
listen to the pronunciation of above
الإنجليزية - التركية
{e} üzerine

Mermi dizin üzerine girdi. - The bullet entered above the knee.

Çatalı ekmek ve tereyağı tabağı üzerine koy. - Place the bread and butter plate above the fork.


İnsanlar kendi aralarında mücadele ederken melekler yukarıdan izlerler. - Angels watch from above as men fight amongst themselves.

Onlar yukarıdaki katta yaşıyor. - They live on the floor above.

(İnşaat) üstünde

Elbisesi dizinin üstündeydi. - Her dress is above the knee.

Sağlık zenginliğin üstündedir, zira birincisi ikincisinden daha önemlidir. - Health is above wealth, for the former is more important than the latter.

{e} üzerinde

Patron, yazıhanenin üzerindeki balkonda işçileri gözleyerek gezindi. - The boss strolled around the balcony above the office, observing the workers.

Ay bulutların üzerinde kaldı. - The moon rose above the clouds.

{s} yukarıdaki

Affedersiniz; yukarıdaki makalede üç hata göstermeme izin verin. - Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article.

Onlar yukarıdaki katta yaşıyor. - They live on the floor above.

{s} sözü geçen
{e} öte

Bu köprünün yaklaşık üç mil ötesinde yaşıyoruz. - We live about three miles above this bridge.

Bunun ötesinde İbranice okuyabilir. - Above and beyond this, he can read Hebrew.

-e hakim olan
önceden anılan
-den çok
-den üstün

Bir buzdağının su altındaki parçası su üstündeki parçasından çok daha büyüktür. - The part of an iceberg under the water is much larger than that above the water.

daha yukarı
-den fazla
daha çok yukarıda

Şöminenin üstündeki duvarda bulunan resim Tom tarafından yapıldı. - The painting on the wall above the fireplace is by Tom.

Kapının üstündeki kırmızı ışık açıktı. - The red light above the door was on.

-e bakan
daha üst makamdaki biri
yukarıda geçen
allaha ait olan
-den daha fazla
adı geçen
yukarı taraflarında

Bu kitabı her şeyden fazla seviyorum. - I love this book above all.

Bir asırdan fazla bir süre önce, Rusya'daki Tunguska Nehri vadisinin üzerindeki gökyüzünde bir kuyrukluyıldız veya bir göktaşı patladı. Patlamada yüzlerce mildeki milyonlarca ağaç yıkıldı. - More than a century ago, a comet or a meteor exploded in the sky above the Tunguska River valley in Russia. The explosion knocked down millions of trees over hundreds of miles.

daha çok

O, onura her şeyden daha çok değer verir. - He values honor above anything else.


O kesinlikle kırkın yukarısındadır. - She is certainly above forty.

Yukarıda verilen örneğe bak. - See the example given above.

{f} üstte
{e} yüksek

O yüksek sesle konuştu. - She spoke above her breath.

Tiyatronun kapısının üzerindeki sözler bir metre yükseklikteydi. - The words above the door of the theater were one meter high.


Bu kitap benim çok üzerimde. - This book is far above me.

O, onura her şeyden daha çok değer verir. - He values honor above anything else.


Derin su balıkları asla ışığı görmezler ve bütün hayatlarını yukarıdan gelen artıklarla yaşarlar. - Deep water fish never see the light and live all their lives from the scraps that come from above.


Biz ufkun üstünde güneşin doğuşunu gördük. - We saw the sun rise above the horizon.

Sağlık zenginliğin üstündedir, zira birincisi ikincisinden daha önemlidir. - Health is above wealth, for the former is more important than the latter.

bir şeyin üstünde

Televizyon şiddet gösteriyor, her şeyden önce daha genç insanları etkiler. - Television shows violence, which influences, above all, younger people.

Onlar, her şeyden önce, barış içinde yaşamak istiyor. - They want, above all things, to live in peace.


Elli santigrad derecenin üzerindeki sıcaklıklara maruz kalma. - Do not expose to temperatures above fifty centigrade.

Bir yorum eklediniz, çeviri değil. Çeviri eklemek için, cümle üzerindeki «あ→а» simgesine tıklatın. - You have added a comment, not a translation. To add a translation, click on the «あ→а» icon above the sentence.

