
listen to the pronunciation of activity
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bayan Tanaka, yeni öğretmen, Japoncayı haftada iki kez ilgili öğrencilerine müfredat dışı etkinlik olarak öneriyor. - Mrs. Tanaka, the new teacher, is offering Japanese as an extra curricular activity twice a week to interested students.

Kent etkinlikle doluydu. - The town was full of activity.


O, gönüllü faaliyetine kendini adamış. - She devoted herself to the volunteer activity.

Televizyon izlemek pasif bir faaliyettir. - Watching TV is a passive activity.

{i} eylem
yapılan işler
(Askeri) müdahele, hareket
{i} hareket halinde olma
tez canlılık
(Sinema) etkenlik
(Askeri) KURULUŞ: Belirli bir işlevi veya görevi yerine getiren bir birlik, teşkilat veya tesis. Ör., celp ve sevk merkezi, dağıtım merkezi, deniz üssü, tersane

İhracaat sınırları aşan ticari bir etkinliktir. - Exporting is a commercial activity which transcends borders.

Favori kış etkinliğin nedir? - What's your favorite winter activity?

(Mukavele) faaliyet, iş kalemi, aktivite
faal oluş

Tatoeba, yalnızca imajını kötülemek ve faaliyetini aşağılamak isteyenleri işbirlikçi olarak kabul etmemeli. - Tatoeba should not admit as collaborators those who only wish to denigrate its image and demean its activity.

Tom hiçbir beyin aktivitesi işareti göstermiyor. - Tom is showing no signs of brain activity.


Neden odun kesmekten büyük zevk alan bu kadar çok insan olduğunu biliyorum. Bu aktivitede sonuçları hemen anında görürsünüz. -- Albert EINSTEIN - I know why there are so many people who love chopping wood. In this activity one immediately sees the results. -- Albert EINSTEIN

Dünya yüzeyi volkanik aktivite nedeniyle yükseldi. - The surface of the earth rose due to the volcanic activity.

(Hukuk) faaliyet / etkinlik
(Biyokimya) etkin olma
activity description
aktivite tanımı
activity ratio
aktivite oranı
activity coefficient
aktiflik katsayısı
activity ratio
işleklik oranı
activity report
faaliyet raporu
activity based cost
(Ekonomi) Etkinlik tabanlı maliyet
activity displacement
bir aktivitenin başka bir aktiviteyle yer değiştirmesi
activity level
aktivite düzeyi
activity-based costing
faaliyet tabanlı maliyetleme
activity cage
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) etkinlik kafesi
activity chart
faaliyet çizelgesi
activity counter
Etkinlik Sayacı
activity counter
işleklik saya
activity curve
etkinlik eğrisi
activity cycle
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) etkinlik döngüsü
activity drive
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) etkinlik itkisi
activity level
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) etkinlik düzeyi
activity level
etkinlik seviyesi
activity level
(Ticaret) faaliyet seviyesi
activity of the commission
(Avrupa Birliği) Komisyon faaliyeti
activity oriented
(Dilbilim) etkinlik yöneltimli
activity period
faaliyet süresi
activity planning
(Politika, Siyaset) faaliyet planlaması
activity pleasure
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) etkinlik hazzı
activity profile
(Ticaret) faaliyet profili
activity ratio
Etkinlik Oranı
activity subjects
iştigal konuları
activity teacher
aktivite öğretmeni
activity theory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) etkinlik teorisi
activity therapy
etkinlik tedavisi
activity therapy
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) etkinlik terapisi
activity work
aktivite çalışması
account activity
hesap hareketi
acceleration activity
(Tekstil) hızlatma etkinliği
do an activity
Bir etkinlik yapmak

Yasa dışı faaliyetlere karışmam. - I don't engage in illegal activities.

Büyük şirketleri dava etmeyi zorlaştıran diğer önemli etkenler de faaliyetlerinin boyutları ve karmaşıklığıdır. - Other factors of importance, which make litigation of large corporations more difficult, are the size and complexity of their activities.


