allium sativum

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التركية - الإنجليزية
A plant of the genus Allium (related to the onion), having a pungent bulbous root much used in cooking. Scientific name: Allium sativum
- This member of the onion family has a long history and was regarded as a sacred herb by the Ancient Egyptians Garlic is one of about 700 species of Allium, or onion, grown all over the world for their culinary and medicinal value Garlic's distinctive, pungent aroma and flavor have made it one of the most popular herbs
aromatic bulb used as seasoning
{i} type of pungent-smelling bulb used in cooking and medicine
A herb taken to boost immunity and lower blood pressure
aromatic bulb used as seasoning bulbous herb of southern Europe widely naturalized; bulb breaks up into separate strong-flavored cloves
Garlic, known as the stinking rose A member of the onion (and thus of the Lily) family is available year round One of the most important seasonings and a delicious tasting cooked vegetable Look for hard bulbs that have not sprouted and each clove is firm Size and color are unimportant
A bulb made up of sections of "cloves " Closely related to the onion
Omega 3 Vanilla Bean
A kind of jig or farce
Garlic is fantastic as an anti-microbial It fights bacteria, viruses and alimentary parasites The volatile oil is used to counteract lung infections such as chronic bronchitis, respiratory catarrh, recurrent colds and influenza It is also useful in fighting infections and aids in digestion, respiration and cardio-vascular functions In addition it can help lower both blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels Garlic's actions include: anti-microbial, diaphoretic, cholagogue, hypotensive, and anti-spasmodic
This is a standard ingredient, along with ginger, in most curries It can be used for pulped, crushed or chopped Whole cloves are sometimes added to dishes
(Allium sativum) Remarkable disinfectant & mucous-expellant Has a reputation as a blood purifier
Lasan Spices
allium sativum bulb used in everything except desserts f, d, frozen, pickled
A plant of the genus Allium A
bulbous herb of southern Europe widely naturalized; bulb breaks up into separate strong-flavored cloves
a bulb plant that comes from the onion family
Each root is composed of several lesser bulbs, called cloves of garlic, inclosed in a common membranous coat, and easily separable
ألمانية - الإنجليزية

تعريف allium sativum في ألمانية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Knoblauch (Allium sativum)
allium sativum