
listen to the pronunciation of alternate(a)
الإنجليزية - التركية
alternatif (a)
{f} sıra ile yapmak
{f} değişimli olarak yapmak
{s} birbirini izleyen
(Bilgisayar) iki taraftan
sırayla olan
(Bilgisayar) diğer
{f} birbirini izlemek
(Bilgisayar) almaşık yedek
nöbetleşe yapmak
(Bilgisayar) değiştir
sırayla yapmak
(Bilgisayar) sağa sola kaydır
alternate aerodrome
(Askeri) yedek hava meydanı
alternate airfield
(Askeri) yedek hava meydanı
alternate angles
ters açılar
alternate character set
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öteki karakter kümesi
alternate character set
başka damga takımı
alternate character set
(Bilgisayar) diğer karakter kümesi
alternate days
alternate firing position
(Askeri) değiştirme ateş mevzii
alternate interior
(Matematik) içters
alternate key
(Bilgisayar) çift işlevli tuş
alternate key
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) alt tuşu
alternate mark inversion
(Bilgisayar) almaşan evirmeli kodlama
alternate mark inversion
(Bilgisayar) almaşık işaret evirmeli
alternate position
(Askeri) değiştirme mevzii
alternate text
(Bilgisayar) öteki metin
{i} almaşık
{f} takip et
bir o
değişerek oluşan
bir öteki
her iki günde bir
alternate angels
ters açılar
alternate angle
ters eş açı
alternate current
dalgalı akım
alternate exterior angle
dış ters açı
alternate interior angle
iç ters açı
alternate key
ek karakter tuşu
alternate member
yedek üye
alternate route
yedek rota
alternate routing
seçenek yoldan gönderme
alternate-exterior angles
dışters açılar
alignment or altitude or alternate
uyum ya da yükseklik veya alternatif
{f} değiş
(Jeoloji) ardalanmak
alternate angle
ters es acı
alternate device
alternatif cihaz
alternate exterior angles
Dış-ters acılar
alternate frame
alternatif çerçeve
alternate interior angles
(Geometri) iç ters acılar
alternate sector table
alternatif sektör tablosu
ürün münavebe dönemi

Seasonal changes of mineral nutrients in oliveleaves during the alternate-bearing cycle.

Allied administrative publication; assign alternate parent
(Askeri) Müttefik idari yayınlar; yedek ana birlik tahsisi
Alternate National Military Command Center
(Askeri) Alternate National Military Command Center
allied movement coordination center; alternate military command center
(Askeri) müttefik intikal koordinasyon merkezi; yedek askeri komuta merkezi
{i} başkasının yerine geçebilen kimse, yedek
{f} -i nöbetleşe/sırayla yapmak
{f} değişmek
sırayla değiş
{s} birbiri ardından gelen
{s} alternatif

Tom'un alternatif bir planı olmalı. - Tom must've had an alternate plan.

O, alternatif bir plan önerdi. - He proposed an alternate plan.

