an antelope with horns close at the base

listen to the pronunciation of an antelope with horns close at the base
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
{n} koba
an antelope with horns close at the base


    an an·te·lope with horns close at the base

    التركية النطق

    ın äntılōp wîdh hôrnz klōs ät dhi beys


    /ən ˈantəˌlōp wəᴛʜ ˈhôrnz ˈklōs ˈat ᴛʜē ˈbās/ /ən ˈæntəˌloʊp wɪð ˈhɔːrnz ˈkloʊs ˈæt ðiː ˈbeɪs/