all sorts of people

listen to the pronunciation of all sorts of people
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف all sorts of people في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

all sorts of
her tür

Modern toplum her türlü bilgi ile dolup taşıyor. - Modern society is overflowing with all sorts of information.

Her tür tabloyu severim. - I like all sorts of paintings.

all sorts of
her çeşit

Tokyo'da her çeşit millet yaşar. - All sorts of people live in Tokyo.

Tom her çeşit şeyi oldukça iyi yapabilir. - Tom can do all sorts of things quite well.

الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف all sorts of people في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

all sorts of
every kind of, each type of
all sorts of people


    all sorts of peo·ple

    التركية النطق

    ôl sôrts ıv pipıl


    /ˈôl ˈsôrts əv ˈpēpəl/ /ˈɔːl ˈsɔːrts əv ˈpiːpəl/