ten years device"
armed forces screen reports
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER SİNEMA HABERLERİ: Kara Kuvvetleri tarafından hazırlanan 20: 30 dakikalık sinema filmleri. Bu filmlerde daha çok, yeni askeri gelişmeler veya askerleri ilgilendiren diğer konulara ait üç veya dört değişik durum gösterilir
armed forces special weapons project
armed forces staff college
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER HARP AKADEMİSİ: Genelkurmaya (Müşterek Kurmay Başkanları Heyetine) bağlı bir öğretim müessesesi. Bu müessese; muharip ve yardımcı sınıflara mensup bütün yüksek rütbeli subaylara, kendi sınıfları dışındaki branşların taktik ve stratejileri hakkında bilgi verir; Daha sonra, müşterek ve kombine (birleşik) harekat hakkında kombine bir bilgi sağlar. ARMED MINE (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, NATO) (DOD, NATO): KURULU MAYIN: Bütün emniyet araçlarının sökülmüş olduğu ve mayın dök'wn işleminden sonra bütün otomatik emniyet tertibatının ve/veya geciktirme mekanizmalarının faaliyete geçmiş olduğu bir mayın, Böyle bir mayın, bir hedef sinyalini, etkisini veya temasını almaya hazır olacaktır. Ayrıca bakınız: "mine". ARMED MINE (AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): KURULU MAYIN: Faaliyete geçmeye hazır bir mayın. Ayrıca bakınız: "mine". ARMED RECONNAISSANCE (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI; AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): SİLAHLI KEŞİF: Önceden kararlaştırılmış hedeflere değil de, tahsis edilmiş genel bölgelerde veya görevlendirilen ulaştırma yolları üzerinde rastlayacağı düşman malzemesi, personeli veya tesisleri nevinden hedefleri tespit ve bunlara taarruz amacı güden bir görev
armed forces staff college
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Harp Akademisi
armed from tip to toe
tepeden tırnağa silahlı
armed gang
(Askeri) silahlı çete
armed gurnard
(Gıda) dikenli öksüz balığı
armed insurgency
(Askeri) silahlı isyan
armed militia
silahlı milis
armed offshoot
bir grup ya da örgütün silahlı kanadı
armed person
silahlı kişi
armed position
hazır durum
armed position
(Havacılık) işletme hazır durum
armed rebellion
silahlı ayaklanma
armed reconnaissance
(Askeri) silahlı keşif
armed reconnaissance
(Askeri) (NATO) SİLAHLI KEŞİF: Önceden kararlaştırılmış hedeflere değil de, tahsis edilmiş genel bölgelerde veya görevlendirilen ulaştırma yolları üzerinde rastlayacağı düşman malzemesi, personeli veya tesisleri nevinden hedefleri tespit ve bunlara taarruz amacıyla çıkarılan bir hava keşif görevi
armed robbery
silâhlı soygun

Tom silahlı soygun ile suçlandı. - Tom was charged with armed robbery.

Tom silahlı soygun için yargılandı. - Tom stood trial for armed robbery.

armed services
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER: Buna sadece "services" de denir. Bak. "Armed Forces of the United States"
armed services committee
silahlı hizmetler komitesi
armed services medical regulating office
armed services petroleum board
armed services petroleum purchasing agency
armed strike reconnaissance
(Askeri) Ateşli keşif
armed sweep
(Askeri) ZIRHLI TARAMA: Mayın Bağlantılarını kesmekteki becerisini artırmak üzere kesici veya diğer araçların monte edildiği tarama
armed terrorist organization
(Politika, Siyaset) silahlı terör örgütü
armed vehicle
(Askeri) SİLAHLI ARAÇ: Herhangi bir silahla teçhiz edilmiş araç. Bu terim, zırhlı araç anlamına gelen "armored vehicle" ile karıştırılmamalıdır
armed with a lance or spear
(Askeri) mızraklı

Silah ihracatı yasaklandı. - Arms export was prohibited.

