Bütün cevaplar talimatlara göre yazılmalıdır.
- All answers must be written according to the instructions.
Hava tahminlerine göre yarın kar yağacak.
- According to the weather forecast, it will snow tomorrow.
Hava tahmini göre, daha fazla yağmur gelmek üzere.
- According to the weather forecast, there'll be more rain on the way.
Onu kurallar uyarınca cezalandırdık.
- We punished him according to the rules.
Onların dediğine göre, o çocuk şarkı söylemede çok iyi.
- According to what they say, that boy is very good at singing.
ÇHS'ye göre, 18 yaşından küçük tüm insanlar çocuk olarak kabul edilir.
- According to the CRC, all people under 18 are considered to be children.
Bu dergiye göre, en sevdiğim aktris önümüzdeki ilkbahar bir caz müzisyeniyle evlenecek.
- According to this magazine, my favorite actress will marry a jazz musician next spring.
Onlar savaşta ölenleri askeri geleneğe uygun olarak gömdüler.
- They buried those who had died in battle according to military tradition.
Sana çalışmana uygun olarak ödeme yapılacak.
- You will be paid according as you work.
According to the directions, the glue takes 24 hours to dry.
That apprehends no further than this world, / And squarest thy life according - Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, V-i.
... pebbles, everything that moves, moves according to the laws of motion and the calculus of ...
... According to one story, he was walking on his estate in Woolsthorpe, and he saw an apple ...