{i} yukarıda olan şey
the yukarıki, yukarıdaki, (sayfanın) yukarısında bulunan; daha önceki (bölüm/paragraf/satır/sayfa): The above picture depicts the city
yukarıda olan
(isim) yukarıda olan şey
{i} 1. the (bir sayfada) yukarıda yazılanlar; (bir yazıda) eserin bundan öncesinde yazılanlar: As soon as you've read the above, give me a
{s} 1. the yukarıki, yukarıdaki, (sayfanın) yukarısında bulunan; daha önceki (bölüm/paragraf/satır/sayfa): The above picture depicts the city
semada olan
üstünde; üstüne: She was then living in a room above the store. O zamanlar dükkânın üstündeki bir odada oturuyordu.That was above and
daha yukarıda olarak
the (bir sayfada) yukarıda yazılanlar; (bir yazıda) eserin bundan öncesinde yazılanlar: As soon as you've read the above, give me a
daha önce gösterilmiş olan
above yukarısında
{e} 1. üstünde; üstüne: She was then living in a room above the store. O zamanlar dükkânın üstündeki bir odada oturuyordu.That was above and
toprağa gömülmemi
yukarıda zikredilmiş
yukarıda; yukarıdaki: She lives above. Yukarıda oturuyor. He was sitting on the branch above. Yukarıdaki dalda oturuyordu
sıraca önce olarak
allah katında
daha üst
daha fazla

Fenolftalein, 10.0 ya da daha fazla bir pH'a sahip olan bir baz varlığında parlak mora dönüşecektir ve 8.2 ya da daha az bir pH değerine sahip bir çözeltinin varlığında renksiz kalacaktır. - Phenolphthalein will turn fuchsia in the presence of a base with a pH of or above 10.0 and will remain colorless in the presence of a solution with a pH of or below 8.2.


Şehir Londra'nın elli mil kuzeyindedir. - The city is fifty miles above London.

Kasaba, Londra'nın hemen kuzeyinde yer alır. - The town lies just above London.

allah katına
-den yüksek
above all
hepsinden önce
above all
her şeyden çok

O, yüzmeyi her şeyden çok sever. - He likes swimming above all.

above all
her şeyden önce

Her şeyden önce, sabırlı olun. - Above all, be patient.

Televizyon şiddet gösteriyor, her şeyden önce daha genç insanları etkiler. - Television shows violence, which influences, above all, younger people.

above all
esas itibarı ile
above all
en önemlisi
above all
bundan ilave
above all
bundan başka
above all
en evvel
above board
açık ve dürüst
above ground
toprağa gömülmemiş
above ground
above mentioned
üstte gösterilen
above par
paritenin üstünde
above par
başa baştan yukarı
above reproach
above reproach
above reproach
above sb's head
çok zor
above sb's head
anlama kapasitesinin üstünde
above water
above water
sıkıntıdan uzak
yukarıda kaydedilmiş
yukarıda adı geçen
above-party politics
partiler üstü politika
above -grade wall
Yer düzeyinin altında olmayan duvar
above -grade wall
Bir katın dış duvarlarının brüt toplamının % 50’sı dış hava ile temasta olduğunda, belirli bir katın bütün dış duvarları
above and beyond the call of duty
(deyim) Much more than should be expected

If your waiter goes beyond the call of duty, leave a bigger tip.

above and beyond the call of duty
(deyim) Gereğinden fazla, haddinden fazla
above average
ortalamanın üstünde
above grade wall
(İnşaat) Yer düzeyinin altında olmayan duvar
above grade wall
(İnşaat) dış duvarlarının brüt toplamının % 50’sı dış hava ile temasta olduğunda, belirli bir katın bütün dış duvarları toplamı
above ground
above ground pool
yer seviyesi üzerine yapılmış portatif yüzme havuzu
above it
above market cost
(Ekonomi) Bir hizmetin rekabet piyasasındaki fiyatının üzerinde oluşan maliyeti
above oneself
kendini yukarıda
above par
tic. yazılı değerin üstünde
above sea level
deniz seviyesi üstünde
above the average
ortalamanın üstünde
above the average
Yukarıdaki ortalama
above the surface of the ground
yer yüzeyinin üzerinde
above this, in this document
Bu, bu belgede yukarıda
above to
above water
su üstünde

Tom başını su üstünde tuttu. - Tom kept his head above water.

above, from above
Yukarıda, yukarıda
above, up
Yukarıda kadar
Yukarıda ismi geçen, yukarıda bahsedilen
Yukarıda bahsi geçen
above/beyond reproach
mükemmel, hatasız, kusursuz
above; before; over; upon
Yukarıda, daha önce, üzerinde; üzerine
above all