Silah ihracatı yasaklandı. - The export of arms was prohibited.

{i} otorite

Tom silahlı kuvvetlere katıldı. - Tom has joined the army.

Silahlı kuvvetlerin hangi kolundaydın? - Which branch of the armed forces were you in?


Galaksinin Yay ve Perse takım yıldızı bölümleri binlerce yıl keşfedilmemiş olarak kaldı. - The Sagittarius and Perseus Arms of the galaxy remained unexplored for thousands of years.

turkish armed forces
(Askeri) türk silahlı kuvvetleri
{i} koy

Tom kolunu Mary'nin etrafına koydu. - Tom put his arm around Mary.

O, kolunu onun beline koydu. - He put his arm around her waist.

koltuk kolu
askerlik hizmeti

Gemilerini silahlandırmak için izin istediler. - They asked for permission to arm their ships.

şube kol

O erkeğin kolu benimkine hafifçe çarptı. - His arm brushed against mine.

Erkek kardeşim bir ağaçtan düştü ve kolunu kırdı. - My brother fell out of a tree and broke his arm.


Onun güçlü bir kolları var. - He has powerful arms.

O zaman Almanya'nın güçlü bir ordusu vardı. - Germany then had a powerful army.

giysi kolu

Böylesine büyük bir silahlanma için paramızın olup olmadığı sorusunu göz önüne almalıyız. - We must consider the question of whether we can afford such huge sums for armaments.

Askerlerin bol miktarda silahları vardı. - The troops had plenty of arms.

{f} silahlandır

Onlar kendilerini silahlarla silahlandırdılar. - They armed themselves with rifles.

Gemilerini silahlandırmak için izin istediler. - They asked for permission to arm their ships.

double armed
çift kollu
çift kollu
lightly armed
hafif silahlı
one-armed bandit
kollu kumar makinesi
full of spines; armed with thorns; thorny
spines dolu; dikenle silahlı; dikenli
heavily armed
Ağır silahlı
yeniden silahlı
(Askeri) antiradyasyon füzesi (antiradiation missiles)
Air Force Reserve Command; Armed Forces Recreation Center
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri İhtiyat Kuvveti Komutanlığı; Hava Kuvvetleri Eğlence ve Dinlenme Merkezi
Air Force contract augmentation program; Armed Forces contract augmentation prog
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri sözleşme takviye programı; Silahlı Kuvvetler sözleşme takviye programı
Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Sıhhi Denetim Dairesi
Unified Action Armed Forces
(Askeri) Kara Birlikleri Müşterek Harekatı
savaşa hazırlamak
{i} cephane

Ordu cephaneliğini düşmana bıraktı. - The army surrendered its arsenal to the enemy.

{i} dal

Bebek annesinin kucağında uykuya dalmıştı. - The baby was sound asleep in her mother's arms.


Gemilerini silahlandırmak için izin istediler. - They asked for permission to arm their ships.

donatım teçhizat
{f} silahlandırmak; silahlanmak
teçhiz etmek
{i} körfez
{f} sağlamak

Onlar teröristlere silah sağlamakla suçlandılar. - They were accused of supplying arms to terrorists.


Savaşın başladığını duymuştu fakat savaş babası askere alınıncaya kadar anlaşılmadı. - He had heard that war had started, but it didn't sink in for a long time until his father was drafted into the army.

Modern savaş sanatı dövüşçüler gibi etkili olmak için tepeden tırnağa silahlandırılacak askerleri muhakkak gerektirmez. - The art of modern warfare does not necessarily require soldiers to be armed to the teeth to be effective as combatants.

{f} silâhlanmak
{f} destek olmak
{i} şube
{f} elini uzatmak
askeri kuvvetlerin bir kolu
{f} silâhlandırmak

Gemilerini silahlandırmak için izin istediler. - They asked for permission to arm their ships.

silaha sarılmak
{i} pazı
{f} sarılmak

Tom bana sarılmak için kollarını açtı. - Tom opened his arms to hug me.

