
listen to the pronunciation of angle
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bu soruna farklı açılardan yaklaşmalıyız. - We should approach this problem from different angles.

Bu iki çizgi birbirini dik açıyla kesmektedir. - These two lines cut across each other at right angles.

(Mekanik) korniye
(Sinema) kamera açısı
(Tıp) angulus
(Geometri) bir cisme ait köşe
(Mekanik) köşebent demiri
açı vermek
(Sinema) alıcı açısı
balık tutmak
çıkıntılı bir köşe
{f} açı ver
açı yapmak
açı oluşturmak
bakış açısı
(Tarih) Anglus
{i} köşe

Üçgenlerin dört köşesi yoktur. - Triangles don't have four angles.

Bir karenin dört tane köşesi vardır. - A square has four angles.

{i} dirsek
{i} yol
{i} tarz
{i} olta
{i} görüş açısı
{i} (Geometri) açı
angler olta ile balık tutan kimse
{f} çarpıtmak
angle başka açıdan göster
Lophius piscatorius
{f} kıvırmak
{i} k.dili. bakış açısı, görüş açısı
açı,v.açı ver: n.açı
{f} köşe yapmak
(Mimarlık) köşe, dönüş köşe pahı, köşe çalığı açı
{f} oltayla balık avlamak
{i} (bir cisme ait) köşe
{f} olta ile balık tutmak
{f} for (bir şeyi) kurnazlıkla elde etmeye çalışmak
başka balıkları yutan büyük ağızlı ve boynuzlu bir çeşit balık
{f} saptırmak
angle for
(deyim) peşinde koşmak
angle gauge
açı ölçer
angle iron
l demiri
angle of flow
akış açısı
angle of sight
(Askeri) nişan açısı
angle of view
(Askeri,Fotoğrafçılık) görüş açısı
angle arm
dirsekli kol
angle bead
köşe çubuğu
angle bisector
angle bisector theorem
açıortay teoremi
angle brace
çapraz takviye
angle bracket
köşeli mesnet
angle brick
köşe tuğlası
angle cutter
açı freze bıçağı
angle iron
angle modulation
açı modülasyonu
angle of
angle of apparent internal friction
görünen iç sürtünme açısı
angle of attack
saldırı açısı
angle of bank
yalpa açısı
angle of base friction
taban sürtünme açısı
angle of deflection
sapma açısı
angle of departure
ayrılış açısı
angle of deviation
sapma açısı
angle of distortion
burulma açısı
angle of dive
dalış açısı
angle of field of view
görüş alan açısı
angle of incidence
gelme açısı
angle of incidence
geliş açısı
angle of inclination
eğim açısı
angle of internal friction
iç sürtünme açısı
angle of lead
öndelik açısı
angle of lens
mercek açısı
angle of observation
gözlem açısı
angle of parallax
paralaks açısı
angle of pitch
adım açısı
angle of polarization
polarizasyon açısı
angle of radiation
radyasyon açısı
angle of reflection
yansıma açısı
angle of repose
duruş apısı
angle of roll
yatış açısı
angle of rupture
kopma açısı
angle of shear
makaslama açısı
angle of sight
görüş açısı
angle of slide
kayma açısı
angle of slip
kayma açısı
angle of slope
şev açısı
angle of twist
burulma açısı
angle of vision
görüş açısı
angle of wall friction
duvar sürtünme açısı
angle phase angle
evre açısı
angle shot
açı çekimi
angle tracking
açı tarama
angle brackets
angle dozer
köşeli tesviye makinesi
angle grinder
acılı taşlama
angle milling cutter
(Mühendislik) açı frezesi, konik freze bıçağı
angle noise
acı gürültüsü
angle of approach lights
yaklaşma acısı ışıkları
angle of beam
huzme acısı
angle of incidence
Gelme acısı, geliş acısı; doğrudan güneş işini doğrultusu ile yüzeyin normali arasındaki açı
angle of repose
SÜRTÜNME AcıSı: Toprak veya benzeri bir madde yığınının, kaymadan durabileceği en dik meyil
angle of rotation
dönme acısı
angle vertex
(Geometri) bir acının köşesi
angle worm
açı solucan
angle bar
(Mimarlık) köşebent L demiri korniyer
angle bar
şeklinde köşebent
angle bead
(İnşaat) köşe çıtası
angle bead
(Mimarlık) köşe profili
angle bead
(İnşaat) köşe metali
angle bead
(İnşaat) köşelik
angle beam
(Nükleer Bilimler) açılı demet
angle beams
köşebent profil kemerleri
angle block
destek takozu
angle block
köşe takozu
angle brace
çapraz destek
angle brace
(Mimarlık) eğik destek, eliböğründe kutri
angle bracket
(Mimarlık) konsol kolu taşıyıcı gönye
angle bulldozer
(İnşaat) açılı buldozer
angle cleat
köşebent mesnet
angle cock
durma supabı
angle drive
konik dişli ile tahrik
angle drive
dik açılı tahrik
angle float
(İnşaat) köşe malası
angle for
(Fiili Deyim ) (ima ile) bir şey istemek
angle for
ima ile istemek
angle frame
köşebent postalar
angle gear
mahruti dişli
angle iron
köşebent demiri
angle iron
(Mimarlık) köşe gönyesi
angle leaf
(Mimarlık) tırnak (sütun tabanında)
angle lever
(Mimarlık) dirsekli levye
angle of a roof
(Mimarlık) pitch
angle of approach
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA AÇISI: Bir aracın ön tarafındaki en alçak noktadan geçen düzlemin yatay düzlem ile teşkil ettiği açı
angle of arrival
(Askeri) MERMİ YOLU DİKEY AÇISI: Herhangi bir noktada mermi yoluna teğet hat ile yatay hat arasındaki dikey açı
angle of attack
(Askeri) HÜCUM AÇISI: Bir tayyarenin kanat veya diğer taşıyıcı satıhlardan birine ait kiriş ile bunun havaya nazaran hareket istikameti arasındaki dar açı
angle of bank
(Askeri) YALPA AÇISI: Tayyarenin enine ekseninin yatay satıhtan inhiraf etmesiyle meydana gelen açı. Buna "angle of roll" da denir
angle of blade
(Askeri) bkz: "angle of pitch
angle of clearance
(Askeri) SÜTRE EMNİYET AÇISI: Silah hedefe tevcih edildiği zaman, silah hedef hattı ile, silahın hedefe atacağı merminin, hedefe ulaşıncaya kadar yolda hiçbir engele rastlamayacak şekilde tevcihinde, namlunun gösterdiği hat arasında meydana gelen açı
angle of convergence
(Askeri) YAKINSAMA AÇISI, PARALAKS AÇISI: Grid kuzeyi ile coğrafi kuzey arasındaki açı. Gridin standart meridyenden uzaklaşması nispetinde büyür. Buna "angle of parallax" da denir
angle of deflection
(Askeri) YAN AÇISI: Bir silahın namlu ekseni ile, silahın tevcihi sırasındaki nişan hattı arasında meydana gelen yatay açı
