a device used to view continuous live x-ray images on a fluorescent screen

listen to the pronunciation of a device used to view continuous live x-ray images on a fluorescent screen
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف a device used to view continuous live x-ray images on a fluorescent screen في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

a device used to view continuous live X-ray images on a fluorescent screen
a device used to view continuous live x-ray images on a fluorescent screen


    a de-vice used to view con-ti-nu-ous live x-ray images on a flu-o-res-cent screen

    التركية النطق

    ı dîvays yuzd tı vyu kıntînyuıs layv eksrey îmıcız ôn ı flôresınt skrin


    /ə dəˈvīs ˈyo͞ozd tə ˈvyo͞o kənˈtənyo͞oəs ˈlīv ˈekˌsrā ˈəməʤəz ˈôn ə ˌflôˈresənt ˈskrēn/ /ə dɪˈvaɪs ˈjuːzd tə ˈvjuː kənˈtɪnjuːəs ˈlaɪv ˈɛkˌsreɪ ˈɪməʤəz ˈɔːn ə ˌflɔːˈrɛsənt ˈskriːn/