Her türlü grup etkinlikleri vardı. - There were all sorts of group activities.

Toplumsal etkinliklere katılır mısın? - Do you take part in any community activities?

agricultural activity
(Ticaret) tarımsal faaliyet
conduct an activity
faaliyet yürütmek
hands on activity
(Bilgisayar) uygulamalı alıştırma
human activity
insan aktivitesi
illegal activity
yasadışı faaliyet
improvement activity
iyileştirme faliyeti
improvement activity
iyileştirme faaliyeti
intrinsic activity
(Tıp) intrensek aktivite
join in an activity
aktivitede bulunmak
leisure activity
boş vakit faaliyeti
major activity
(Askeri) ana faaliyet
political activity
siyasal faaliyet
promotional activity
(Ticaret) tutundurma faaliyeti
subject of activity
faaliyet konusu
suspend the activity
faaliyeti askıya almak
business activity
iş etkinliği
capillary activity
kılcal aktivite
economic activity
ekonomik faaliyet
human activity
optical activity
ışıksal etkinlik
optical activity
optik etkinlik
sexual activity
cinsel faaliyet
social activity
sosyal aktivite
spare time activity
boş zaman uğraşısı
subversive activity
yıkıcı aktivite

O, hayvan cesetlerini parçalayarak incelemek ve geceleri sokaklarda insanları gizlice takip etmek gibi korkunç aktivitelerle uğraşmaktan hoşlanır. - He enjoys engaging in macabre activities such as dissecting animal corpses and stalking people on the street at night.

Okuldan sonra müfredat dışı aktivitelerimiz var. - We have extracurricular activities after school.