angle of departure
(Askeri) ÇIKIŞ AÇISI: Tekerlekli bir aracın arka lastiklerine teğet ve aracın yere en yakın noktasından geçen düzlemin yatay düzlem ile teşkil ettiği açı. Ayrıca bakınız: "angle of approach"
angle of depression
(Askeri) ALÇALIŞ AÇISI: l. Yatay ile azalan hat arasında dikey düzlemdeki açı. 2. Hava fotoğrafçılığında, meyilli olarak takılmış, hava fotoğraf makinesinin optik ekseni ile yatay düzlem arasındaki açı. Ayrıca bakınız: "tilt angle"
angle of dip
eğim açısı
angle of dip
dalım açısı
angle of divergence
(Askeri) DAĞITMA AÇISI: Bir batarya veya makineli tüfek grubuna, esas silaha paralel olarak tevcih edilmiş herhangi bir top veya tüfeğin, son bulunduğu vaziyetten istenilen istikamete tam tevcih edilebilmesi için yapacağı hareketle meydana gelen açı. Bu açı, özellikle mevzide bulunan bir makineli tüfek bölüğünde, geniş cepheli bir hedefe ateş edileceği zaman kullanılır
angle of elevation
(Askeri) NİŞANGAH AÇISI: Başlangıç noktasında toprak açısı hattı ile yükseliş hattı arasındaki düşey açılardan küçüğü. Ayrıca bakınız: "elevation"
angle of entry
(Askeri) GİRİŞ AÇISI: Bir bomba veya merminin, hedefe nüfuz ettiği noktada, bu noktadan hedef sathına çizilen dikeye nazaran sapma derecesi. Bak. "angle of incidence"
angle of extinction
sonme acisi
angle of fall
(Askeri) DÜŞÜŞ AÇISI: Namlu ağzından geçen yatay hattın mermi yolu ile kesiştiği noktadan mermi yoluna çizilen teğet ile yatay hat arasında kalan düşey açı
angle of flow
akis acisi
angle of friction
sürtünme açışı
angle of gradient
(Mimarlık) angle of slope
angle of gradient
eğim açısı
angle of ignition
atesleme acisi
angle of impact
(Askeri) VURUŞ AÇISI: Bir merminin vuruş noktasından mermi yoluna çizilen teğet ile, yine vuruş noktasından toprağa çizilen teğet arasındaki dar açı. Bir merminin hedefe veya toprağa çarptığı noktadaki açı
angle of incidence
(Askeri) VARIŞ AÇISI: Merminin vuruş noktasında vuruş sathına dikey hat ile varış hattı arasındaki açı. Bu açı vuruş açısını tamamlar
angle of inclination
(Mimarlık) angle of slope
angle of internal friction
içsel sürtünme açışı
angle of jump
(Askeri) ÇIKIŞ HATASI AÇISI: Silah tevcih edildikten sonra, ateş etmeden hemen önce, nişan hattının devamı olan hat ile merminin namlu ağzını terk ettiği anda nişan hattının devamı olan hat arasındaki açısal fark. Buna sadece "Jump" da denir. Ayrıca bakınız: "angle of departure" ve "quadrant angle of departure"
angle of loss
yitim acisi
angle of parallax
(Askeri) TOPLAMA AÇISI; YAKINSAMA AÇISI; PARALAX AÇISI: Bak. "angle of convergence"
angle of pitch
(Askeri) HATVE AÇISI; PALA AÇISI: Tayyare ve füzelerde, normal uçuş durumunda, uzunluğuna eksen ile nispi rüzgar istikameti arasındaki açı. Buna "angle of blade" de denir
angle of position
(Askeri) DOĞRU TOPRAK AÇISI: Bak. "angle of site"
angle of repose
(Askeri) SÜRTÜNME AÇISI: Toprak veya benzeri bir madde yığınının, kaymadan durabileceği en dik meyil
angle of repose
yığın açışı
angle of repose
(Mimarlık) doğal eğim (zeminde)
angle of roll
(Askeri,Havacılık) yalpa açısı
angle of roll
(Askeri) YATIŞ AÇISI; YALPA AÇISI: Bak. "angle of bank"
angle of safety
(Askeri) EMNİYET AÇISI: Bir silahta, mermi yolunu dost kıtalar üzerinden aşırmak için kabul edilen asgari açısal aralık. Emniyet açısı, kıtaların emniyetini temin için yeteri kadar büyütülmüş sütre emniyet açısıdır
angle of shearing resistance
makaslama/kesme direnci açışı
angle of shift
(Askeri) YAN KAYDIRMA AÇISI: Toptan birinci hedefe uzatılan hat ile, yine toptan diğer bir hedefe uzatılan hat arasında kalan yatay açı. Yan kaydırma açısı; bir topun, ateşini bir hedeften diğerine kaydırmak için, yaptığı dönüş sırasında meydana gelen açıdır
angle of sight
angle of site
(Askeri) DOĞRU TOPRAK AÇISI: Mermi yolu yatay tabanı ile toprak açısı hattı arasındaki dikey açı Buna eskiden "angle of position" derlerdi
angle of sliding
kayma açışı
angle of slope
(Mimarlık) eğim açısı
angle of spin
firil acisi
angle of squint
(Nükleer Bilimler) sapma açısı
angle of train
(Askeri) YAN AÇISI: Atış esaslarının, bir uzaktan idare sistemi ile temin edilen istikamet açısı unsuru
angle of traverse
(Askeri) YAN DÖNÜŞ AÇISI: Bir silahın kundağı üzerinde döndürebildiği yatay açı
angle of view
(Askeri) GÖRÜŞ AÇISI: l. Bir kamera merceğinin perspektif merkezinden (arka hareketsiz nokta) şeklin karşılıklı iki kenarı arasından geçen iki ışığın arasındaki açı, 2. Fotogrametrik olarak, tanjantı, ayarlanmış odak uzunluğuna bölünmüş şekil köşegen uzunluğunun yarısı olan açının iki katıdır
angle of visibility
(Askeri) GÖRÜŞ AÇISI: Bir tayyarede bulunan pilot, rasıt veya nişancının bulunduğu vaziyette görüş açısı. Bu açı, tayyarenin kanat, kuyruk gibi satıhlardan biri tarafından kapatılmayan kısım
angle of wing setting
(Askeri) KANAT TESPİT AÇISI; VARIŞ AÇISI: Bir tayyarenin kanat kirişinin tayin ettiği satıh ile tayyarenin uzunluğuna ekseni arasındaki değişmeyen açı. Buna "angle of incidence" de denir
angle piece
açılı bağlantı parçası
angle plate
açılı plaka
angle probe
(Nükleer Bilimler) açılı prob, açılı sonda
angle rafter
(Mimarlık) rafter
angle rate bombing system
(Askeri) açı oranlı bombalama sistemi
angle section
(Mimarlık) angle bar
angle steel
(Askeri) çelik köşebent
angle step
köşe basamağı
angle step
açılı basamak
angle stile
köşe çıtası
angle strut
eğik destek
angle t
(Askeri) T AÇISI: Top hedef hattı, ile gözcü hedef hattının kesişimiyle hedefte oluşturulan açı
angle t
(Askeri) t açısı
angle tie
eğik destek
angle tile
(İnşaat) köşeli mahya kiremidi
angle tile
(Mimarlık) arris tile
angle valve
(Gıda) açılı vana
an angle
bir açı
right angle
dik açı

