White area between written characters and graphic regions on a produced page or computer display; blanks and the vertical blank lines in between paragraphs, or other organized rows of text lines (poetry)
One or more space or format effector characters Used to promote readability between syntactic elements or within the contents of comment or text strings [641 0-B-1] [641 0-G-1]
Empty space created by spaces, tabs and extra lines Also used to refer to empty space in a bitmapped graphic file
The blank (though not necessarily white) area, or padding, left around content to make it appear distinct and uncongested Created by inserting line feeds, carriage returns, spaces, and other typed characters not visible when rendered by the browser
The area left open in an ad or article that is not printed over with type and /or art
Any keystroke that leaves space on the screen, such as space bar, cursor return, line feed, horizontal tab, or vertical tab In the obj conf file, you can continue a directive line by adding white space at the beginning of the next line
Tabs, spaces, carriage returns, and other characters that are meant to be seen as empty space
Spaces, tabs, and blank lines used to set off sections of source code to enhance readability
Space characters, tab characters, form feed characters, new-line characters, and, when referring to source code, comments
the "breathing room" on a page, this refers to the parts of a document or display that aren't occupied by text or other visual elements A certain amount of white space is essential to make documents attractive and readable
The area of a print advertisement that is left blank in order to capture attention