1 (~ method, during a generic function call) Having a parameter list that matches the supplied arguments 2 (~ handler, when a condition is signaled) Matching the signaled condition by type and by an optional test function associated with the handler
Something that is applicable to a particular situation is relevant to it or can be applied to it. Appraisal has traditionally been seen as most applicable to those in management and supervisory positions = relevant. if something is applicable to a particular person, group, or situation, it affects them or is related to them applicable to
Whether or not a variable makes semantic sense at a given coordinate (or location) For example, if a single hypercubes measure dimension contains members for both inventory and employee measures, and an organizational dimension contains members for both product categories and job classifications, the inventory measures are inapplicable at job-classification-related cells, and the employee measures are inapplicable at the product-category-related cells A measure can only be considered missing at a cell in which it is considered applicable
adj (of a presentation translator) A presentation translator is said to be applicable when the pointer is pointing to a presentation whose presentation type matches the current input context, and the other criteria for translator matching have been met
A presentation translator is said to be applicable when the pointer is pointing to a presentation whose presentation type matches the current input context, and the other criteria for translator matching have been met