Bir üçgenin iki dik açısı varsa, o bir kenarı eksik bir karedir. - If a triangle has two right angles, it's a square missing one side.

Bu iki çizgi dik açılıdır. - These two lines are at right angles.

bank angle
(Askeri,Teknik) yatış açısı
bend angle
dirsek açısı
chamfer angle
(Mekanik) pah açısı
chamfer angle
(Mekanik) kırma açısı
clearance angle
(Jeoloji) boşluk açışı
closing preferred angle
(Spor) açı kapatma
contact angle
(Gıda) değme açısı
crank angle
krank açısı
drift angle
(Askeri) düşme açısı
edge angle
(Matematik) kenar açı
elevation angle
görüş açısı
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A member of an ancient Germanic tribe, one of several which invaded Britain and merged to become the Anglo-Saxons
To change direction rapidly

The five ball angled off the nine ball but failed to reach the pocket.

(with for) To attempt to subtly persuade someone to offer a desired thing

He must be angling for a pay rise.

A viewpoint

Look at it from this angle.

To present or argue something in a particular way or from a particular viewpoint

How do you want to angle this when we talk to the client?.

A change in direction

The horse took off at an angle.

The focus of a news story
A figure formed by two rays which start from a common point (a plane angle) or by three planes that intersect (a solid angle)

the angle between lines A and B.

To leave the cue ball in the jaws of a pocket such that the surround of the pocket (the "angle") blocks the path from cue ball to object ball
The measure of such a figure. In the case of a plane angle, this is the ratio (or proportional to the ratio) of the arc length to the radius of a section of a circle cut by the two rays, centered at their common point. In the case of a solid angle, this is the ratio of the surface area to the square of the radius of the section of a sphere

The angle between lines A and B is π/4 radians, or 45 degrees.

To try to catch fish with a hook and line
A corner where two walls intersect

an angle of a building.

To place (something) at an angle

The roof is angled at 15 degrees.

A storyline between two wrestlers, providing the background for and approach to a feud
A scheme; a means of benefitting from a situation, usually hidden, possibly illegal

His angle is that he gets a percentage, but mostly in trade.

