a member of a pastoral people of ethiopia and northern kenya

listen to the pronunciation of a member of a pastoral people of ethiopia and northern kenya
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
a member of a pastoral people of ethiopia and northern kenya


    a Mem·ber of a pas·to·ral peo·ple of E·thi·o·pi·a and north·ern Ken·ya

    التركية النطق

    ı membır ıv ı pästırıl pipıl ıv ithiōpiı ınd nôrdhırn kinyı


    /ə ˈmembər əv ə ˈpastərəl ˈpēpəl əv ˌēᴛʜēˈōpēə ənd ˈnôrᴛʜərn ˈkēnyə/ /ə ˈmɛmbɜr əv ə ˈpæstɜrəl ˈpiːpəl əv ˌiːθiːˈoʊpiːə ənd ˈnɔːrðɜrn ˈkiːnjə/