وعاء القربان المقدس

listen to the pronunciation of وعاء القربان المقدس
العربية - الإنجليزية
{n} monstrance
A standing vessel located near the alter within a Christian church by which the Host is shown or exposed to the multitude The word "monstrosity" may have originated from these sometimes large and highly elaborate vessels built in ancient times See ALTAR and CRYSTAL MICROPHONE
An ornamental, often precious receptacle, either open or with a transparent cover, in which the consecrated host is placed for veneration
A display holder for the Bread that has become the Body of Christ during the Eucharist
{i} sacred vessels for the consecrated Host (Catholicism)
An open or transparent receptacle of gold or silver in which the consecrated Host is exposed for adoration
A vessel, usually made in the shape of a cross, in which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed to the people at Benediction
(Roman Catholic Church) a vessel (usually of gold or silver) in which the consecrated Host is exposed for adoration
A transparent pyx, in which the consecrated host is exposed to view
proof by a process of argument or a series of proposition proving an asserted conclusion
A sacred vessel , used in the service of " Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament"
(English) a vessel, often made of gold or silver, in which the host, consecrated during a Catholic mass, is displayed
a special container in the shape of a cross with a circular, clear glass (or crystal) receptacle in its center A monstrance is designed to hold a consecrated Host that is exposed for adoration The monstrance is designed to "de-monstrate" the real presence of Christ
وعاء القربان المقدس