business activity statement
faaliyet Açıklama
commercial activity
Ticârî faaliyet
core activity profit
ana faaliyet karı
earthquake activity
deprem aktivitesi
earthquake, seismic activity
deprem, sismik aktivite
embark on an activity
bir etkinlik atılmak
extensive commercial activity
geniş ticari faaliyeti
extracurricular activity
Okulda müfredat dışındaki eğitim faaliyeti
field of activity
iştigal sahası
gainful activity
kazançlı etkinlik
hustle, activity
hustle, aktivite
illegal activity
kanundışı etkinlik
indoor activity
Kapalı alanda yapılan faaliyet
intense activity
yoğun faaliyet
leisure activity
boş zaman etkinliği
myogenic activity
(Tıp, İlaç) Sınır sisteminden uyarı almadan kasılma faaliyeti
optical activity
optik etkinlik, isiksal etkinlik
out of school activity
okulu faaliyet
over activity
aktivite üzerinde
paranormal activity
Sıradışı psişik aktivite
physical activity
fiziksel aktivite
producing activity or change
aktivite veya değiştirme üreten
residual activity
artık aktiflik, artık etkinlik
solar activity
güneş etkinliği
specific activity
özgül etkinlik
surface activity
yüzey aktivitesi
system activity
sisteminin etkinliği
AAFES Imprest Fund Activity
(Askeri) Kara ve Hava Kuvvetleri Muhabere Hizmeti (AAFES) Nakit Fonu Faaliyeti
Defense Distribution Mapping Activity
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Dağıtım Haritalama Faaliyeti
Department of Defense Activity Address Directory
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı İşlem Makamları Kataloğu
Department of Defense activity address code
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı işlem makamları kodu
Deputy Director for Administration (CIA); designated development activity
(Askeri) İdare Başkanı Yardımcısı (CIA); tahsis edilmiş geliştirme faaliyeti
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade İstihbarat Faaliyeti
Wartime Aircraft Activity Report
(Askeri) Harp Zamanı Uçak Faaliyet Raporu
abyssal activity
derin pirojenik etkinlik
abyssal activity
abisal etkinlik
abyssal activity
abisal aktivite
(Anatomi) hareketli, faal, tesirli
capillary activity
kılcal etkinlik
capillary activity
kapiler aktivite
class i activity
(Askeri) 1 NCİ SINIF FAALİYET MERKEZİ: ABD Anayurt Ordu Komutanlığının emir ve komutası altındaki tesis
class ii activity
(Askeri) II NCİ SINIF FAALİYET MERKEZİ: ABD Anayurdu ordu komutanlığının emri altında bulunmayan ABD Anayurdu askeri faaliyet merkezi
communication supplementary activity
crime activity
suç faaliyeti
criminal activity
suç faaliyeti
drug activity
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ilaç etkinliği
dummy activity
(Ticaret) yapay faaliyet
engineering field activity
(Askeri) sahrada istihkam faaliyeti
entertaining activity
eğlenceli etkinlik
eruptive activity
(Coğrafya) eruptiv aktivite
eruptive activity
(Çevre) püskürme etkinliği
explosion activity
(Tıp) patlama aktivitesi
feasible arrival date; force activity designator
(Askeri) uygulanabilir varış tarihi; kuvvet faaliyet planlayıcısı
field of activity
faaliyet alanı
fifth column activity
(Askeri) beşinci kol faaliyeti
freight consolidating activity
(Askeri) YÜK TEVHİT NOKTASI: Bir kamyon veya vagon yükünden az miktarda malzeme sevkiyatını, gönderilecekleri nihai noktaya, bir yük dağıtım veya yük ayırım noktasına sevk için vagon veya kamyon yükü partiler halinde toplamak amacıyla teslim alan bir ulaştırma faaliyet merkezi. Ayrıca bakınız: "freight distributing activity"
