(Askeri) HARFLERİ YERLERİNE GÖRE DİZMEK: Açık metin, açık kod, veya mutavassıt şifreli metin meydana getirmek üzere, aynı mesaj içindeki bir harf serisini diğeriyle karıştırmak suretiyle, bir yer değiştirme şifresini tamamen veya kısmen kriptanalize etmek, açmak
To form a recognizable word, phrase or message by rearranging letters This is the permutation of letters to achieve meaning Also see: multiple anagramming
a word spelled out by rearranging the letters of another word When both lexical forms appear in the same poem, especially in proximity, a reader may reasonably suspect that the anagram is a figure of speech If only one form occurs, the encoding of an association is harder to prove For example, "the teacher gapes at the mounds of exam pages lying before her "
A word or phrase made from the letters of another word or phrase, as "heart" is an anagram of "earth " Anagrams have often been considered merely an exercise of ones ingenuity, but sometimes writers use anagrams to conceal proper names or veiled messages, or to suggest important connections between words, as in "hated" and "death "
A rearrangement of the letters of a word or phrase For example, orchestra is an anagram of cart-horse and Old England is an anagram of golden land Anagrams are a common type of Wordplay in Cryptic Clues
An anagram is a word or phrase formed by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase. For example, `triangle' is an anagram of `integral'. a word or phrase that is made by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase (anagramme, from anagrammatismos, from ana- ( ANACHRONISM) + gramma )
Literally, the letters of a word read backwards, but in its usual wider sense, the change or one word or phrase into another by the transposition of its letters