almaşık yedek, seçenek
{f} değiştirmek
{f} -in birbirini sırayla izlemesini sağlamak; (with) birbirini sırayla izlemek/takip etmek: In her speech
münavebe ile birbirini takip etmek veya ettirmek
(fiil)kil, muavin
alternating current dalgalı akım
birbir öteki
{s} birbirini sırayla izleyen (şeyler)
{s} (Botanik) almaşık, alternatif
{f} birbirini takip etmek
{f} değiş: adj.yardımcı
alternate Tomahawk strike coordinator
(Askeri) yedek Tomahawk darbe koordinatörü
alternate aerodrome
(Askeri) YEDEK HAVA MEYDANI: Tasarlanan inişi yapmanın doğru olmayacağı hallerde gidebileceği uçuş planında belirtilmiş bir hava meydanı
alternate air source
(Askeri) yedek hava kaynağı
alternate airfield
(Askeri) YEDEK MEYDAN: Amaçlanan varış yerine inişin uygun olmadığı zaman, uçuşun, diğer bir yere varmak üzere devam edebileceği yer olarak uçuş planında belirlenmiş bir hava meydanı
alternate airport
(Askeri) YEDEK HAVA LİMANI: Yedek hava meydanı. Bak. "alternate aerodrome"
alternate airport
(Askeri) yedek hava limanı
alternate auditor
(Ticaret) yedek denetçi
alternate bid
alternatif teklif
alternate bound
(Askeri) aşarak sıçrama
alternate character set
Diğer Karakter Seti
alternate character set
almaşık karakter seti
alternate code page
Diğer Kod Sayfası
alternate collating sequencc
diğer birleştirme sırası
alternate collating sequence
Diğer Birleştirme Sırası
alternate command authority
(Askeri) yedek komutanlık makamı
alternate command authority
(Askeri) yedek komutanlık yetkilisi
alternate command authority
(Askeri) YEDEK KOMUTANLIK YETKİLİSİ-MAKAMI: Evvelce tanımlanan işlevlerin başarılması için, gösterilen olağanüstü hal koşulları altında hareket edecek sorumluya selahiyet verilmesi suretiyle komutan tarafından yetkilendirilmiş, daha önceden belirlenmiş bir veya daha çok subaydır
alternate command post
(Askeri) yedek komuta yeri
alternate command post
(Askeri) YEDEK KOMUTA YERİ: Esas komuta yerinin çalışamaz duruma gelmesi halinde, buna ait görevleri üzerine alması için seçilmiş bir mevki. Yedek komuta yeri, personel ve malzeme ile tam veya kısmen teçhiz edilmiş ya da ast bir birliğe ait bir komuta yeri olabilir
alternate current
alternatif akım
alternate data search paths
(Bilgisayar) diğer veri arama yolları
alternate design
seçenek tasarım
alternate dns server
Yedek DNS Sunucusu
alternate emplacement
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME MEVZİİ: Kullanılan veya kullanılması planlanan bir mevziin işe yaramaz duruma gelmesi halinde işgal edilmek üzere, yedek olarak hazırlanan mevzi. Ayrıca bakınız: "emplacement"
alternate erase
(Bilgisayar) başka sil
alternate escort operating base
(Askeri) YEDEK REFAKAT İKMAL ÜSSÜ: Refakat Birliklerini kısa süreler için desteklemek bakımından gerekli tesis ve faaliyet merkezleri temin eden bir üs
alternate exercise
(Askeri) yardımcı egzersiz
alternate exercise
(Askeri) ALTERNATİF YARDIMCI EGZERSİZ: Sakatlık veya havanın sertliği yüzünden belirli bazı hareketleri yapamayan bir hastanın yapacağı tıbbi egzersiz
alternate exercise
(Askeri) alternatif egzersiz
alternate exterior angle
alternate firing position
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME ATEŞ MEVZİİ: Bak. "alternate position"
alternate gas source
(Askeri) yedek hava kaynağı
alternate headquarters
(Askeri) YEDEK KARARGAH: Tanzim edilmiş olağanüstü hal koşullarında diğer bir karargahın sorumluluklarını ve işlevlerini üstlenmek amacıyla tasarlanan bir kısım veya ast komutanlığın mevcut karargahı
alternate headquarters
(Askeri) yedek karargah
alternate joint communications center
(Askeri) yedek müşterek muhabere merkezi
alternate key
Diğer Karakterler Tuşu
alternate layout
seçenek yerleşme planı
alternate leaves
almaşık yapraklar
alternate load
seçenek yük
alternate load
alternatif yük
alternate methods
seçenek yöntemler
alternate position