freight distributing activity
(Askeri) YÜK DAĞITIM NOKTASI: Bir kamyon veya vagon yükünden az miktarda malzemeyi teslim alıp boşaltan ve münferit sevkiyatı nihai sevk noktasına gönderen bir ulaştırma faaliyet merkezi. Ayrıca bakınız: "freight consolidating activity"
hawaiian activity
havai benzeri püskürme
hum with activity
(fiil)zır vızır çalışmak, harıl harıl çalışmak
hum with activity
vızır vızır çalışmak
hum with activity
harıl harıl çalışmak
hydrothermal activity
sıcak su etkinliği
hydrothermal activity
hidrotermal aktivite
hydrothermal activity
hidrotermal etkinlik
igneous activity
(Coğrafya) magmatik etkinlik
inhibitory activity
(Tıp) engelleyici faaliyet
interception activity
dinleme etkinligi
joint activity report
(Askeri) müşterek faaliyet raporu
joint communications security (COMSEC) monitor Activity
(Askeri) müşterek muhabere güvenlik (COMSEC) izleme faaliyeti
joint field activity
(Askeri) müşterek sahra faaliyeti
joint military postal activity; joint military satellite communications (MILSATC
(Askeri) müşterek askeri posta faaliyeti; müşterek askeri uydu muhabere (MILSATCOM) paneli idarecisi
joint munitions transportation coordinating activity
(Askeri) müşterek mühimmat ulaştırma koordinasyon faaliyeti
joint personnel training and tracking activity
(Askeri) müşterek personel eğitim ve izleme faaliyeti
land information warfare activity
(Askeri) kara muharebe istihbarat faaliyeti
level of activity
(Avrupa Birliği) iş hacmi
level of activity
(Politika, Siyaset) faaliyet seviyesi
major activity
(Askeri) ANA FAALİYET: Kara ordusu menajman bünyesinin belli başlı bir görev tali bölümü. Her ana faaliyet; ayrı bir kara ordusu bütçe tahsisini ve harekat ve bakım bütçe tahsisinin ana bölümlerinden (bütçe programları veya bütçe tasarıları "budget projects") birini uygular
military activity
(Askeri) askeri hareketlilik
military activity
askeri faaliyet
minor activity
(Askeri) TALİ FAALİYET: Bir tesisin içinde veya dışında bulunabilen levazım askeri yiyecek mağazaları (sales commissaries) veya ordudonatım atölyeleri (ordnance shops) gibi, yaptığı iş bakımından, esas faaliyete kıyasla küçük olan faaliyetler
naval information warfare activity
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri bilgi harbi faaliyeti
navigation activity plan
(Askeri) sefer faaliyet planı
nuclear activity
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer aktivite
organize an activity
etkinlik düzenlemek
pass time activity
(Askeri) Vakit geçirme uğraşısı
pelean activity
pele örneği volkanik etkinlik
pelean activity
pele türü püskürme
personnel information system (PERSINS) personel activity
(Askeri) personel bilgi sistemi (PERSINS) personel faaliyeti
phreatic activity
freatik aktivite
phreatomagmatic activity
freatomagmatik aktivite
plinian activity
plinius benzeri püskürme
port support activity
(Askeri) liman destek faaliyeti
predecessor activity
öncül aktivite
principal activity
(Politika, Siyaset) asli faaliyet
processing activity
(Politika, Siyaset) işleme faaliyetleri
procuring activity
(Askeri) tedarik faaliyeti
procuring activity
(Askeri) TEDARİK BÜROSU: ABD de; teknik hizmetler ile ordu bölgeleri, Milli Muhafız Bürosu, Washington Askeri Bölgesi ve Denizaşırı Komutanlıklara şamil olmak üzere, ikmal maddelerinin satın alınmasını ve hizmetlerin sağlanmasını temin ve idare eden ve bunlara nezaretten sorumlu olan makam. Bak. "procurement agency"