O, saygın rasyonel ve özellikle güzel. - She is reputable, rational and above all pretty.

above all
above all
herşeyden fazla
above board
above board
above board
above board
(deyim) yasal ,hilesiz;namuslu,durust (insan)
above ground level
(Askeri) satıhtan yukarı
above item
(Bilgisayar) öğenin üstünde
above mentioned
{s} yukarıdaki
above mentioned
{s} yukarıda adı geçen
above par
(deyim) normalin ustunde ,her zamankinden daha iyi
above par
başabaştan yukarı
above selection
Seçimin Üstü
above suspicion
şüphe edilmez
above suspicion
şüphe götürmez
above suspicion
above suspicion
(deyim) herturlu suphenin disinda,suphe uyandirmayacak kadar durust
above the ordinary
alışılmışın ötesinde
above the ordinary
above the salt
evsahipleri ile beraber
above and beyond
yeter de artar
consider above blame
üstüne toz kondurmamak
none of the above
yukarıdakilerin hiçbiri
rise above
üstünden doğmak
a cut above
-den daha yakşı
a cut above
daha üstün
altitude above sea level
deniz seviyesinden yükseklik
as mentioned above
yukarıda bahsedildiği gibi
from above
from above
from above
from above
from above
tepeden inme
head and shoulders above
kat kat iyi/üstün
keep one's head above water
ayağını yorganına göre uzatmak
over and above
-den başka
over and above
put sth above
olduğundan değerli görmek
a cut above
-den bir gömlek üstün
address above
yukarıdaki adres
as noted above
Yukarıda belirtildiği gibi
be above suspicion
-den şüphe edilemez olmak: He´s above suspicion; he couldn´t have been there when it happened. Ondan şüphe edilemez; olay sırasında orada olamazdı
bounded above
Yukarıdaki sınırlı
earth and heaven (here and above)
yer ve gök (burada ve üzeri)
from the above
go above
Üzerinden geçip gitmek, üzerinden aşmak
go above and beyond
(deyim) Bir şeyi gerektiğinden daha iyi yapmak

He went above and beyond his duties at work, so he was quickly promoted.

go above and beyond the call of duty
(deyim) Bir şeyi gerektiğinden daha iyi yapmak
lie above
Yukarıda yalan
pertaining to a taxon at a rank above that of genus.
Bir takson bu cins üzerinde bir rütbe olarak ilgili
pressure above atmospheric
manometrik basınç
see above
yukarıda görebilirsiniz
stand head and shoulders above
-den çok daha iyi olmak, -den çok üstün olmak
the above
the gap above suspended ceiling
asma tavan boşluğu
up above
which are all up above
yukarıdakilerin hepsiyle beraber

which are all up above basic styles with variety kinds of details like prints, embroideries, hand works, accessories etc.

be above
(deyim) be above oneself kendini başkalarından üstün görmek,kendini beğenmek,haddini bilmemek
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Above is often used elliptically as an adjective by omitting the word said, mentioned, quoted, or the like:
In a higher place; overhead; into or from heaven

He's in a better place now, floating free as the clouds above.''.

Surpassing in number or quantity; more than; as, above a hundred. (Passing into the adverbial sense; see adverb #4 below.)
Higher in rank or power

He appealed to the court above.

In or to a higher place; higher than; on or over the upper surface; over; — opposed to below or beneath

Fowl that may fly above the earth.

Figuratively, higher than; superior to in any respect; surpassing; beyond; higher in measure or degree than; as, things above comprehension; above mean actions; conduct above reproach

I saw in the way a light from heaven above the brightness of the sun.

Earlier in order; higher in the same page; hence, in a foregoing page

That was said above.

