ın the past

listen to the pronunciation of ın the past
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف ın the past في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

In the past
ın the past

    التركية النطق

    în dhi päst


    /ən ᴛʜē ˈpast/ /ɪn ðiː ˈpæst/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'in, &n, &n ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German in in, Latin in, Greek en.


    ... In the past what I would be doing is rifling through my ...
    ... but in the past, Governor Romney has said he just wants to repeal Dodd-Frank, roll it ...