prospecting activity
maden arama faaliyeti
purchasing activity
satın alma faaliyeti
random activity
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) rastgele etkinlik
recreation activity
eğlence etkinlikleri
saturation activity
(Nükleer Bilimler) doyma aktivitesi,doymuş etkinlik
scientific activity
bilimsel faaliyet
size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment
(Askeri) boyut, faaliyet, konum, birlik, zaman ve teçhizat
software support activity; special support activity (NSA); strapdown sensor asse
(Askeri) yazılım destek faaliyeti; özel destek faaliyeti; ikmal desteği faaliyeti; ikmal desteği alanı
source activity augmentation
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaynak aktivitesinin artırılması
special operations forces support activity
(Askeri) özel harekat kuvvetleri destek faaliyeti
specific activity
(Nükleer Bilimler) özgül aktivite,özgül ışırlık,özgül etkinlik
specific gama activity
(Nükleer Bilimler) özgül gama sabiti
sport activity
spor aktivitesi
stock accounting activity
(Askeri) STOK MUHASİPLİĞİ, STOK SAYMANLIĞI: Bir stok kayıt hesabı tutma sorumluluğu verilmiş faaliyet merkezi
stock control activity
(Askeri) STOK KONTROL HESAP MERKEZİ: İkmal maddeleri ve teçhizatın miktarı, yeri ve durumu ile bilgileri tutan ve bu hususta rapor düzenleyen faaliyet merkezi
strombolian activity
stromboli benzeri püskürme
strombolian activity
stromboli örneği volkanik etkinlik
subversive activity
(Askeri) YIKICI FAALİYETLER: Görev başındaki hükümetlerin kuvvet kullanılarak veya zor yoluyla devrilmesini savunan birey, grup veya teşkilata yardım eden ve moralmen destekleyen kimselere yıkıcı ve içinde bulundukları faaliyetlere de yıkıcı faaliyet denir. Hükümet menfaatlerine zararlı olmak için yapılan ve hıyanet, fitne ve casusluk kategorisi dışında kalan tüm amaçlı faaliyetler yıkıcı faaliyetler kategorisinde mütalaa edilirler
sunspot activity
(Astronomi) güneş lekesi etkinliği
surface activity concentration
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzey aktivite konsantrasyonu
temporal lobe activity
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) şakak lopu etkinliği
tenant activity
(Askeri) MİSAFİR TESİS; MİSAFİR BİRLİK: Bir başka komutanlığa ait tesis veya tali tesise yerleştirilmiş, belirli tipteki ikmal ve diğer hizmetleri bu komutanlıktan alan bir teşkil, faaliyet merkezi veya birlik
terminal control area; time of closest approach; traditional CINC activity
(Askeri) terminal kontrol sahası; en yakın yaklaşma zamanı; geleneksel Başkomutanlık faaliyeti
terminate the activity
faaliyeti durdurmak
terminate the activity
faaliyeti sonlandırmak
to take up an activity
(Avrupa Birliği) meslek edinmek
transfer activity
(Askeri) FAAL HİZMETTEN AYIRMA FAALİYET MERKEZİ: Askeri personelin emekliye ve ihtiyat sınıfına ayrılması işlemini yapmak üzere tesis edilmiş, (faal hizmetten ayırma istasyonu veya faal hizmetten ayırma noktası gibi) belirli ve merkezi bir faaliyet bürosu
underground activity
(Askeri) yer altı faaliyeti
underground activity
vacuum activity
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) vakum etkinliği
volcanic activity
volkanik hareketlilik
vulcanian activity
çok ağdalı volkanik püskürme
vulcanian activity
vulkano örneği püskürme
water activity
(Nükleer Bilimler) su aktivitesi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force; as, an increasing variety of human activities