{n} a corner, a point where two lines meed
{v} to render English
{i} Germanic tribe that resettled in England and formed the Anglo-Saxons together with the Jutes and the Saxons
Usually refers to the line a player is throwing; see also "entry angle" The direction at which the ball is traveling when it enters the pocket
The angle formed by the adjacent flanks of two bastions or by a flank and a curtain
A figure formed by two rays or two line segments with a common endpoint (vertex)
shape from the intersection of two lines -- " they intersect to form a third angle " (248)
to incline or bend from a vertical position; "She leaned over the banister"
refers to the camera's angle of view relative to the subject being filmed For example, a high-angle shot is one filmed from above whereas a low-angle shot is one filmed from below See also wide-angle
The space (measured in degrees) between two lines that start from the same point
The contact angle in degrees between the rolling elements and the race
n The space in between two surfaces or lines that meet each other Angles are measured in degrees
To try to gain by some insinuating artifice; to allure
A fishhook; tackle for catching fish, consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a rod
You can refer to a way of presenting something or thinking about it as a particular angle. He was considering the idea from all angles
The direction at which the ball is traveling when it enters the pocket
n A length of steel with a 90 degree angle in it used as a piton or stake in the ground
The difference of direction of two lines
The figure made by
Any of the four cardinal points are called Angles The Eastern Angle is also known as the Ascendant, the Western Angle the Descendant, the Southern Angle is the Medium Coeli (MC) and the Northern Angle is the Imum Coeli (IC)
move or proceed at an angle; "he angled his way into the room"
the direction from which the artist photographs the subject
present with a bias; "He biased his presentation so as to please the share holders"
a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Saxons and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons
Camera angle In panel description, you might write "Angle on Jim", which just means that Jim is in the panel There are lots of different (and more specific) camera angles The ones covered in this glossary include High Angle, Low Angle, Two-shot, Establishing Shot, Long Shot, Medium Shot, Close-up, Extreme Close-up, Bird's Eye View, Worm's Eye View, Point of View, Over-the-Shoulder Shot, and Reverse Angle
A figure formed by two rays that have the same endpoint The two rays are called the sides of the angle Their common endpoint is the vertex
Unless all elements of an electronic image are rotated at a proper angle in relation to the standard 90-degree X and Y-axis, an undesirable moiré pattern can be produced In four-color process printing, the standard screen angles for the four separations are: black, 45 degree; magenta, 75 degree; yellow, 90 degree; and cyan, 105 degree
Two rays that share a common endpoint, provided that the two rays do not lie on the same line The common endpoint of the two rays that make an angle is the vertex of the angle The two rays are called the sides of the angle (Lesson 2 1)
A name given to four of the twelve astrological "houses
Any shot which hits a sidewall before hitting the front wall
An angle is the direction from which you look at something. Thanks to the angle at which he stood, he could just see the sunset
fish with a hook
seek indirectly; "fish for compliments"
a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Saxons and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians fish with a hook move or proceed at an angle; "he angled his way into the room
{i} space between two or more lines which are joined at a common point; point of view
This refers to the position of the camera on the vertical axis with respect to the object of the shot While "invisible" camerawork favors shooting its objects straight-on, filmmakers do have other choices A high-angle shot (the camera positioned above the object) can emphasize a character's insignificance or their lack of power over the situation in which they find themself The converse is true for a low-angle shot (A bird’s-eye-view shot is one from directly above, a worm’s-eye-view from directly below )
To use some bait or artifice; to intrigue; to scheme; as, to angle for praise
An angle is formed when 2 lines meet or cross each other: Angles are measured in degrees The angle shown above is approximately 40 degrees A right angle: is 90 degrees If you want to learn more about angles, see the angle notes
An angle is the shape that is created where two lines or surfaces join together. the angle of the blade
If something is at an angle, it is leaning in a particular direction so that it is not straight, horizontal, or vertical. An iron bar stuck out at an angle. Any member of a Germanic people who, with the Jutes and Saxons, invaded England in the 5th century AD. According to Bede, their homeland was Angulus, traditionally identified as the Angeln district in Schleswig. They abandoned this area when they invaded Britain, where they settled in the kingdoms of Mercia, Northumbria, East Anglia, and Middle Anglia. Their language was known, even then, as Englisc, and they gave their name to England. In geometry, a pair of rays (see line) sharing a common endpoint (the vertex). An angle may be thought of as the rotation of a single ray from an initial to a terminal position. Clockwise rotation is considered negative and counterclockwise rotation positive. Either may be measured in degrees (one full rotation = 360°) or radians (one full rotation = 2 rad). A 90° angle is called a right angle. Any angle less than 90° is an acute angle. Any angle more than 90° but less than 180° is an obtuse angle
The lower back corner of the lower jaw
A projecting or sharp corner; an angular fragment
The direction the ball travels when going into the 1-3 pocket (1-2 for lefties) Recent studies [see reference at end] have shown an optimum angle of 4-6 degrees; less or more angle tends to leave pins as the width of the pocket decreases
The inclosed space near the point where two lines meet; a corner; a nook