Above is often used further elliptically as a noun by omitting the noun, where it is should be clear what is omitted

See the above.

in or to a place that is higher
{p} higher, more
{a} overhead
1 heaven 2 looking toward the guiding forces 3 light above one’s head, guidance, blessings, assistance, spiritual growth 4 darkness above one’s head, burdens, temptations, heading in wrong direction, overwhelmed by problems
ad at a higher place
higher than or before -- " the faces of the object above are rectangles " (258)
If something is above something else it is in a higher position, or directly over it ("The flat above ours is very noisy")
In a higher place; overhead; into or from heaven; as, the clouds above
{e} over; higher than; more than
If you value one person or thing above any other, you value them more or consider that they are more important. his tendency to put the team above everything
overhead, over, in a higher place; more; aforementioned (in a text)
at an earlier place; "see above"
appearing earlier in the same text; "flaws in the above interpretation"
Above is often used elliptically as an adjective by omitting the word said, mentioned, quoted
In or to a higher place; higher than; on or over the upper surface; over; - opposed to below or beneath
over and above: see over above the law: see law above board: see board. used in a piece of writing to refer to something mentioned in an earlier part of the same piece of writing
In writing, you use above to refer to something that has already been mentioned or discussed. Several conclusions could be drawn from the results described above below Above is also a noun. For additional information, contact any of the above. Above is also an adjective. For a copy of their brochure, write to the above address
appearing earlier in the same text; "flaws in the above interpretation" at an earlier place; "see above" in or to a place that is higher
{s} mentioned earlier in the same text
More than; as, above five hundred were present
Surpassing in number or quantity; more than; as, above a hundred
If an amount or measurement is above a particular level, it is greater than that level. The temperature crept up to just above 40 degrees Victoria Falls has had above average levels of rainfall this year Government spending is planned to rise 3 per cent above inflation. below Above is also an adverb. Banks have been charging 25 percent and above for unsecured loans
If you hear one sound above another, it is louder or clearer than the second one. Then there was a woman's voice, rising shrilly above the barking. = over
If one thing is above another one, it is directly over it or higher than it. He lifted his hands above his head Apartment 46 was a quiet apartment, unlike the one above it He was staring into the mirror above him. below Above is also an adverb. A long scream sounded from somewhere above. a picture of the new plane as seen from above below
If someone is above criticism or suspicion, they cannot be criticized or suspected because of their good qualities or their position. He was a respected academic and above suspicion. = beyond
Higher in rank or power; as, he appealed to the court above
disapproval If you say that someone thinks they are above something, you mean that they act as if they are too good or important for it. I'm not above doing my own cleaning
{i} something previously mentioned, something previously indicated
In or to a higher place; higher than; on or over the upper surface; over; opposed to below or beneath
If someone is above you, they are in a higher social position than you or in a position of authority over you. I married above myself -- rich county people below Above is also an adverb. The policemen admitted beating the student, but said they were acting on orders from above
above all
Of prime importance; before anything else
above and beyond
Far more than

The staff often goes above and beyond what is required.

above and beyond
More than is expected or required

Boy, they sure went above and beyond when they were planning this party!.

above average
Better than average
above board
Honestly, reputably

They conducted the negotiations completely above board.

above one's bend
Out of one's control or power
above the fold
Situated in the upper half of the front page of a broadsheet newspaper, and thus more prominent, as the lower half is not usually visible when the folded newspaper is displayed for sale
above the fold
Anything similarly occupying an exclusive position of relative prominence
above the fold
By extension, situated near the top of a web page; not requiring scrolling. See above the scroll
above the law
Exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else

You may think you're above the law, but you're not.

above the salt
Of high standing or honor
above water
Out of difficulty, especially financial
Open; transparent; honest; legal
Cited before, in the preceding part of a text
Mentioned or named before; aforesaid
Mentioned or named before; aforesaid

The Jewish fires were the heaviest blows we had had; for though the Waddingley Cotton-mills had been burnt in 1822, at a loss to the Company of 80,000£, and though the Patent Erostratus Match Manufactory had exploded in the same year at a charge of 14,000£, there were those who said that the loss had not been near so heavy as was supposed -- nay, that the Company had burnt the above-named establishments as advertisements for themselves.

On any floor above the ground level, especially, one which is reached by means of a staircase

He was found above-stairs in an empty room, searching the floor for something.

Alternative spelling of above the fold
above and beyond the call of duty
(deyim) Much more than expected, the extra mile

Her extra work was above and beyond the call of duty.

