a game to bet upon a which side of a coin lays face up after it is thrown

listen to the pronunciation of a game to bet upon a which side of a coin lays face up after it is thrown
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف a game to bet upon a which side of a coin lays face up after it is thrown في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

heads or tails
tura mı
heads or tails
yazı mı
heads or tails
(Veya "Head or tail?) Yazı mi tura mi?
heads or tails
yazı mı tura mı
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
heads or tails
a game to bet upon a which side of a coin lays face up after it is thrown


    a game to bet up·on a which side of a coin lays face up af·ter it I·s thrown

    التركية النطق

    ı geym tı bet ıpän ı hwîç sayd ıv ı koyn leyz feys ʌp äftır ît îz thrōn


    /ə ˈgām tə ˈbet əˈpän ə ˈhwəʧ ˈsīd əv ə ˈkoin ˈlāz ˈfās ˈəp ˈaftər ət əz ˈᴛʜrōn/ /ə ˈɡeɪm tə ˈbɛt əˈpɑːn ə ˈhwɪʧ ˈsaɪd əv ə ˈkɔɪn ˈleɪz ˈfeɪs ˈʌp ˈæftɜr ɪt ɪz ˈθroʊn/