n 1 Any multi-user computer employing one or more single chip CPU's, fixed microcode, memory management unit and multitasking operating system 2 A computer larger then a MicroComputer but smaller than a Mainframe
A small-scale or medium-scale computer (such as those made by Data General, DEC, Hewlett-Packard and others) that usually services dumb terminals Contrast with mainframe computer and desktop computer
A mid-sized computer, perhaps capable of supporting from 4 to about 200 simultaneous Users In terms of size and power, minicomputers lie between Workstations and Mainframes
Multi-user systems that do not necessarily come as complete systems and that are often used in offices where there is already lots of different equipment made by different manufacturers
Minicomputer (sometimes called a mid-range computer) is designed to meet the computing needs for several people simultaneously in a small to medium size business environment
A small digital computer, normally able to process and store less data than a mainframe but more than a microcomputer while doing so less rapidly than a mainframe but more rapidly than a microcomputer See also COMPUTER, MAINFRAME COMPUTER, MICROCOMPUTER
Considered to be more capable than a microcomputer but less powerful than a mainframe Generally, the WORD-WIDTH of the minicomputer is between 12 to 32 bits
A computer produced as a stand-alone unit by a vendor with a narrow, but specific, range of capabilities A minicomputer may be used by a vendor as a modular component of a larger mainframe unit
A traditional view of computing saw three main categories of computers: mainframes, minicomputers and microcomputers Minicomputers offered an intermediate stage between the power of mainframe systems and the relatively low cost of microcomputer systems
One step down from a mainframe, these computers are also very powerful but are generally smaller than a mainframe Though traditionally large (refridgerator size), these computers are becoming smaller due to advances in technology
A small or medium scale central computer (such as those manufactured by DEC, Data General or Hewlett Packard) designed to be accessed by dumb terminals Compare with Microcomputer and Main Frame
size of computer between the PC and a main frame Originally developed to do tasks requiring intensive calculations to relieve the load on the main frame