a corrosive, colorless suffocating gas, hı, used to manufacture hydriodic acid

listen to the pronunciation of a corrosive, colorless suffocating gas, hı, used to manufacture hydriodic acid
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف a corrosive, colorless suffocating gas, hı, used to manufacture hydriodic acid في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

A corrosive, colorless suffocating gas, HI, used to manufacture hydriodic acid
hydrogen iodide
a corrosive, colorless suffocating gas, hı, used to manufacture hydriodic acid


    a corrosive, col·or·less suf·fo·cat·ing gas, hı, used to ma·nu·fac·ture hy·dri·od·ic ac·id