Mary bana sarılmak için kollarını açtı. - Mary opened her arms to hug me.

(Askeri) MUHARİP SINIF: Kara Ordusu'nda; piyade, topçu, zırhlı birlik gibi, başlıca görevi muharebe olan sınıflar
{f} zırh giydirmek
{f} donatmak
armed conflict
(Hukuk) silahlı çatışma
committee on armed services
silahlı hizmetler komitesi
fully armed
tepeden tırnağa silahlı
law of armed conflict
(Askeri) silahlı çatışma hukuku
one armed
tek kollu
one armed bandit
kumar makinası
one armed bandit
para ile çalışan kollu satış makinası
one armed bandit
slot makinası
one armed bandit
otomatik satış makinası
open armed
open armed
open armed
take place for an armed fight
çatışma çıkmak
the armed forces
silâhlı kuvvetler
unified action armed forces
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER MÜŞTEREK HAREKET YÖNETMELİĞİ: İki veya daha fazla kuvvetin veya unsurunun birlikte yapacakları faaliyetler için ABD Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin faaliyet ve uygulamalara yön veren prensipleri, doktrinleri ve faaliyetleri ortaya koyan yayın
united states armed forces
(Askeri) ABD SİLAHLI KUVVETLERİ: Kara Kuvvetleri, Deniz Kuvvetleri, Hava Kuvvetleri, Deniz Piyade Teşkilatı ve kıyı Muhafaza teşkilatının muvazzaf asli teşkillerini toplu olarak ifade için kullanılan terim. Ayrıca bak "armed forces of the united states"
united states armed forces
(Askeri) abd silahlı kuvvetleri
united states armed forces institute
(Askeri) ABD SİLAHLI KUVVETLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ: Milli Savunma Bakanlığına personeline görev dışı öğretim vasıta ve hizmetleri sağlar. UNITED STATES ARMY OR ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES: AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ ORDUSU: Bu terimler; ABD Hava Kuvvetleri gibi kanunla tesis edilmiş kısım dışında, ABD Anayasasında sözü geçen Kara Ordusunun veya Orduları ifade eder. (united states army) terimi, (army of the united states) terimi yerine tercihen kullanılacaktır. ABD. Kara Ordusu (united states army); Muvazzaf ordusu (regular army), ABD Milli Muhafız Teşkilatı (U. S. National Guard) ile Kara Ordusu Müşekkel İhtiyat Teşkilatını (army reserve) ve bu asli teşkillere tayin edilen, gönüllü olarak veya celp suretiyle giren bütün personeli; asli bir teşkil belirtilmeden tayinle, gönüllü olarak veya celp suretiyle gelmiş bütün personeli ihtiva ettiği gibi, kanunla Federal hizmete çağrılmış eyalet, özel bölge (territory) ve Kolombiya mıntıkası Milli Muhafızları dahil, Ordu'da faal göreve alınan bütün ihtiyatları veya askere alınan bütün şahısları içine alır. Bununla beraber; (U. S. Army) terimi, bazı hallerde kanun metinlerinde, muvazzaf Ordu (regular army) anlamına kullanılmıştır ve bu gibi kanun metinlerine özel atıf yapılmadan, bu anlamda kullanılmayacaktır
التركية - التركية

تعريف armed في التركية التركية القاموس.