Above Ground Level
AGL, altitude above the surface of the Earth, height above the ground
above all
above and beyond all other consideration; "above all, you must be independent"
above all
beyond everything else, more than everything else
above all
above and beyond all other consideration; "above all, you must be independent
above all
taking everything together; "she was first and last a scientist"
above and beyond
more than enough
above average
higher than the norm
above average range
range that is higher than the norm
above board
honest and legal
above board
out in the open, revealed, not hidden
above board
(Nautical) cabins that are above water lever on a cruise ship
above board
On a cruise ship, cabins that are above water level
above board
On a cruise ship, cabins above water level
above board
Cabins above the waterline
above ground
above the surface of the ground; openly, frankly; living, alive
above mentioned
{s} previously mentioned, aforementioned
above named
aforesaid, mentioned previously in the same text
above par
above average, beyond what is expected
above rubies
{s} very precious, priceless, worth a fortune
above sea level
above the level corresponding to the surface of the sea
above seasonal norms
higher than the average for the season
above standard
above the norm, of higher quality than the norm
above suspicion
beyond suspicion, cannot be suspected
above the line
Memory locations, either virtual or real, with addresses greater than 16MB
above the line
points that do not count toward game; points other than those scored for tricks bid and made
above the line
Marketing which is clearly identified as being paid for by an interested party For example, advertising in magazines and newspapers
above the line
is a term derived from a solid bold line on Form 1040 and 1040A above the line for adjusted gross income Items above the line prior to coming to adjusted gross income, for example, can include: IRA contributions, half of the self-employment tax, self-employed health insurance deduction, Keogh retirement plan and self-employed SEP deduction, penalty on early withdrawal of savings, and alimony paid A taxpayer can take deductions above the line and still claim the standard deduction
above the line
Scoring that does not count towards game, but over the line points are added up at the end of the rubber
above the line
Budget term denoting expenses for a video's creative costs such as the director, producer, and talent salaries (costs other than technical crew and equipment) In contrast see below the line
above the line
A current or ordinary expense in a financial statement For taxes, an above-the-line deduction is subtracted from your total income to arrive at adjusted gross income (AGI) on your tax return Above-the-line deductions are allowed whether or not a taxpayer itemizes his personal deductions or takes the standard deduction See also below the line and adjusted gross income
above the line
An accounting term Ordinary income and expenditure items are considered "above the line," because they are included when determining "net profit " In contrast, extraordinary items are considered "below the line "
above the line
Advertising using high profile media such as television and newspapers
above the line
Refers to campaign expenditure on advertising in all media
above the norm
exceeding the average, beyond what is normally observed
above the water
higher than the level of water; managing, coping (in a certain situation or under certain circumstances)
above water
above the surface of the water; out of danger, not at risk
mentioned or named earlier in the same text
mentioned on a previous page or higher up on the same page
above-the-line promotion
Above-the-line promotion is the use of promotional methods that cannot be directly controlled by the company selling the goods or service, such as television or press advertising. Compare below-the-line promotion. For all maternity clothing retailers, most above-the-line promotion is conducted through focused sources such as mother and baby magazines
a cut above
superior to; of a higher quality than

She really thinks she's a cut above in that hat.

a notch above
superior to; of a higher quality than

The hotel we stayed in this year was fabulous. It put our vacation a notch above the rest.

heavens above
expression of surprise, contempt, outrage, disgust, boredom, frustration
height above average terrain
the height of a radio transmitter, including the antenna, as compared to the average terrain height in the surrounding area between three and sixteen kilometers from the antenna site
hit above one's weight
Alternative form of punch above one's weight
hold one's head above water
Alternative form of keep one's head above water
huckleberry above a persimmon
Something slightly better than something else

His blog is a huckleberry above a persimmon.

keep one's head above the water
Alternative form of keep one's head above water
keep one's head above water
To survive or endure, especially in a situation in which one is struggling to avoid being overwhelmed by adverse financial circumstances

Strong sales in Europe and Asia are helping Tiffany keep its head above water at a time when US consumers are holding onto their wallets.

over and above
over and above
more than is necessary or than expected
punch above one's weight
To achieve or perform at a higher level than would be expected based on one's preparation, attributes, rank, or past accomplishments, or to attempt to do so

Ireland's current commissioner, Charlie McCreevy, is such a high-profile and outspoken figure who punches above his weight in Brussels in the important role of internal market commissioner.

as above so below
(Felsefe) Hermes Trismegistus's axiom, "As Above, So Below" is a key metaphysical concept that is captured in various forms in addition to Hermes' Emerald Tablet.These words circulate throughout occult and magical circles, and they come from Hermetic texts. The concept was first laid out in The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, in the words "That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above, corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing."
go above and beyond
(deyim) Work longer or harder than expected, give 110%, go the extra mile
with the above in mind
Remembering what is said above
above and beyond
over and above