If someone is angling for something, they are trying to get it without asking for it directly. It sounds as if he's just angling for sympathy
the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians
" A fishhook; tackle for catching fish, consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a rod
The focus of a news story, either in print or broadcasting
An angle is any technically legal but ethically dubious way to increase your expectation at a game Depending on who you ask, a particular weapon in your arsenal may be a sleazy underhanded trick (a typical angle) or a vital strategic tool that no player should be without An example might be pretending to be about to fold (or even folding out of turn and then retrieving your cards, if the rules allow it), in order to encourage a call (when you are about to raise) A player who regularly takes advantage of angles is said to be an angle shooter
To fish with an angle (fishhook), or with hook and line
An angle is the difference in direction between two lines or surfaces. Angles are measured in degrees. The boat is now leaning at a 30 degree angle. see also right angle
The angle of the major axis of a source (degrees)
a biased way of looking at or presenting something
{f} bend in an angle; set at an angle; turn sharply in a different direction; move in angles; present from a prejudiced point of view; fish with hook and line
formed from two rays beginning at a common endpoint There are 3 types of angles: acute - all angles less than 90 degrees right - one angle equal to 90 degrees obtuse - one angle greater than 90 degrees
angle bisector
A ray that divides an angle into two equal parts
angle bracket
Either of a pair of symbols, ⟨ and ⟩, used to enclose text in various technical contexts, and in mathematical formulas to denote an interval or a continuous parameter
angle bracket
Either of the two inequality signs of ASCII, , when used as brackets in markup languages like HTML
angle brackets
plural form of angle bracket
angle for
To try to obtain something by subtle indirect means: political manoeuvres, suggestion, etc
angle for farthings
To beg out of a prison window with a cap, or box, let down at the end of a long string
angle grinder
A usually hand-held grinder which uses a pair of internal gears to place the rotational axis of the grinding or cutting wheel perpendicular to that of the driving motor
angle grinders
plural form of angle grinder
angle iron
A length of iron or steel, having an L-shaped cross section, used as a structural support
angle of attack
The angle between a mid-sail and the direction of the wind
angle of attack
The angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the airflow over it; one of the determiners of the amount of lift produced by an airfoil
angle of incidence
The angle that a straight line, ray of light, etc., meeting a surface, makes with a normal to the surface at the point of meeting
angle of incidence
The angle, usually fixed, between the chord line of a wing or horizontal stabilizer and the axis of the fuselage, measured at the root. In UK called the angle of attack
angle of reflection
The angle between the perpendicular and a ray reflected from a surface
angle of refraction
The angle between the perpendicular and a ray refracted at a surface
angle grinder
A device with a rotating abrasive disc, used to grind, polish, or cut metal and other materials
Angle of incidence
The angle between the axis of an impinging light beam and the axis perpendicular to the sample surface
Angle of incidence
  The angle between an incident ray and the normal to a reflecting or refracting surface   (188)
Angle of incidence
The angle between a ray which is incident on a surface, and the normal to that surface
Angle of incidence
the angle that a ray (of solar energy, for example) makes with a line perpendicular to the surface For example, a surface that directly faces the sun has a solar angle of incidence of zero, but if the surface is parallel to the sun (for example, sunrise striking a horizontal rooftop), the angle of incidence is 90° The figure accompanying the description of airmass illustrates a solar angle of incidence of 48 2° to a horizontal surface
Angle of incidence
In reference to solar energy systems, the angle at which direct sunlight strikes a surface; the angle between the direction of the sun and the perpendicular to the surface Sunlight with an incident angle of 90 degrees tends to be absorbed, while lower angles tend to be reflected
Angle of incidence
The angle at which a canopy is trimmed to glide through the air
Angle of incidence
the angle that energy rays make with a line perpendicular to a surface The angle of incidence determines the percentage of direct energy intercepted by a surface The rays that are perpendicular to a surface are said to be "normal" to that surface
Angle of incidence
The angle between the incident ray and the normal drawn to the point of incidence
Angle of incidence
gen The angle between the line of direction of anything (as a ray of light or line of sight) striking a surface and a line perpendicular to that surface drawn to the point of contact (see figure ) [MIL-HDBK-1908B]
Angle of incidence
  The angle between an incident ray and the normal to a reflecting or refracting surface   (188)
Angle of incidence
The angle at which the initial ray of light strikes a surface
Angle of incidence
the designed angle between the chordline of a hydroplane's wing and the water surface; the angle is fixed for ram wings but adjustable for auxiliary devices such as the horizontal stabilizer
Angle of incidence
Angle between the normal to a surface and the direction of incident radiation; applies to the aperture plane of a solar collector Most modern solar panels have only minor reductions in power output within plus/minus 15 degrees The loss is a function of the cosine, so at 45 degree angle, output drops off by about 30%
Angle of incidence
Angle of the wing in relation to an arbitrary line fore and aft in the fuselage
Angle of incidence
The angle between an incident ray and the normal to a reflecting surface
Angle of incidence
(1) The angle between the direction of incoming EMR and the normal to the intercepting surface; (2) In SLAR systems this is the angle between the vertical and a line connecting the antenna and the target
Angle of incidence