(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kafa tutma
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (Arem) İnatçılık, muannitlik
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Pertaining to the horns, teeth, or tusks of beasts or pertaining to the beaks and talons of birds when these parts are coloured in a different tincture from the beast or bird itself
Simple past tense and past participle of arm
Equipped, especially with a weapon
Having an arm or arms
prepared for use; loaded
{a} furnished with arms, defended
An armed attack or conflict involves people fighting with guns or carrying weapons. They had been found guilty of armed robbery. unarmed see also arm, -armed
The security system is armed when it is activated by entering your personal security code on the keypad or by a button on a keyfob Arming your system activates the detection of unauthorized entry
Artileri Medan - Field Artillery
prepared for use
used of plants and animals
Someone who is armed is carrying a weapon, usually a gun. City police said the man was armed with a revolver. a barbed-wire fence patrolled by armed guards The rebels are well organised, disciplined and very well armed
used of plants and animals having arms or arms as specified; used especially in combination; "the many-armed goddess Shiva
Furnished with whatever serves to add strength, force, or efficiency
(used of persons or the military) characterized by having or bearing arms; "armed robbery"
Having horns, beak, talons, etc; - - said of beasts and birds of prey
having arms or arms as specified; used especially in combination; "the many-armed goddess Shiva"
Furnished with weapons of offense or defense; furnished with the means of security or protection
{s} equipped with weapons; prepared with equipment; covered protectively; having arms, having upper limbs
A sweep wire is said to be armed when it has been fitted with cutters or other devices to increase its ability to cut moorings
(used of persons or the military) characterized by having or bearing arms; "armed robbery" used of plants and animals having arms or arms as specified; used especially in combination; "the many-armed goddess Shiva
armed forces
The military forces of a nation, such as the army, navy, air force, marines and, sometimes, coast or border guards
armed probe
A military reconnaissance mission performed with heavy combat units where hostile contact with the enemy is expected
Armed Islamic Group
French Groupe Islamique Armée (GIA) Algerian militant group. It was formed in 1992 after the government nullified the likely victory of the Islamic Salvation Front in 1991 legislative elections and was fueled by the repatriation of numerous Algerian Islamists who had fought in the Afghan War (1978-92). The GIA began a series of violent, armed attacks against the government and against foreigners in Algeria and has been accused of civilian massacres although it has been alleged that many such atrocities were committed by security-service infiltrators and special military units. It has also engaged in attacks abroad (particularly in France) and purportedly maintained links with militant Islamic groups throughout the world. Estimates of GIA strength have varied from hundreds to several thousand guerrillas
armed activity
activity involving the use of weapons
armed conflict
{i} conflict that involves the use of weapons and physical force organized by countries or other large groups, war
armed forces
The armed forces or the armed services of a country are its military forces, usually the army, navy, marines, and air force. The military forces of a country. Also called armed services. a country's military organizations, including the army, navy, and air force
armed forces
{i} security forces, military forces
armed forces
the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
armed forces censorship
military censorship of personal communications to or from persons in the armed forces
armed forces day
the 3rd Saturday in May
armed insurrection
armed rebellion
armed intervention
intervention with weapons
armed islamic group
a terrorist organization of Islamic extremists whose violant activities began in 1992; aims to overthrow the secular Algerian regime and replace it with an Islamic state; "the GIA has embarked on a terrorist campaign of civilian massacres
armed militia
citizen's army bearing arms
armed peace
state in which countries who are officially at peace continue to maintain military readiness
armed robber
{i} thief carrying a weapon
armed robbery
robbery which is committed using a weapon
armed robbery
robbery at gunpoint
armed services
armed to the teeth
completely armed, carrying lots of weapons
armed wing of Hamas
military wing of the Hamas
Having a particular type of arm

A hairy-armed boy.

having a number of arms

A four-armed monster.

armed with

Rifle-armed soldiers.

adjustable rate mortgage
accelerated reply mail: a service of the United States Postal Service
Canadian Armed Forces
Canadian Forces
United States Armed Forces
Used to denote collectively only the regular components of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast GuardJoint Publication 1-02 U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms; 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 14 April 2006)
A bay or inlet off a main body of water

Shelburne Bay is an arm of Lake Champlain.

A long, narrow, more or less rigid part of an object extending from the main part or centre of the object, such as the arm of an armchair, a crane, a pair of spectacles or a pair of compasses

The robot arm reached out and placed the part on the assembly line.

The extended portion of the upper limb, from the shoulder to the elbow

The arm and forearm are parts of the upper limb in the human body.