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME MEVZİİ: Esas mevzi tutunamaz veya görevin ifası için elverişsiz hale geldiği zaman işgal edilmek üzere bir birliğe, silaha veya şahsa verilen mevzi. Yedek mevzi; Esas mevzideki görevin devamına imkan verecek yerde bulunur. Ayrıca bakınız: "position" ve "supplementary position"
alternate rallying point
(Askeri) yedek toparlanma noktası
alternate rallying point
(Askeri) YEDEK TOPARLANMA NOKTASI: Bir taarruzu müteakip, evvelce tespit edilmiş toparlanma noktası kullanılamayacak bir hale geldiği. taktirde, kıtaların tekrar tertiplenmeleri için faydalanılacak yedek bir yer
alternate recipient
Diğer Alıcı
alternate recovery base; assign receive bypass lists
(Askeri) yedek kurtarma üssü; baypas listesi alım tahsisi
alternate routing
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) seçenek rotalama
alternate subject
Diğer Konu
alternate system
değişik dizge
alternate system
alternatif sistem
alternate system
yerinegeçer dizge
alternate system
seçenek dizge
alternate system
yerine dizge
alternate target
(Askeri) Tali hedef
alternate target
(Askeri) MÜTEAKİP HEDEF: Esas hedef kendini göstermediği veya yok edildiği zaman üzerine ateş edilecek hedef
alternate track
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) seçenek iz
alternate traversing fire
(Askeri) GENİŞLİĞİNE DARBELİ TARAMA ATEŞİ: Genişliği ve derinliği olan bir hedefi, birbiri ardından genişliğine tarama gruplarıyla ateş altına alma usulü. Genişliğine tarama gruplarıyla ateş altına alma usulü. Genişliğine tarama gruplarında normal dağılış, ateşin derinliğine dağılmasını da temin eder
alternate water terminal
(Askeri) yedek su terminali
alternate water terminal
(Askeri) YEDEK SU TERMİNALİ: Rıhtımlarda veya faal demirleme yerlerinde 2-5 arasında geminin aynı zamanda demirlemesi için tesisleri ihtiva eden bir su terminali. Yardımcı su terminalleri, güvenilir kara ve demiryolu ulaştırma şebekelerine yakın, barınaklı kıyı sularında tesis edilir. Bu terminaller, nispeten küçük bir sahayı içine alır ve meskun yerlerden uzakta bulunur. Faaliyetin gayesi, yerin muhtemel nükleer hedef olarak gösterilmemesidir. Ayrıca bakınız: "Water terminal"
alternate with
birbirini sırayla izlemek
alternate, alternative
alternate, alternative
alternate, alternative
alternate, alternative
interior alternate angles
(Matematik) iç terseş açılar
interior alternate angle
iç terseş açı
in alternate order
birer atlamalı
interior alternate angle
iç ters açı
acceptable alternate product
acceptable alternate product
(Askeri) kabul edilebilir yedek ürün
aerial port control center; alternate processing and correlation center
(Askeri) hava limanı kontrol merkezi; yedek işleme ve korelasyon merkezi
antiaircraft artillery; arrival and assembly area; assign alternate area
(Askeri) uçaksavar topçusu, varış ve toplanma bölgesi, yedek bölge tahsisi
commander of a combatant command's Mobile Alternate Headquarters
(Askeri) bir muharip komutanlığın seyyar yedek karargahının komutanı
computed air release point; contingency alternate route plan
(Askeri) hesaplanan havadan salma noktası; muhtemel durum alternatif yol planı
delay on alternate position
(Askeri) Oyalama mevzii
designated approving authority; display alternate area routing lists
(Askeri) atanmış onaylama makamı; yedek saha yönlendirme listeleri göstergesi
on alternate days
gün aşırı
on alternate days
günaşırı, iki günde bir
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
occurring by turns; first one and then the other; "alternating feelings of love and hate"
every second one of a series; "the cleaning lady comes on alternate Wednesdays"; "jam every other day"- the White Queen
Figures or tinctures that succeed each other by turns
To happen, succeed, or act by turns; to follow reciprocally in place or time;—followed by with