The relative pitch (leading edge up or down) angle of a wing measured between the chord line and the horizon
Angle of incidence
A fixed angle between the plane of the wing chord and the line of thrust or any other longitudinal line which is level when the fuselage is level longitudinally
Angle of incidence
When light strikes a surface it forms an angle with an imaginary line known as the : normal, which is perpendicular to the surface The angle created between the incident ray and the normal is referred to as the angle of incidence
Angle of incidence
the angle that a line makes with a line perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence
Angle of incidence
Angle between the reference axis (x-axis) of an airfoil and the reference axis of the aircraft (e g fuselage center line) Constant, built into the aircraft
Angle of incidence
Angle between direction of motion of waves and a line perpendicular to surface the waves are striking
Angle of incidence
Angle between the incident ray of light and a normal drawn to the point of reflection
Angle of incidence
The angle between the axis of an impinging light beam and a theoretical perpendicular vertical line to the specimen surface
Angle of incidence
This term is defined as the angle of the incoming light with respect to the polarizer The standard convention of normal incidence being zero degrees is used
angle bisection
line which divides an angle in half
angle bracket
an L-shaped metal bracket either of two punctuation marks (`<' or `>') sometimes used to enclose textual material
angle bracket
an L-shaped metal bracket
angle bracket
either of two punctuation marks (`<' or `>') sometimes used to enclose textual material
angle bracket
{i} metal bracket shaped like the letter "L"; either of a pair of punctuation marks < or> used to enclose written material; (Mathematics) either < or>used together to show quantities that should be related to as a unit
angle brackets
a pair of brackets ( ) used for enclosing information
angle for
go for; ask for; try to get
angle iron
A piece of iron that forms a right angle and is used to span openings and support masonry at the openings In brick veneer, they are used to secure the veneer to the foundation Also known as shelf angle
angle iron
Structural steel bent at a 90 degree angle used to fasten or reinforce framing joints
angle iron
Mild steel which has a 90 degree angle running through it, giving the appearance of a L when it is looked at straight on Angle iron is used for lightweight frames, braces and stiffeners
angle iron
an L-shaped metal bracket
angle iron
Describes any piece of structural iron or steel bent to a right (90-degree) angle for use in sign cabinets
angle iron
L-shaped steel support used to support masonry over an opening
angle iron
iron or steel cross section with two legs ninety degrees apart
angle iron
Structural steel bent at 90 degrees and used for fastening a range of framing connections
angle iron
A length of steel or iron bent at a right angle along its long dimension, used as a support or structural framework
angle iron
Provides supporting lintels for openings in masonry wall construction
angle of attack
(AOA) Refers to the angle that a surface contacts the air, usually mentioned when talking about spoilers and wings A higher AOA helps solve oversteer but increases drag and decreases top speed A lower AOA is used to alleviate understeer and increase top speed
angle of attack
The angle of attack is defined as the angle between the plane of the wing (airfoil chord) and the direction of motion (free stream velocity) The angle of attack can be varied to increase or decrease the lift acting on the wing An increase in lift often results in an increase in drag
angle of attack
The angle between the direction of the cord of the blades and the relative direction of the wind MORE
angle of attack
the angle at which the kite meets the wind
angle of attack
direction from which an assault is made; acute angle between the direction of the wind and the chord of an airfoil, AOA
angle of attack
the angle formed by the face of the moving squeegee blade and the plane of the screen, under pressure (Due to the flexibility of the blade, this angle generally differs from the squeegee angle, which is measured without movement or pressure)
angle of attack
The number of degrees between the line of thrust and vertical wing plane The greater the angle of attack the greater the lift and the greater the drag
angle of attack
The angle between the squeegee face and the plane of the stencil
angle of attack
The acute angle between the chord of an airfoil and a line representing the undisturbed relative airflow
angle of attack
The angle that the wing penetrates the air As the angle of attack increases so does lift and drag, up to a point
angle of attack
The angle of relative air flow to the blade chord
angle of attack
The angle at which a wing strikes the air stream
angle of attack
the acute angle between the direction of the undisturbed relative wind and the chord of an airfoil
angle of attack
The angle between the sponson's planing surface and the surface of the water
angle of attack
Also designated as AoA It is the angle difference between the wing-chord line measurement and the relative wind
angle of attack
The angle that the wing penetrates the air As the angle of attack increases so does lift, up to a point (and drag)
angle of attack
The angle at which the wing is presented to the apparent wind With square parachutes this changes when the brakes are applied
angle of attack
1 hydrodynamically, the designed angle between the planing surface of the sponson and the surface of the water, measured fore and aft
angle of attack
The amount of pitch at which an airfoil is flying By adjusting the angle of attack, the efficiency of the wing/blade is effected More precisely, the angle between the chord of an airfoil and the wind
angle of attack
The relative pitch (leading edge up or down) angle of a wing measured between the chord line and the relative wind
angle of attack
this is the angle that the plane penetrates the air
angle of attack
The angle between the velocity vector and the longitudinal axis of a missile or rocket
angle of attack
The angle at which a wing meets the air or relative wind
angle of attack