Pitiful; wretched
The portion of the upper human appendage, from the shoulder to the wrist and sometimes including the hand

She stood with her right arm extended and her palm forward to indicate “Stop!”.

one-armed bandit
A gaming machine having a long handle (the “arm” referred to in the name) at one side that one pulls down to make reels spin; the player wins money or tokens when certain combinations of symbols line up on these reels
one-armed router
A special variety of router used to route packets in a VLAN environment. Because a one-armed router uses the same physical link to send and receive traffic to and from different VLANs, this is also known as a router on a stick
straight armed
Simple past tense and past participle of straight arm
{v} to furnish with or take up arms, to aid
{n} a limb of the body, branch, inlet, strength
adjustable-rate mortgage. Upper limb of a biped, particularly a primate. Primate arms have one long bone, the humerus, in the upper arm above the elbow, and two thinner bones, the radius and ulna, in the forearm. The triceps muscle straightens the forearm at the elbow joint; the brachialis and biceps muscles bend it. Forearm and small muscles in the hand move the hand and fingers. The term may also denote the limb or the locomotive or prehensile organ of an invertebrate (e.g., the ray of a starfish or the tentacle of an octopus). arms control coat of arms shield of arms Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Strategic Arms Reduction Talks Armed Islamic Group
To furnish with arms or limbs
an administrative division of some larger or more complex organization; "a branch of Congress"
a human limb; technically the part of the superior limb between the shoulder and the elbow but commonly used to refer to the whole superior limb prepare oneself for a military confrontation; "The U
To provide one's self with arms, weapons, or means of attack or resistance; to take arms
Adjustable rate mortgage, where the lender can lower or raise the interest rate of a loan based on a predetermined index
heraldic bearings or insignia
To furnish with means of defense; to prepare for resistance; to fortify, in a moral sense
Power; might; strength; support; as, the secular arm; the arm of the law
Adjustable-rate mortgage loan features an interest rate that moves up and down as market conditions change ARMs usually offer a lower initial interest rate, but your mortgage payments may change periodically (usually semiannually or annually) Rate changes are based on an index such as the one-year Treasury Index or the cost-of-funds index (COFI) Some ARM can be convertible
(Adjustable Rate Mortgage) - A mortgage loan which allows the lender to adjust the interest rate periodically according to a specified index agreed upon at the inception of the loan Also called a Variable Rate Mortgage
a group of participants in a clinical trial, all of whom receive the same treatment, intervention or placebo The other arm(s) receive(s) a different treatment
The extended portion of the upper limb, from the shoulder to the wrist and sometimes including the hand
To prepare a tool or a weapon for action, to activate
Adjustable Rate Mortgage is a mortgage that changes interest rate periodically based upon the changes in a specified index
To cover or furnish with a plate, or with whatever will add strength, force, security, or efficiency; as, to arm the hit of a sword; to arm a hook in angling
A support for the elbow, at the side of a chair, the end of a sofa, etc
a group of participants in a clinical trial who all receive the same treatment (treatment arm) or placebo (control arm)
the part of an armchair or sofa that supports the elbow and forearm of a seated person
To supply with a weapon or weapons
A mortgage which permits the lender to adjust the interest rate upwards or downwards in accordance with a specified index
An ARM is a RISC processor invented by Advanced RISC Machines, currently owned by Intel, and currently produced by both the above and Digital/Compaq ARMs are different from most other processors in that they were not designed to maximize speed but rather to maximize speed per power consumed Thus ARMs find most of their use on hand-held machines and PDAs A few different OSes run on ARM based machines including Newton OS, JavaOS, and (soon) Windows CE and Linux The StrongARM is a more recent design of the original ARM, and it is both faster and more power efficient than the original
A weapon
supply with arms; "The U S armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan"
Is a mortgage in which the interest rate is adjusted periodically based on a preselected index Also known as an Adjustable Rate Mortgage or the Variable Rate Mortgage
any projection that is thought to resemble an arm; "the arm of the record player"; "an arm of the sea"; "a branch of the sewer"
is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"; "troops are building up on the Iraqui border" supply with arms; "The U