Pit row was abuzz with activity.

something done for pleasure or entertainment, especially one involving movement or an excursion

Quilting can be a fun activity.

something done as an action or a movement

The activity for the morning was a walk to the store.

Use (of internet, playstation, bank account etc.)
{n} quickness, nimbleness
A collection of COM objects that has a single distributed logical thread of execution Every COM object belongs to one activity
A named process, function, or task that occurs over time and has recognizable results Activities use up resources to produce products and services Activities combine to form business processes [GAO]
The number of nuclear transformations occurring in a material per unit of time (see Curie and becquerel)
The rate of disintegration per second (dps), minute ( dpm) or decay of radioactive material The units of activity are the international unit, Becquerel (Bq) or the Curie (Ci)
The specific step(s) taken within each objective that meets your goal For the drinking and driving organization example (see Goal), one activity for your media campaign objective may be to write editorials to the local newspaper
In most cases, the activity involved will make the choice fairly obvious For example, a stepladder would be the choice to paint the outside walls and ceilings; an extension ladder usually is needed to paint outside If the job involves more effort than usual, or will require more time on the ladder, consider "upgrading" to a ore-efficient or capable design For example, a platform ladder in place of a stepladder
Each function of an agency may be broken down into a number of 'activities', a term used in the sense of a class of actions that are taken in accomplishing a specific function The activities in turn may be broken down into a number of transactions See Function
the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; "the level of activity declines with age"
A set of actions through which inputs such as commodities, technical assistance and training are mobilized to produce specific outputs such as vaccinations given, schools built, and micro-enterprise loans issued Activities are undertaken to achieve "strategic," "special," or "strategic support" objectives that have been formally approved and notified to Congress
(chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity"
a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings); "the action of natural forces"; "volcanic activity"
A measure of the chemical potential of a substance, where chemical potential is not equal to concentration, that allows mathematical relations equivalent to those for ideal systems to be used to correlate changes in an experimentally measured quantity with changes in chemical potential
A named process, function, or task that occurs over time and has recognizable results Activities use up assigned resources to produce products and services Activities combine to form business processes
The activity of a dissolved species in solution is the "effective" concentration of that species
Work carried out by W3C is organized into different Activities Each Activity has been reviewed by the Advisory Committee and approved by the Director
The activity of an ion species is its thermodynamic equivalent concentration; i e , the ion concentration corrected for the deviation from ideal behavior caused by the interionic attraction of ions It is this interaction between ions which tends to cause the electrical conductivity of a solution to be less than that predicted from the number of ions present Only at infinite dilution are the ions completely free of the influence of other ions in solution Ionic activity is used in expressing the variation of electrode potentials and other electrochemical phenomena (e g , SP) At low concentrations, the chemical activity of a solution of a given salt is roughly proportional to its salt content; i e , roughly proportional to its conductivity or inversely to its resistivity In concentrated solutions, the relation between conductivity and concentration is complex and depends on individual solute properties
The number of nuclear transitions occurring in a given quantity of radioactive material per unit of time For example one disintegration/second is a becquerel (Bq), which has replaced curie (Ci) as the standard unit of activity
The number of nuclear disintegration's occurring per unit of time in a quantity of a radioactive substance Activity is measured in Curies or Becquerels Often used loosely to mean radioactivity
A name process, function, or task that occurs over time and has recognizable results Activities combined to form business processes A task or series of tasks performed over a period of time
A measure of the number of disintegrations of a radioactive nuclide per unit of time; reported in units of curies or becquerels
A specific line of work performed to accomplish a function for which a governmental unit is responsible This designation is required by the State Controller Example: "Protective Inspection" is an activity performed in discharging the "Public Protection" function
an organic process that takes place in the body; "respiratory activity"
An element of work performed during the course of a project An activity normally has an expected duration, an expected cost, and expected resource requirements Activities are often subdivided into tasks
Actions taken or work performed in a project to produce specific outputs by using inputs, such as funds, technical assistance and other types of resources
the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action"
An element of work performed during the course of a project An activity normally has an expected duration , an expected cost, and expected resource requirementts Activities can be subdivided into tasks
A specific line of work carried on by a governmental unit in order to perform its function as specified by constitutional, statutory, or administrative fiat
Portion of the rest-activity cycle that is spent out of bed (i e , from activity onset until bedrest onset)
The effective concentration of a chemical based on thermodynamic considerations Activity and concentration have the same units and have the same value in very dilute solutions
any specific activity; "they avoided all recreational activity" (chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity
The activities of a group are the things that they do in order to achieve their aims. a jail term for terrorist activities. activity coefficient displacement activity optical activity
