Her biyoloji, anatomi, antropoloji, etnoloji ya da psikoloji öğrencisi bu gerçeklere aşinadır.
- Every student of biology, anatomy, anthropology, ethnology or psychology is familiar with these facts.
Dan temel anatomi derslerine bile girmedi.
- Dan didn't even take basic anatomy classes.
Vay, senin komşun anatomik bir bomba!
- Wow, your neighbour is an anatomic bomb!
Comparative anatomy compares the structure of different kinds and classes of animals.
So did the Ægyptians, who in the middest of their banquetings, and in the full of their greatest cheere, caused the anatomie of a dead man to be brought before them, as a memorandum and warning to their guests.
Teachers dissect frogs to teach students their anatomy.
- Öğretmenler öğrencilere anatomisini öğretmek için kurbağaları keserler.
Every student of biology, anatomy, anthropology, ethnology or psychology is familiar with these facts.
- Her biyoloji, anatomi, antropoloji, etnoloji ya da psikoloji öğrencisi bu gerçeklere aşinadır.
... Norman Cousins wrote the "Anatomy of an Illness" all ...