A mortgage which allows the lender to adjust the interest rate in accordance with a specified index and margin periodically, as agreed to at the inception of the loan
A limb, or locomotive or prehensile organ, of an invertebrate animal
armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan
supply with arms; "The U
A branch of a tree
A branch of the military service; as, the cavalry arm was made efficient
Any of the treatment groups in a randomized trial Most randomized trials have two arms, but some have three arms or even more
A financing technique in which the lender can raise or lower the mortgage interest rate according to a set index, such as six-month Treasury bills
See: adjustable rate mortgage
prepare oneself for a military confrontation; "The U S is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"; "troops are building up on the Iraqui border"
A mortgage loan with an interest rate that changes periodically to reflect changes in a specified financial index
To furnish or equip with weapons of offense or defense; as, to arm soldiers; to arm the country
any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting; "he was licensed to carry a weapon"
(adjustable rate mortgage) - Loans whose interest rates change periodically according to a specified financial index Deed This is the written transfer of property ownership as well as proof of ownership Index Guide for rate changes that lenders use to decide how much the annual percentage rate will change over time Promissory Note A document between the lender and the borrower explaining what is owed and how it is to be repaid
Advanced RISC Machines, the company that produced the processors used in Newton OS devices See also StrongARM
{i} part of the body between the shoulder and the hand
A mortgage for which the interest rate is adjusted periodically according to movements in a pre-selected index
a human limb; technically the part of the superior limb between the shoulder and the elbow but commonly used to refer to the whole superior limb
Adjustable Rate Mortgage; a mortgage loan subject to changes in interest rates; when rates change, ARM monthly payments increase or decrease at intervals determined by the lender; the Change in monthly -payment amount, however, is usually subject to a Cap
the part of a garment that is attached at armhole and provides a cloth covering for the arm
the part of an armchair or sofa that supports the elbow and forearm of a seated person any projection that is thought to resemble an arm; "the arm of the record player"; "an arm of the sea"; "a branch of the sewer"
Adjustable Rate Mortgage-See Variable Rate Mortgage
is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"; "troops are building up on the Iraqui border"
A slender part of an instrument or machine, projecting from a trunk, axis, or fulcrum; as, the arm of a steelyard
The limb of the human body which extends from the shoulder to the hand; also, the corresponding limb of a monkey
Anything resembling an arm The fore limb of an animal, as of a bear
(Adjustable Rate Mortgage) Variable rate mortgage The interest rate is not fixed Rate changes periodically depending on mortgage (every year, every five years etc )
The end of a yard; also, the part of an anchor which ends in the fluke
Adjustable Rate Mortgage – The interested rate is not fixed for the term of the mortgage This is a mortgage in which the interest rate is adjusted periodically based on a pre-selected index
{f} equip with weapons; be equipped with weapons
Stands for Adjustable Rate Mortgage A mortgage with an interest rate that changes periodically, up or down, based on an interest rate index
To take by the arm; to take up in one's arms
An inlet of water from the sea
See: Adjustable-rate mortgage
A weapon of offense or defense; an instrument of warfare; commonly in the pl
clash with armed forces
combat between militants or military forces; do battle with armed militants
having massive arms; "he was big-chested, big-shouldered and heavy-armed
armed with light equipment and weapons; "a light-armed brigade"
equipped with a light weapon
armed with light weapons
one armed
having only one arm
having one arm; "a one-armed veteran
one-armed bandit
A one-armed bandit is the same as a fruit machine. a machine with a long handle, into which you put money in order to try to win more money = slot machine British Equivalent: fruit machine
one-armed man
amputee, person who only has one arm
lovingly, in a welcoming manner, with open arms
revolutionary armed forces of colombia
a powerful and wealthy terrorist organization formed in 1957 as the guerilla arm of the Colombian communist party; opposed to the United States; has strong ties to drug traffikers
having limited abilities
tablet-armed chair
a chair with an arm that has been widened for writing
التركية - الإنجليزية

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