Activity is a situation in which a lot of things are happening or being done. an extraordinary level of activity in the government bonds market. the electrical activity of the brain
any specific activity; "they avoided all recreational activity"
An activity is something that you spend time doing. You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching
{i} state of being active; specific act, pursuit, undertaking; action, bustle; spryness, liveliness; something that a person does for pleasure or as an interest
(chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity
(Ticaret) A discrete unit of work that consumes organizational resources
activity trap
The risk of becoming so busy with activity so as to forget and miss the aim of that activity
activity-based costing
(Ekonomi) Activity-based costing (ABC) is a costing methodology that identifies activities in an organization and assigns the cost of each activity with resources to all products and services according to the actual consumption by each
activity analysis
analysis by means of mathematical model
activity based costing
(Ticaret) (ABC) A cost accounting methodology that assigns costs to activities based on their use of resources, and assigns costs to cost objects (products, functions, projects) based on their use of activities. It attempts to precisely allocate overhead based on the real factors that create costs
activity based management
(Ticaret) (ABM) An overall approach to cost management that focuses on the relationships between activities, cost drivers and resources to identify and separate value-added and non-value added systems and functions
activity center
busybox, panel containing various stimulating buttons and sounds for babies to play with
activity coefficient
Number expressing the ratio of a substance's chemical activity to its molar concentration (see mole). The measured concentration of a substance may not be an accurate indicator of its chemical effectiveness as represented by the equation for a particular reaction; in such cases, the activity is calculated by multiplying the concentration by the activity coefficient. In solutions, the activity coefficient is a measure of how much the solution differs from an ideal solution
activity driver
(Ticaret) The factor used to measure usage of a defined activity. ex.- the materials support activity of a forklift driver retrieving goods from the warehouse could be driven either based on number of trips, or total time required on trips
activity level
Refers to the intensity of land use in a given area and is associated with the density of residential and nonresidential development
activity level
a price level at which notable activity has been observed, i e an old support, resistance or breakout level
activity level
A laboratory test that measures the functional amount of a clotting factor in the plasma, expressed as a percent of the activity found in normal human plasma The normal level of factors VIII and IX is usually 50 IU/dl to 150 IU/dl
activity ratio
number of accounts that are active out of the total number of accounts in a bank
activity status report
accounting list in which account activity is recorded during a specific time
account activity
changes or transactions in an account (in a bank, etc.)
Raman optical activity
The differential Raman scattering of left and right circularly polarized light by chiral molecules
catalytic activity
An amount of catalyst, expressed as the increase of the rate of its reaction
catalytic activity
The increase in rate of a chemical reaction caused by the presence of a catalyst
extravehicular activity
any activity done by an astronaut outside of a spacecraft etc; a spacewalk or moonwalk
hives of activity
plural form of hive of activity
optical activity
a property caused by asymmetrical molecular or crystal structure that enables a compound or crystal to rotate the plane of incident polarized light
optical activity
A measure of the amount of optical rotation produced by a standard amount of a substance
ultrahazardous activity
An activity that is so dangerous that any person engaging in it will be held strictly liable for harm caused by engaging in the activity, no matter what precautions were taken to prevent harm; common examples include using explosives, radiation, and poisonous chemicals, and handling wild animals
biological activity
I O activity
Input/Output activity, activity in which the computer receives or sends out data
the collective ventures which provide context and meaning for users' interactions with computers
The individual actions that are part of a process to achieve an objective or outcome Activities may also be measurements that, when results are analyzed and assessed, determine achievement of an objective or outcome
are individual, detailed pieces of work which are linked together within a task Activities usually must be completed within a specified time and require input of resources They are also sometimes referred to as 'sub-tasks' (see also: Work Plan; Tasks)
happenings, duties of life
Find Holy Days Make a Calendar Build a Service Find a Psalm Read the Bible Hear the Bible Pray
plural of activity
The cognitive functioning or physical actions in which students are engaged, whether by assignment or on their own initiative
Actions in the context of programming, which are both necessary and sufficient, through which inputs (financial, human, technical and material resources) are mobilized to produce specific outputs or contribute to the outcome
a) Footboard Meetings b) Incorporate safety messages on VRU c) Employee feedback through surveys d) Communicate 2001 framework plan e) Promote awareness using off the job safety topics f) Cardinal Rules awareness/blitzes g) Conduct quarterly safety meetings tracking all employee attendance throughout the year - minimum 2 meetings per employee ? ensure on the ground presentations h) Inter departmental and outside source interaction
Specific action steps that are planned to accomplish an objective
{i} things that people do for pleasure, things done by people as an interest or exercise
tasks to be done within a specified time to achieve results, usually requiring resources and incurring cost (see also: Work Plan)
The sequence of vocabulary learning activities is well designed and takes the learner incrementally from listening to the word, while viewing its accompanying graphic and the written word, to hearing the word and spelling either the singular or plural form in a context sentence without graphic or auditory aids The activities require different levels of recall on the part of the learner and gradually remove the visual aids to word spelling The activities are thus appropriate for users with different levels of knowledge as learners can choose which type of activity they want to work on for a particular set of words The activity in which the learner identifies the number of syllables in the word is particularly appropriate for Maltese because of the number of instances where a word is spelled using characters that are not pronounced so that the spelling is a misleading indicator of the number of syllables in a word