The flood and ebb tides alternate with each other.

Designating the members in a series, which regularly intervene between the members of another series, as the odd or even numbers of the numerals; every other; every second

the alternate members 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.

Other or alternative
To perform by turns, or in succession; to cause to succeed by turns; to interchange regularly
A replacement of equal or greater value or function
Being or succeeding by turns; one following the other in succession of time or place; by turns first one and then the other; hence, reciprocal

And bid alternate passions fall and rise. -Alexander Pope.

A substitute; an alternative; one designated to take the place of another, if necessary, in performing some duty
Distributed, as leaves, singly at different heights of the stem, and at equal intervals as respects angular divergence. --Gray
To vary by turns

The land alternates between rocky hills and sandy plains.

That which alternates with something else; vicissitude

Grateful alternates of substantial. -Matthew Prior.

A proportion derived from another proportion by interchanging the means
alternate angles
the internal angles made by two (parallel) lines with a third, on opposite sides of it. If the parallels AB, CD, are cut by the line EF, intersecting at points G and H, then the angles AGH, GHD, are called alternate angles (as also are the angles BGH and GHC)
alternate energy
Alternative spelling of alternative energy
alternate generation
alternation of sexual with asexual generation, in which the products of one process differ from those of the other, -- a form of reproduction common both to animal and vegetable organisms. In the simplest form, the organism arising from sexual generation produces offspring unlike itself, agamogenetically. These, however, in time acquire reproductive organs, and from their impregnated germs the original parent form is reproduced. In more complicated cases, the first series of organisms produced agamogenetically may give rise to others by a like process, and these in turn to still other generations. Ultimately, however, a generation is formed which develops sexual organs, and the original form is reproduced
alternate generations
plural form of alternate generation
alternate history
a genre of historical romance and usually science fiction, with a story background involving ahistorical events occurring after a point of divergence from real history
alternate history
contrafactual history, a form of scientific speculation used by historians
alternate universe
An imaginary realm, often a variant form of the real world, depicting a different way events could have unfolded or the universe could have functioned

This American President exists in an alternate universe from the one the real Bill Clinton must inhabit.

alternate universe
A hypothetical world situated in a different dimension of space and time than the real world consisting of the universe known and experienced by human beings

The first credible suggestion that alternate universes might exist came in the early 1950s when a young physics graduate student named Hugh Everett was toying with some of the more bizarre implications of quantum mechanics.