in the theory of airplane wings, the angle between the wing profile (roughly, measured along its bottom) and the wing's motion relative to the surrounding air
angle of attack
Angle between the reference axis (x-axis) of an airfoil and the onset flow direction Variable, depending of flow direction and flight condition
angle of attack
The angle between the nose of the aircraft and its velocity vector
angle of attack
The angle between the relative wind direction and an imaginary line through the center of a flying surface, such as a rocket fin; generally, as the angle of attack increases (raising the forward edge of the surface) so does lift and drag
angle of departure
angle at which something is launched
angle of entry
The angle between the tangent to the advancing edge (of an aërocurve) and the line of motion; contrasted with angle of trail, which is the angle between the tangent to the following edge and the line of motion
angle of extinction
the angle from its axis that a crystal must be rotated before appearing maximally dark when viewed in polarized light
angle of friction
angle at which friction is created
angle of incidence
The angle formed by a ray incident on a surface and a perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence
angle of incidence
angle that a line makes with a perpendicular to that surface at the point of meeting
angle of incidence
The angle between the chord of an aërocurve and the relative direction of the undisturbed air current
angle of intersection
angle at which two things cross one another
angle of landing
angle at which an aircraft lands
angle of reflection
Angle between direction of motion of waves and a line perpendicular to surface the waves are reflected from
angle of reflection
The angle between the normal line and a ray or wave reflected from a surface
angle of reflection
The angle between the axis of a reflected light beam and a theoretical perpendicular vertical line to the specimen surface
angle of reflection
The angle of reflection is the angle between the normal and the reflected ray
angle of reflection
The angle that a reflected ray makes with the interior normal of the surface of relection In three dimension, the angle of incidence, the angle of reflection and the normal are co-planar
angle of reflection
the angle between a reflected ray and a line perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence
angle of reflection
The angle between the reflected ray and the normal drawn to the point of incidence
angle of reflection
Angle between the ray of light and the normal drawn to the point of refraction
angle of reflection
The angle measured from the normal at which a reflected ray of light leaves a surface
angle of reflection
The angle between a ray which is reflected from a surface, and the normal to that surface
angle of reflection
A ray of light reflected from a surface forms an angle with an imaginary line drawn at right angles to the surface The imaginary line is known as the normal and the angle between it and the reflected ray is known as the angle of reflection The angle of reflection is always equal to the angle of incidence
angle of reflection
Angle between a reflected ray and the normal to a surface
angle of reflection
The angle formed by a reflected ray and a perpendicular to the surface at the point of reflection
angle of reflection
When light strikes a boundary between two materials, this is the angle between the direction of travel of reflected light and the normal
angle of refraction
When light strikes a boundary between two materials, this is the angle between the direction of travel of refracted light and the normal
angle of refraction
The angle between the ray which is refracted at a surface and the normal to that surface
angle of refraction
The angle between the normal line and a ray or wave refracted at a surface
angle of refraction
the angle between a refracted ray and a line perpendicular to the surface between the two media at the point of refraction
angle of refraction
The angle between the refracted ray and the normal drawn to the point of refraction
angle of refraction
Angle between direction of motion of waves and a line perpendicular to surface the waves have been refracted from
angle of refraction
Angle between the refracted ray of light and the normal drawn to the point of reflection
angle of refraction
The angle formed by a refracted ray and a perpendicular to the refracting surface at the point of refraction
angle of refraction
The angle formed between the path of a beam and an imaginary line drawn perpendicular (at 90°) to the surface of the medium Look at Figure 7 13a Back to Chapter 7
angle of sight
perpendicular angle between one's line of vision and the horizon
angle of view
angle of vision
angle of yaw
The angle between an aircraft's longitudinal axis and its line of travel, as seen from above
angle off tail
angle between the flight path of an attack airplane and its airborne target, AOT
angle plate
A right-angled metal bracket that is used on the faceplate of a lathe to hold the pieces that are being worked
piece of metal bent at an angle and used to brace two pieces
park at an angle
having the specified number of internal angles
Dutch angle
: A cinematic tactic achieved by tilting the camera off to the side. The shot is composed with the horizon not parallel with the bottom of the frame. The technique is often used to portray the psychological uneasiness of the subject being filmed
acute angle
An angle measuring less than ninety degrees
A form of fishing, with a rod, line and angle (hook) for recreation or sport
Present participle of angle
canted angle
A camera angle which is deliberately slanted to one side, sometimes used for dramatic effect to help portray unease, disorientation, frantic or desperate action, intoxication, madness, etc
central angle
An angle positioned with its vertex at the center of a circle
crank angle
The angle of rotation of a crankshaft measured from the position in which the piston is at its highest point known as top dead center (TDC)
crank angle degree
A unit (equal to one "ordinary" degree) used to measure the piston travel (position) e.g. to adjust ignition. When the piston is at its highest point, known as the top dead center (TDC), the crankshaft angle (crank angle) is at 0 crank angle degrees (CAD)