What the program does with its resources in order to fulfill its mission Activities include the strategies, techniques, and types of treatments that comprise the program's methodology (United Way of America )
A list of the broad-based interventions that are necessary to accomplish each objective
Learning alphabets and spelling
The actual events or actions that take place as a part of the program
What you do in class
are what a program does with its inputs - the services it provides - to fulfill its mission Examples are educating the public about HIV/AIDS prevention, training providers, medical examinations, tests, providing medications and therapy, specialty visits and other direct services Outputs are products of a program's activities, such as the number of providers trained, medical examinations provided, tests completed, brochures distributed, or participants served A program's outputs should produce the desired outcomes for the program's participants
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An activity is an item that has been, or will be, scheduled by SOGS/SPSS Usually an activity is a proposed observation, but it could also be a calibration operation, scheduled dead time, or any of the activities identified by activity mnemonic SCS related term
steps in the project that consume resources and/or time
Actions that will be undertaken by the program staff in order to achieve program objectives Topic areas: Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Accountability and Evaluation, Volunteer Management
specific tasks within a project or programme For example, community nurseries, farm forestry and improved stoves can all be activities
advanced research and development activity
an agency of the Intelligence Community that conducts advanced research and development related to information technology
armed activity
activity involving the use of weapons
bank`s activity
financial transactions of a bank
business activity
activity undertaken as part of a commercial enterprise
cash flow from current activity
part of the cash flow report which details cash movement during a normal period of activity in a business
cash flow from financing activity
part of the cash flow report which details the movement of cash in the finance activity of a business
cash flow from investment activity
part of the cash flow report which details the movement of cash within the framework of investment of a business
center of activity
place where everything happens, location where activity is going on
collection activity
gathering of money owed
displacement activity
Performance by an animal of an act inappropriate for the stimulus or stimuli that evoked it. It usually occurs when an animal is torn between two conflicting drives, such as fear and aggression. Displacement activities often consist of comfort movements (e.g., grooming, scratching)
embark on an activity
begin doing something
extensive commercial activity
far reaching sales activity
extracurricular activity
educational activities not falling within the scope of the regular curriculum
extravehicular activity
activity outside of a spaceship (pertaining to work done by astronauts)
hostile activity
aggressive acts, belligerent deeds, bellicose actions
increased adrenocortical activity
increased production of hormones in the cortex of the adrenal glands
initiated activity
commenced action, launched enterprise
marine corps intelligence activity
an agency of the United States Marine Corps that provides responsive and broad intelligence support for the worldwide Marine Corps organization
missionary activity
work of missionaries
optical activity
the rotation of polarization from interaction with a medium
optical activity
the effect of some materials causing the direction of polarization to rotate as the light passes through
optical activity
The rotation of plane polarized light by one of a pair of optical isomers
optical activity
The plane of vibration of linearly polarized light rotates as it propagates through a medium This rotation can occur in either a right or left handed direction Since linearly polarized light can be regarded as the sum of right and left hand circularly polarized components, this optical activity corresponds to different indices of refraction for the two circular components(circular birefringence)
optical activity
A property caused by asymmetrical molecular structure that enables a substance to rotate the plane of incident polarized light. Ability of a substance to rotate the plane of polarization of a beam of light passed through it, either as crystals or in solution. Clockwise rotation as one faces the light source is "positive," or dextrorotary; counterclockwise rotation "negative," or levorotary. Louis Pasteur was the first to recognize that molecules with optical activity are stereoisomers (see isomerism). Optical isomers occur in pairs that are nonsuperimposable mirror images of one another. They have the same physical properties except for their effect on polarized light; in chemical properties they differ only in their interactions with other stereoisomers (see asymmetric synthesis)
physical activity
physical exercise, bodily activity, sports
political activity
anything done within a political or partisan framework
production activity control
(Ticaret) (PAC) The activities related to scheduling, releasing and tracking production orders and schedules, and reporting the materials and resources used and the results of the production process
psychomotor activity
coordination, physiotherapy
public activity
work for the public interest, social involvement
seismic activity
earthquake, tremors of the Earth
sensory activity
activity intended to achieve a particular sensory result
sexual activity
activities associated with sexual intercourse; "they had sex in the back seat
sexual activity
activities associated with sexual intercourse; "they had sex in the back seat"
sexual activity
actions that pertain to sex
social activity
activity considered appropriate on social occasions
sphere of activity
boundary of what there is to do
student activity
activities done by students on campus
wanton activity
evil activity, wicked deed