one chosen to act in place of another, in case of the absence or incapacity of that other
{a} by turns, in succession
{v} to change or perform by turns
{f} interchange, take turns, rotate, substitute
adj Unacceptable, but shielded by the aegis of political correctness
read every alternate line
Placed singly along a stem or axis, one after another, usually each successive item on a different side from the previous
of leaves and branches etc; first on one side and then on the other in two ranks along an axis; not paired; "stems with alternate leaves"
leaves that are staggered or not placed directly across from each other on the twig
attached singly on a stem; not opposite or whorled (see pictorial glossary)
n Structures arranged in two rows but not opposite These structures may include a spiral arrangement
Distributed, as leaves, singly at different heights of the stem, and at equal intervals as respects angular divergence
Potential word match for a segment of ink Alternates are generated by a recognizer and are based on acceptable matches of the ink or audio input against a dictionary, grammar set, or factoid See dictionary, grammar set, factoid Also see candidate
When you alternate two things, you keep using one then the other. When one thing alternates with another, the first regularly occurs after the other. Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states The three acts will alternate as headliners throughout the tour Now you just alternate layers of that mixture and eggplant The band alternated romantic love songs with bouncy dance numbers. + alternation alternations al·ter·na·tion The alternation of sun and snow continued for the rest of our holiday
usually refering to leaves, then a single leaf present at each node, (not opposite) The leaves of Abutilon indicum are alternate
occurring by turns; first one and then the other; "alternating feelings of love and hate"
said of leaves which are not opposite each other on the axis but are borne singly at regular intervals at different nodes; of flower parts when they are situated at intervals between other parts, e g , petals may be alternate with the sepals
Arranged singly at different points along a stem or axis
single leaves placed alternately on either side of the stalk
allowing a choice; "an alternative plan
The system that provides availability for the IMS user when the active fails
Applies to a prelims/finals meet After the finalist are decided, the next two fastest swimmers are designated as alternates The faster is named first alternate, while the other is named second alternate If finalists cannot compete, the alternates are called to take their place, often on a moment's notice
The arrangement of leaves along a stem where consecutive leaves alternate along different sides of the stem Taken together, all of the leaves plus the stem lie in roughly the same geometric plane In winter (after leaf drop for deciduous plants), the arrangement can be determined by looking at the leaf scars or buds on the dormant twigs
someone who takes the place of another person
Designating the members in a series, which regularly intervene between the members of another series, as the odd or even numbers of the numerals; every other; every second; as, the alternate members 1, 3, 5, 7, etc
exchange people temporarily to fulfill certain jobs and functions
Leaves arranged singly along a twig or a shoot, and not in whorls or opposite pairs
Not opposite one another along the stem
Alternate is sometimes used, especially in American English, instead of alternative in meanings 3, 4, and
To vary by turns; as, the land alternates between rocky hills and sandy plains
{s} rotating, one after the other; interchanging
go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions exchange people temporarily to fulfill certain jobs and functions of leaves and branches etc; first on one side and then on the other in two ranks along an axis; not paired; "stems with alternate leaves"
placed singly on stem and on opposite side from previous leaf
Other; or as common misuse when meaning alternative
Describes leaves or branches placed singly at different heights on either side of the stem or trunk
do something in turns; "We take turns on the night shift" go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions exchange people temporarily to fulfill certain jobs and functions of leaves and branches etc; first on one side and then on the other in two ranks along an axis; not paired; "stems with alternate leaves" allowing a choice; "an alternative plan
go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions
Leaves that are arranged singly at different heights on the stem Any arrangement that is not opposite or whorled
every second one of a series; "the cleaning lady comes on alternate Wednesdays"; "jam every other day"- the White Queen
A leaf arrangement in which the leaves along the axis are not opposite to each other and not whorled
You use alternate to describe a plan, idea, or system which is different from the one already in operation and can be used instead of it. His group was forced to turn back and take an alternate route. = alternative
To happen, succeed, or act by turns; to follow reciprocally in place or time;-followed by with; as, the flood and ebb tides alternate with each other
allowing a choice; "an alternative plan"
If something happens on alternate days, it happens on one day, then happens on every second day after that. In the same way, something can happen in alternate weeks, years, or other periods of time. Lesley had agreed to Jim going skiing in alternate years
Goods/services that are not at least functionally equal in features, performance, or use of the brand, make, model, or specifications designated as the standard
To happen, succeed, or act by turns; to follow reciprocally in place or time; followed by with; as, the flood and ebb tides alternate with each other
An alternate is a person or thing that replaces another, and can act or be used instead of them. In most jurisdictions, twelve jurors and two alternates are chosen = substitute
be an understudy or alternate for a role
alternately leaves growing singly at nodes on either side of the stem anther pollen-producing organ, top part of the stamen axil the angle between a stem and a leaf or bract
Leaves placed singly one above the other, usually on alternate sides of the stem See drawing of leaf arrangements
Bud or leaf arrangement (singly) along a stem at spiraled intervals
indicates that the item identified in _item_related related_name is an alternative expression in terms of its application and attributes to the item in this definition
reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)
do something in turns; "We take turns on the night shift"
an alternate lifestyle. if two things alternate, or if you alternate them, they happen one after the other in a repeated pattern alternate between
Alternate actions, events, or processes regularly occur after each other. They were streaked with alternate bands of colour. + alternately al·ter·nate·ly He could alternately bully and charm people
When used in reference to a flaked projectile or tool, alternate implies the opposite face of opposing edges was flaked
A substitute; one designated to take the place of another, if necessary, in performing some duty
alternate operation
(Ticaret) A manufacturing operation done instead of the standard or normal operation. Typically used due to short term material or capacity shortages
alternate target
substitute objective, different target
alternate text
When you are creating a webpage, you have the option of specifying alternate text for every image you include on your page This is so that for the people that set their browser so that it won't load any images when it retrieves a web page This means they don't have to wait for images to download Also, blind people who are using the web cannot see the images, but their screen reader will pick up and read the alternate text to them so that they know what the picture is of The alternate text will be read by text-to-speech converters, and, in the latest browsers, the title will appear as a tooltip when you hover over the image
alternate text
Alternative text description of an image for users who disable image downloading in their browser Also appears as a pop-up text message when a user moves their mouse over an image
alternate text
Text that appears while a banner is loading or when a cursor moves over a banner
alternate text
A word or phrase that is displayed when a user has image loading disabled in their Browser or when a user abandons a page by hitting "stop" in their Browser prior to the transfer of all images
Airborne Alternate Control Station
AACS, control subsystem onboard an aircraft
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف alternate(a) في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Alternate National Military Command Center
(Askeri) Alternate National Military Command Center