The exhaust valve opening is selectively varied to begin at about 160 or more crank angle degrees past top dead center. (

crank angle degrees
plural form of crank angle degree
critical angle
The smallest angle of incidence for which light is totally reflected from a boundary between one medium and a less refractive one
critical angle
The smallest angle of a ramp or stairs considered uncomfortable or unsafe
critical angle
The smallest angle of attack of an airfoil at which lift suddenly decreases and drag suddenly increases
dihedral angle
The angle between two planes
exterior angle
An angle formed between one side of a polygon and an extension of an adjacent side
Attributive form of exterior angle

exterior-angle formula.

interior angle
The inner angle between two sides of a polygon
minute of angle
An angle, one sixtieth (1/60th) of a degree, used by shooters as a measurement of accuracy. One minute of angle is roughly equal to 1 inch at 100 yards distance
minutes of angle
plural form of minute of angle
oblique angle
Any angle that is not a right angle or multiple of right angles
obtuse angle
An angle that is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees
plane angle
An angle formed by two intersecting straight lines
plane angle
An angle formed by two intersecting planes, measured by the angle between two intersecting straight lines that are in respective planes and perpendicular to the intersection of the planes
reflex angle
An angle greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees
renal angle
An area located on either side of the human back between the lateral borders of the erector spinae muscles and inferior borders of the twelfth rib, so called because the kidney can be felt at this location
right angle
An angle of 90 degrees; the bisect of the angle formed by a single straight line