adult male deer attend a dance or a party without a female companion

listen to the pronunciation of adult male deer attend a dance or a party without a female companion
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
adult male deer attend a dance or a party without a female companion


    a·dult male deer at·tend a dance or a par·ty with·out a fe·male com·pan·ion

    التركية النطق

    ıdʌlt meyl dîr ıtend ı däns ır ı pärti wîdhaut ı fimeyl kımpänyın


    /əˈdəlt ˈmāl ˈdər əˈtend ə ˈdans ər ə ˈpärtē wəᴛʜˈout ə ˈfēˌmāl kəmˈpanyən/ /əˈdʌlt ˈmeɪl ˈdɪr əˈtɛnd ə ˈdæns ɜr ə ˈpɑːrtiː wɪðˈaʊt ə ˈfiːˌmeɪl kəmˈpænjən/