If there is a boom in the economy, there is an increase in economic activity, for example in the amount of things that are being bought and sold. An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction The 1980s were indeed boom years. the cycle of boom and bust which has damaged us for 40 years. slump
To rush with violence and noise, as a ship under a press of sail, before a free wind
A chain of floating devices used to keep oil from spreading on the surface of a body of water
A line of connected floating timbers stretched across a river, or inclosing an area of water, to keep saw logs, etc
Type of microphone stand, used to get the base of the stand away from something e g the singer or drum kit Submitted by Karl Kuenning RFL from Roadie Net
If the economy or a business is booming, the amount of things being bought or sold is increasing. By 1988 the economy was booming It has a booming tourist industry
In broadcasting, a semirigid tube-like apparatus that extends from the headset and positions the microphone close to the user's mouth
A spar extending the foot of a sail; a spar rigged outboard from a ships side to which boats are secured in harbour
Containment booms are used to control the spread of oil to reduce the possibility of polluting shorelines and other resources, as well as to concentrate oil in thicker surface layers, making recovery easier
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